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<br /> .:f <. 68842(reterred ta�betow amneet�ansa ea "�en��" anr� some7�ea es 'Benettetary'°� and UNtiED NEB3iASlU1 ' ' .
<br /> . BANK,wi10�8 ad��.8�!�700 t!WE�t3 Ei�,QEiA�iD lSLA�iD,4�t[�680d3(t�te�rEd 4o O�to�1 es'iftistee"� -. : —
<br /> OOHVE1pUiCB�G6iA�irT. FCr va�et90 o0tt�k.lBrJNon.TNO�or oo�tvaJls W Tttt�tr�Wtl.YYf1H POW6i OF 8�{.E',tOr UM Doo�lf!01 .
<br /> LC.�S as B�elfdsll.aB ai Tr��'s �gh1 �.an0 interesl In and to iha taeawM�desorme0 reaf PraperlY.to8�the►wtth a9� a , � . �-
<br /> - . �t8yt Ce+a�tad ar afPoc�bu�.tr�Atavame�8nd f�s:89�tassmenb.ri�l�s of waY.end eApuRananOes;as wat�.vva�Aphb en0 . ,.
<br /> : � Ethih�Or�u�n8�tn u��d�A ar�s�l�ma�tt�s.��C���II�UtIt��BtE�te o!I+f B��(l �O�KE�1 :;�'r',�;, . .�-
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<br /> '•� .. . • GRlAWD ISUWD,Of.'6LL COSlNTY,NEB� .�;;r,�..
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<br /> ` � The R�al Property or iYe eddreas ta�on1y l�awn as 1�W FlRS1',G6iAND ISLA�JD,NE 6�F00. , .
<br /> ,,` Tnestur PreserAtY esst�to lender(also knovm as Cieneflr�eryr M Ws D�oa at Trus�eU af Tntsto�'s Aght.tlBa�and Intaat in and to a9 pr�nt e►s� •• .
<br /> -'� • tuttaa taasns of tt�P�oporH and aA Ro�a irom the Ptoperty►. tn aQditlan.Tnada granb Lent�e UnNarm Comrt�x�le1 Code Seeucliy i�t fn She . :
<br /> �} • i�td3 tlnd i�9 P[�w�al P�op�il►�flnGd 6etow. . , .
<br /> �'i CFiIN1TtO1V8. 1ho fa�awinp wada St�J hava tho foUawing rteo�w�en ised In thb Oead otTnst.Tem�nof othenvtsa deflned in th�Oeed af
<br /> �_? `, f Trt�s!ahn9 h9w U�e maaNng9 utMDtRad to such tereRS in the llr3ta+m CommoretA!CaQ9. M�of�ena3s to Qo&9t amounffi sha8 mean 0mourRs M •
<br /> � + tawhA mmnsY o!t!�UnR3d Sfate9 ot Art�erke.
<br /> '.;�� BztNSliCk�ryl. 41�word'Bo�rY mos.�m:t7�2�ED NEBRASOfA BA[�t.a.s aUCOassoru 6trtd ess18n9. Ul�ED N58ftASJfA 8M1C C�o Ps ! .
<br /> r. ' . . ', .':� rafeRed to a9'Lendaf'in 1N3 Dasd of Trta�. � ' .
<br /> � D0e0 of Ttt�ot. Tho wor�►��af Tn�P rtamn tAis De�4 rf 7nast art:art�Tn�star.landa�.end Tnstev.ar►d induQes rr�r,�tt Oniltatlon�f +•
<br /> es5l�nnienf an0 seeta�tY hst�a�arou�Sior�s�eta9n8 to tho t�cmaecQl PrmGedY ar.d Re�a. i. ,..:.'' .
<br /> °.� t�usar� �vrad'�Gua�mm�e;ar�in�udes�aut amitztt'bn ac�!and a0 9usrtssntas.awotl�.er,Q e�ammaCefion paNts N . ,
<br /> connsdlan wBA tRo InQaOtod�es.a.
<br /> � ' • � ta[pnavesne�fte. Tho r�ar0ln�rovsme�'rn�ns end irtavdes arltP�out Urtu'ffiftan W�dsUnB en4 Muro bnyrovamoMS.6u��rrps.sbuchucs. .
<br /> `�„ i m�9e home�ef�red on the Rs�PraDoAY.ta�4tl�s,add�ons.ooGt�oarr�rd8�d Mhar canstruetlon on tho Raai Property.
<br /> , :� tnae��Qn�te. lfe word'TndebtaQnt7�rtm�ro aD OAn�1 artd irrteroslOaYabfe under fhe No�end enY asnourds e�en$ed a advanae0 by �
<br /> . � Len�er to�charye ob�ttoris of Trusta a e�ar�ses Ineurred bY Tru�ar Londar to onforco ab�a8orb o!Tnistor un�tht9 Deed ot Tnst, ; .
<br /> � togsthcr wtth In�t on sueh nmourfis as D�afld in 1hb Osad af Tnst tn ad�6on to fha Ra7�,the woM Rnd�bta�t�7'Urlud6s e9 �
<br /> , ob6ga4ora.Esbts and Cahff�.p'tD Intuiesl th�oon.af Tn6tar to Lender.ar erry orta�maro o9 U�m,aa r�rd as a7 d31ms by Lan�r ag�lrGi
<br /> '��:' . Tnes�.a emr or�a mo�e a1 f4�em.wt�ethor now m�sifrg a t�eatk�r�!�.�w�hett�sr�nted a um�tatDd to the purpose d1 t4ia Nalfl,whErtti9r
<br />`.�,'r . vdtYity�atll1YA99r wfl9t114f dU0 a�101�IBr t�Of COR$�1L�4+��t Ii�i��d4 tMs�t114�1ttRiCf 1ii�1���►1� .
<br /> .;,� m jol�[y�rtth oih�.vul�ather ob�gatad as guffiaMar�ottnxv�iss.and�roeou�Y�Pnn suM�n��mey bt>a�Ifen6efi�may .
<br /> bzcam3 Oartsd by any stntuh�ot Q�nitaSaro.aid whatlar suM Indabtsdnass may ba or hsreafi�r cr►�y btixams othEn!!s�ur�ntcro�b�. �
<br /> �;_. • (Wt6�l�ro )
<br /> .. � t�,7t.Th0 vrard�nd�ma9r�UNIfED I�tEBRASKA BA�Dt.its suo0855ats and ass�gns.
<br /> ; ' .
<br /> - i3b4a. 'iit+,!1YSi8"F�U£J fii°.B�31m3 i�fi`d�!�18�i^o3Ts�3�CB �ii=�' �lii3 ���at�.�t Tr1Glt.Y t0 lsssC�. '
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