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__-`�,T.-.i `� � - _,._' —s-' �'y.�, <br /> . . .. -- _ 't:. <br /> �`-.- - -_--- , . i . _ .:. � . . � . "- -°=-- <br /> � ry • � , . ` ' . � � ' : � ' ' , � . , .^ . � y . <br /> � , • � , ` . - . ' '___'—' �� ' �i . ' ' ' � ' . - .- -. -. _ " _ _ ... . . . ...... .� _. . . _. ...._.. �F . , . (. <br /> ` , . + . .. _ ".i. . _ <br /> ' .• o,�'' .� ii. 8-11b 355 '� <br /> g3-QS80 " , ' <br /> � Itebraske Pub1iC F�rer District , � <br /> , s�s�r �t s�c �s�sssort ������� ;. .. . <br /> ` [�IO'+l BLL ME6 BY TfiFSE PR65 'E.�tS: --� . : <br /> � �d <br /> —_ -_ �L - . _ - : -.. .- <br /> ` (If GiaDtor is nat maaled� add ds '8II tl�arrSed Person - <br /> �. . <br /> of �' :. <br /> . . � .�_ ,. <br /> . ' ' �— , ceoaipt of ahich is t�.tebY aclmvlled�, and t�fmthar PaYmant of a saa to . , � ...". <br /> gebsaska, in oaasideratiaa of a <br /> make tatal PaY��� �O �" fos 7 poles mn� 1 anc6ar acd atber�'9��set aa thg follwia9 d�d� .., :J . r <br /> , do(es) FeiebY �rant oanvep uato the DS aska Ynblic Yover D3sttici (t�seinafter ca]led"Distslct"). i�('t�i�b } '.. <br /> ' i�i s u c�o r s az b d a�� t�P e�a n e n t r i g h t. P r l v i l e�'-�a�s 8�t of right-af-vay to a�sttact� apP=a*:c-'���� ;fp'� t ' <br /> alter�ielGC3te�I7d s'e06bSt[aCt itS eF�tIB t""'�"�ccien j�esi I�ii�II9 S U.IIBCeS4dYY PC� pS -,t,. <br /> � T�C`�'�t Of �2�t1:irfen�cc+:t*: +. �a - f r'�!� y t <br /> . �'�����s�a Oomtecti�thelEirith� on9 <br /> � . ' shall be�rabt;�,�� s�e ac�l :�atian of ths electric*.r��'�.i�ve as ��� �2d,r sai3�s- °.ti's° •`•. �`>;��°sY��.���%rf � <br /> ,i . - . y�C27✓ICCdiIQ.."�!CC[6�tTE4 S�bjECL*S'�'�_��L'0 13�ESRS��f� �t S�j��LYT �"s <br /> sob 4r���'pl�fff <br /> _--J " 7����2k.:� D" <br /> 4 '`i �' �`'�' fie�t(7)Bnl�s Dla�d aEa:t�:�e ceutetliIIe of aII elecEYic tran aaian liII9 to 1�� R11A of tt�s�6�.'3.� ,rl 1r� <br /> `'�;:,'�'%�t;5`:�' a�oss a portioa of the Sl�'3 a�the S�an�a pmrtion of tha S�}of the SB}. Secti�.28, . .. <br /> ` � ' ' Hall Cam►tY. U�brasira, the app�cimate cvaterline locati� of s�isl electric traasffisslon line is �rS�d es . - -- <br /> � � folloas: be}i�3n9 on the centerline of an existin4 electrle r,a,�°";s�.,,� 1{ne at a paint 34 ft. north of the •• . <br /> . soutb]ine and 601 ft.�'e s t o f t h e aa.S t l i n e o f s a i d S l/3 S&�i t h e nae a�ldetl e c t i n a an91e to right F�e� _ : - <br /> line and 345 epst of the east line of said P1/3 58�:theuca easterly, J•;� ;_ <br /> • vith�d 1 ft.north of the north ri�►t-of-ea9 liae of a raud located alan9 the swtd line of said Sectian. W a '.:�- .. <br /> - . p�t 41 ft. aoi7b oY�tLer soatd iine mni•:13680 ft. east of the west line o£said S�SE�: thence easterly, at a .. ;���:, <br /> tLe <br /> .. ._ �flactioa�g10"^tib tha dght:eadin9�the centerline of au existla9 electrte traasmdssian line at a poiat 34 .. ;::.,��!•;� <br /> £t. uortb of the soatb lia9 and 1,295£t. east'o£the vest 11ne of said S�SS�. , , <br />- , �� . � . . . : <br />`�z Rpgether ttitbt "" ' ',. <br /> .;�. � Oae (1)auchor to be 2ocated 49 ft. aortb of tbe south line atd 1,080 it. east of t6e West liae oY said S� SE�• : • . ':a:.; <br /> , • , r' d�' <br />- ^ Ths District shall.vbesever reasonably po�sible,atili�e D�blic si9htrof-trap to survep,canstruct.maiataia.ios�ect.�e•��• � . � � , <br /> � � relocate or recanstruct the District's electric •.ra-°a^i�ioa liaes or any assaciated equiyoent. ,• '{:. ;,.:, <br /> �'�i The Districe shall olso have the ri�►t at any t.i�e W trlm ar r�ve such trees aad�rbrasb as map in �y vaY�az�°= _.; -•. ' '.:;'✓`': <br /> ,r::. <br /> . - iuterfero ettth the�fe consicuctiaa.oparat�an.malntenance� alteratloD or tecunsttuctla�n oY its tren�7�� t ,;:;.;�;(.,.r �:_:.::°;: <br /> Y� . ' ±; usea ia voanectien there�rith. inclaaia9 but not limitea to or r�avin+9 auY t� �icb ia fallin9�onld c-0m� eiWn •r`;=t.�r;;. .,���,,`� <br /> ��' fifteen (15j feet of the nrareat eleciric liae oonductor. Bll�from such tree cattitt9 ar�9 shall De Dacn_'d or z+�nve8 .1: ' %-- <br /> . by the District, end the District sLall have the sight to cantml bH chemicals 811�S. tcees, and brush alan9• ad]aoent to and . ; ::, <br /> ,.'# � �maer the e2ectrlc tran�issioa line if sald rig6t of wap is not being ntilized for caltivated croDs. ' �'- <br /> t S ' <br /> ,__s <br /> � The District agrees to pap the Gr�tor or Lessae. as their iutereste maY a➢Peas. for any d�a9@ to Dersoaal D�De�Y. fenoe�, , ', ; .' �� <br /> ` :�!-i• ' livestack. and to�ooing civDs r�sed bY the s�vveY and origieal eongtrnction of said ]ine. Yinal payment shall Le made oa or ��1�� ,,, <br /> •i . � s .r,y� +�.. <br /> �','`'' beloie 63 dayS Sftei o0mplBtioa oY the ConsttuCtioD Stated ,� '.• •. <br /> .f,; '"���'�A�,� :, <br /> 'K, .� 4 the Graator or Lessee as tt�ir interests maY agpear. for �i �� tO D���y� fenoes, � �� <br /> . . TheBastrict agrees to pap ';'"�':'•::.,•;�' <br /> ":.:':'� occmzing aftsr t�e initial constt�¢ction aad resulting from tlne sm�sep. operatie3�maiatenaaee• , _ :�' <br /> . 4�{ �". <br /> ' '� � - . ��„��¢g�u��eyair.�va1�alteration,selocation and reooasttuction of the Dlstrict•s electric tr�on 11mrs. it is f�ther ;:.;�,;, <br /> Lf'.•; �;;;;'";, `, agr�f�at all claims for sacb d�age9�st Le s�mitted to the Distslct in raitiag�it83n 90 days of sach occ�s��a;othesvlse. �,:- •,..;<.,•. <br /> - � �+:'': it is a^�ed that saia claim£er�a9es sha]1 Lave beea�ai.��7. .�.k� .��- <br /> •`:�,�.;''��:.i� <br /> :;t: .::�.l . .. <br /> " The Di..`trict a�ees to take all reasanable steps to restore,�nearlp as pos�ible to tAe condition it�as in yrior to cunstrneti�� � .;i';i,:....:. :�., <br /> • • all land�rhic6 fs a.-'�ed as a resnit of said caagtraction. ' � <br /> The Grautor Qay ca:tivate,nse, and en oy the l�id along and a�ga�e:.:i t0 t��012Ctl1C t.ten+�niaatOD 11C0 ylOYldEa thOL SI3CD 1139�1� '; , <br /> `?1•..`.•�•. . or be a ha�a�vi to or terFere vith the s�sve3. caastruction� reaan.sisactian. reDair. a�aintenance� in.��'pecti.�. r <br /> �t e�ger relocatian ana�val oY the Distdet's�`;eLr3e trsrsai�i�lines. Ho buildinge,atrnctm�ea.6aY or strav ``��';'�?..''•' .. <br /> � ppp,�t1CD�81t8I8t�T.1. Hl1ttP.D p8IID1S81dD ''`ii':y;..,.. . <br /> ..':;.; • s t a c k s s h a l l b e p e r m i t t e a m i d e s a e a t h o r i u m e d i a t e l p a d j a ce a t t o t E o e l e c t s i c tren�issiou]ine exce�t bY express :_•�Y?;�,' . . <br /> fram the Disisict. ,` <br />-��:�•; �,� mrlrtai . �, ' � ' <br /> l� ' � T�e District ageees t6s►t should said rightroY-vay aot be used for the piuposes here�n stated. or should any .�.a_on line . <br /> n the right-of-xap and <br /> +. � ' coostructed Qeseander be r�oved�d nat rep2aced by an�othes *.rm.�„;�i�n line, for a periad of Sve pears. , . <br /> on <br /> . easemenL hecobq.secise3 sluall tben cease and texminate, end tbie inqtc�ant sball bo o� m ftstLer foroe an8 effetst. . . <br /> - .� � The mtdosai9ne�a9rees and reyresents that de�as read aud wtd°rstend4 tbe foregojng aad t0at tLis in.•�••�*t cantai�all agt�nte ,. . . <br /> .��" and�m8erstanaings betxeen the yartia�and the imderst�e0 has not relicd apon an9 Pramiges�indu�nts,wvenanta,oral stat�eats, <br /> �"j • or a�eements of anp kina or aatnre e�hich are not expressly set forth herein. { . <br />�.�.. . . . <br /> �;.' . <br /> _µ; . <br /> . <br /> j. .:., . . _ . . .. . M . _ _�»-a_ . <br /> r . . � .�--_.�.._.._-.-..,._.y.,_....v...—;._... ..._....__._.. . , . <br /> �" ... . . . -.�--.._ ......._. ' • -"'-_ ' .' . . . • . ' . � - . <br /> �}.i _ . . . � • - . ' . � • . _ - '; . . <br />._*., r, . � . . . . . . ' � ' . . � ' , . <br /> ♦ . . . ' . - . . . . . . '�� .,. <br /> ��'.��i. ���- . ..._ . ' ' , . � ,. , �_ ' •. . . . . . • - ' . � - .. . <br /> . ' . ' . � � �. ` ' � � ' � . . . . . . . � <br /> � - - . � . . .. . . . . ..�.n,�. <br /> ;fr-� � . � . . � - . ' . . • . ' - . .� � - . ,. � . <br />- ,.f_ � . � . .. " . .. . . . . . . . . , _ ' , _ <br /> . . . . . <br /> _:__'._ . '. .r.,�t - � <br />.�„ � � _' ' _' �:f�:._.. . _. . . �. . . �...__ ...._ i_.' _"__'.._.__ . . . . .: . ..,.;"._ ." _r <br /> _ . _ - � . .5�. ' . . . - <br /> - - . . . ' . . . •i��.�� . <br />. ��Y��. � - � <br /> .1 l. . ' . � - _— <br /> _�. . .___ _ _ .. . . _ . _ . . . . �. , _. _, � _' __ _ _,e _ _ -.4.T. ,�, ._� __ 3, ' 1»__.. <br />