<br /> . __. �
<br /> �,• .
<br /> ' ��� ��� f
<br /> ' At the option af Beneficiary. atl or any pazt of the agteed fces and charges.accrued imcrest and principal shall beco� �
<br />, immediateiy due and payable,at�er giving notice if cequired by law,upon the occ�urence ef a defautt or anytime chereafter. ,
<br /> _ . Ia additioa,Beneficiary shall be entitied tc a!!the temedies provided by law,the Evidsnce af Debt,oth4v rvidences of deM, � .
<br /> ' this Deed of Trast and any related documents including without limitation.the power ta seU tltc Propurty. �
<br /> ��- � If there is a default,Tnutee shali,in addition to any other permitted n7ncdy.at the rec{ucst af the Beue6ciary. advertise�d ;
<br /> , seU the Property as a whole or in sepazate pa�seis at public auction to the highest biddtu for cash and convey absolute title
<br /> free and clear of all right,ade and iaterest of'�nu[or at snch time azcd place as Trustee dt�signutrs.Tnistee shall give natice
<br /> , of sale including the tirue.terms and place of sale and a description of the property ro he sald as rrquired by the appliralsle
<br /> - - law in effect az the time af the proposed sale.
<br /> ;'. ,.
<br /> - Upon sale of the property and to the extent not prohib�ted by law.'fn�stee shatl ma{:�s aztd deliver a deed w th�Propetty sold
<br /> '� which canveys absolute title to the purchaser,and after fust Qaying all fees.char�es aud costs,shati pay to Beneficiaty all
<br /> -?' , moneys advanced for r�aus, taxes, insuranoe, liens. assessm�u and prior eacumbrances and intenesc[he�eon, and the
<br /> ,.. principaI and intecest on the Sewred Debt, PaYing the snrplus. if any.w Trustor.Beneticiary may puarhase the Pro�rtp.
<br /> �� The recitals in any deed of oonveyance shall be prima facie evidence of the facts set forth therein.
<br /> r., .
<br /> z..
<br /> i: p�l remedies are distinec, cumulative and uot exclusive,and the Beneficiary is entitl�d to a11 maredies Provided at law or }
<br /> ':�: � eyuity�wh�her eap�essly set forth or not.The acceptance by Beneficiary of any sum in pay�nent or partial payur�at on the
<br /> �• - Setured Debt after the batance is due or is acceteraied or after foreclosure pracec�dings ais filed shall not constitute a waiver
<br /> ��:.
<br /> •, ,; of Benefcciary's right to require full and eor�lete c�ue of any existing defaul� By nat exencising any remedy on Tnutor's . .
<br /> �� j defaul�Beneficiary does not waive Beneficiary's rigiu w later consider the event a default if it continues or happeas again.
<br /> :f h : . : �t 6
<br /> ?� �.a by law,TeUStor agrees to pay all of Beneficiary's e.qpenses if Tnutor breaches any covenamt in this Deed of Trust. Trustor ,
<br />;�`� . . � j will also gay on demand all of Benefician's expens�inturced in coUecxing,insurinB; Pmscrvi�g or Protecting the PmpettS .
<br /> ;;._ . ..
<br /> �
<br /> '� � -:i or in any inventories.audits, inspecti�s cr other exzmination by Benefeciary in tespect to the Propercy.Trnstor agre�s la , .
<br />...;L . � , pay aA costs and expenses incurred bx�eficiary�eaforcing or protecting BeaeRciary's rights and remedies under tbis • '
<br /> �� � Deed of Trust.including,but not lim'scea to,aaomey's'fees,wurt costs,and othcu lcgal expenses.Once the Seaued Debt is ;,
<br /> '• � �y an�frnally paid,geaeficiary ag��es to release this Deerl of Tmst and Tnutar agrees to pay for any reco�dation costs. �.:--�`
<br /> -'' . _ All such amonnts ate due oa demand a3d w�'ll bear interest from the time of tha advance at the tughest rate in effect.from . ,
<br />�� wne co tim�.as pmvided ia th2�vide�a.of Debt and as gern�itced by law.
<br /> ,'_ . ,-y � � . .
<br />',;' . ,:"', ��.��0�'�1�.��� A�'�H�/���',[JCu$(J$Sj'�1jt'$$• AS tl£C(1 ltl it11S$CC�lOD, (1) °ED�7LODIqCl1I81 1.21V" .'f;k�... : _ :
<br /> ,r..�:-. � •
<br /> �'' means, withom limitation, the Co rehensive Environraental Respanse. Corugeasation and Liabiliry Act (CERCLA. 42 .;�;�7�r;
<br /> r � .' U.S.C.9b01 et seq.),all other fede�rai,state and local laws,regWations,ordinanccs,coart arders.attorueY g�l oPins� f�`�;•`;� . .4
<br />':•<.�, � •-� or interpretive letteis concerning the �ublic health, safery. welfarc, envlraament or a Ia�ardous subssanse: and (l) � _ �
<br /> � "Hazardous Substance" means any t�xic, radioactive or hazardous material, waste. pollutamt or contaminant which hss %'� �;:
<br /> :--i ¢haracxeristics which render the subs�ce dangerous or potentially d�ttgomus to itte public health. safety, welfare or ', ;;.s,;): .�;r?t,;.
<br /> ��'' ' 1 environment. 7he term includes, without limitatioa. any substances deffnsd as "hazardous material," "toxic snbstances," ;:`;;t,:,,.}� .;T..,_
<br /> r { »flazardous waste" or"hazardous substance" ander any Envisonmentni Law.Ttvator repr�;enta,warrants and agre�that. - --. _•
<br /> _ ,• except as previously disclosed and aciffioRledged in aziting: ��', ,:` a:•;,
<br /> ` A. Na Hazardous Substance has Qx�,is.or will be located,nwosElnrted,mamifacttued,treated.refined,or haadleA by .
<br />` ' � • ' any person on,uader or abont the Property.except in the ardinary cour�e af husiness and ia suict compliance�vith �
<br /> ,rr.�j; `:;;•`,: all applicable Environmental Law. • .. . .
<br /> .; 5;.; ;.•:��� B. Trustor has not and will not cause,contribute to.or pemiit the r�lt}asv af any HaTardous Substance on the Property. , ,,
<br /> ;::;j, . . • C. Tnutor will immediately notify Beneficiary if(I)a retease or,thterattmexl release of Hazatdous Substance occuts on,
<br /> •.��>;• . � . . ' under or about the Property or migrates or threatens to migrnta fram nearby pmperty:or(2)there is a violation of
<br /> � ,. � . �
<br /> ;.�; any Environmental Law conceming the Property.In such an evenk'�or will take a�l necessary remedial ac�ian in � . -
<br /> � accordance with Environmentai Law. � `..,,._ -
<br /> s ` ` ` D. Trustor has no lmowledge of or reason to believe there is any p�dtng or threa�ened investigation, clai�n, or � ;.r�� ..
<br />- • �• � � praceeding of any kind relating to(1)any Ha7ardous Substanae lacatvd on,under or about the Pra '�'� :
<br /> perty;or(2)any [ ., . �
<br />;� F� . � ' violatioa by Trustor or any teaa�t of any Eovironmental Law.Trustor will immed�ately notify Ber.e��aty in writing '•�,`• ,•
<br /> -�� as soon as Trustor has reasoa ta believe there is any such pmding or threatened inves�igasion,claim.or proceeding. , .
<br /> � Ea such an eveat,Beneficiary 9��the right,but not the obligation,ta pxrtieipate in aay such proceed's��including t*:
<br /> �`• ," rtght to receive coples of any documents relating to such proceedings. •����ti."�..
<br /> ������ E. Trustor aad every tenant have been.are ans�sfiall remain in fWl compliunce wiW any applicable Environmental Law. � •
<br /> . !.:� ,��Y��• , ,
<br /> � �t F. There are no nndergrouud storage tanks,private dumps or op.°n we11s laratod on or under the Property and no sl;hh .
<br /> •' .� ta�s.dump or well wiU be added unless Beneficlary first ooruents in wtiting.
<br /> ��;�:t. G. T:�stot will regularly inspett the Property, monitor the a�tivities a�d operations on the Property.and wnfirm t�.:
<br /> �.. ,� ,
<br /> all permits,licenses or approvais reqnired by any applicablo Envitonm:atal Law are obtained and complied with.
<br /> `;�;��" . , � H. Trustor will peanit. or cause any tenant to permit, Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agent to encer and inspect the � , ;,
<br /> y :- � Property and review all records at any reasonable time to detormitte(1)thB existence, location ar�d nature of any : ,;
<br /> fs'�,' � � • Hmardous Substance on. under or about che Property: (2) the oxistence,lacation. namre, and�.anitude of any ''
<br /> � . , ;:
<br /> t;;;���` . �R M�dous Substance that has been released on,nnder or atrout t ha Ptoperty: or(3)w h e t her or no t Ttustor aeid�:y
<br /> �:.. ' � •
<br /> �;r,c,�. . teffant are in campliance with applicable Environmental l.a�v. .
<br /> �`;�•: :• I. Upon Beneficittry's request and at any nme. Trustor agreas, at Tructor's expense, to engage a qualified �
<br /> . ' environmental engimeer to prepare an envisonmental audit of the Property and to submit the results of such audit to q,l"''`.:�
<br /> � • Beneficiary. The choice of the environn�atal engineer who will per:orm such audit Is subject to Beneficiary's �. '!
<br /> � approval. � '
<br /> '' ? J. Beneficiary has the right. but not the obligation. to perform any of Trustar's obllgations under this secaon �: �
<br /> j `; j Trustot's expease. �
<br />:�.-.,�• ' 1 K. As a consequence of any breach of any repmsentation, warranry or promise made in this section. (1)Trustor will �
<br /> indemnify and hold Benefciary and Beneficiary's successors or assigns harmless fram and against all losses.claims. �
<br /> i`�� ' �� demands. liabiliries. damages. deanup,response and remediation costs,penalUes and expenses, including without
<br /> L
<br /> � �.
<br /> limitatioa all costs of litigation and attomeys' fees,wbic4�Beneficiary and Beneficlary's snceessors or assigns may
<br /> �.��.` `�, sustain: and (2)at Benefsciary's discretion, Beaeficiary may telease this Deed of Trust and in retum Trustor wi11
<br /> „..
<br /> provide Beneficiary with collateral of at least equal value to the Property secured by this Deed of Trust w► out
<br /> �.`� ;` . . � prejadice to any of Beneficiary's rights�mder this Deed of Tnut. �
<br /> . ' tiT� � r P
<br /> - -- i � � f1��e 4 0l 6
<br /> � - 01993 Banken Sysiem�.�nc.St Cloud,MN 11 800 397�33471 Form AG�CO D7�.�9•13:98
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