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.. ' _r.�:1•'�._.,` •^�n,:.w:+,�t. •��i�'�',�i`.�'��r` �,.- ��c. _ <br /> . ,..:. .. . <br /> . . ....v.. _ <br /> . —..._-.� ..:. - . . . r _ _ - <br /> ;�r � <br /> ^�.'��`C:�� -:.', . . �� . 'i' , <br /> C . . . . ' � . . .' " ' •i. _ _ "- _ ' _ . 'E . c '`c,-. <br /> , � . . . � �� _.ti__L�'...L�`i. .... ..�.. - � . � .'.. .. ' .. . •. . ' � �. ' . • .. . " . ... �._....� %'�� C ` S , <br /> . ' _1 Ct--c__`—____�-:�. <br /> � } :CAROLYN K CRAiPSR RCPTALD L SP�CBR 1e ��� ,� 200999 05/15/1997 �. . ,. <br /> . . .�� i�. Baa�'s�3tgb3 to Ll�.,InY¢. Noiwi �thsran�d'mg�udeTr'sC�ezau' 'os��•.�#he sams sectiued bp d�is Deed of � . << -_ <br /> . , � •,i • 'IYos�t.dae to Boaotiver•s b�ac�.Banuvret sha11 have the right[o bave anY P����S►I.eader ta enSane ttdss . • � . <br /> , . '� Decd of Tiast discb�Em�ed at any time p�or to the ea�er m occur of(�the f�day befoie the sale of the Propertq ; ,, <br /> �nt ts tIIe power af�te oontaiaed ia tbis Deed of Tcast or(Iiy eauy of a jad��fnming this}Deed of Tmst i�(a? � , _,.`� ... <br /> � 1 Bou�wen pags L�nder sU smms which woWd t�thea dae m�des this Deed of Yrost and the Note had ua aooele�tFaa ' , . ; <br /> , ' � � acc�ed: @)Bosmwer wres ell b�of si►y oth�r caveaants or agi+eemeutt af Bomawer coatained in this Deed of r . , ` " <br /> lji E <br /> : 'hp3� (C) $�llOVlei QaJIS 811 IC8SOU3�ZC �EbSiS iD�i3lfCd �1}t I.EIIdC[ SIId �tl'� �II eIIfO�tA� tbP CdY2II3� 8� ' <br /> � ' �of Boaower ooataia�d ia d�is Deed of T�act aa�in enfo�g Lendgr's aad Tiuste�'s remedies as pmvided in E , , ;',` <br /> � paiag�aph i9 hcreof, incladin3. but aos limited to. r�sonable suottteys' fee�and (d) 8oaacuer ta�es su�actIon as � . • . � <br /> . . Lender may reasuaably requi:e to a�are t�at the lien of this Do� of T�e. isnder's inte�est ia the Piop�ty aad � ` <br /> - � 8oaower"s abligadon to paq the snms secazed by d�s Deed of T�ast sfiall coati�e nnimpaired. Upon buch payment aud ,. ; <br /> care by Hanower. this Deed of Tsasc aad the oblig�ons secaied he�ehy shal]remain ia fnll force aud effect as if uo �`' � <br /> -- -- acoeiewdoa h2�f oc�auted. E � - ,- - - - <br /> . '. 19. A�ig�m� of R�si App�e�of Recdve; I.etd�in Fa�aa. At additional sea�uriry h�+euadec. ' ^ . .' _ <br /> � Boaow�Leieby assIgng to I�ader i�te rents of th�Progttty.Pmvfded tLat Bo3roveer shall.Paur to ac�on nnder ' _ . . <br /> patagtaph 17 he�eof or abaadnamfni af the Property.ttave the tight tu coliect ard retain sach�euts as they�ecame dne and ,�;.. .. . <br /> • ' . PaY�• , . . _.. -:_�'_ ' <br /> , Upoa ascederadon tmder paiag�aph 17 heceof or ahaadoameai of dte Property. rxnaer, in n�san, �a�or�y . <br /> _ .�¢dicial[Y agpointed receiver shall be e�idod w e�ter ngon,mke ga�on of ard manage the Pmperty sud w oollect the �. ;::< <br /> . � �of the Propecty i�ctuding thase past dae. AD �euts oollected bp Leader os the r�eceiver shari be agpl3ed fi�t to � . . ' -_.. <br /> payar�nt of the costs of maaagement of the PmTecty and c�ecuoa of tents.i�ct�ding.6ut aot limi�d to.receiver's fees, • <br /> �s oa reodver's boa�s au��eason�able attameys'fees,and thea to tLe s�s secu�ct hy d�is Dee�of Tmst.Ixader :: ,- :.`;`;� <br /> . s'� < z�,: :.< v <br /> aad the neoeiver sbaiI be�able to aconmut only fos th�se iems acE�ally teceived. , �f�=�:=..; <br /> iem ecei <br /> • 20. Recanvey�ae•Upoa Payme�t of aD sr�s seeated by tLis Deed o3 Trost. I�euder shall teqae,gt Ttostee m '.�����t`= -,. <br /> ` rgcamrey the Prape�ty aad sball srmender this Deed of Tiau aafl aal nooes evtdenciug inde6te�ess sewze�i�•�Deed of • ��•.�,.��.:; <br /> . Tiast to Ttusiee.Ttnstee shaU tecoavey die Ptogenv cvithunt vvaaauty a�W wi�.�am dt�ge tn the�c��so�legally . � _ <br /> ,: <br /> . �' entliled�.S�rh pe�saa ar pe�sfiali pay��ss af�on.if afly. _. . .,�T,`=::'` <br /> ' 21. S�3ita3e 7'rastea.I�ea�e�at I e�der's aption,raag fx�dme to ti�e remove TiusDee aiW appai�a sus�sor � �- 't;• - <br /> • . _.':�,� . � ;'?`-��;�;q''•';:'';. <br /> �w a� 1�as� app�he�by aa iasaameat r�o� in tEe connty Ia which this Dad of Tmst is -. =`,�x r,�..� :,._: <br /> ,. �,r tecorded. WIthont cumeyause of the Properiy. the sqccessor uustee sball succeed to all the dt1e. pnwec aad fiuies .. � ,. - <br /> _ �� oo�ed upoa the T�us�herdn and by appllcable 1aw. � ` �`�t': <br /> , ' ` �Z. R� Qur Natioes. Borrower iequests that oopies of the nn6ce of defaait and notice of sale be seat to _ `-�r� <br /> ti,`•.�`�. ' BOaOVPeT'8 8Qd��Vhlth 38 the Pmgeiiq A$dnss. F.�r `� � <br /> � ���, `�j� ?.�.�rdaus SuL�aoes.Baaower shaU not caos�or�t the prese�ce.ase.dis��l,' sromge,or retease of any � ',: � ,Y <br /> - ',., ,�:,f.: Ha�cdous 5nb�anc�on ar in the Propeity. Bon�aara sbatl uce�o.nns al'.ow suyone eL�to do.aa9t�aa affecdnS tLe :.�f!��� ',,�_ <br />:`>. .r "• : �mperty fhat is in vto'�of aaq Bmtnom�eraa�L� 'I7ie pneoe�ng two sear�ces shall not apply w d��resenre,nse. �;�'`; <br /> ` ,° �.N Oi S�OEB$6 OD fb6 PZOg�Of�l 11C8 Of�OUS$IIbSC�L'Cf3 tL►2!8]:� , <br /> .f 9aand� �naall9 recogaia;d w b�approPrlate to ': � 'i '! <br /> � ,.� :> nom�al r�de�tial ases and to*�*a�+++enA=�of the Pmpe�ty. �-' ��- <br /> . ���'_ Ba�mFter sball P�P�Y�1 tudes wrltten nnt�ce of aay imresdigadon,claim.demaatd.lawsait or ather acdon by : '` `�''t.����.'.;%:�; <br />, _ `..«;�.,;; _ <br /> � a�y gov�tal or regalatory agency or pxIvate party imrolving the P,roperty and atry Aazardoas Sabs�awee or ` _ ' ". y. .�.>" <br /> � � . BmImnmenml Iaw of afilcb Bonvwer has actaal knowtedge. If Boaawcr teama.or is IIntiSed bY�9 b`�+e�l or `��{� <br /> . zegalaiary aWhorlty. tL�t a� removal or other �emediadon of any Ha�oos Snbstauce affecdng tl�e Pmperty is ,; ' - <br /> ae�ty►,807:owe[sball pmmptly ta.]�all ne�aiy►zemed3al actEons in acCOxb3u�wlth F.a�-fs'0�!LBw. : �-��::.Xr` <br /> - ;.�' As us�ed in Wis pma�aph 23, 'l�tdoas S1�bstaaces'are those sa6sfaaces deL-�ue0&s c�c or bamt�doas sabstanres ;s,1� ''�•��":'; <br /> Usoa �� ���� �� <br /> ,���4;. ..�,: <br /> `.`:f:;:' ;�. by Bnv�l iaw an� tbe folt�aag subst�aces: gasnl�e.kemseue.araer�amm�ab2e or toxIe peuolwm pmdacts. . ::-i',. ',�- <br /> er <br /> . ' to�dc pe�des and h�biddes,vo2aa'Ie�iats coataiuiag asbestas ac 5�ldehyde.and rndioz�¢ve mate�ials. �,:� �r <br /> ,��,• ' �,.. <br />-- �`'�: •�,.' As ased In tbis gas�p3,'Bnvims�ental La�+'means fedeial laws a�Iavas af the j�sdIcdon w�ede t$s Pcoperty is t; :'.i%�,.�.,_ <br /> �' f;.ti, lacaDed t�at��o01�id�.safety ar�-�aame�l protecdon � , '<;',;;+,�� ���: ` <br /> � .,(,` f ,;e• f�,u;y�r� �_; <br /> � � .7`y�����•� . <br /> , . � <br />_,� , 'z. V�w• <br /> ' t':•. <br /> '-.�I., ` .5. ::` .. <br /> .� �.�`+�i� � ' .,�.f��;4.`4 � : <br /> i��. <br /> i <br /> .. �. � • - • ,.. . <br /> ���, <br /> .� . ¢� <br />. .!� . . ' ' -.. <br /> .'{J y' <br /> ''' . . ',`,',";�i (IntentionaUy Left Blank) E.. . •�`�;�i;`�r � � . <br /> �:,�.��=.. �'�:: � . . . <br />- -- i:;°;. . . <br /> . : ��- . <br /> �. � . . . � <br /> �. � � � � 4i< � . <br /> � <br /> .. ' . � � .. • . . • <br /> . ; � <br /> -- . ---....--� ; -- �---- --- �-_ <br /> � xea�z�srb9 �tros orig�aai(8acos8ee) ccgy(srancb) cogy(ctio�dumc) vnge a ors � <br /> �. 't' � � . . . <br /> ; � _ .--- • -.-._..... . ._ . ._. _ __...._ .— ._... . . . . _ . _ __ . , _ ...- -- -_..._ ' <br /> . <br /> •. • � � � _ <br /> . , <br /> .. . . .... . .. »: : .� - . . � , .', ' , -'t',�w , <br /> .. � •...�..i( ..., t__: .t;�: �r;_. <br /> . . . . . _ .. _ . _ .. . . _ ... . . . _ . .. . . .. .. ._.. .. _ . .. . : . . . . .., . _ j . . .. . - . . . .. . <br />