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<br />�-c`= , �: ; WHEREpS, the imde�sigued, F'�st Bantc Natfim�t Ees4aciatiaa.a Na�ional Ba�kins�ss�iatioa. as fficcessor in� _
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<br /> ;_, ' ' � intenest to F�rsl4er �ank. PTational Assa�iatinn, O� Ptebrasisa of 1705 Famam Str�t. City of Ouaa�a,StaLe of `O • - , .
<br /> ' �c
<br /> ,<�•,•_ ` .
<br />�%N: 1V���ska 2s Wstee�aY;tlr,t the trust dced dated F¢Qeroarv 6 1992 cxecuted by Briar�D.We6er and Maan.en A.Weber as
<br /> �
<br /> �� � . trustor,ia wtuch F9rss�ank National Associatio�.as suceessar in�nt+erest to L�'nsTier Bank.National Association.Omaba, :�':`
<br /> _ .T ' :. ' .YS���.
<br />-- . . '.;,,: �is named as�clazY,and thc nnde�gned and uustee,and recordQd as���t No. 9�101165. in the offcce of �,;.. 1;s�;._;_�:�`_'_
<br /> i` � the Register of Deeds Qf HaD Cosuriy,State of Nebraska,has reaeived fmm I�'irst Bank Natianat�aSon.as saccessar in . ;, ,
<br /> ' ., '�,ntee�st ta Pqre'I�er Banlc.Nati�al Assaciatifln.OmaLa.Nebraska ihe benefcciary t��nder>a written req�cest tn reoonveq. , �
<br /> . - ] .�-;{f�� .
<br /> .9 . _- . •. � �++ar`„a1 il'.c..y. .,"�:,
<br /> n'' . � � ,�?'y:Y'� J � # rec,itemm c�az aIl sums s�ecared bs�trast deed have been fnUy paid aad that such uust d�eti and the aote secured � .:5;�jK�.�t :
<br /> `'}' '�.�:r,� � . . ' � been s�t�tlte n�g��,as trastee for cancellatiun: - �,�:'�j��`'°--,
<br /> .;,>
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<br /> .;�'� `�f ��,� .°!:'� L�mW,T�'OItE,in aa:ordance with such�uest and the pror-;sioLs of�:�er�t deed,the nnde�gaed,a�t�u-�e, .. '���"
<br /> - c'. . ',E:
<br /> t i�-' �� ;t�
<br /> 1�: ,�,'::f' �' �h�,��,�wa�a�iy,w the petson or p�ans eubitled th�,�sraelsc �riaa R�e6er aad�ffs�s�.� 'i.
<br /> £� , ,� s .
<br /> � ` t . eher tLe e�ate IItlw i�.nl by it��,Yo vr� -� � i-
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<br /> a f�'r '',' `j����j�P�t�r
<br /> � �. ,,, t � .. _�, F,,.r-,,� ;
<br /> 5 I,e�ai Desceiptlon: . ` , ;.
<br /> Lot Eleven(11)and the Easterly Two and F'rve TeaU�s(2.5)Feet of Lot Ten(10),Blacts Tdree(3),in Pteasanl vew Seventh ;,. .�
<br /> '� '� , ` ' r: Sttbdivtsioq in the City of Gtand lstand.Hall Connt3+,Nebraska. ;:�•,
<br /> :,,y,
<br /> ',: _-
<br /> ,,_: � . . ..
<br /> ; ' Property Street Addresg: ',i,�
<br /> 93S East Sunset.Grand IsJand.NE 68801
<br />":_, �. Ia witness wheteo�the undersigned has executed this deed of rcxonveyance at: First Sank Nat�onal Assaciatioa. 16 , • __
<br /> � . . Nin46 Avenus lYortb.Noakin�ld➢N SS3m3.on Mav 6.l971. ��.y:�_.
<br /> . . t � . .
<br /> �' '` � . Fi�at Bank Nationaf Assosiatton,ae saccessor iu imterest to '. .
<br /> ` , . � .�� , . , FirsTier B�nk.PlatFonal Associatioa,O�a,Nebrasica , ' •. �
<br /> - •;;� _
<br /> - :�.. . . _ , ..
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<br /> -`��' Patdck Gnit . .
<br />:�.;.: �. . .':� Operattoas Ofrfcer ,. ...
<br />- ` STA1E OP MINNESOTA } . •
<br /> _ ?; � . ; COIJNI'Y OF�IIV j� 'r:%�; .
<br /> - , .F ..
<br /> ':ti';i,i�.
<br /> �� ' - On ihis 6s day of Mav 19�7.befoze rae,a Notary Public,duly commissioned,qaaliSed for and residing in seid Cmmry.pasonallY �''.'!�',
<br />_:.�7.`3 �� � came P�a3rids Gnt �emtiom Offtcer_of F'ust Bank National AssociaGon,a National Banking Assaciation,oa behatf of the association,as '
<br /> t�ustee,imoan tv me tn be the identical pe�son whose name is atGxed to the foregoing in�tnmmeat ead aclmowledged the cxecution thereof to be
<br /> :��:..�;� � � �, � 1aisJh�vol�tary acl�d dee�. •
<br /> � NIfNF.3S my baed ead no4apial scal the dnv and yesr lagt above wri� .
<br /> �..�:�' . ' � .
<br /> . ..� � • .s This in�ument was drutted hy.
<br /> .''� First Bank Natirmal Assaciation Margnret Sc . • .
<br />-; .
<br /> - � � ' IV181IL57CCl��.�iCf - L'OUSSQ8� y'•", I.�AF(iARET P.SdA(R �.
<br /> ' 16NmthAvenueNorth ��rs.,•, r:.,r.avvueuc•ua:NESOTA
<br /> •��,. � t J NENt�PC�OOUNTY � .
<br />-- HOpkills,MN 55343 -� •:�C �mss�onE�v��nJ,m 31,Y000
<br /> , . . . pllison Bayer 612-936�2784 • .
<br /> • . Natary Seal
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