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,:� . <br /> - . .. -tf< " .. y:� . .. � " -r�-�—T.f'- �. ' _ .' . <br /> ; �' . . . <br />- . � <br /> ' COVH�ANTS a� � < <br /> , 1. Payraema- Borrovuer agress ta make aH payments on the securad debt when due. Unless Bonower�a� len��a �ise. any ' ' <br /> . payments Lender recerves hom @orrower or for Bonower's benetk wll Ee applied fvs�to any amounts Borrower owes on tAe sewred debt <br /> ' ot reduce or e:wse any�sct edute0 paymenttuntl the e red d b ns paid�n����QRayment of the secur�d debt occurs for anv w�il <br /> ' ��ae p pert�gal��nstQ a y eiriyims whi�wau d unyair ths t e�of this deed of uus.8 I.endebi maye e4uir�e BoROwe t hassign ny r g�Ats eda ms or ' <br /> . defenses wh�ch Bottower may Aave egairest parties who supp�Y IaOor or materiats to improve o►meintam the property. <br /> 3.tnsecrenco.Bortower witl keap the property inseired unde►terms acceptabte m Lender at Bonawe:s expense and tor �endar's bcaeGt. Ai► . <br /> � ' �rts�uance Roficies shall indude a startdard mort age ctause in favor of Lender.Lendar will he named as�oss DaYee or as the msured en any such , , . <br /> • or�toethe se�rea a eyc�.ii�a pequQBas�mortgage ins�uranca,B�oRO er a�aes o mairtaln�such Insu�rance for as long as I.ende are uuss rnpe� � • <br /> 4,Froperty.Bortower raitf keep the property in good condiUOn and make aB repairo reasonably nscessary � <br /> ._.,:r• . . _ . - -- <br /> 6.E�eraea.Borcower agrees to pay all Lender's expenses,induding�easonable attomeys'tees,if Borrower breaks any covertants in this dead <br /> o}trust or in any obligation secured by this deed af trust.Borcower wiU oaV�ase amounu to l.ender as provided in Covenant 9 of this Qeed ot . <br /> trust. i <br /> 6.Prlor Sea[rity h�iaste•Unless Borrower first obteins Lender's wntten ConsenL Bonower Nrill not make or Dermrt anV changes to any prior � .• •�. <br /> • ' securiry irtterests.Borrower wil�per(orm all of Borrower's obligations under any prior mottgage, deed of trust or other securrty agreemen� { . �� 4_ �. <br /> ' mctuding Borrowers cavenaMS to make paymertte when due. . ____ <br /> 7,psst�nment oi Rer►ts end Vrofite.Bonower assigns to Lender tha�ents and profits of ffie property.Unless Bonower and Leader have agraed �' ,^ <br /> othsrw�se in wrtting, Borrower may wlteet artd retain the rerts as long as Bortower is not in detauk. If B000wer defautts. Leodar.Lender's _ <br />° � '.; agent,or a court appo�rned receiver may qke Do����n and manage the property and co��ect the rer�.Any rents Lender collects sha11 be <br /> ' yppGed first to tAe cosis of managing the property, induding court costs and attomeys'fees,commisstons to�emal agents, and any other <br /> i necessary reSa:ed expenses.The remaining amount of rems vid11 then appty to paymeras on the secured debt as provided in Covanant 1. <br /> ''� 8,Lttcisep�ds;ContlamUduma:Planned Urdt Develo�mer�.Bonower agreas to eomply with ihe provisiorts ot any lease if this deed of ovst is on , -:-��,f:;�. <br /> • t ,:"� a teaseAutd.If this Qeed af trust is on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit develapment,Borrov�r will perform aIl of Barrower's duties _ <br /> ��der the wvena+hs,by�aws•ar regutations of the condomi2um or ptanned unit developm�nL. <br /> , ,�� 9.Aut9forftY at L�T�6b�8orm far Borrowor.If Borrawar tzs m Redarm arry of�nc�.vefs d�ES�mder thls deed of trus� Lender may ' ,_. -. . <br /> perfortn the�cr ca s�:hem w Oa pertortned.Lender may sig��ra name cr CaY anY$s�ca'�uTi�necessary fot perfarmance.If any ;:;,�;. �- <br /> _ opnstructina an t;:a pm.,,-�asty is distoMinued ar not carried on in a reascr�2:^anner,Lender may do whatever is naeessary to pratect l.enders � _,,�� .- <br /> ' � securitY irrs�es:s:s tt�.e F��e�ll.T�may include wmpteting tne canstruc:r.r:. , <br />- . _ .. .- >� � � :i'�:.. , <br /> � , Lenders faikxe to perFCme cvi11 not preclude Lender from exerclsing any��csM�F.3�'�°.c�der the taw or thls deed of Vust. � .' •�"°��'�-�� <br /> ��� ' • Any amowrts paid by lsnda•to protect LenQer's security iMerest will be seaaed L±':�rs•�d of trust.Such amour�ts wiU be due on demand <br /> � �• and witl bear interest from�S�e date of the paymertt until paid in full at the ir�L:ast ra:�•n c'�on the secured de�t. _ � <br /> ` �'. 10. Defmilt end AeeoteraUon. tf Borcower fails to make any paymert rr,!YZn due or breaks any w�s�ants under this deed of trust or any 1 s�'t.7Fh",-��� <br /> ohGgation secured by this deed of Vusi or any prior mortgage or deed�7rust.Lender may aceete�eea the maturity of the secured debt and 1 �• ', . ,�.•,a.i, <br />- . � Qemand immadiate payme�t and maY�nvoem the power ot safe and any ot�er remedies permitted by aCts�b�e lew• � •• :�_•-��a ��r <br /> v �m <br /> :.�i�.�y'" <br /> , �• ` � `� ��,ReQU�{o��1[attee of pefmdL Ii is t�eby raquestad thet coDies oi ffie notices of defauk and safe be sent to each person wfio is a party � 5 :,�1Z�,�.;__ <br />'� ;� hereto,at the address of each sueh set forth R�e�-�. :fi., �`:' ��`•'<S`• <br /> .,k:r <br /> 12.Powor ot SNe.It the Lendar invck3s�a ynwer of s�:e,�.`te Trustae shall ftrst record in the office of the r ister of deeds of each courriy r'.;:``•`' <br /> e8 .4�• '';,�c';: <br /> whetain the trost ProDerty m some D����1 tfiereof s s�tua:ed a r.c�e at Qatault co[►tainlng the�r-`artnation required by law.Tt�e Trustee ,`.; : _-f; �''r <br /> �:",•_.. <br /> - � sl�all also rt'.ar�copies ot the aOUce ot�R to the Borcowe�,to ezrr:Fiarson wfio is a party heratu,��d to other persons as prescn'6ed by ;;r����/!JY:; <br /> anD€�.h�law. Not less tRazi one momh after the Trustee recorc+s t'�e�crice of dsfault �or two r�a-h s if the trust property is not in anV ��4%'����i%: . <br /> , ':,,:. ,.:. ,.;, <br /> inasrpaTata3 eii1�or vilta�a.-•3 is used in tarming aperations carried_�blr 2�e trustor,tfie frustee sh�x g�e pubtie notice of sate m the petsons . � . . ..^..,..(�•}4,_� <br /> - gnd�n tha ma�ner prescr.�a3 by eppDrcabte law.Trustee,wlthout der.a+�on Bonower.s^.a0 setl the�erty at puhtic auction to the highest �.� :. � .. .,; ..� ;. <br /> t'� 6r��et.If required by the Fa�Homestead Proteccion Act.Tcustee sha"of'ar the proper.�e�two seR2�a'.s sales as required by appficahte law. _ .. <br /> '. ' � - ;¢u s te e m a y po s t pone sate of aU or any parcel of tAe Oroperty by Dubic a�nouncemert zt�'�e time arid p�ace ot eny OtevtoustY scl�eduled sale. � r{, �t<: <br /> Lender ar i�s�esignee mav purchese the property at any sate. 't ,s,- :" <br /> � ' Upon rece�p'of paym ern af tha pHce bid,Truste9 shatl detiver ta the purc`assr Trustee's daed wnvay�rtg-.he property.The recitisls contained in -� • -- �:;�'-��H:;'�}: <br /> � r T r u s t e e's d e e d s h a l l b e p r t m a f a c l e e v i d i en c e of the truth o}the stateme��.x coMained therain.Tnistee sS:a"•appty the proceeds of the sale in the ������1a. •`:}` <br /> � '= folbwing orCer: (a) to all expenses of the sals, including, 6ut not IimRe d to, reasona b te Tru s tea's�r aos, r e a s o n s 6 l e a tt o m o�/s f e� a n d .f+f�',����S'.' <br /> f . , � reinstatement fees;(b)to aIt cums secured 6y this deed of uuat,and(c)ths balance,if the petSOrs 1eg811y BntiUed to�eteiV9 it. ra?��i''f:`' <br /> ,;..y�.; <br /> 13.Foreetostre.At Lendefa optlon,thia deed of trust may be toreclased in the manner provtde by applicable law for foreclosure of mortgages � ;!;,�:� <br /> J � on real property. � '..,; <br /> � 14.tna�aetlon.Lendet may enter the property to Inspect it it Lender givaa Borrowet noUte betorehand.The notiee must state the reasanable " ��- ,,'��r->:' <br /> ��t • causa for Lender's inspectlon. ` . <br /> `� • 15.ConCa�arm9ae•Bortower essi ns to Lender the�roceeds of any awse ar clatm tor damagea connac:ed with e condemnation or other taking � � ' <br /> '? � . of aIl or a^s1s part of the property.�uct�procaeds wi116e appfied as proviCsi in Coven2r:t t.7his assi�.:.nent is subject to the tertns of any prlor . <br />.:;� � seeurRY z�'ee-�ent. ,•' " <br />�+",�� " �.��'`',�•• '' tg.�M1��.8Y exerclsing ar.y remedv 8vailabte to Lende►,Lender does no�givm up e:sy��gMs to�a�s cse any other r�medy.By not exercising ;���'• �• <br /> • arry rameCy u�an Bortower's defautt,Len�er does not waive any right tc tz�r eons�dar the everrt a de`a-d�1 if it happons again. � ���, �' • <br /> • :1:-9;� � <br /> 17.doi�:t mx1 Sovaral U� Co-algrterrs: Sueeussoro and Aaslgns Gxmd. AII dutiea uader this CeaO of trust are joint and sevewf. Arry :,;i �� '� <br /> Bonower wha co-signs this eed of ttusz but daes not co-aign t�e Lndertv(ng debi instrumentlsf a�es so only to grarrt and convey that , _ <br /> B:»now�a mierest in the property to ths 7rustee undar�ra terms of th�s deed oi trust.In aQdiUon,sucA a Bortower agceas that tAe Lender and <br /> a <br /> ,s � an�r otlter 3orrower under this deed ot vust mey exter:a. ��diiv or make any other changes in the terms of thla dos�of bvat or the secured � - �• •'� <br /> ac.s�rtr.Er.r,that Bonowers cansent and without retea�-g�at Bonower trom the terms cf thie Qeed o!uus� �, <br /> . The da�acr3 bano}ita o!this deed of vust shall bind and Denetit the:�:.o:essors and assigns of Lendsr and Bonower. • • � <br /> � ' •• 18.iUatlee.Untess otherwise requlred by tav�,arry notice to Bonawer sh�l De given by dellvering k or�y mailing it by certNied mail addressed to � � . <br /> � 8orrawer at the property addresa or any other address that 6ortower t-.a�given to lsnder.Bortower�vdl glve any noUce to LenEer by certifled . � . _ <br /> `�•:4' mail to Lendefe addreas on page 1 of thia deed o!trust,cr to arry oiher address whteh Lender has Cesignatad.Any other notice to Lender shall <br /> .�`e bo sent to Lender's addreas as steted an page 1 ot thls deed of uust. . <br /> ���7 Any notice ahall be deemed to have Eeen glven to Borrower or LenQer w!�en given in the manner state�abova. � . <br /> ��` ''���'• 1g Transtet e}fio propnAy or a BeneftNLi(citmoa!!n tho e[?or any part ot the prope�ty ac a�y Interest In it ia sold or sxansterted �:,:°i..:�� <br /> .�`r , , wfthout lendere pHOr written�.onsent, LEndm may demand immedi�e payme�t ot the secu►ed 2J�":• LenQer may atso demand iTmediate , , . <br /> . ..� paymem if tho Borrowe►is not a natu►al person and a benefieial interest in the Bortower ia sofd a�ansferred. However, Lender maY not � ��"v �• <br /> �:r � Eemand payment in the a6ove situations it it ia prohibited by federal law es of the date of this deed o!�:::st. . <br /> .�i:' <br /> 20.Roeonvoyanco.When the obtigatlon secured by this deed of trust Aas heen paid,and Lender has no turther obligation to make advancea �;- . <br /> ' under tho inswments or agreementa secu►od by this deed of trust,tho Trustoe shatl,upon written request by t�e Lender, recorrveV t+o tsust t <br /> �ti propaRy.The Lender shatl defiver to the Borrower,or to Borrowera successot in irrte�est,the ttust deed and tho note or othai evidmn.�of the t , <br />-�,,,•.. oChgation so saUsfied.Borrower ahall pay any rocordaUon wsta. <br /> Z1. Suc�osaor Truatae. Londer, at LendeYs optian, may remove Trs�se end appoiM a successo� trustee by flrst, maiting o oa�p af fho � � � <br /> substitutian of trustev as roquireA by applicable law,and then,by fiting tne substitutlon of trustee fot record in the office of the regtstor o1 deeBs � �.�'' <br /> o}eaeh county in whtcA the trust property,or some part theteof,is situated.The successor trustee,wlthout conveyance ot tfie property,sAall � , <br /> sueceod to alt the power.Quties,authority and Utle of the Truatee named in the deed of tnist and of any successor trustee. <br /> ' � � � � <br /> . � i <br /> Ipaga 2 012) , • ' <br /> BMlREAS SYSTEMS.OVC.S'��ClOUD.INN 68301 It�80P�97 23A11 iORM OCO MT6NE 8i19.97 _ __ . <br /> , <br />- ,i � <br /> ',; . .. __. _ <br /> . . . .. . . . �.. .. .. .. <br /> _.__ <br /> . _ ___— °= •-�v. ... <br /> .. .. ... .._ ...7'ff•."'.'!-�.{' ._ � ._.-��z,-... __..�.—m�.�—,�. y. <br />