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<br /> � . : � ` , ��� '. ' . = ,:,.
<br /> : , � :; . , ; . ,-- - ,' • , _ _. ` .._ ,. - - _;':• • .`"'�" �'c=�:�.�,.'
<br /> � . • _ � . . , ., .�, :«_
<br /> " •� . . . . . . . ' . ' :i� � .tir
<br /> `i. . , � _ ' ` _ � , „ ` . . . •- '. . , . <c=
<br /> - •. . . . . � . . •
<br /> . � .� � . � . � • � ,s,
<br /> 4 �
<br /> , . , . ,
<br /> . '. . . . . , . . . . .� . ..
<br /> , .
<br /> . . . -. ._. . . c . ,.. .. . . ._.. , ._. _.. . . . . .. _ . . ... . _ c . . _ _ . . . . . 'c:._... . __
<br />. • � � y `� ' .t• ;•�µ�� -
<br /> , 17.Tr�ansfer of the Propem or a Seneiicial Inieresi in 8orrower.It':�U ur;un part oPtlfr Pmp��i���r�.+t in it - ,
<br /> . � � i�s�ild ut tran.ferred Ior�f a benefnial intrrest in Borrou�er is wld or tr.aufemYl:u�d Hurn����rr i,not a n;�iural peruml without �
<br /> Ls�tdei� prior«•rittrn am�ec�t. l.ender may, at i�, option, reyuin immaiiate payment in ful! af all ,um+ ,ctiun�d by this __
<br /> - '�-: '-�, -��-3 Sernrit}•inurumem. iioncver.r6�s optian shali not be exerc�sed by I.ender if exerci.e i.prohibit�i hy fc�ier.il lau•a��►(the date ��� . , -
<br /> . � of thir Securit}�[nrtrument_
<br /> J• - -- ` . „� If ixnder exerci�c�thi.uption. Lender shatl gi�•e Borruw�er nuti�Y of a��leratian.The nutice ahall pru�ide a periud af not , t . ,
<br /> le.x than 30 days from the Jate the notire i�deli��emi ur maile�i H ithin a•hich &inuarr ma�t pay all �um.� .ctiur«i by thi+ '�� }•..
<br /> Se�:urit y Instrument. If Borroner fail+to p a y thc�e wms prior ta the ex piration ut'thi,periuJ. I.ender ma y intiuke an}remedies
<br />.__� . � . _ � permitted by this Security Instrument w•ithout further notice or demand on Borrow�er. `' "`'' "
<br /> � l�. Borrower's R[ght to Reinstate. If Borrawer meets certain rnndi[ioa,, Barrower +hall h���e the right to have � ` �
<br />_ • ; enforcement af this Security Imtrument discontinued at any 6me prior to the earlier af: �a1 5 �fay. ror,uch other period ati ..
<br /> � applicabie law may apecify for reinstatement) 6efore sale of the Properry pursuant ta any power of,ale contained in this ' � �
<br /> -�` � Securi Iactrument:or fb)en - -. - ._-
<br /> ty try of a j�cdgment enforcing this Security Inurument.Those rnnditians are that Borrawer:(a)pays
<br /> � Lender all sums whieh then would be due under this Security Iastnunent and the Nete ac if no acceleration h�,d oc�vrred:(b) -
<br /> tiS � cures any default of any other covenants or aereementx�c► pays all expenses in�vrmd'en enforcing this Securit} Entitrument. ��'
<br /> ,t _ . . includirtg, but not limited to,reasonab[e attar�ieys'fees:and(d)tat��cch action as L.ender may reasonxb[y reqnere tu�ure •• - •
<br /> rt " that the lien of this Security Instrumecti.C�der s righrs in the Propertrr ancE IIarrow�er"�oblitation Yo pa} tf:e ceems sc;cured by _
<br /> > • � this Security [cts,trument shal[ cvntinue uacEraaged. Up�+n reiro•tateeaeat by Burrowet, tlni�. Ser�u.tity InstNment and the
<br />-:; � oftEEgatians secvcad.F�ereb} shatE �e.-n:in fir,flfi�effeai�e�s if rto acce(erativn had ouurred. ffowe.er_tls�,�right eo reisutate shall ;;::;f;,`r;;;�'
<br /> nac apQly Fn tfie�.��:�Jf dCCef2i�fi[OLf tLS:a�.r paeagraph E7_ ,, r�
<br /> �- >' L°D. �e 4��tc��" C����..02¢�! 5et►ice�. lrFte i1�t�U: vr a p.�rtial 'tEtt ��f �1., 1• �.r, R,;ti t i,„ C. t j��fr��f� �
<br /> ., e ir �� �e :�°...0 ;sia:;..= .�ccity � ��r� , Y>
<br /> �-.� I�t�ti.�r,n�t}rc;���ie�.�`r.i�T.�e:���-n.:r=rt�c�►stbvat grnar�ah�:,� Qnrn3�..t3. ��e::���r�ult in��n��°ia�..�f''� T�r t ` - �� ; ° -
<br /> .� �_.....aa«�x
<br /> ,. i jr. <<° - _ • . 4�;r;+frf�.F�;�2;,,:_
<br />, �}[ �'j.�."f',:.'�� 3}C�1(.' �f7.iI1�S�'�Z3'�.'�.'�33J.:ti�i��:T�.Q[tl�Tf V(JL'yi.laiYSSS�1UC L:SI:'�.'.f'i�ll;.�<L`��i.'`l�f�iJS�/.�:Lili_a [It.�1TSd�@L4i.�£T8 n�Gd�T.:o 'Y'.T]aE sr f�r��S.�_ tt�.i _
<br /> � !'�:," •i'; "Y.�� Rt 71!Ti'L'1�7:i11,�?�>�"LR;�}J;1_:r��,:F.1�:t'�1�r.P�.']c^.�..?:i���.i u ;1ir:t1'_�h i �- z� --a r,,,r•� F if "�,� 3 �'� �
<br /> -� ,• :_ �. J..a. ��-c't�:.S. }�Cl.' 'C«.A'�. 1 fl �c' r y�r � i C'�
<br /> �"� �"tC u�i..a:��-.3��bf:i� :�C I�if°.� @• � f:
<br /> t I�� t�SI° 3 z-
<br />��,y;ir•..��C�ji��r;,..,j�':E 1�'"; �I'^�`S'�c Fid��&�1`s�%�3T1�.' �}.1:�'1iZ�eiLL.�TJ:•i[�3..°,L1�:�ti��LR$ r.l.+"4:d��. . [43/f�l�ij�:ur9.�.`_..Clk,._-..
<br /> .t ai�t�.atit�.•u n�1t:��1<ii3,�,�tY�a�aa,.,i�,i.i�:;;�.,�s�w�:,t�.,� r.
<br /> :-- :^� £f%� � i -t ,•.f�= � � "` ;--:.-,;; ,. y;j•`�",�;4s�vfih -_-
<br /> , �j n�;j �i�{n...�nr..2�:se�.�L'van 5�-5�a-.aal ttrc 3:i,�..°;:u:, ,.i..F �,ig raents shvald be rrr�,�e LTie rtuuu� ���z.=,.,;_:an�. :.,y ��-r_r ���,�r�i{�`X
<br /> -�, °- ' ����r;•f�-:i° - . . �y�''' �,�' -
<br /> `_'y(,t'::;ti�7%Y;�;i��?�.� u��:,�j�Ha�.ardo�us S��u4�mcr�.�Burm���'r�l�tsl[ aat �w..w�Ur ertnit the resence. use. dis �1.. a,�r�. �,�;,�„y;::'�•._aj:E ..1���CSt�SfV�4ss _
<br /> �f /�'.}C. � �-t ,t ,°"l��� i//.n54t :�:
<br /> ,l � : � if:u�.ar+��us Substances on ur in �hr Propc�ty. Borrower d1:r( rtot da. nopallow anyone else co du, a�y.hir�r aYiu�mg ritr ,�,,.:.. ,,;t,���,�.,
<br /> f; .,,� , . ��� Pru{���y+that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding twa sentences shall rtot apply to the pr�.�;uce,use,ar , �.,+.:�.,;
<br /> , „:,• . - � ,ama�e on the Propetty af smaQ quantities of Hnzardous Sub�tances thut arc gencrnlly rawgniud[0 6e appropriate to narn�al ','-:,••: . ;'�`i� '
<br /> '>j%:. .;`�� re,i�i.�,�ntial uses and ti�maintenance nf the Praperty. �• ••�d �'
<br /> :;; �,a' :•;.. �:
<br />`=::i�•'.tr,�;;,; �. ,, . , .
<br /> ..,; : .:.., 3 Borrawer�hall promptty give Lender written notice of any it►ve�tigation.claim, demand, lawwi[or uther action by:u►y :r .s�,•..=�, :,
<br /> governmentnl nr rcgulutury ageacy or private party inv��lving the Property and any Hazardous Sub+tance or Environmentstl Law
<br />_��,�• - . ...� of which Barrower hac actual knowledge. lf&�nawer tram..��r iti ttotife�l by any govemmentai�+r regulau►ry uutharity, lhat �
<br /> ,_ � any rcmoval ar ather remeciiation of any HaiarJuuti Sub,tance affc:cting the Property i.neccssary, &�rruuer.hall prompdy take • ''
<br /> all neces�ry remedial actii�m in aerurJanrc with F.nvimnmcntal Law. ',',
<br /> ��( A.u.eJ in thi. paragraph 20, "H;uar�luu+Sub.tanc�." arc thu,c.ub.tanrcti drtincJ a,toxir or h:uarduus.ubtitancc.by � ' �.
<br /> • � Em•ironmental laa and thc f��lluwing ,uh�tanc�ti: �u..vbnc. kcro�ene. other Ilammablc or tosic peta�leum prudact�. toxir • '-s:f?
<br />:�" • pc.ticiJc,and hcrt►iridc�.votatilr.ulcrm�. m•rtcriah runtaining a,hc•tu�ur fi�rmaWcbyd�.:md radivactivc matcrial.. As used in , ,�-.�""'�
<br /> -'�� ' thi+ p�ragraph?Q. "En�•ironmental Law" m�sn. fcJcra! law. ;uid law� c�f thc juri�dict�an aficrr the Pmpeny i, Iu��teJ that " ;'<%�"
<br /> ��; � rclatc ti�hcalth.raicty ur cnvironmcnla!prutcctiun. "•`,`"t•`,
<br /> _" NOfY-UNIFURM CU�'ENANT5.Burrnwcr and I.ender further covcnant and agree as faltows: � ; ` ,
<br /> `� ' 21.Acceleratiun:Remedies. I.ender shall�ive�cutice to BosroK•er prior to ucce[erntton foltowin�Bon�ower's breacJs .,<.;;;� , � . '
<br /> .;;' � of any covertant or a�reement io th[�4ecur�ty lnst�vment (bat rtot prtor to acreleratian uRde� paea�apl� 17 unless °�' .,.;.��_;;;•
<br /> ; •, applicable law provides othenvlse).The Rotice shall s�ecify: (a)the dePau[t; (b)the acttun requiaed to cure the defautt; "
<br /> . (c)a date. noE tes.y than 30 days Prom the date the notice t�given ta�Borrower,6y�vhich the dePau(t must be cured;and • '`�"
<br />- - (d) that failure to cure the default on or 6ePore tAe date specified in the aotice may result in arceleration of the sums '. �"••
<br /> � '� secured by t6is Security Iastrument and sa[e o�the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the rlghi to � � �
<br /> t�;; . • • -�.�.:.�
<br /> r.{ . , reinstate after acce�eration aad the �Ight to bring a court action to ascert the Ron-existence of a defau(t or any other � .__�•.
<br /> �.;- _.:'� defence of Borrower to acceleration and sate. If tAe default is not cured on or betare the date sQectiied in the notice, - . �' `""`
<br /> '; , I.ender,at iic nption,may requlre immediate payment in full of all sums secured by thLs Sec¢sity Instrument wlthout �� �
<br /> �
<br /> ��: � � . :! further demand and may Invoke the poK•er oP sale and any other remed[es permitted by applicable law.Lender shall be � w�
<br /> enBtled to callect afl expenses incurred in puisuing the remedies provEded in this paragraph 21,inctuding,but not Umited ' ' .
<br /> •;,: . ; to,reasonabte attomeys'fees and wst.g of title evtdertce. �� � � _
<br /> - �.� � : . If the poner oY sale is Invoked.Tructee shaU recocd a notice of deYault in each county ln whtch amy �rt of the ',',�s` �. ��. -
<br />` ''- - • . Prmperty is Iocated and shall mail copfes of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicabte law to Bo�oR�er and to � " .
<br /> � the otL�er pe�sons prescribed by applicabte law.Aiter the time required by applicabie laiv,Trustee shall give pa6Uc nottce �
<br /> '�" � of sa�e to the per5ons and in the manner preccribed by appllcable law.Trustee.without demand on Bormwer,shall sell
<br /> : , the i'toperty at public aaction to the hi�hest bidder at the time and pIace and under the terms desip,nated In the nottce of .:..
<br /> - � saGe�n ane or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines.7'rustee may Rostpone sale of all or any parcel of the ' �
<br /> ,;�i Property by public announcement at the time and p1ACe ot any previously scheduled sale. Lender or i�s desi�nee may �
<br /> � � purchase the Property at any s�te. ' •
<br /> .�..; . ..
<br /> :. .
<br /> �''.� . . •
<br /> "� ' Form 3028 9/90
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