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<br /> 78—QUIT CLAIM DEED '` The Hnfimqn (#ener�l Snpply Honse, Llnaoln, Nebr. i
<br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 19th day of ASarch ,sn the year one thousand
<br /> nine hunds-ed and $�ty—fot�,r , between Frieda Hennings
<br /> of the first part, and Cour�ty of Ha7.1� State of Nebraska
<br /> of the second parE,
<br /> WITNESSETH, tliat the skid part y o f the first part, in conside��¢tion o f the sum o f
<br /> Four Aundred S3xty-Three and 8o/r�oo-�.�• ;,��������,��
<br /> DOLLARS,
<br /> to her duly pt�id, the receipt whereof is heyeby acknowledged has herby remised, released, and
<br /> quit-claimed, and by� these p�•esents doe3 for herself her heirs, executors and ad-
<br /> nainistrators, remise, release dnd f orever quit-claim unto the said party o f tlze second part, and to
<br /> heirs and assigns f orever, all h�r right, title,interest, estate claim and
<br /> demo,nd, botla at law and in equity, of,i�:and to all of � tract of la.nd located ia the Southeast Quarter
<br /> (S-,� of Section Twenty-Sevett (27), Towrs�hip Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of
<br /> the 6th P.M. in Hall Coianty, Nebraska, �nore particularly described as follows:
<br /> Beginning at the Southwest Corner of said Southeast Quarter (SFr); thence Easterly
<br /> along and upon the South line of said Southeast Quarter (S�), a distance of One
<br /> Hundred Forty-Four and Twenty-Eight Hundredths (11�l�.2�8) feet� to the actual place of
<br /> beginning; thenee runnirig Northerly aad perpendicular to the South li.ne of said Southea�t
<br /> �uarter (SE�) a distance of Thirty-Three (33.0) feet, to the intersection of the existing
<br /> county road right-of-way and the Southerly right-c>f-way line of the Union PaciFic Rail-
<br /> road Company; thence deflecting right 59° !t3' and running Northeasterly along and upon
<br /> said South line of Union Pacific Railroad a distance of One Hundred Fifty (150.0) feet;
<br /> thence d�flecting right 38° 08�, and running Southeasterly a dista�ce of Three Hnndred
<br /> Ninety-0ne and Eight Hundredths (391.08) feet; thence deflecting right 820 2br and
<br /> ru�:ung Southerly perpendicular to the South line of said Southeast Quarter (SE'�), a
<br /> distance of Fifty-Five (55.0) feet' �o the South line of said Southeast Quarter (SE�);
<br /> thence running Westerly along and upon the South li.ne of said Southeast �,iarter (SE�),
<br /> a distance of Five Hundred Sixtsen and Eighty-Two Hundredths (516.82) feet� to the
<br /> actual place of beginning and containing �.938 acres more or less of which 0.392 acres
<br /> more or less are presently occupied by cou�ty road right-of-way. And, a strip of land
<br /> Twenty-Two (22.0) feet i.n width ad�acent to the present road right-of-way along tha
<br /> South side of a part of the Southeast Quaxter (SE 4) of Section Twenty-Seven (27),
<br /> Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (IO) West of the 6th P.M, in Hall Count�, Nebraska,
<br /> beginning at the east section line of said section and thence running Westerly a dista.Mee
<br /> of 198�.7 feet and containing 1.0 acre more or less� or a total of 1.546 acres more orless
<br /> Together with ¢ll and singular tlae hereditaments thereusito belonging. in both tracts.
<br /> TO HAT�E AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the s¢id County of Hall� State of
<br /> Nebraska ¢nd itS heirs and assigns;so that neitlaer the said
<br /> grantor , saor any person in h�r name and behalf, shall or will laereafter claiz3z or de-
<br /> mand any right or t%tle to tice said pye�aises or czny ¢art thereof, bT.rt the.y and e•z�ery one of tlaem shall by these presents
<br /> be excluded and forever bc�rred.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said payty of the frst part ha s herezrnt.o set her hnnd
<br /> and seal the day and year above written.
<br /> ` Signed, sea ¢nd del' ered in psesence o f ,,,..J1N��_��'y��!�W� . -
<br /> .-••--�_.....__.•••--••••----....---•-•----
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