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._'c.:;,a'• . . - .. � <br />- � , . - • —:�- - <br /> - . .. - . � ' . .S- . _ -- . . � . - <br /> . . . . ... ,_._._ :.�....._..._.. . . . " � .. � � J P� � . � _ � <br /> . .` TOtiETHER WRN a0 the improvements row or hereafter erected on the ptoperry. and a11 easeirtents. appurtenances. and � . <br /> ' � fu�res now or hereafter a part of the propeRy. AU rePtacement3 a�d addiGons shail aiso be covered by this Secunty instrumertt <br /> ` S AO of tAe toregoing ks referted to in this Secw'Ly tnstrument as tfie'Property' � , <br /> BORRQYYER COVEMANTS that Bortowee is �awtulty se¢ed ol the estate hereby conveyed and has the nght to grant and ' <br />-- � convey the PropeAy anC that the Property is unencumbered, except tor encumbrartces of �ecord. Borrower warrants and wiii� : • � <br /> � , � defend generalry the title to the Properry all ckvms and demands. subject to any encumbrances of record. �' � <br />, ; j THIS SECUR[TV INSTRUMENT combinea unifortn covenants tor natiortat use and non-unitorm covenants with limited� ; <br /> variations by junsdittion to constitute a uni(ortrr seatriry instrument covering real properly. � ' , <br />� UNIFORM COYEIVANTS. 8orrower end Lender covenant and agree as tollows. � ' <br /> :: j 1. Psyment of Principal and Interes� Pvepayment and Late Charges.sorrower shau prompuy Pay wnen � ' . . <br /> - ; due the prinapal ot and interest on the debt evi�eneed by the�tote ana arry prepayment and Iate charges due under the Note. <br /> . � 2. Fua�ds for Taxes and tnsuranae.3ubJect to applicable Iaw or to a written .vaiver by Lender. Bortower shall pay <br /> � ' � to Lender on the day monthty payments are due under the Note.until the Note is paid in fuit. a sum �'Funds') for. (a) yearty � <br /> � ' taxes and assessments which may attain pr,ority over this Security Instrument as a 6en on the Property. (b) yearly teasehold � <br />_ • payments or ground rents on the Property, it any. (c) yearry hazard or propeQy insurance premiums: (d) yeariy flood insurance : . <br />- • � premiums.if any. (e) y�riy mortgage insurance preiruums.'rf any,and(�any sums payable by Borrower to L�d�in accordance � <br /> > with the provisions of paragraph 8. in tieu ot the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These items are called 'Escrow <br /> � � ` Items.' Lender may, at any time, collec[ a.d hotd Funds m an amaunt not to exceed the maximum amount a lender tar a � � <br /> federally related mortgage laan may reqwre f�r Bortower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures �. . `' <br /> - Ad of 1974 as amended�m time to time. t2 tI.S.C.�2601 ei seq. ('RESPA'). untess another law that appiies ca °^e Funds i , ;� <br /> • � y sets a lesser amount i` s�. Lender may, at any time, coj(ec[ and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the�e�.�3'naunt. ��� "` <br /> _` � Lender may esL.^�aie ±he amautii of Funds due on !he Fas's c!cur�:t ^ata and reasonable estimates of exper�t;r��`'.w..��e yr' "•���' <br />"- . � Escraw I:�..ras or o��e c�accordance wit'�appGcable tav�. }.`���" f • • <br /> `% � : ; The Funds s'-3.'i 4e he3W in an i�stiWiian wF.ose depas::s a2 a�,-e.d ir�a federai agency.instrurt-�JaEf�r. a-znti� ,r.�u�:g �,r.,;. .: .�'r�' <br /> - . � i�:d�-. �F Lender rs sac�; a� instiwtiony or i.^z:-� Federa:ii3::-4�a.�t 6a-;ti I.�:de�shail aPPiy the^.:nds':` aay��e Escrow f -;��t 1 :- <br /> : �� r�.s. Lender nay no:charge Bor.e�v��Sr hr:1�':r.y an�2�?.�usn'�;e Fs�s� ��y a-r3:{ting the esaew acc:.i� or veritying .i���� ,r+ .' <br /> t , '°�' <br /> tY.s Escruvr items, untess Le.�der pays c:+^1,�� ertere� a- '_He �rmds �.3 �D9ca3n Iaw perr�::*s Lender ta �zke such a � � jt,s�l'`,, <br /> t � •��.�;- ' p�-; <br />:;;,:` •`,;: :,<,• � :i;.: charge. Mowev�. Lendes m3-r requae 8u�-�vse� to pa¢a ons-ame �2�,ye for� i�:�.-endent reat estate tax rePar6ng seryice , <br /> ' `'��':'�" � '� used by Lender in connec^an with this toa�. uNess e�pGcahle Iaw provides othe:wise. Unless an agreemertt is made or ��- _,, <br /> �`s � "%� � applicable Iaw requires irrte�st to be paid. Lender sha8 noi be required to pay Bortower any interest or eamings on the Funds. '..,.' •�c-. <br /> _: ':'-.•,;:�- . ; , <br /> .;; ! Borrower and Lender may agree in wriGng. �,owever. Mat irrtexest sha0 be paid on the Eunds. Lender shaD gtve to Bortower. <br /> �; , _ . ,� without eharge. an annual accounting of the Funds. showing credRs and debits to tfie Funds and the purpose for which each � . , <br />���^ debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are ptedged as additional sewrity for n0 sums secured by the Security inshumeni. - �'. <br /> "" i If the Funds hetd by Lender exceed the amounts pertnitted to be hetd by app�cabfe law. Lender shail account to Borrower . <br /> iF � for tfie excess Funds in accordance wrth the requirements of appiicable Iaw. Ii the amount ot the Funds field by Lender at any • .. <br /> '� � time is not sutflclent to pay the Escrow Items wt�en due. Lender may so notity 8orrower irt writing.and. in such case 8or►ower <br />;:r . 1 shall pay to Lender the amount necessary Io make up the deflciency. Borrower shail make up the defiaen�y in no more than .•1..F_, <br /> 'd� . � riveNe monthly payments,at Lender's sote disctetton. , � �"' <br /> ' � � Upon payment in luli oi ali sums securzd by this Securlry Insbument. Lender shaii promptly re?urtd to Bonower any Funds � ", � . <br /> Y � � - hetd by Lender. If, under paragraph 21. LenQer shall acquire or sell the RropErty. Lender, pdor to the acquisRion or sate of the l . <br />.�;; . Property, shall appry any Fands held by Lender at the Ume ot acquisition or sale as a cred"A against the sums secured by this I '•. t . 4 <br />-�•e • ; SecurttY tnstrument '� <br /> �r , . 3. Npplieation of Paymenia ur.ress applicable law provldes otherwtse, all payments received by Lender under . " ,'", <br /> `? paragraphs 1 and 2 shali be applied: firsi.t�any prepayment charges Aue unQer the amounts payabie under ,,-•; ' <br />`':'� . x J paragraph 2:third,to interest due:touRh, to principal due;and any late charges due under the Note. �• .�� <br /> :"' � 4. Charges: Ll@fts. Bortower shatl pay all taxes. assessments, charges. fines and imposiGons attributable to the l� ` <br /> .: ,,:.„. <br /> � . Property which may attain priority ove►this Securily Instrument. and leasehold payments or ground reots. it any. Borrower shall , <br /> " . . ' pay these obligations in the manner provided in peragraph 2. or il na!paid in that ma�ner Borrower shall pay them on time . '� <br />�•'? , directty to the person owed payment. Borrower shall Qromptry fumisb to Lender aIt notices of amounts to be paid under this ;��� <br /> �� - paragraph. If Borrower makes these pay�r.ents dired'.g. 8arrower sha0 promptty tumish to Lender receipts evrdendng the - <br /> . � . payments. <br /> ;, Boaower shall prompUy discharqe any IiEn which has pdoriry over this Securtty Instrument unless 8orrower. (a) agrees in <br /> '`�'}� `�:•'.� wrfting to the payment ot the obligaUon �ep;red by the Iien in a manner acceptable to Lender, (b) contests in good faith the ; <br /> ; � , '�• '! Gen by, or defends against enforcemerst cf L`.e 6en m, legal procee�ngs which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent tha `� � •:`>•. `' <br /> :;�� ::. entorcement of the lien:or(c) secures bom t'�e he1�of the Ilen an agreement sa'isiactory to Lender subordmat�g the lien to ({ r��•,• , <br /> ,; ��.:.���. , t h l s S e c u r i t y In s t r ument 1�Lender determinea that en y Cz:01 the Pro perry is subiet:to a lien whlch may attain pnority over this f;%?;};.� <br />'=�.� '•• .. :� Securiry Instrument. Lender may give BoROwer a noUCe r_entifying the lien.8orrow�shall saUsty the lien or take one or more ct ��5`:'.' , <br /> �; • , .. � the adions set toRh above wlthln 10 days ot the givir�of notice. <br /> �:.�:-. 5. Haz'drd o�Property Insuran�e. Bartcv�er shat)keep the improvements now exisUng or hereafter erected o�tie <br /> ', � � Properly insured against loas by flre. hazards inctuCed with3n the tertn 'extended cove►age' and any other hazards. induCir.g ' <br /> , ' floods or flooding, tor w:°sich Lender requlres insuraa�e This insurance shatl be maintained in the amounts and to-��e pedods • <br />- ��•`��` � � that Lender requires. The insurence cartier providm;*ie insurance sha11 be chosen by Borrower subject to Le�,:,�s epproval <br /> �� ':' . whtcA sha�l not be unreasonabry withheld. H Bc^awer taits to maintaln coverage descrlbed above. Lender r„3y aS Lenders . � <br />' '.•e; , ' . •� ' opUon,obtaln coverage to protect Lender's r.ghts in the Property(n acoordance wrh paragrapb 7. , <br /> - � AII Insurance polides and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a sta�::a1 r.sor.gage clause. LenC�r ' '��� <br /> ` � shall have the rfght to hotd the polides and renewals. N Lender requires. Borrower shall promp�'y �e to !e��er alI receipts ot � ' <br /> �,`;.� � pald premlums and renewal noUces. In the event o}loss, 8ortower shall give prompt nottce to the insurance c�r�r and Lender. . � <br /> ��r: ' �` Lender may make proof o1 loss il no1 made ptomptly by 8ortower. <br /> 'I ; � Untess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, lnsurance proceeds shall be applied to restoratic�s cr repair ot the <br /> � ` Rroperty damaged. if the restoration or repeir 1s economiqlly teasibte and Lender s security is not lessened. It the restorai�on cr <br /> ;:�:.; .. � repair is noi economicelly feasible or Lenders security woutd be lessened.the insurance proceeds shall be applled to the sur..s .� � <br /> secured Dy this Securiry Instrument. whether or not then due, wAh any excess paid to Bonower. If Borrower abandons the <br />� �`.�'' �• • Property. or does not answer wfthin 30 days a noflce lrom Lender thel the insurance carrier has oflered to settte a clalm. then .' <br /> Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repalr or restore the Property or to pay sums <br /> � secuted by thls Secuiity InsUument,whether or not then due. The 30-day perfod will begin when the noUce is giyen. : � <br /> �,t' . � Untess Lender and Borrower othervdse agree in writlng. eny applicaJon of proceeds to princlpal shall not extend or � . <br />".'�r . '. postpone the due date of the monthly payments refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change ihe amount ot the payments. If � <br /> � undet paragtaph Zt the Property 1s aequired by Lender. Bonower's rlght to any insurance policles and proeeeds resulting from <br /> ' damage to the Properry prior to the acquisiNon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums by thls Security Instrument <br /> . . . immediatety pdor to the acqWsitlon. <br /> 6. Occupancy� Presen�ation. Maintenance and Protectton ot tfi�e Properly; Borrower's Loan . <br />''�:r � ' qpp�ieatbn; L0aS8ho1d9. Bortower shall occupy. estebtish, and use the Property as Bor►ower's pdncipaf residence within <br />- , , i slxty days after the execution of this 9ecurity InsWment and shall conUnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's pdndpal <br /> ' I residence tor et least one year after the date of occupency. unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not <br />`',+ ` ,,. • � be unreasonably withheld.or unless extenuating Grcumstances exist whlch are beyond Bonower's control. Bonower shall not <br /> `- .;.'�,' � . � destroy. damage or impair the Property. altow the P:�:eRy to detedorate. or commit waste on the Property. EoTCwer shatl be in • <br /> ' �'' ' detault H any torteiture aetlon or proceeding, wbett�e� crvd or cdminaL is begun that in Lender s good fa�th;s3�-e-t coutd result l . � <br />`�`{����. . , ' in torteiture of the Property or otherwise materialty�r:pan the Iien created by this Security Instn:mer; o�Len�e+s s�curity interest t : <br />_- ..,�;� . ' i <br /> � ���5.`� - � ,�'j -�=� ^�. <br />.. ,t".' i ,9_!AG ft1971 pa'7�•d '�S . . <br /> `:.� � <br />-- -- _ .� _ . _ .... <br />-. . 1 97059 � <br /> �i ,t � � <br /> '�n�:. .�. .. .. .,... . .... . ......._.... . ...... .... �. . . .. _.. .� �,.�.�..� .._..�--- . ...... . . ..__-.n..,.,............. ..._......,_..�:y..:.�.5',... ....o. vi� �.. � :�-c-7_�:_::..� <br /> . . . . . . _. '' <br /> . _ . _ . :�. ��.::a:a�:'af:.....f�... <br />