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<br /> . "�?�rx�.Yk'� -
<br />� • -. . -. _ r(;F.�,ra.��S` ` . - . .
<br /> ' ` � (4) Tliaat a Natice of Tnist�'s Sale wag exeaated by(�ItANTOR on�i�13,.1�9�7: A cop�-�f" `��,..,..��.;�;�.;.. - -
<br /> � st i•'� -
<br /> 4 �. .
<br /> the Notice of Tcustee's Sale was served upon: �.<<��}��r'�'` �
<br /> �� c��
<br /> - ' ��` Ri�ardL.Baum�arMer -,.`'�`;.� - �
<br /> i:fi_4,.\'
<br /> _ . �� �Y'-:jl;.R,,..,
<br />- . .. t214 West 4th S�reet `-:f�'`�<°- . -
<br /> < �•:.�;:.�� _ ..
<br /> : .. .s�_' cnaad�ndtvE 6sso1 ;��s;fi�%'� <
<br /> _��, � ��, -
<br /> � � by certified ma7,retum receipt requested,Po��P�P d on March 27, 1497 ��.�t"��'
<br /> � ���,��b���� -
<br /> .. ��:�r�:° Tn�te�'s SaI to be held�n sii Z9,�1t�9".�t�14:00 a� Y r�`�L�f`SS' . .
<br /> , . �:a_�:,1 (5) GRANTORpubtishe�theNaticeof � �P = .'r���?�?- "`"' �`:
<br /> . :�%;;;'���' at the t��er lo6by ofthe Hall County Courthous� 111 West lst Street.�n tha Cit�►.�a6f�d Is1an�,Ha�: �:���s�,;,�;-��:.
<br /> �>.:-: i��; ...�, � ,
<br /> ��� �` . Co �I�ra�ka,wbich noticewas pu6Gshed in the Gra�rd Islmrd Indepaix�irt a�t3r�td Island,Nebraska, �k �F�", " f, :�`
<br /> f:��t7P���;` 1��
<br /> , �ti , �z�:fi�t3 r i,�
<br /> � ` �' a�e a��for five(5)consecutive weeks,commeitcing on March 19, i99�,,G�$��endtttg Apn7 t6 1397. . ;s;�''���f'f�r�`:`i;:'
<br /> ' , tf�r-� ��� ;s,.:
<br /> f 7C�:��tion of Notice was at least ten(10)days prior to the T'ru�a�'a 9��.hold on A.pn'129,19g�, ,�,�i� '�:� '
<br /> A ` aa�sas�sa�c was not later than thircy(30)days after the tast publication�afl�udaec '�'a'c� "`- --
<br /> , t
<br /> �e:�f` � � - � 11r13�tyf��1 1�S:
<br /> /t���- ra�i-{L;'ik��F 2 -
<br /> v . . {f} (�RANTOIZ conducted the sate ofthe r�eat prope�ty at puhlib a�arttan on Apri129, 1997 at o� ;�`t��'`��`,� ' '
<br /> ' ' ab��4 Il4:�U a.m.,at the tawer lobby of the Hall Couaty Cou�thouse. l�11�Wsst Ist Street,in the Ciiy of ,����� `��`;�`;`��_; �=
<br /> � ,�. Ga�ad Island,Hall�County, Nebraska. GRAN'fOIt accepied the bid of Cominercial Federal Mortgage e''¢r������s p,, 6�.
<br /> <.- Thirt `Chree Thousand 3even fiundred Ei t and 76/lOt� IIollars �'`��4�,' �
<br /> Ca;por�io�,in the sum of v _ x..� ` 1 ;,� .-
<br /> � v ;�,�;���
<br /> 4�j"t
<br /> - -�-'.:� . - r��'��?�}f`{y{'��.iaci..
<br /> , < i�e�t �_9d��r�°�;
<br /> ' ` . � - �f����YYS .: ---
<br /> -;..z... .. �.. . -�'. ($ 33.7so.7c ) as the hi est bid u n said real ro GRANTOR has com bed with the �'�";�t�r�;'�h"�ti =:�
<br /> k� x� �.
<br /> � Po P P�Y• P ������«�' ��,: :�
<br /> requir�az�s�fNebraska Statutes§76-1001 through§76-1018(Reissue 1990),in the exercise of the sal6 , ,��Nf„�J . �
<br /> of the s�eal psas��y descn'bed her�eia at the Tn�stee's Sale held on April 29. 1997. �'�,��'�s��'`���.�' �
<br /> ps >F� s,� ff�:-
<br /> • : �yp;;-t� Y ;''s,•
<br /> .. . E s
<br /> � � � - nv to the G the GRANTOR'S Utle and all ri t,dtte. :;������ •�'��'�:;
<br /> �us La� s�all operate to w ey RANTEE. Sh , ,
<br /> �}� �' interest aad r�a�of the Trustor,an@ his successors in interest and of till persons claiming by,through or '�'"''����
<br /> x•��.
<br /> . . ,V .'�'{�'%�r..�;��::�:�;
<br /> , un�er tucn,in an�tQ thte above-descnbed real propeny including all such ri�h* tid interest and cla9m in and `,�..�`n;� f,:
<br /> t � ll s M es �la `�f�t�-��kiw:wii:.
<br /> " � to sur�g�zoge�ar,�uired by thc Trostor or his successo�s in interest subsequent to the executipn of the Deed , ���.;`� •�-ya�
<br /> . .�k . � t5�f Sy sr:;.•
<br /> �•.;�:`;; _ :� afTn�st. , :;{��;:�c����;;
<br /> � �� f 3
<br /> ;r,_ ��'�, �� ����'���r .
<br /> f ''�� Ttus Deed is sub'ect to aU easements,restrictions or covenants of record which(iRANTOIt is nut , �%�,t�'i�F'
<br /> j ��,r,!r ��
<br /> ,� �r. . entir�ta convey pursuant to Nebraska Statute,§76-1010(2)(Reissue 1990). , �'��Y����.;,�`;�,:;
<br /> T�f� t
<br /> � S� �� � DATEDthis ,�9 daV ofA }'��� 1R97. c �f{�`�;��''�'"s
<br /> `il!_. 'j .f ^ ��� 7 �'"'� ' ��!rs.'b�,jti?::
<br /> '�i;��`,r - h (SEAL} '�`�` �-�'�'t � Commercial Federal8ank, a Federal Saviugs Har�C, ' �`;`,�' " �:
<br /> -� : �i,��,. :t E:�,`J: T dpp .;���f�r ..
<br /> - _ �'� • �eii, /'`h� � a�O`ir\i j f}�i t� '
<br /> � '��7���� • ' '•+ ' l(���,f'�^••���C?�'
<br /> . , t.�' . U �y•_ j'., �t��rfl��i�r.�.-.
<br /> ��r:01;�� �. 4. �' :r . � . 1 . F <ti>.�
<br /> . � „�,,,y s `' v � ° �
<br /> :�:+;
<br /> � �,+ �, >, BY: .-. ,«:.f
<br /> , ... '� �► , . Its:Vice Presi e �(t�c�� �... bs 10� .. , ',f
<br /> ..
<br /> � " . `� ``a�o'� . . 'I�.
<br />. .. •� .. •
<br />- � .. . `.-�;
<br /> __ � ' STATE OF NEBRASK� ) ' . A, �
<br />•� : � � , .
<br /> _ � _ , C2�UI�TY OF DOUGLAS ) � �•
<br />:;;: , , .
<br /> � � On this„?�t�day cf Apri1, 1997,before me the undersigned,a Notary Public dufy commissioned and . ., �
<br /> � . ��a'�r�for said county,g�ersonal;y came the Vice President of Commercia!Fcderal ' . �
<br /> ��, . . � �:►:Fs,a�edera'.Savings�3ar�'�and personally kn wn to me to be the identical person whose name is aftix,ed � .
<br />_- . � , tu�t�fmrega�c��srEUmerit�and acknowtedged the execution thereofto be the voluntary act aad deed of such . � �
<br />- � . a�cer and the voluntary act and de�d of Commercial Federal Bank, a Fedeta! Savings Bank. and the ' . '
<br />-`� : � .� Ccnrporate Seal of said Corporation was thereto affixed by its authoriry. �
<br /> �:::,. . ,.
<br />_« •. :�. � . 1MTNESS my hand and notariai seal the date last aforesaid. �ti : ,
<br />_ ° . . . ' � J .
<br /> 6f11EAi1 UOIABY•Stite W���sta
<br /> • ' , �tf,y�,E�.ADri►8.2000 � .
<br /> ..�. ot Public .
<br /> __.._ �.- . .. _
<br /> ,' : _ _ .,_ �,
<br /> � • 1.
<br /> .. ....�.-�.-..�-.�:-- ----�-�-„.. . ,. .. � . � . . . , . . �•, .. . . , .. � _ .. . . ; ,_- , :.,
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