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- , <br /> . . , ;� <br /> , � ` <br /> , <br /> s . <br /> . 22, SECOAITI/LqiEREST UHDEH 7HE UMFCRPB CC8SSI411ERCiAL COOE This Deed of Trust sf�all Ee oonsidered and be etfactiva as a finan�ng • . � <br /> - " staiert�nt�r!a B�re filing p�usuaru m ihe pravtsions of 1he Unifortn Cortmardal Cade(as adopmd in the state�vhere the ceal ProAanY is locafed) <br /> ��; � oove�(ng H�ures.C�attets.artd an6dss of persar�al propertl►nav�awned or heteafter stradied to ot to be used in oormectinn vrith Uia Praperty tageiher with <br /> atry m�d aU reRlaoemarrta thereaS and adddtons thereto(the'Chffitels�.and tirarrtcr hereby�anta Lender a sawrityr interest in such CAattets. The�btar is(� <br />,� tAe C�antor�sa�ed ahove. This Qeed of Tmst rnll ba efteatve as a furandng atatemerrt fited as a fixnua fding with re to aU fi�mrres indudsd within� . <br /> = sa€d prertises and(s to be filed for reCOrd in Ute real esffite reoords ol ead�oourriy whe[e ar+y p�110l satd premises(inCu�sald fixNras)ts sihiated This � <br /> -q Qeed ot Tnut shaR aiso he eft�tive as a 6nan�g�temeM aovetfng�Y other s and aay be fi►ed in arry othsr sppro�ate filing or racardng <br />;;; a(Hee. A carbon.Phato�aphic a other reprodueCOn of tJds Deed of Trus!or oi any�g statem9nt refating to Ws Oeed of Trust shatl Ee suffident a�se� . <br /> _,, f�dn9 smtemetit tor any of Hio purpases teferted to In ih(s P�aph. The sewred party.(s the Lender desaibed above. Upon derrtand,GraRtcr snau� <br /> = make.exesute snd deliver su�seatrtty a�eertents(as such term is det'med in satd Undcrtn Corrnerdal Code)as Ler�det 81 any Ume may daem <br /> ���e n�r or�gop�r or requtred ta�artl to Lender a peAeeted seauity!irrterest in�e Ctrattob.and upon Qrantods faifure to do so.Ler,der is suthorized t , <br /> ",� - s�anyr sud�e nt as the agem of Grantat. Grantor hereby auThorims Landsr to fite finandng sffitomertts(as surl�tertn is defined in satd Unitorm <br /> f <br /> -; Curnm2rdal )vtflh respsa to the(�attels,m arry tirre,without the si�re of Grantor. (3rantor�viu, any tirt�upon requesl ot Lender. <br /> �. sign sud�ftnandng staterte�is. Graritor vrili pay ail fiting tees br tlie fiimg of such firwmne�g statemer�ts and(or the refillng thereof at ths wres required.. <br /> �� tRe opUdon ot►said Unitortn Comnerdai Cods. tf the fian at Uds Qecd ot Tn�st bs s��C1 tc any�eauiry agreement oovering ihe CRaneis,then� <br /> ,.�: tr�the event of eny detauh under tNs Oeed oi Tnist.aii the t�t,tiUe and(nterest of Gramor tn and to arry artd all of ihe C�ameLs is fieraby assigned to . <br /> ;_,� Lsnder,together vrf�the benefit of arry depnsns or paytmems naw or hereafter rtads iheraot by Grantor or the�rs mr sucoesso►s in uUs of <br />.-,�, C�antar in the Property. � <br />._E <br />=:•;� 23 R�U198B7�fT dF AtdQUNiS E7�SNDED BY LII�lCER. lertder,at Len�r's oplion.may e:pend funds(ndud�ng attameys'feas and legat l . <br /> ;,� axpsnses)to perfarm arry act caquired to ba tatmn bY C�aniw m m ewerdsa anY d�t m remedy ot lender unQe►1Ns Oeed of Tnut. Upon demand�� � <br /> sha0 brerr3d�teiy rairt�ase lender tor aD sud�amowrts e�dad Ey Lendenogetlier wGh ummest thereon at the Iawer o!the hi�est rate desa�ed'm anY <br /> -'��; . O�gi6an a tho hi�est�e aQawed by Iaw from the dais of payrmnt unbl tl►a date af raimburserr�nt. Thase surt�s sha0 ba induded in the definitlan o} ; • . . <br /> OhEi�ons h�etr�and shaD be seaued by fha 6enefir�al6marest�anted herein. It the ObCgatlons are patd atmr ffie beginnirtg af�uffiimtion ot nadoa ot i .� <br /> `�' ' sala as heretn provldsd.o►in ihe etirart Lertdar its soGs optan.p�rnt t�rantor to pay mg►Par1 ot ihe ObGgattons after the beginning of pu�it�tion of r - • <br /> ;�; � , <br /> ��., notice ot herefi proWded.Qren.Ciranior shaU pay an dernand eR exgenses inQarad by the Ttustee and l.ender in eannection with said�I'iealion, � <br /> �g reasoriahte attomeys'tees to the aitmneys fonhe Trustea and tar 9ts lendsr,and a reasonat�e tee to the Tnestss,and this Deed of Trust shaD 6e <br /> �c�. Sew�ily far all atdt expenses 8nd fees � <br /> � ?A.APPLECATION OF PAYPJ�AiTS. The Tnistae sha0 appi�9ie pmoeeds oi the trustea's sate,ttrst,to ihe oosis and e�enses of exerdsing the power of <br /> �te and of 1he s�e,indudmg�Uie m of the TrusteB's tees�y incurted nat ta exoeed�e�noimt whidi maY be Provtded tor in the Qeed of Trust, <br />,;s�` � � seeortd,to payrterrt of the o6G��seaued try the Oeeb af Trust.thfrd.ta dte paymam of pmior deeds of trust,mortgag�a ather Uenfiatders.and the ' . �. <br />.._`� batanm,it the person or persons le�lty eMitled therero. � '%: <br /> - - ?.S� POWEA OF A7706iHEY. 6rarrtor herat�y appatnts Lender as its atmmey-in-fact ta endorse Granto�s nama on aD insh+unents and other�rtts .l, . . <br /> ? � permintng w ihe OD6ga6ans or Reed of Tntst �n addru'ar�.Lender shali be erttitted.�n aat re�uired.topertarm arry acuon ar exewte any doaurt�em ;� . <br /> p�ba tal�n cr emepsed by(irantor under this Qeed of Trust. LendetsperfomEnu3 0!such aUton or exeartbn of sud�doamenis st�aU not , <br />���'� • , � �Qra�or fram arry O��ation or aue arry data�t under fiis Qeed oi Tnist All pwers ct�tomey descnbed in ihis Oeed ot Trust are ooupted with an j, • <br /> ;`�; .. � hrtsrest att�are ttrevoeabie. �' ;. <br /> � �. SU�L3�i3A7ION OF L�fOER. Lender shaU be subrogated to ihe d�ts of ine holder of arry prevtous Iieo, sewrily irRerest or encurtbrance ( •° s,•: <br />_'',:� • �a�h funds advanoed 6y Lender regar�ess of whethenhesa tiens.seamh fiterests or other enau�►ar�ces have been released of tecord -� • ..ti <br /> ,' ,":���";' <br /> ` ;,: , 27. COLlECTIQN Ca9YS. To the extentpertritted by larr.t�antor agrees topay Lenders raasar�abte fees and tosb.indu�ng.but not Qrtited to.feas � ' ;t;.; <br /> �° � �d c a s t s a t�o m e y s e n d o t h e r a g e n t s p n d u�n g w n h c�L i r i l a t i o n p ar a i e a a l s,eterks and oor�suttarrts).vrAether or not sud�attomey or aSe�rt is an : :•'S . <br /> ' ;` ; �1oya�c2�Lend�r,whfch are inarted by lsnder i n wtlecc�sg arry amourA d"ue or erAardng arry daht or rernedy un d er t h i s O a e d a f Tnu1.w h e t her or n o t �t . ' <br /> :,'�r: ; , suii is Crsu�."LL.indud'irig,but not Qnited Lo.,a7.f�ees arrd oosts ineurted an appeal,in b�rtwptcy.and�ot Post-�ud�nerA wltection actiona ; <br /> ;�;_; � :, � % <br /> :. � 2� PARiTA:.RELEASE. Lender r.sar'��a its 6�teres�in apoNon of the Properry by execuhng and recor�ng one or rtrore Partiaf Qeeds of . <br /> -;�;.� � . • Reoomreyanee w(thoul at�.'�g its irttw�esr.':nr�,he rertelning portion ot ihe Property. NcthUig her�n shaU be deemedto obUgate Lender to reieass aay af its . <br /> .'-::� . � U►tetest in ttta Property(eza¢pt as reruired un�arpara�a�38 or as rrmy be oifierwise req���•t�x).rtcr shall Lend�rbe a6Ggated to relea�arry part <br />�:'';` � ot tlte Pcop�cy(f Ci�mr is�def�dt tmd�r tNs Dead of T�st 'fhe fien and s�intes�o�d by the Qeed of Trust r�in efleq with�espea m � <br /> .ri`;� •� ='<. 8�at pcAtob oftha�6ned in the�eed of Trust.thai ts not the subject af ar�1?��al Deed of Reoorneyanae _ <br />.r.�,,, , � - :_,: <br /> :�':"% . 2� 6fODIHCAI[I3N AND WAIVER. Tha mo�ftcatton or waiver ot erry af��c ObG�ons or lenders d�s under ih(s Oeed ot Tnast:nust 6e ;�.' <br /> = .?' ' eomalned'm a wrfting stgned by LenQer. Lender may pedorm anyr ot eortawer's cr c3ramors ObOgations.detay or fa1 to exerdse arry ot its rigt�ts or aooept �`.; <br />� �•,; ��.j pay�irts from Cirantor oranycne a�er than Cirantor xAthout causing a waiver�Shose Obffgatlons or d�ta A waiver on one oacaslon shaU nat consUMe � <br /> ose <br /> a w a i v e r a n m ry o ffi e r a a a sion. Grantcrs Obli ons under this Oeed ot Tnut sha0 no16a affected Hlen�r artrands,corr�rortdses,exchan B e s fails to � ��. <br /> � ��!.;• exerdse.iRpaira or releases arry of thB 061t�s 6elonging to any(�ra�nor,Borrower or ttrird�riy or arry o f ft s d�ts a8am s t atry Q r a n tar.B orroW er a �fi'�;, <br /> .,•.�;� � �� 1hUd party or arry of the Pmperty. Lendefs faiiure to insist�on sMct perfom�ance ot any ot ths 06Dgations shall natbe deemed a walver and Lender shall _ • <br /> ::;�> ' :S• have Ne�i�t t at arry t h r e t hera a ft e r t o f n s i s 1 u p o n s tr t c t P e r b m i a nce. . <br /> ��� ' � �•`, ' SQ. 8U88TITUTE TFitJSTEE;TRU9TEE UQBAiTY•CONIPENSA1fON. In case of tha death.Inabfiiry.ret.�to act ar absenoe of the Trustes hom the � ' <br /> t�'. ��: ' �'; ��yrye���y property is loeated or in case the tiofderof the ObUgadons sfiatl desbe for arry reason to r�ve the Trustee or arry a�sUwte trustee as <br /> `�' `;;��,;;s,' • ;+ trustea hereunder and to appoim a new trustee in hls ptaoa and stead.the holder of ihe Offigations is herery�anted tu0 prnver to appoim tn writing a <br />.°�;;;; � � :`. s�te trustee far sa!d Tiustea,ertdffie sut�9dite trustee st�0,vmen appolrrted.becarr�sr�essor to aD dgMs ol Tnisme hereunder andthe sa�sriatl . : - <br /> �, f�; �ire vested In him 6�rT'rie�urposes and objeets of Ws Deed af Trust with aD tfie paweF.��s and obUgations hare(n conf�r�d on the Trustee.Trustee . : <br /> � shap not be qabte fot ar.t.or^�►ol d�nam or ae1�ne by Trustee,or be athen�fse r�e ar aeoountabte under�rqr d�unatanoas whatsoeve► <br /> <. Trustee�:rot be por�raTy 1�fn eass oi erttry 6y fl or ar►yrone aWng by v(rtue cs'ti�`x�r��vers herein�artted it upor�s Oeed ot Trust br debts <br /> ��•i.' •� comra�ar dabiUty or darr�aaes Inwrted i��managemern ar opera6on of safd�c�saa Trustee sha➢have thu dght to reIy an ar,�msbumem. <br /> ' z t daau►�rt1 or si�anue authortr7ng or suppo aatlon taken or propcs�tc be�a by it heteundor or baqe�red 6y n In paad taiL1�.be gemilna. <br /> �.�'.�1,; � Truy�chall be er�9Ued to retrr�ursemerd tor e�enses incurted by h in tne�rnmtance of its duUes hereunder and to reasonahTe oo�^�-�sn for su� •• <br /> o!ita seruloes hereunder as shaA be rendered. iiramor w10,irom Ume to Urr�.�ay oortpensaflon�e Tn�stee hereunder and reicrdo�nsa Tr,�;,ee(or and •�� <br /> ;'?f, �. ;; eave and hold it hamtess irom and againsl eny and all loss.oosl.Oab�T�ty.dama�and e�anse wh�soever inamed by ii in ihe perfamran�ot 1Fs duUes. ' <br /> .7,:,+, � AO moneys reeeived by Trustoo sha0,um7 ussd or applfed as herein dsd,be hetd tn Vust for thepurposss tor whkh they vna.�raoeived.tut need not ,; <br /> be�egaQed inany nenner from arry c�er rtnneys(exoept to e extent required by taw)and Trustee shall be�mder no liah(tity fa►ir.terest on any <br /> � . '� � moneys recehred by it hereimder. . ���,'�. <br /> ��:; ....t;'`•:. 1 <br />- �'`�' '� St. SUCCESSORS AHD ASSIGNB. i3is Oeed of Tnut shail be h(n�9ng upon and Imue to the benoflt ot Orantor and Londer and��.eir respective � �• . <br />:��::�;�;t suaeessora.assl�s.trustc-�s,mooivera,aCrt�nlstratora Dersonal repressr�tadhres.legatees atd devkees. . <br />-�..; „•� . <br /> _:,:w:`� <br /> �lIOTICE�Exoep'►a�d�ornl:e requtred by law.arry rtacce or other eommuNc�rtion n I�e provMad under this Deed of Trsst shatl be in w�ittng and sertt <br /> `F ;•;i to ths paN3s at th�ad�e�es doscribed m tfis Deed ot Tnut or sudi�ess as tha partiesmay designate M wriling hom tirre to�nxa. Any suGh . <br /> r : noL'oa sa gF�an and serrt b�t flrsl e�ass�il.Pust2ge Prepaid.shall be cber.��von the oaAisr of three(3)days aitnr such naUoe is sem a��r recenrec: � <br /> _�..i` byttf�De�tavRiomsud�notlee Is beir.g gfvon. • <br /> �'`'� g� SEVHRABtLRY. 4Uhms�ver possibto,eaeh proviston ot this Oeed of Tnist shall be Irrtorpretad Eo as to bo eNecthre and valid undsr applfca6le state <br /> �:_,.;;� :) tai�y,���ny pfoutsinn af th3 Oeed of Trust�iotates tho taw or is uneMoroeabie,riie rest af iho DaeA of Tnut shall oonUnue to be vafld end enbroeable. <br />.,�,•;�, . <br />�`.;�:'� ' ; g�pppL1CABLE 1AW. Thl�Oeed oi Yntat shall�o�vemed bythe tavls of the state vifiere the real proper'.y is leqted. Untess eppllcaNe taw provldes ; <br /> • '.� atttenMse,Grairtor oanse�As to the jutitdeFon and venua of any ooW sslected by Lender,in its sole ms�xetin.�:t�rated in that state. <br /> �::; '� 8�i 64SCELLANEOUB. Gramor and Lend�r e�ee Utat tUre is of the essance. Q�antor wahres presenuimm,de�nd for payrmertl.noUoe of�shonor and � <br /> pratesl ez as requUed ty law. Ail retecenoas ro arantor N this Oeed of Tnist sAa11 indude a0 persans signfig 6elow. B Mere is more than one Grantor. . <br /> theb ObQ�ons shall bo pim and saveral.This Deed ot Trust represetrts iha oorrplete irrtegated understan�ing between Grantor and LenQer pertalning to <br /> the tetms and ow��lans hereof. <br /> y� � 4U. NO 7N16iD PARTY iIIGHTB. No person Is or shalt be a third party benefldary ot arry avlston ot this Oeed ot Trust All provisions ot this Doed ot • <br /> ;_, ��� Tntst in tavor of Lander are irrtertdsd sotely tor Ihe benefit oi Lender,and no thUd�s�ha emitted to or expect that Lendar wiil nat waive or <br /> :,�E'�� ocnsertl to the motGtf�tlan o1 mry pravlstan of ihls Daed o}Trust,in Lendela sole saetion. <br /> ,i. , <br /> ' '' �l.PaESEFiVA110Y�OF UA81LtTY AND PRIOAITY. Wrthout aNeaing the tiability ol8orrower.Grantor,or any�arantor o1 tAe Ob0gaUons,or any omer • <br /> � ; •` paraon(snoept a p3rson express(y released in wdtin�)tor the payrtem andpedormanoe ot ihe Ohl1�at ons.antf without aHecNng the ddhts o}lender xrith <br /> �•' : respget to eiry Prop9rty no1 expre released in wntin ,and wfthout irry�aliring in way ihe prioA yf ol this Oaed ot Trust over the interest of person <br /> '• �sIy r a arry <br /> � so�1re d or Brst e v l d anoed by reao r d ng s�se�erA to�a raoordng o}thts Oeed o 1 Trust.L e n d er may.e N her b e tore or a fter!he rt m tu ri ry o f i he O g a t lons. <br /> �" ' � and w�thoul noUoe or oonsent:releasa any porson Uahte tor ymiem or pertormance af all or any part ot ihe Obligations:matm any a�eement ariering tho <br /> �;,._',?:. . „ at Lender rtay ava . <br />- !_ma fl!�3y�snt Qtps ot�11 or arry�r of ttre gattons�emrdss m retrain ham exerdsing or waive any ri c h t or remady ih 6 . <br /> �,`,; { under tha O e e d ot ru T s i:4 a o�addNona!securlty of any kirtd for arry af ihe OE(tgations,or retease or otherwise de a 7 with any real or porsonal jxoperry <br /> � •. sewdng ihe Obtlgaitons. My parson ae@ilring or reoor�ng evidanaa otarty imeresf ot arry nature in the Property shall be daerred.6y aoquinng suci► <br /> ���';• ' iTrterest or reoort6ng any evidenee thereof,to have oonser�ted to a11 or arty such actions by Lendor . <br /> ��.`! - ' NEDOTD aw.ttAa ��0°��;���5��'` ''' - - <br /> :y-� . --__ <br /> s:.i��`. - - - <br />