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<br /> , ' .. " . ' .� . . i. ; .
<br />, . , . . . . , , . . 't . -
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<br /> .. . . .. . . � � -�f:'i < < . . . . . ' . . . ._ . � . ' .
<br /> � . 97� i4��.��'7 . .
<br /> . ' ' 'POGETt�R WITH all the impmve�ts nrnv or he�eaftcr crcxtcd on Ihe property.and al!rdsements,appurtcnanccs.3nd ' � . �
<br />- � , fixnues now or he�eafter a part of ih�pmf.+�ty. All repEacements and additions shail also bc coverrd by thic Security Instrumeni. . R
<br /> . All of the foregoing is refeaed tn in tbis Securii��•Iasuument ac the"Property." .
<br />':; BORROWER COVENAI�'TS thzt Ba�ro»�>tr•is lawfully seiscd of the estate hereby canveycd and has the right to grant and ,.
<br /> ,- ' canvey the Praperty and that the 8rflg�ty is nsi�.°umbered.eacept for �umbrances of record Borrower�varranu and will _
<br />. ` ` defend geuaally[he aQe w the ProPertY�anst ail claims and demands.subject tn any eneusnbrances of record. .
<br /> `� ' . TfIIS SECIJRTIY INS7RUMEI�T catinfiin�uaiform coveaants for narional use and non-uniform covenants with limited
<br /> : ,� variations by jusisdicaan to constitw,°a unifazm�eeeurity inmvment covering real property. -
<br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS.Boirowea az►�Leader covenaat and agree as fotIowx .. .- .
<br />�.,�` 1.1'ayment of Priaapal and tnte�esh,Prc�yment and Late C6arges. Botrower shall promptly pay wken duc the . _.
<br /> ' pr�dpai of and interest on the dcbt evide�aed bSt t2�e Note aicd any prepayment and late charges duc uader thc Notc. ' • ,
<br />� � 2.Funds for Taaes and Iasaramoe Sabjvrt to applicable 1aw or tn a wriueu waiver Isy Lcnder. Bonower shall pay to
<br /> ! Lender on the day monthlY payme�tt are du3 under the Note.nntil the Notc is paid in fuU,a sum(�unds'�for.(a)yearly taxes ..
<br /> ``' j �d a�mex►ts which ma attain priarity ovrs thic Securi Instrument as a lien an the Pro
<br /> Y tY P�Y�(b)Y�Y lfase110}A QSyf!lGniS ,s. ',
<br /> . '• or ground rents on the Propeny,if any;(c}y,:,�y harard or propacty msurance premiwns:(d)Yearly flood iruurance premiums,if .
<br />-- '. :� any;(e)Ye�r1Y mortgage u�aance pre�rrinms.if any:and(�anY sums paYabte by Bamnwer w Leuder,ia accordauce aritb the . ..
<br /> � provisions of pa�agraph 8.in lien of tl►�pa�vA�t oi mortgage uis�uance premit�ms. 'lhese iteins are calted "Escrow Items."
<br />�`?5; . -.� �.i Lender may,at any time,colIe�t and ha�:l Fun�s in an amaunt aot tn exceed the maximam amount a lendea for a fede�ally related � �
<br /> <�(�u;�=,: � mQrtgage Loaa may requae far BoanrvcT's es�row account onder the federal Real Estate Seutemeat Procediues Act of 1974 as � .
<br /> ,•� `�`t.�° ameaded fmm ume tn�e.12 U.S.C.Seaicm 2601 et seq. ("RESPA'�.uniess another law t4at applies to the Fimds sets a lesser • .
<br /> . � �`�`; , amoimt If so,Lmdec �
<br /> :�.� • : � may.az any tim:.aaUux and hold Funds in an amount not w exceed the lesser amount I.end�may :
<br /> �;� '�'-5;f estimate the amount of Funds due on the hasis af anrer►t dara and reasonable estimates of exFendinues of fut�e F.scrow Items or + �:�;:
<br /> �" otheiwice in acxordance with applisab2e law. � �-'r:.:':
<br /> .r, ��:�;!. � 'Ihhe F�mds shall be hdd�an ir�stiwri�rn whose de�osts are msured by a federal agency,insmimeatality,ar eatity('mcluding `• . -.� �.:�.-�;.`
<br /> Landrr,if I.endet is sacb an msqtulion) arr in any Federat Home Loan Bank.Lendea shall appty the Fnnds to pay the Escrow ' °. `�
<br /> Items.Leuder may not cdarge Bormwes fas hpiding aad applying the Furcds,annually analyzing the escrow accoun�or veaifying ,
<br /> • the Fscxow Items,uWess Leader pays Bomm�inte�est on the Fimds and applicable laa+pamitS Lender w make sacl�a charge. � . � �a '��
<br /> However.Lec�dea may neq��e�3�raw�es w pr,tyy a one•iime charge for an independeat real essare tax repordng service u�d by ,, �`,..�e$`�;
<br /> '' � L.euda m connection witt�d:is Ioan,un1�s applirable law provides oth�a+ise.Unless an agreement u made or applicable law � �_�.
<br /> �`; 3 requ�s it►terest to be psirt,Lender shaD aot�be require3 to pay Bosrower any intesest or eamings on the Funds.Bomnwer and *�• �.��,
<br /> • •� Leader may aBee in wriwsg,howeves,tb�3 intaesc sI�SI be paid on the Funds.L�der st�all give tn Bonower,withoat charge,an •.;,�-'�'
<br /> � ananal accouating of the b'-�ds,shuwing�edits zh3 vebits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to ttte Funds was �� - ;A:'*"'''.
<br />,:Y� � ;:`> � mad�Tiie F�ds are pledged as A�!�,���-secaaity for aU sams secumd by this Seauity Insuument : __.. ; 't.�.:,,
<br /> ;; , �''��;�� If the Fund�held by L�der enceed di«aanounts perrniued tn be held by agplicable 1aw,Leader shaU account to Borrower foz .�,�,�,�,�;.
<br /> _� t• •:;%;r...�: the eacess Fuads in accazdaace with @te roquirements of applicab2e 1aw.If the amaunt of the Funds hetd by Lendea al any time is ?., �.`.:,.�'
<br />='<t`` not sufficieat to pay the Fsaow Items wh��ne.L.eader may so notify Borrower i�r.w7iting,and,in such case BaQrower shall pay ''`` ='��
<br /> :.:: , �:�,.: �-.,;.. l
<br />_';.�,.,.::�•,•, w Lwdez the amo�t necess�yr to m3k�up the def�aeacy. Borruwer shall �up the deficiency in no rsore than twelve :;: ; �::-;�
<br />-z-`r��,.,:;•��;,�.. .
<br /> •"'�� �;',`:�: . montl�y pa7,�meats.at l.ender's sole di��a. ; ,.
<br /> `' r'�°�;'r::<. ., t .
<br /> ;,;.t:.:'�:�' . �. Up°a p=�ent in fiill of alt snms seauud by this Security Ir,�tment,Latder shall prom�^�iy:r,��md to Borrower aa}�s ; . .
<br /> - � deld by L�3er.1�onder paiagrapb 2l,Lendes st�`1 acq�ire or seD the Prop�ty,Lender,Prior w the ac�u�n or sate of the _ '�� °-
<br /> ,:f ' � Froperty,s�all appty any Funds held by Leaeder at�cme of acquicidon or sale as a credit agaiast the s�ms secuced by this �,�. �
<br /> - i Sepuity srsaument • . ---.'—_,
<br /> ....��...:.
<br /> ` � �� 3.���cattoa o!Payments. L'n1�s�plicable Taw provid�otherwise,all payments received by Lendea undear pamg�aphs . � ,
<br /> ' '� 1 and 2 s�.7 6e hed:first.w an �ment char es due�:.der 1he Note:second.to amounts yable under h 2;
<br /> • • tbird.to inieresi dn�c fo�Js.w principal a�»„and last.m any tate charges due und�ar the Note. Pa P��P ' .
<br /> `'�''<.; 4.Chafges.Ltem. Borrowea shaU g�y all t.xes.assessments.charges.fines and imposidons ann'bu�•Te to the Property ! �
<br /> which may atla�prior�t3 over this Sewrity Insva��s.and leazehold payments or ground rents,if any.Bon��:er shall pay these ! , •
<br /> � . ' obligations in the manner provided'm�r�gaaph 2,or if r.ot paid in that mann�.Botrower shall pay them on rime direcsly�*he � _ �
<br /> ;�.?'�' � person owd payment Boaower shail promptty fumish to La:a3 all notices of amounts to be paid ander this p�a�-�. if i �.
<br /> - Borrower makes these paymentg direcily,Boimwer shaU prompdy furnish to I.ender receipts evidencb�g the payments. f •
<br /> ,.- �, . Boaower shall rota fl disc .
<br /> D F Y 1�ar8e any lien w6ich has priority over this Seauity Instrument nnless Barrmwer:(a)agZes in I
<br />-" ? writing w the payment af the obliga6on secured by the lien in a manner accep�iste to Lender;(b)contests in good faiLh�'�e lien ' � •
<br /> � by, or defmds against enfnraemeni of th� lien in. legal proceedings which in �'�e I.endea's opinion operate to pre4�n�:e I � . . '
<br /> ';;'.' enforoer��i af the lien:or(c)secwes from�the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory tn Lender subordinating the:uaz ca i � �
<br /> '::; � this Sec�i�tg�Inswment I!Lendor detecmines thai any part of the Property is s�:Eject tn a Gen which may attain priority o�er�:s ; � �
<br /> ���- , Securiry Instrument,Lezsd�er may give Horrower a norice idendtying the lien.Barr��Er shall satisfy the lien or takc one or more
<br /> '',f � of We actions sei fanh abati�within�0 days of the giving of nodce.
<br /> Fo�m 3Q21£8;90 "
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