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<br />-�- , �� COVEl11AhiT$ / �A �' ,•... '
<br /> . .� �aT�d� l�
<br /> 1. Pay�fterns. Botrowet agrees to make alt payments on the secureA debt when due. Untess Bortawu Lenda. agree o erw�se. any
<br /> . , payrtnerrts Lender reeeWes irom Bonower w for Bonower's boaefit uv8i be epplied fvst m any amounts BoROwer owes on thu sectued Qebt , .
<br /> � e:clusa�e ot ir►terest or ptincipal,second to irRerest.and then to pnnc�pal.If pattiai prepayment ot the secured doDi accurs far any ceason,�t wiU ,
<br /> `•� not redute or exq,se any 5ehedutsd peyment untii the secured d8b1 i9 D�d m fuU. ' , �
<br /> ' 2,Ctalms Qgctr[at TI�a.Bormwer w311 pay atl taxes,assessmerrts, and other c�arges atcritiuta6te to t�e property when due and wdl detend titte `
<br />' ' tO the properry agamst eny'daims whicl�wauld impab tho�en of this Qeed of trust.Lender may reqwre Bartower to assign ecfy rights,clairtu ar �' • ,
<br /> Qefenses wtueh Bonou.rar�a,ay t�vs egain9t partie5 who sup�ty labo►or materiats to improve or maintam the properqr. � . _
<br /> • 3.tnsuren�e.Bortower will keep ffie praperty insured under terms accepYabte to tender at BoROwer's expense and for Lender's benefit.AII � ' ,
<br />` • insuraneo poliaes s�alt inctude a standazd moR9age dause ia favor of Lender.Lender wiN be named as toss payee or as the inswed on any such .
<br /> _ ' insuranee pohcy.Arry insnrance proceads may 6e apptied,within l.endsr's diseretion,to eiiher the restoration or repau of the damaged praAertY '
<br /> ' � � or to the seeured debt.It Lende►�equires mortgage u�surance.Bonower agrees to maintain such insurance for as tong as Lende+requires. ,
<br /> - = 4.Proportlt.Burtower wiU keeD�e D�oDenll�n gaod condition and make all repairs reasonably necessary. �':i_`
<br /> � - 5.E�onsw.Boaower agrees to pay atl Le�der's expenses,induding reasonable attomeys'fees,if Borrower breaks any eovenan�,s in thfs deed L ��
<br /> - of Vust or in any ohligation secured by this Qeed of trust.Borrower wilt pay these amaunts to Lender as O�ovided in Covenant 9 of tfus dee�ot � ..
<br />,•S- trust. i .
<br /> � •
<br /> r 6.Prlor SeWfity 4rteresb.Unless Borrower first obtains Lenders wriiten conssrt.Horrower wdl not make or permit any changes to any prior � � • �
<br />��-� sewrity interes�. Borrower will per[ortn aIt of Bonower"s obtigaaons under arry priar rtmrtgage, deed of Uust or other securrty agreemEnt. �
<br /> ' inctuding Borrower's covenants to make paymertts wheo due. � �
<br />--'` ' 7.Asst er�t ot RerAa end RofrLS.Borrower assigns to Lender the rents and profits of the property.Unless Borrower and Lertder haua agreed ' �
<br /> ?; •.. i othe e in writing. BoROwer may cotlect and retain the rems as fortg as Bor►ower is not m defeult. if Borrower defaufts, lender.Lender's .
<br /> r agerrt, or a wurt aypaiMed receiver may take possession and manage the praperty and co�tect the rents.My�er�Lettder coltects shall be .
<br /> ,' ' ' ,� app►ied Tust to the wsts of managing t�e property, �eluding court costs and attomsys'tees,commissions to rerttalage rtts, eod any other ' ,
<br /> " necessary relate0 expenses.The remaming amount oi r�Tts u►itt U'ter.a�ply to�ynte:rts an the secured debt as providad Irt Covenart 1. .
<br /> ;� :,;
<br /> �� ^� g,Lpesg}tflfds•CondomWums;Plannnd UaiY QwefopmenCr.Bartower agrees to compty with the provisians of any tease ff this deed of trust is on '• • -
<br /> �; a teasehold.If this deed ot oust ia un a unit in a condomuuum or e p[annad unit devetopmert.Bar►awer wll perfom►all of 8otrower's duties , y •
<br /> • under the cavenants,by-Iaws,or regulatians af the condominium or ptanned unit davslopmerrt. ,
<br /> i� . � .
<br /> �� 9.Autharity of Lendt�r to�mr4orm tor Bor�ower.H Borrower faifs m perfarm arry af H�rawer's duties:uzder this dee+d of trust, Lertder may
<br /> �; � �erfarm the duties or cause tfiem to be pertotmeA.Lender may sign Borrower's name ac pay any arriourrt if necessaiy Cnr performance.If afir ,
<br /> �; -xnstruc6nn on tfie property;�s 3iscontinued or not earcied on in a reasona6te m��r.Lr��dr�-mav do whataver is necr�ry to protect Lenders
<br /> . � . . . sacurity interest in the pref�c3.r�.This may inGude eampleting fhe construcaQn_ � _. . .
<br /> i:� :r' iender's fadine to per(arm•rn"I not predude Lender irom exercising arry aP iffi cd:er��:c-:y:er Uhe law ar this deed of uust. � - �•
<br /> -�� � Any am�,a-ts r�i�Ay l.ertder to protect Lender's securityr interest wiN tr�s ca3aired by this deed of tr�s..S.:sh amounu will be due er+demand �
<br /> `? � and witt 6z3�.-�.ast hom tlie date of tha payment until pa�d m full at the i�rest rate in eHect on the_m�n..,d debt. -
<br /> ;��; • r�,;::'r
<br /> � a0. OefauJt arM Aeee1�.If Barrower faifs to make any payment whso due ar breaka any wvanants under c+c�s�eed ot trust or any •
<br /> - � a�tigatlon secured by�s;5�ed of trust or amr prim mortgage o�deed of trust.Lender may accele►ete the maturity s,E rhe seuued debt and -
<br />-��� , - Jemand immediate paymersi and may irtvoke the power at sate and arry ottier remedies permitted by aypticabte Iaw. - `'��^1
<br /> , ' .
<br /> • '�:•r� 11.Requost tor Notteo oi Defmdt.tt is hereby requested that coples of tha notices of datauft a�d sata be sent to eacb person who Is a party _ ;�'++:
<br />-,/: � hereto,et the address of each such parson,as set fortA herein. � � �
<br /> '; � t2.Power o!Sala.If the Lender inwkes the power of sate,the Tnutee shalt first record in the office of the register a'.deeds ot eacA coumy • �:.-���
<br /> :•t - +roherein the uust proparty or some pert ot patcel thereot is sttuated a notice of defauii:�ntaining the informeUon req,�r�by law.The Trustae
<br /> shatl alsa mail eopies of tho notice of datault to the Barrower,to eaeh person who s a�arty hareto,and to oth�Fesns as presaibeA by � '��
<br />� :i applicabte law.IVot less tfian one month sfter the Tnrstee records the notice of de:su`4 or two months if the uw-t rroperty�.s not in any ,_
<br /> ' ' t incorporated aity or village and is usod in facming operationa cartied on t�e t'Le tnrstor,tt+e Trustae shatl give pubfic nopce of sale to the persons " �.�"�
<br /> � and"m the�ranner presenbed by eppplicable Caw.Trustee,without de���n Barrower,shall setl the Croperty at pubfic auction tzµe lughest • �r'��..��:
<br /> '�.� � ' # bldder.If.�p�,rirad by the Fartn Homestead[�otec6an Act,Trustee sha�a'ffer the property in two sep�aw safes ae requtr80 DV a�i�atote iaw. f:`4 :�' o-_—
<br /> ' • y Trustee ma5'�pastPone sale ot afi ar any parcet ot the property by public a�nouncement et the time anQ��p�se of any previousty s��:red sate. � _.-::�_
<br /> ,�..�i _ � Lender or��des'�gnee may purchase the proDe�hl�any sate. ••�y�n.
<br /> - � .Y Upon�eeelpt of payment of the price bid,Trustee shall deliver to the purc�aser Trustee's deed conveying the proper��.�recitiafs contained in � �''�
<br /> ' � Ttustee's deed shatl 6e prima facie evldience of the uuth ot the statemeMs contained therein.Trustee shaU apply the�a�eds of the sate in the ,'��
<br /> � , _x toltawing order. (a) to alt e�enses ot the sale, inoluding, but not timited to, reasonabte Trustee's tees, reasa-ab�a attomey's tees and �' ;"'
<br /> �• i ;;,;,£f;� reinstatameat tees ib)to atl surns secured bv�this deed of wst,and(c)the balance,if any,to the pers�-�1e,�lsy ers:;i'33 to receive it • =
<br /> ,t, . ''���`,
<br /> '�'���?;,..' 13.ioredosure.At Lender's option,this C�ed ut trust may be toreetosed in tha manner provlde by app:+cafl'�a�aw t�er fa�sdosure of moRgages ' '��
<br /> �.r'�,
<br /> ��•: ;'� ; ort real property. . • , �
<br /> , z�.
<br /> ; ;�.4;.,., .. _-'
<br /> ..:;�� • 14.tnspstedon.Lemfer may enter the propeny to inspect it if Lender gives Borcower notice beforehand.The noti�m;�state the reasanable . �� �_.
<br /> ,,:.� , cause for LendeYs inspecGon. .
<br /> �=�•t , - 15.Cander�atiori.Bonowar assig�ns to Lender ffie pwceeds at any award or ctaim for damages conneaed witb a wndamnaiion ar o�her taking ' ��;`"
<br /> ,_ _ . of a11 or.anry.yait of the property.Such proceeds will be applied as proveyad in Covenant 1.This assignar�ent is subject to tAe terrrs oY any prlor . .,-:��•�. :
<br /> sBCUrity agreement. ':s�f�P':.
<br /> �`� • . � .4�+.�',�"'
<br /> !�',� � ' 18.Waiver.By exercising a�ry remedy availabte to Lend�r.Lender does not give up any rlghts w later use any other r�edy.By noi exerelsing • _ ; �'
<br />`�.`;:, " ', , } any remedy upon Bortower's defautt,Lender duea not wz.ua any right to later consider the event a detauh if it happe"s a-sain.
<br /> . . ' •� 17. Jalr�t anA Severaf UabIOM. Co-aiignere; Sncu��ss�s and Asalgns Bound. AII dutiea under this deeC of uusL a�a jouii and several.Any � •
<br /> � cu
<br /> � Borcower who co-signa thts deed ot uust but doas not co-slgn the undetlying debt insuument(s?daos so oncy to grant and convey that
<br /> �' •;�';r. ` 8orcower's lnterest in tha property to the Trustee under the terms ot thls deed ofdvst.In addition,sv�t*a 6onawer agrees that the Lender and �
<br /> ;�� =� :�;`,.i;�` ' any other Bortower under this deed of Vust may extend,modiiti or make any other changes in the te:ms a!this Ceed of trust ar the secured �
<br />.�.h� , , . t debt without that BoaowePa wnsent and without reteasing that gortower irom the[erma oi thls deed o4 vust.
<br />�;�;:;;- The dWea and henefks of this deed of vust shall bind and benefit the successora and essigrp of Lender and 8onour�. , . • ,
<br /> ���' 18.IIlcUce.Unless otherwise required by law,any notice to Borcower shall bo gtven by dafivering it or by mailing it by�rtified mail addressed to �
<br /> �:,°iYf , ,� �' Bortowar at tho property address or anY other addresa that Barrower has glven W Lender.Bonower w�ll give any nottce to Lendor by cettified � '
<br /> ';' � • • mail to Londor's nddress on puge 1 01 thls deeA of uust,or to ar.y�ther sddtesa which Lender has designated.My other notice to So:dat 6ha11 �
<br /> ��� ""� be sent to�e�dor's aQdrese as stated on Dage 1 of thls deed of tr.��ai � �
<br /> - .� ',�,.;:�
<br />- • �a.:
<br />-;,;�;•,,.,• �''�5' � Any not�co sheA bo deemed to have boen gtvan to Bortowet or lendor when givan in the manner stated aEove. .
<br />���'`J'�='1 • � 18.Tranafor of the Pro9arty ar a Banoflcial lntoreat in cho�+onawar.lt all or any part of the properN or any Interes:n rt ia sold ot vansfened
<br /> ��,�j1.,�.� � , wYthout Lender's prior written consent. Lender moy demund immediato pnyment of tho secured debt. Lender may atso demand immediate , .
<br /> `;,.°9. '. payment if the Bortowe� is not a natural person and a bonaficial interest In the 8orrower is sotd or t+ansfetred. However, Lender may not �
<br /> `•;:•�;. . �'��''''`- ! demand payment in tho ahove situationa it it is prohibited by federat taw as of the date of this deed of uusc. ,
<br />-��;� � � � 20.Raeameyattee.When the obligation sscured by tihis deed of trust has been paid and Lender has no turther obligation to make advences �
<br />-.i^'!�, ' � under the instrumertte or agreemonts secured by thia des�ot Vust,the Trustee shalr upon wtitten request by the Lander, reconvey the Vust
<br /> ,;��':,. � property.The Lender shall do�lver to the Borrowar,or ta 8orrower's successor irt o�terest the uust deed and the r•cM or other evldence of the �
<br />����f:� • . obUgation so satisfied.Borrc�n:9r shall pay any rewrdatio:+caste.
<br /> �' ` 21. Suceassor TasWe. Lender, at Lender'8 option, maV remove Trustae and appomt a successor trustee ky ftrs:, mailing a copy of the �
<br /> '_.'`,� suDstiiution of ttustee as required by applicable law,and t�en,by fi�ing tte substitution of trustee for recor4 in the c°°._e of the regiater of deeds
<br />_ � of eaeh county in which the uust property,or some part thereof,is s.a,�ated.The suecessor trustee,vc-�:out conveyance of the property,shall , �
<br /> - sueeeed to all the power,dutiea,authorRy and titte of the Trustee named in the deed of tmst and of any su:.esso���;s!ee. ` •
<br /> . t �
<br /> _- � . •
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