' � •-. , C . .
<br /> - _ , ` . . . L . .
<br /> - � . • .._�:i;.n_.�.- .. � - . =
<br />_ . .. �„� aoo9a9 oslis/i9s� � :.
<br /> �a�xoLna x cAr�aR Ro�o L Sp�tceR g�:�����1. , ; , ' ;.F
<br />` � ;� u N II'o i t 1 N C o V E N A I U T S. Bom�wec and L�er caveuant aad agree as follo� d u e t h e p�p� a n d i n t�s t � � � .
<br /> � 1. �ayffient oY Srtncddpaf and Iutr�st. Borrower shaU pmmPtiY PaY . . '
<br /> rtnc
<br /> �s e+ridenced by th�Note and lace chazges as Pmvido�in she Note.
<br /> �.Ftmds fop R'm�suid Ims�- Subj�c to applicable law or a written waiver by Ixnder.Bomov,er sha11 paY to ;
<br /> of al and insec�t are payable under the Note.uat�the Note is gaid in full.a
<br /> l,eader on the day mnnthlY PaY� 0�� condominium aad Planned unit
<br /> sum{hecein'Funfls')equst m one-twglfth of the yeaily taxes and a�(�tud� �oa the PmPeicY•i� .
<br />- ' �y�p��.if anyr)a+bach a�aY as�ia Pnoriry over this Deed of Tmst.and��
<br /> -. aay.Plus one�wei8h uf Year1Y F���for 6a�cd insuiance.Ptas on�-twelRh of yearlY P���
<br /> for mnstga8e ia�uianax. if suy aU as reasflnabiY esdmated i�tialiy and f�am time w time by l�ndes on�o unds
<br /> _ �and b�ls aa�reasonable esdu�aies thereof. Bonawer shaU not be obligated m make sach pagtme�s .
<br /> ' — m I+e�der to the eate�that Bnaower ma�es sa�PdY�ms to the hoider of a prior mnrtgaSe or deed of uust if such hotder .. ' -
<br /> �� .' is an iasdtoitnnal tender• or accownss Qf which aie �
<br /> `�' ' If Boaower paYs Fun�s to Len�iec,the Fwids shall be hetd ia an i��d��P°�
<br /> �' ins�ued or gaatanteed by a Fedetal os state agenc5►(iIIClndmg L���f I.en�er��m�a aot c6ar8e,•� �8� �
<br /> � � y 5or so hn '
<br /> n � the Fu�to pay said mxes.a�.in�e P�i� �d said a�nenis aas15�1s.uNess I.�d�r PAYS i
<br />��, .'i �pgtYing the Faads, analYzing said account or vezifyin8 an�comp�ing ;
<br /> j, . �' Bormwer inte�ess on the F�ds aiW aPP1u�ble law pe�mits I.ender to make sash a chsr�e.Bo:rower and I.e��Y 8� �
<br /> �:: : w Boaowet.and nnless �.
<br /> ';{ in wdting at die time of�a of this Doed of Tmst tbat Int�rest�► Iender shall not mluiied m t�S►Bomuarer ; ,
<br /> . �s s a c h a gi��s m a d e or a p plicabte taw req�srod►inie�t°�P�' ;
<br />` i�. �y��or�on the Ftmds.Lea$er sLall give w Bo:cower,withnut c h a r 8e,an a�a c c o u m i n 8 o f t h e Funds
<br /> " ` s h u w i n g c c e d i t s a n d d e b i i s to the Fumds an�the pmpose for whitfi eash debit to the���made.'Ihe Fu�are ! . ,,. . .
<br /> ^� as ad�idomi se�auit�►f oz t h e s u m s secared b Y tms Deed of Tmst. � te or w � . .
<br /> �'♦ � �amouat af the Fm�ds bield by I.eader,together with the futu�e momhly��f Faads Pa9ab Pu . :•
<br /> .�. _ gcotuW ients.shall exse�t�:a�n9ID�d m PaY sazd � r'`:
<br />.�f - the dne dates of ta�ces, �nis. i a s m a n c e p�� < < ,
<br /> ansl gronnd zents as they fall dne. sach exc�s�1� at Baaawer's option, f
<br /> _i� . � . taxes.��+ �� af Funds. L€the am�oant of the Fnnds . ---
<br /> `,'�. � either pro�Y�P�d m Boaower or crediced to Bomnvrer an montlily installmems , <-.
<br /> ': Leld hq 1�nslet shall not be sa�cieut w I�aY taues.ass�menis. atW �en1s As t�.y��, .. '•,
<br /> ,,.,,,,.,� s
<br /> �,; vo make up the���Of IIiO��'dYIDEOIS 89 LE�OT IIiBy �' ., ...i.;��
<br /> . Bomawer sball paY to Lender an9 amoant n�Y � ..
<br /> s;; . - �.� -
<br /> F= �' �' this Dced of Trast,IEn�er s�1�PmmP�Y zefam�to Bormwer aaY Funds �
<br />..f ' , � pPan p�ap�ent in faU of a1!snnos settu�d bY �sold or the PcaPertS►is otfleia�Ls�acquited bY���r -' �';-:"�=
<br /> ="�. � : h Leld bq I.ende�r.Yf under Parag�aFh U hereaf dte P�'oPectY� Funds he2d b� '..;._'-=-�
<br />_�,:
<br /> ` ` �aU sppip,no latcr tha*a�at�1Y P�w the sate of the Pnnperty►or its acqt�isition by Lender.anY �: .;.?"y�"
<br /> ,r- . � Ti.ender at dee dme of �'� on as a credit agaiust the sums secared ir9 tbis Deed of T�cus�. �Y��I�euder uader tl� � .: .y:�'':
<br /> :�. � t 3.A p p°lcatton o��'aymeats. Unlesc applicable law pmvid�.s ot�erwLse,a11 PaYments '�„`.�
<br /> po l►m e n s o f a m�P a Y�2e w Lender by Bomnv� :;�,�;.
<br /> Note atW 1 and 2 heseof shall be applted by L e n der f u s t ira ,;,;,�+�,
<br /> � �£then to interesc payable on the Note.aad cD�w the of t8e l�ate. -..:.�;
<br /> �'�, �„t; �� of Te�C�ar��:Idea9.Bomuwer pshall�ge�omn all of Borrowec's obligatio� . :'ri;s�,�
<br /> ;.: ,,::''�::°. 4.PlrI�r Fiit►rt��snd D� •��.�'-
<br /> �;;'.i';�;�; ' 4YS�ICL as►Y �8e• deefl of tmst or other ser�dty agreement with a llen afiich has priorlty aver tLis Deed of T:ost. . .. , ,-
<br /> wLen dne.Bo:rnwer shaU pay or cause w 6e paid all mies.a��s .- `�,'�;
<br /> i '°� . �luding Bomawer's covenants to mage paYments �{ch may attain a p�ority over t i�i s D e e d of T i u s t, --- - .;:��
<br /> �` • aad othe�r cLarges.5nes a�imposidoas sun'butable w the PmpeztY -
<br /> , aad leas�old paymea��8�d mnts.if a�►. :�.
<br /> ��;' Bormwer shaU keeP the imPro�'�°�now existing o:her�after e�ected on tbe PrapertY . ! :.
<br /> � 5.�as�rd Imsarano�
<br /> '� ha7ards iuciuded adthin the cetm'extendod coverage•.and sac�oiher LaTards as iender may ,...
<br />.:;_; . ins�ted against toss bY fue. ods as I.ender maY ml�•
<br /> ":' • mquite and in sach am�and fos sads Besi °1 b i�n�et:glavided. . .
<br /> :°s•: '1he a�nance c�nier piovldin8 d+.r�'n=su�ance shaii be chosea�by Bomawer subject w�1 Y .
<br /> , .ra Hcies and renewa�s d��reof s1�aU be��f'r:�
<br /> i°:�i .f:..,;` �gt SpCh 4^'J,,9YdV8� STlSII IIifL I)6��7 WI��d. AU LKU50;1�'�W le wLendes• T� � .
<br /> '. . ,��.., accep t a b ie a��e n d e r a a�i s 9 a 1 i i n c t a d e a s m n d a r d ma r r$a 8e clause�s favor of twd Ia a fo��eptab
<br /> ; ,;. � �.t�.;.:. � _ . _.
<br /> ;c'��;,���°�' �1� :-: s�a11 have t'�e r l g h t m h c:�the policies aad renewals d�aseof.sabJoct to the tec�of any mrnagage.d e e d o f t s�u s t o r o t h e r
<br /> �� .�..�:�� . ., securit�►a�with a lien w�ch has grlorltq over this Doed of Tcost. .
<br />_.:.�; ,. . . . ,. ., .
<br /> �-"`�`'���� ve t nodce to the insurence ca�ier and Leu�-Ix��Y��f . .
<br /> ' :.:s��.`. In��of 10�,Boimwer sLall gt DmmP .
<br /> �`'>; � . � � `�;;".: of loss nS�r�ade pmmiptiY bY Baaav�r. ..�
<br /> w Lender within 30 days fmm tbe c�:�
<br /> ,.�. , If¢��nY��-`��by Borrower.or if Botrowez faits to respon� ,
<br /> �aflce is raa�ed by I�to Bamnarer tLat the iasurancc canier offers to s�t.e c]aim for iasu�auce be�.�o ,
<br /> �o�b couect a��p1Y t h e i n s a i a n c e Dm�sed�at Lender s oprion either ca�estomt�on or npaix .
<br /> .::' to the s��:sur�d b7+this Deed of Tlast. tJntt Davetopme�. � �
<br />'';�r; • '. 6. T�s'vatlon enal Mnintear�etoe of Frop�t'9; s•eas�hoidsi Condominit�as3 � .
<br /> .� . Borrawer s]�aU keeP t�=P�pertY�8��P��sbaU not cama�waste or pers�it impair^...�nt or deteiioradon cf t� \
<br /> ' �. pmperty and shaU cdm�[9 aith the provjsluns of any lease if t�:s�Zsed of Tcnst is on a leasehold.If this D�d of T�is
<br /> on a nnit in a coudo�or a pla�ed aalt de�►eloPment,Borsnwer shail Perform a11 of Bosrower's obligazans ander�he C �
<br /> �;'.� d�cta:ation or covenants creadn►8 or 8�'�8 the condommia�s or planned unit development.the bP-laws and zegula.�ons e . ..
<br /> ' ':% � i of the cuuduminium or plaffied u�it d�velopmen�an0 Constitue�t d4cumenis. ooma3ned i�this .
<br />':.'. 7. Peo2eeNon of I.ender's Secr�¢y'• If Bonower fails c+a perfoim the��Lendez's iaterest im tbx Pcoperiy,then
<br />- Deod of Tinst,or if a�r action or pmceodin8 is c��°���b�y �
<br /> � � + l�nde�� at LenQer�s apdon, u�On nntice m Bo:mwer, may wake such appearauces. disburse sac�s ss�s. iuctndin8
<br />- .'.� � � reasoaab2e auomeys' fees.aad take sncb acdon as is necessarY w Pmtect Lender's interest.If L�nder�r,n�ed mortt�ge ,
<br /> _ � tO '
<br /> � insnraace as a oondiflon of matting the loan s�cuted bY this Dced of T fn�ss.sucb i�ensutance tetmiaates accordance with
<br /> � I avaiatain sncb iasuiance ln effect uatll such time as the r�men� �
<br /> � ' Houower's and Leu�er's wrluen agipement or applicable law. i• ,
<br /> p'.' � ' Any amounts disbuasod by lxnder Pwrsvant to this paragraPb T.with iuttecest thereon.az the Note raze.shaU become �
<br /> --�s . ' addidonal iadebte�ness of Borrower seiured by this DeeO of Tsiut. Unless Bosower aud Lead a aS�theteof. otbing � .
<br />_ ' peyment. sucb amnn�s shaU be payable upou�dce from I.eader to Boirower requesting D Y��
<br /> -+'� - contaiaeA in this paiagraPL 7 shall re4nire Lender to incur any expense or take any acdon hereuader• ons of the PropertY. � �
<br /> .� � � 8. I�tun. Leader may matce or cause w be made reaSOnable enaies �n�nable cause therefor related to .
<br /> . pmvt�d that l.eader s6a118ive Bo�wer notice prios w any sucb inspection specif3ring �
<br /> � I.cader's iate�est in the PmpertY- i.
<br /> �.•.,`}. PaIIa Z of 5
<br /> - Nebrastn 2687fr3 11/4b Osiginol(ttacorfla9) COpY 18sL1aCb) CaPY(Ct�OtomOt)
<br /> ; �
<br /> ,
<br /> , : . . • � -
<br />