• ai
<br /> (d) f3rentor has the rigAt and is duly auThorized to execute and perfarm�ts Obligauons unde�this Oeed ot Trust and Mese actiona do not and shall ,
<br /> not oorrfiict with the provisions ot any atatute.reS��a�on.ordinance.vule of 1aw.eontract or other ag�eemert whiM may be binEmg an Granto►at •
<br /> any time:
<br /> (e) Nc ectiae or proceedmg�s or shali be pentling or threatened wh�ch might materiatly aHect U+e PropeAY.�
<br /> (1) Grerttpr h8s tt�t viol8ted end 5fiaI1 not viotffie e+'•j st8tute.re9utation.ardinance.n+le of law.tontract or other agreement whiCh might maLeriatly
<br /> afteet thp progeriy(induding,but not timited ta t?4se govemin9 F�azerdous PJlazeaatsl or Lentler�rights or irrterest in the Property pursuant to
<br /> Mie Deed ot Ttust
<br /> 9. PRtOR OEEGS OF 7RUST. Grantor rep�esents arb warrants Mat there are no Onor deeds ot tcust aflecung any Part of Me Property except as set .
<br /> es
<br /> foRA on Schedule B stffiehed to this Oeed of 7[ust+��kh Grar+tor agrees to pay end petform in a timely manrter. H there are eny prior deeds o
<br /> • �thgn Grerrtor 8grees to pay a1t amoums awed,end Oo�rtn alf obligatiorts required.uoder sueh d8eds of trust and the indebtedness seeured thetebY• : . .
<br /> 4. 7RQNSFEH$Of TNE PROPEA?Y OR BENERQ�'�RL I7�iTERESTS�N GRANTOAS OA 80pROlYERS. �n the event of a sate.comreyanee.�ease• ,
<br /> eontraet ior deed or trans(er to anY Person ef sI1 or sny paR at the real p�opertll desen'bed in Seheduls 0.or any iMerest tl�erein.or of all ar any ;
<br /> Cansfiaal irrterest in Bocrower cr GraMOr Crf Borrou�e*o*C,re^tor is not a natural person or persons but is a earporation,limiiad liability eompany. ;
<br /> partnership.trust.or other legal entity?.Lender may,at its option.dectere the o�►ding principal batanee ot the ObligaUons plus acaued interest i ,
<br /> � thereon immediatety due and payable. At Lander s�xquest.Gr.�ntor or Bortower.as tha case may be.sha�fi+rnist►a camptete s�omsrt semn9 fort�
<br /> f� afI ot ita stacldiotders.members or partr�eis.as aPP+oGriato.and t�e extertt of their respectiva ownersnip interests.
<br /> 5. �tSS[GH�lENT CF R�ITS- In wnsidecat[on ot t2�e Obligations whict►are secured by this Oeed of Trust.Carantor absolutely assigns m Len�der aI� i . .
<br /> � Grantor s estate.�Sh1.titie.iMerest daim and dert�.ard now awned or ha�eafler acquired in att e�isting and f�uce leases of 1he PtoAe�ty Q 9 �
<br /> extensions.renewals and subteases).a!1 agreemecNS tor use and aCa+Pan�f►of tha Pmperry(aI1 sueh teases and agreemertts whether written or oral.
<br /> � ass hereaRer refeRed to as the'Leases').and all gr.oraniies of Iesseas'pe+fortna^ce under the Lesses.tagether with the immediate and ccrdinuing . .
<br /> � rightto wflect and receive all of the rer�ts.income.creeipts.cevenuea issuea pmfifs and Whei tncame ot any�ture now or here��� miNmum `
<br /> any incame af any na2ure wming due during any r�demption perio�under the Leases rn from oc arlsing oat of tne Property.� 9
<br /> rertt9,aQdfional reMS.P��S���P�ng or oommon area ma(rnenanee oamributions.�astd insurance eantribuhons,defieieney rerns. I
<br /> � � ' tiqaidated damages toUowing defauft in any Lease.aU pcooaeds Payabta ureder eny policy of insurance mvering loss of rertts ces�ilting from • .
<br /> uMenarttability eaused hy destruetion or damage to the Propertl►.all proceeds payabte as a or otttea insotven m�e��n�sed al pwuceeds from � `.
<br /> Property.a�l proceeds darived iram the tertninatior,or rejeebon of any I.ease in a bankruptry �Y R 9• , •�=
<br /> any rigMs and Gaims of any kind vihich Grantor may have against airy tessee under the Leases or any accupaMS�L*e ProAeRl/(al�°f 1he above ere i `
<br /> hereatet eoitectivety reterted to es the'Rents'l. TAis assignment is subjeet to the rigM.Power and authority given to the Lender m collect and aPPh► . ' .
<br /> the FarHs. This assig�mertt is reeorded fn accordar�ce with aPP��cab�e s�e taw:tte lien created by this assignment is intertdr�to be speafiR E.
<br /> ��cab�e st�e Iaw as amended irom time to tm►e. /ls lon as �_
<br /> peAerxed.and choffie upon the recording of U�is Qeed of Ttust.att as provided by apP� •
<br /> there is no detauft under the Obligations or this Deed o!Tnut,Lender grar►�GraMOr a revocabte Iieense to cotleet all ReMS trom the Leases sn
<br /> due and fi use sueh proceetfs in Grartor's business operations. Haweaer,Lander may at any time require Caranmr m deposit e1!Rerts ir�an + .
<br /> acoourR maiMained by GrarKOr or Lender at Lender's institutian. Upan default[n the payment of,or in tha pertarrnanee ot.anY o�1h8 ODGgaias�s. � .,>.
<br /> Lender may at i1s aption take Pas�sion of the Pr�pertY end have.hald.manage.lease and operate the Property an terms aad for a padod af L'~ne . .
<br /> � thffi Lender deems proper. Lender may proceed�s ooRect and receiva all Ronts.from tha ProPenS►�and Lendet shaif have tuU gmrcer to patiodiaally . ,,, ' ,
<br /> make enerations,renovationa ce�s or replacems�fs to 1�e ProPedY aa Lender may deem progec Lender may apAtY al�F�'�aT�ender's sote
<br /> disastlon,to payment W the Oblig�en or to the payment af the c4st of sucfi afteratians.renav�i¢ns.repalrs and reP�acemerr��d ar►Y exRenses �
<br /> ineiderrt to taking end retaining passession of the Ptoperry and the management and operatiaa a!the PropeRfl- LenCer may acc�the P�eR�Y : ,
<br /> proPeAy insured and may dischacga arry�es.d�arges.Gaims.assessmertts and other lierts r.t^ch may axrue. The expens��.�:d cost of ti�c�a .,_
<br /> ' aations may bs paid irom the Rertts received,and any unpafd amourtts shall be edded m the pric�ipal of the ObGgations. TF►�2 2maurds.tagGt'.er ! ;.
<br /> • with other oosta.shall hecome Rarc ef g►e Obtigatiorut sewred by this Deed of Tnmi . � :i.---:-
<br /> 6. LEASES AtiD 07HEA AtaEi�ITS Grarteor shatl not take or fail to take anY ascaee ue:ich may eawre ar pertnit th,�t��r.,aa:ion or the . '!�a-�
<br /> wNhhotdinp ot arry paYmeM in cartrtection with any lease pertai�iag to the Property. fn adCiCan.C�antor.wfthout Lender's prt¢r w�nfift-rrr•�onsertf.shalt
<br /> not(a)oolfect eny mon�es payabce under any lease more than one mor►th in advanca:(b1 rtsaditY anY lease: (�)assi9"o��''�'•a tiec►,� .
<br /> iMerest or other encumbrance to be placed upon Qaantor's rigMs,tltts and irrterast in and to ar+y�-ease or the amourrts pay��"�reunder:or(d t -
<br /> tertninaUe or cancel any Leasa excePt tor the nar.paymeM of arty sum or other maDerial breach by Ute other party�C:ereto. H Gra^�r receives a!ar►y ,; `�
<br /> Ume any vuridten�ommunication asserting a defa�t!by Grantar u�der a Lease or purporting to tercntnate or cance:a+yr L.ease•Grarrtor shatl promplty �, . n
<br /> torvrard a eopy of sueh oommunication(and anyl subsequeet communieations relating thereto)�Lsnder. AII such Leases and the amoun�due to
<br /> Qrantorthereunder are hereby assi9rtad to Lendec asaddrtional securttytor the Obligations. '
<br /> 1.COLLLCTION OF INDEBTECI�G-5S FttOM TtTcI1D PAA7Y. Lender shall tre entitted to notify cr�equire QraMOr to notity any�iM.oaR1f(induding. . " �
<br /> but no!Iimited to,lessea&�i�.S�mmental authoriUes and insurance companies)to Fay Lender eny indebteEness cr ataf.3aUon owing to , � ,•
<br /> � (itaMpr wiih respg�t to the propatty(cumutatively'Indebtedness')whether or not a detautt exisis under this Deed ot Tnist. C�r2�+b:r shall diltgerttly . :.; �!`_
<br /> - ' ootlect ths Indebiadness owing w Grantot from these third parties untit tAa giving of such notificaUon. In tha event that Grantor pes�sea ar rece►ves , ' :!.,�ti-
<br /> � • ; po9sesslon of any instrumanta or ather remitfanees vdtl�respect to the Indabtedness folfowing the giving of sueM notifieation ar i!�e i�mert�or ;i r._,�;
<br /> - otAer remittances westltute the P�PaY�►ient o f any I n de b te dnesa or the pa y ment of any insurance or eondemnaUon ptoceeda.Granxr shal'T'�d •: c
<br /> ; suM Instrumertfs and other remittances��trust to�lender apart hom its other propertyt.endorse the instruments and other remit�xs tc t�zcTds• �',
<br /> and immediately provida Lender wfth possassion at fhe insVumenb end other wmittances. Lendar shatl be entittad,but not req�med'.to e�'vcc'�'� ��`;; � , -
<br /> i � Z.,c•' ••
<br /> � �ega1 proceedings or othervviEel.extend the time tor payment,wmpromise,exchange or re(ease arry obI"�gor or ootlateral.Of OU18Ni50 888.'9 3.�:' d ;, �x.
<br /> the IndebUedness whather or r.at an Evern of Default exists under this Oaed of Trust Lender shan not be liabie to GraMor for any acdon.g g. ¢, , ', . r.,`
<br /> ' mtstake.omissfon or detay pertaining to t he a c tlorta d e scribed in thls p a ra graph or any damages resulting thsrehom. tVolwithstanding the tore c:.,
<br /> nofhing heteln shall eause Lender to be deemed a cr.ortgage�ln-possesslon. • }%�i,�'
<br /> . 8. USE ANO MNNYENAtst�OF PROPEEi7Y. Oramor shall take all acNons arrd make any repatrs nesded to mair►taln tha P�ropetty in good •.• :�rs,r.:
<br />"'�� eandiUon. Qrantor sha11 not eammR or permR aml waste to be committed wlth respect to the Property. Grantor shall use the Property sotety In .. ��;��,,.
<br /> cec;�p�ignee wRh applicabla taw and insurance policiea. QraMOr�ra11 nof make any atterations,addiUons or improvements to 11►e Property mthout ;,s�,,. ' .
<br /> • � tend_r•q pdpr evr(tten wnsern. YYdhout limiting the faregoing,a��.•.srationa additions and improvementa made to the Property ahall be subject to °?..;•. .., ,...�'
<br /> � the benefictal interest belanging to Lender.shall natEe removed w°=1aut tsnder's priorwritten wnsent,and ahau be made at GraMOr's sot0 expense. i;�f:':•r ;�?,,:,9'�-,�
<br /> `;.� • g,�pgg pp OpNIApE, Qrantor shell bear the e�ro risk ot afry Ioss,theN.destruction or damage(cumutat[vely'Loss or Damaga'}to tt�e Property or �.":�_' , : t�4,+,.�
<br /> �' any portlon there�f trom eny cause whatsoever. tn the eveM ot any Lass ar Oam�qe,tirantor shall,at the opUon of Lender,repair t�e aHected ,,;,;;,f`-�;
<br /> � � prppeRy to its a:�vious condiUon or pay or cause to be pald to Lender tha d��a in tha falr maAcet velua ot the aHectad Property. � • _ `�;>;;±:,}F;
<br /> 10. INSURANCE The Ptoperty wiU be kept insu�ed tor its full insur�`s:ra!ye{rePtacemer�t oost)agalnst sI�hazazds inctuding tos9 or damage �, ; ;
<br /> ..,�•,;i!;.
<br /> ,i. . caused by flaad.earthquake,tomado and flre,theft or other casua'ty to�:e e�r�a required by Lender. Carantot may obtatn Insarance on tne Property ` .; .
<br /> trom such con?aniesas are�cePtebte to Lsnder in it9 sate Cs:.�e=o-. �'e .rsurenee pa[i�a sfiall require the tnsurance c�mP�Y�P�ovide �`,';
<br /> , Lender witA at�e::;t 30 days'written noUce Eefore such pet:raes are��d or cance�:zd�.�any manner. The insurance rc<.s1es shal►^ama
<br /> Lender as a 4xs cafee and��avide ffiat no aet cr omission ot QrBntor or z:.t ui'st person sEa:l af(ect the rlght ot Lsnder to Ge;.23d the irr��rtrn"-e � "
<br /> proceeds pe s.��r�to the lass or damage of the Pcoperry. In the event Grer:��:�sto acquirs or malntein insurance,Lsnder(�er proviCin(3'�� I ,
<br /> ` '� . as may be reGarad by taw)e+"2f in its disersticrt procure�Fropriate:nsur��covera9e upon the Property and the insurdrta�cost shaS Ue an �
<br /> � a,,�vance payabla and bearir.g�rest as descrih.ed in Par a�t�23 and secu�ed hereby. Grantar ahall turrtsh L�nder with ev�dence of lnsurance
<br /> ,! t' � rC3cadng the requlred ceve�- i.ender may act as ax�^e�,��,�taet tor Grantor in making and settling clsims�^�¢er ins�cr�;oliclea caeael�in9
<br /> � � a.y poUcy or endorslng Grantols name on any draR er regC�s�e��sttument drawnby eny ir,uyrx. Alt such ins�rance Ccliaee.�a11 be immadlately
<br /> � � s�signed,ptedged and delivered to Lender as turtfter securrty fcr�fe Obligationa. In t(tis evertt cf tcss.Grantor shal immadiafr�y t�ive Lender xrtitten .
<br /> �' �`''' noUoe end I.er�°s is authoNzed to make proot cf lass. Each insuranee compar'N ia dlrected to make psyments d�ec�tY to Le��''s:stead of to Lender .
<br /> `e� eed Otetlt0►. LtM.et Sh311 h8ve th0 flght,8t ite 8018 OptiOD,t0 Spply
<br /> sueh nonies toward the ObligaUons ar toward the cost ot rebuilding and
<br /> � � • restoring t`.e�+':x�s�"•Y• �Y amount9 may at Lender's option 6e applied in the inverse order of th0 due dates thereof.
<br /> �' � tf_ ZON1h3 A.�pRNATE CflVENANTS•�mntor shall nat irvv:e or consent to any change in the zoning provisiona or private covenants aNecting �
<br /> �;Lr V�e:�9 Ot L'�9 P':?eRy w."."c+`2 VV�ndei s prior written conserK. �t G:antor's use ot the PropeAy ie or becomes a noncontormi�g use uoder eny zaning
<br /> •.�.��
<br /> ;:�,. r.n:nsion,3ra~sx sha1���t-a�so o�Pe��t sucb use to ke C3r�nUnued or ebandoned wlthout the prior wrltten oonseM af L9nder. Orantor vriil
<br /> .,.:�eCtffiery f•r.:.+�Lender v�r;t wtitten notiee of any propa�d Canges to the zoning provisions or private covenartts aHectirtg tfte PropeRy.
<br /> �; ' 12 COHIIEM7yATi0H. Grantor sl�all immediatety F«��et G�raMOr trom such eondemnation or takln8rare hereby assigned to Lender�d shatl be
<br /> :1 ptaceeding pertaming to the Property. Atl mcniea�ayab .
<br /> • applled flrst to the paymeM o! Lender's attCmeys' fees, 1ega1 expensss and other oosta Gneluding appraisal lees) in connectlon witA the
<br /> condemnation or eminent domain prooeedings and then,et Use optlon of lrender,to the payment of the Obllgations or the restoration or repair of the
<br /> � ' ' Property.
<br /> '�• 13. LEHDER'S RIGHT TO COMldENCE OR DEFEND LEGAL ACTlON9• (irantor shall imme0iate►y provide Lender with written notiee of any actual
<br /> �'!.- or threatened acdon.suit.or other proceeding aHecdng the Property. C�tantor hereLy ap0oir�Lender as ib ettorneyan-taet to commence.intenrene
<br /> �!� in,and defend such acUOns.suits.or other legal Frcceedings and to compromise or settte any elaim or connoversy pertaiNng theceto. Lender shall
<br /> ' not ba Oabte to Gran�r tot any action,error.mietatce.omission or defay perffiining to the actions desuibed in this paragrapA or any damages
<br /> ,ti. resulUng therefrom. Nothing cornained hereln wit�prevent Lender irom taking 1he acHons described in this paragraph in its own name. `
<br /> '• 14. INDEMNIFICATI0IV. Lender shall not assume or be responsibte tor the peAOrmance o1 arry ot GraMVr'a o�ugations rv�'th respect to the Property
<br /> undet any cireumstances. C-rnntor shall immediately provlde Lender with rrtitten noUee of ana indemnify and hold Lender end its shareholders.
<br /> dlrectors.oNfoers•employees and ager�ts harmtess from aIl clsims.damages.liabitfies linctuding attomays'tees and legal expensesl.eauses of
<br /> action,aclions,suits and other lega�proceetlinga(cumutativaly"Galms")pertaining to the Property Gneluding.but not limrted to.those inwtving
<br />.'�{ ' Mazardous Materia�s). Grartto:.upon the request af Lender,shall hire legal eounsel.axeptable to Lender. to detend Lender hom sueh Gaims.and
<br /> � pgy the at[orrtey9'fee9.lepal expense9 and other eost9�ncurted irt cannection therewrth. In the altemetive.l.ender Ta fi'shall surv e�the tertni aDOn. �
<br /> . legat oounset m defe�d such Cta�ms at Gsasitcs's co�- Grenlor s obrgation to indemnity Lender under thia parag P
<br /> release or toreclosure of t�is Oeed of Tnist i A`��
<br /> •• PeyO Z 015. �1\,
<br /> ;i3- �E!.158 f FortnA!wn TeCnro'Og RS.�^� ���2%i �ax��K'ir�783 �- — .
<br />