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<br />, _�---�-------------------------Spaceabovethislinefor�aoordingdate. ���� : �8�3 ----° ----- � '- , ,(.�
<br />'-` .� � : Carnm�ia0 MORTG�►GE -Collateral � , . .
<br /> - `� �e��►/�/�l�[ � .
<br /> � R��B Estate t�ortg�g� �r '
<br /> , • � � , � ...
<br /> � •-` IVature o!InQebtedneaa Loan Arrwamt Matunty Oate Irueal tnterest Rato
<br /> � Consumerloan 2,000.00 7.990 • �
<br /> . .+ �. ��6II7AD eAd RI� QHvR3f' D �': � ••
<br /> � hereby g�vo Commsrael Fedaro!HenM,a Fedmat Savinga Bank("Commarc�al Federal•)e martgngo.�nnth pavuor ot atilo.at the[oliowin9 PropmN m8other u+ntb
<br /> _ . a0 impmvememm�aw or haroaftor emetad on ffio properry.and afl eawmanta.nghfa and appurtanancoa tharo2o:
<br /> :' /� �
<br />. � _ �� �i 1�21 �� � � �'iQTY � � . - -- .
<br /> � IBLi1tID� �iAi.L�I`Y� Y�tl�BiW.
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<br /> . if mare ih�one porsor►8igns thia Mortgage,the woM•1•�ans'Sxe.•
<br /> ,�`.�Y
<br /> Th;s M,on,r�ge raQCUOS a loan made by Commer�ial federal.��r.ei►y described abave.A note dated the aame dato as thia Mortgaga�car.�.zs d*Q rem+s to► . . • �-- �;
<br /> .,. �gayTrrffirt aF,lhas�Nmx H that note is ever ehanged a repiace�tr,y a new note.it will6e se¢ured by this MOrtpage. ., �•.'� .
<br /> .�'
<br /> ' � I.�mise tfie fol:awing thing� .1;
<br /> .�4i:
<br /> � . . .. _..•:. �" 1. M paymenffi on any note or other debt secmed by tAia Mortgage wi116e paid when dua , . � � •;;';;,^_
<br /> ..r, ". ` „ ., �
<br /> . .. , ;,r,F 2 An inssuance poiicy for fire and extended:•az.�a9e wili be kept in torce on the property in an amount at(oast equa)to the d6bts seaued by this ,�,;:",, '
<br /> �„ Mortgaga pfus any other mortgages fr.:a��„�g�aPh 6 betow The insurance eompany must be aaUalaatory to Comme�ial Fadera�,and .
<br /> "�� Commerciat Federal virll Eo a named maured on the Ccti�.
<br /> ;r
<br /> , � `-� s� A7t taxas and assessmenis on tho properiy will be pai�6ofa�they beeome delinquent - i. i.`�=
<br /> . .. � ;�C:�� -
<br /> • . • 4. ti�s ve�e�►e�.rill ba committed an the ptoperty,and is will ba�rapt in good rapair. � -
<br /> V '.
<br /> • 5. tTza u4s+s�j witl not be soid (including hv Gand conuact�,leased,and no icstffiast in it vuftl be asvgned in any wdy. •
<br /> ;+' 8. 1 own Lhe pmperry fres and ciear oi any other mortgagea or encumbraneea O(CERT ��� `
<br /> S . t '
<br /> �'_:` 7. No otfier mortgage or lien on the propmtiy�wi:1 ever be eitawed to be in dofautt or be foreetosed. , �i �
<br /> . ; ::� .( . ,`�:�
<br /> �� ; tf anyof 4�ase promises are not kepL tfiem�Casmmorcial Federal cen deciare a1t o1 the debt immediately due and payabte without advanee notiee.The `'� .
<br /> .. mccresi reta wnll inereaso to 18.0096 or any grearar rato alfovrabta bv lew et that time,and this mortgage can be torectosed in ecea-'.ance withap Afieabto taw H ,� �
<br /> +flo debt ia ecceterated,ffion 1�ro assigna�y rent or other ineome kom the proyerty to Cammereiaf federai. THE PAHTtEB AtiflCE Ti�.AT THIS CONSTiRJTES :-
<br /> � � § A•CCLiNTERAL REAL ESTATE[U'��TOAOE PiJFiSUAM TO S0.DAKOTA C.L 44828(FOA SO.DAKOTA RESIDENTS ONLIf�. In 4'eEVent ot arty de(ault in tho •. .
<br /> ' - J. i i�ang of mt}i pa,rymeM or in kea,ping any co�anant horein,thia Mortgage may be foreclosed by action,or by adwrtisemont As p[orr+:+�by statute or the rutea �� :..
<br /> '�'� i; � cf precttee mJWb��thereto,and this paragrayni a*:r�t be daemad a�authori�ng anA conatiMinB a Peuver ot sale a�mentioned in aeit srstute or rutea and any
<br /> •'�';� • arr.andms�r uns�to,and may retain statutoryv�d.n and attomey tew(SD,1NY,MN,OK.and MI res"rdenta oNyq. .
<br /> '���' � Cartain amounts ean bo paid by CommerNat federal and added to the debt uteurcd by thia Mortgaga They ere any texea or�n�.sante!hzueagread to •
<br /> ' •3 n �i fsul fail to,arry ettamey tees or court exponses Commercial Federel paya if it is made a puly at any legal aetion brought by�*�eone etse eonceming the � , .-F.
<br /> .�wi:f �� ; ��u;aerry,and any attomey feea w court m�penses which the law might ailow il Commorcial fedaret haa ta go to cauA againet ma o7 cotteet the dobt or ..
<br /> � .` tbreelose thit►mortgagu.II any ot these things happen,than tho addiUonat debt wiA accrue intorost at the same mte as tho teat oc+few debt and must be paid .
<br /> ; ' f immediatelyl.
<br /> `'� N thia propo►ty ia evar condemn�undor tt�o pmNar o}eminent domain or any eimilar method of mking propmty tor Vublie uso,any procead�01 tho taking
<br /> _;•;.�� . wfil be pald to Commoroial Podmal up w the tNl emount of the debt aeeurad. • ' '
<br />`ri:'_..i. . � `
<br /> «� - Natiw to Bortawor Ifor Otdehomo roportVR A power of sate haa 6eon granto�!in tfiis MoRge�o-A powar of eafo may allow tho MoRgepo to teke tho
<br /> .ti• •
<br /> proAersY ana een�s vvnno� �xr�er�nw� . _
<br /> . .� � 1 -.� C , j .� . .
<br /> - •. a Date �y ],$� 97 eortowEy'a Si aturo .
<br /> � i
<br /> `�•.�, . : Bo fa Signaturo .
<br /> STATE OF 1�ASI�A )
<br /> '• ) aa.
<br /> ��•:':: � - Covurv oF �LL )
<br /> �..;. ; •.
<br /> `- . � On ths - � day of �� .19�,betore me,e notnry pubGn in and for aa�d eounry,peraonally eame �.•`�+��
<br /> ,'.�,��: . �
<br /> { � �,39 � t��i�(D �A� to me known to be the idenUeat Denon or p�rsona whose
<br /> � ` name ss�are aCti-xed to ft�e a`aave mortgage,end fhey,he or ahe severelty acknawtedged tha aaid�nmument and tfio ex udon thereoi to e j�oir voluntary
<br /> ft
<br />' �Y� 1 aet ar.d Q�c { .
<br /> i
<br /> � WlPNE55 cvry hand and notariai soal tho day and year last writton abovo. � , � � �
<br /> i f
<br /> � _ i M„�����m„� � ��i i :�±.\ lf' ( !,1a;�L� ;
<br /> . . .. j • Nota P ue"a SignaSure - � � ._.
<br /> j NE-Itll-WY-IL-SD-MI-AZ-MF11-IA � -•�'�e •.:fll ON�1077 (10/95)
<br /> ,;�i� ' L .._... ��. ..�. ' ; .
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