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L.� 2 . <br /> "_:'Si:= . " . _ "___" <br /> _'S� u ' . . ` . <br /> , . . �f . � ' . . _ -.__ __'�_.___ <br /> ' ' ' ' � . . f= • <br /> . . . . . ' ' . . . � . ` . � . . . . � • . <br /> ` ' . . � � ' - • �' . � , <br /> , , k <br /> . f ` <br />� ' �': ��� �'ti��� k .. .. <br /> � , , If Lender invokes the power of sale, Lendet shall execuie or cause Tmstez to e�,ute a wriaen not�ce of-the . . . . . <br /> occu�ence of aa went of default and of Lender's election to cause the Pcoperry to be sold.Trustee shaU canse this notice w be . . <br /> - -- - recorded ia eash county in which aay part of the Propezty is lacated.L�ader or Tiustee shall mail oopies of the notice as , � <br />- � • prescn'bed by applicable law to Borrower and to the other persons piescnl�ed bY aPPlicable law. Tmstee shaU give pnbtic . <br /> notice of sate to the persons and in the manner pmscn'bed by apglicabte law. After the 6me recNaed bY aPPiicabte taw, � <br /> � Tcustee.withaut d�and on Bormwer,shall sell the Pmperty at pnblic suaron w the highest bidder at the tIme�d place and r , <br /> uader the terms designated in the notice of sale ia one or moie parcels aad in a�r order Tmstee dete�. Tnistee may ^ , ., <br /> P�Poae sale of aIl or a�r parcel of the PmperEy i�s,publfc annauncement at�a time and place of aay pievionsiy schedule� �<--;�'._.:,' , •, <br /> ., � sate.Lender or its desigaee maY Pur�TM�e t�P�P�`�t any sale. :�:`:;:.;%,<i;:?•''`�':'`"� <br /> ;ex..:z�>t•�.. <br /> COV�t ! S�-~ <br /> . � Tc¢stee shall deliver w tP,e p��';'rastee's deed coaveying ���e�y wii�.azt aay a W��• ; � ��'� .i,�:< <br /> expressed or impL*.� �iecitals a t�e Tiu�'s ticed sball be prima E�z evfd��o`�n°.tr�fi of ttte stateme��ac�e ' ' <'� �`'� <br /> >.�:; � ` therein.Tmst�s�-an a�IF the Pmce�s or s��sale i�tTMe foLaav�rn��ta)to all e�of�e szY�,¢ew�ng,L�sfl: . . <br /> �'' �. ��� ;imited r�,r�as�:�'�rascee'S f�CS:Qb)LO 3Il 5���ID�S SE�:C"..'.y Ync��+,gII�[(C)2:.Y�f3�B p8�5�II Oi . _ -_' . <br /> ; . . 'r;*:;'.>`; . . <br /> ; � .` -° per5ollS flc�a:+y eIItIIYed t0 i� . ' . <br />_,;_ • r` r �,�t�ng Lender's accx2�ioa af the sums secored by this Seauity � , . <br />— `.'_"� ' 151. Borrowei's RigM to Retastate. No ar;� � , <br /> = Insavment d¢e to Borrower's breach,Bomnwer sinz�fl have the right ro have any pmoeed'mgs 6eg�m bY Lender to enfome this � ' -. <br /> - , S�ry Instc�ent discontinued at any time prios to sate of the Property or entry of a judgment eaforcing this Securiry f . . <br /> , ' tya*+±�*�t if:(a)Bosower pays Ixodec all snms whicb would 6e tlten due uader t6ta Sec.�ity InsC�ument and the Note had no � . . - <br /> ' . . acceleration oonaned: (b)Borrower cutes all breaches of aay other covenaats or a�ents of Bosrower coatained in this � .. <br /> Se�auity Iastcument:and(e)Borrawer pays all austee's fees actually incaired.nat exaee�ng the gseater of$50.00 or on�half €,' . - �. <br /> ' of one peceent of the uapa�d principal sum secured,and coun costa. Upoa such paymeut aad cure by Boirower.tWs Security : <br /> . ° tasqutnent and the obligarions secured herel�y shall remain ia fiill force and effect as if no aoceleradon had occuned. 'ihis � � :.�: , ` ;;`�� <br /> - right to cMastate aball not app ly.t towever.ia t he case o f a c ce l e r a t i o n p u:s u a n t t o P a r a g r a p h 17. � � -R���� <br /> � '' '>' , <br /> Z 0. Assl$am e n t of Rents; A p p al�metrt oY Recetver. Ae astdldaaal seauity her�,uader. Borrower tteteby agslgns to , •, <br /> '; . Leader the renta of the Properry, Fmvided Wat Bonower shall. Priar to a�ceterattoa vader Paiagcaph 18 hereof or � , � .•5 , ;:. � <br /> abaadonment of the Prapeny.have the rigLt to collecc aud retain such rents as they b�ome due and psyab2e. , .. '. <br /> . � llpon aaxleradoa uader Paragraph 18 hereof or abaadonment of tLe Pmperty,Lender, in pelson,by agent or by � -. ��t��� <br /> • � judiciaUy appo�nted receiver,shall be eatided w enter upon,take possession of and manage[he Pcopert3+and w collect ihe I <br /> � rents of the Property inetudiag those past due.All rents colleated by Lender or the receiver shall be applied fust to payment of '.:'�} <br /> the casts of managemeat af the Pmperty and collection of reats,iacIuding,but not limited w,rueiver's fees.pnmiums on � .� .�� ^,__ <br /> =rY��i-- <br /> �' receiver's bonds and reasoaable attorneys' fees, and thea to the sums secured b3+thLs Securtty Insaument. Leader and We � - _rr°:;.; <br /> , _ `;::�:;.- <br /> ",�. ' . rereiver shall be liable co accoimt only for those reats aetuallY received. ;- ., . . <br /> - 21. Hazardom9 S�Smnces.Borrower sva11 not canse or permit the pres,.�ce,use.disposal, scorag�.or selease of any � � ` �• <br /> i : . ���,d_:. <br /> � Ha7ardous Suhstances oa or in the Property. $orrower sball nat do, nor a:tow aayone e2se to do, ar��ythmg affe�in8 the � . ;>..: _ <br /> � Property that is in violation of any Enviro�ental Law.The p:�ing nvo sentences sball not apply to the pteseace,vse,or I . �. .: ,:;�,.^ r <br /> �� `� storege oa the Property of smaU qaantides of Haza�*dous Snbstanoes that as�generaliy recognized to be aupsopreate for normal � . ; ' ;..._ <br /> ; � ' . i residential uses and f�r maiatenamce of the ProFea¢��- ,. <br />- Boaawer shall P�P�Y�e Lender weixea notice of any+investigairira,ciaim,demand,laa�or other action by :' � f f� •,, <br /> :`.r�: -./�.�:�.:,:.,.:• <br /> �:_ . � anY govemmental or regulazory agency or private patty iavolving t�se Property a� aa�► �Iar�doas Snbstance or ;.._ .'.. .;r;;.,y�,.,,,����. <br /> F�viroamental Law of which Bomnwet has actual 1mow2edge. If Bozrower 3�mv, or�s notifced bY ffiY Sovemmental or I . � .;,;,,,:....:; <br />_.?: .`i regulatory authority,alt,:t any removal or other�nnediadon of aay Harar��rsus Substaace affeaing the Property 9s necessary, • : :4:^ <br /> "`". . Borrower shall pm�ps:`�j take all necessary ieme�ial actions in aocordaace�a*.,h 1"r.nv�rommeatal Laa+. ;�: . ' <br /> . '' pa used ia c�:s paragaph 21,"Hazardaus Substaaces°are those sr�stances detined as toxic or hararQous substances � <br />;`.�i�' • � by Favi�aonmental Iaw and the foltowing substances:gazolins,kerosene,other�tammable or toxic peuolwm produ�.rrxic ' . <br /> : pESticides aad herh:c�es,volatile solvents,matecials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As:.sed t . <br /> ':;. . � in thia paragraph 2II, `�avironmental Law"meaas federal laws and laws of the jurtsdtctton where tfie Propezty is located that � .. . <br /> :``; , .s relate to heaItb,safe�i7 e�r environmental pmucdon. ; . , <br /> = 2Z. ReeonveYance. U�on Payment of all snms secured by this 5ecurity Insuument, Lender shall request Trnstee to <br /> _:�� ; r e c o n v e y t h e P r o p e rt y a n d s h a l l s u r r e n d e r t h i s S e c u i i ty Insuameat and aU notes evtdencin g debt secured by tlils Security i . <br /> .., 1 Insttumsnt to Tmstee. Tnistee sball reconvey the Property wIthout wartaaty to the peison or persans legally entit2ed to it. k . . <br /> ..;j Suc��eison ar persons sball pay Lende='s reasonable charge for prepatatton of aay payoff statement or other document in � . <br /> ooaneaion witB the reconveyance,aay Tnutee reconveyance fee aad any costs of secordation,�mtess appllcable law provtdes f . <br /> � otherwise. �' <br /> -�"' ' ' <br />..`..�f', , � � <br /> � NEBRASKA OEED OF TRUST�9�ou Original - Record <br /> M003-8NE va�e o�� ���a1.�72 <br /> iy I • � . <br /> � <br /> � • <br /> . . . . .... . _ ._ . . . - . . .. . .._._...���">' <br /> --:":�{' � . � _ . , .. � ' ' - . <br /> - �'r._ � . � �� - . • . � . . , <br />_ _ , " ' . . . . . . ' - . <br /> _.':'S. � . . . . . ' . <br /> ��. � • � . . . . . � - , _ . . <br />_ '� . - . " . . � _ .. � . ' . <br /> ;`�� <br /> .. . . ..- . . .. . . _ . . . . . � ... .. _ .• �.. _ _ _. '�fl: . . . .4..�ii7. � ..yl..-- -i� . .. - <br />