`` .�f� �` ' ' ' - . ...- , . ._ . . . . . .
<br /> . e ..� __ , � ' ' , . . . tl . �_ . . , • . J -� - ___ �.
<br /> .. . . . _ . c ,, n'� .
<br /> � . , , • � -. . 't . • ,. . . .. . r � . ...'r;,:j.
<br />, � . � . . .� . • . ..... � . - . � . �,. _ �
<br /> . `� -. . . .•.ae.__�.._.._-��.��.�.. . ..�- . .. . . ..`.. . . ....,.�. ."... ._..� . . ' ?� ... • . . • . .. . ___ ,.'�... . '_ . _..„ � . . ` `,,,.
<br /> � � - � I�,� 9�° �,��� a . . .
<br /> ' `" 'tOGEfHER WIT!-t all thr impr���rmrnt.nan ��r hereafter erected on the propert>.:uid a������ment..:e�purt.cun�c..and �
<br /> . � } tititurr+ nuH on c�rc:siter a �:t uf Uic pr��Qcrt}. �11 replacements and addition. �ha!! :ilK� h� ��nrrrd M thi. Security .J.�,. �_
<br /> �-- =- -- inctrumrnt. A{f��f'th�i:ti�cgcur.�:�.refenc�i t�s�thi>Serurita In.trument a�the"Pr.,�n)-.. _, -:.�_�
<br /> ��i,. BORRO�VER COV[NiA�iTS thac&�net«er i�Isafully�ei.c�i of the�+wte hereb>run�ryni:^..t Fa.thC right ta grant�tsid ..��•;,.,-,.
<br /> � � come� tk� Property:utd tfiat thr E're�pem i. unencamtureJ. rxcept for encumbr.uice+uf rccurd. B.�sruti.er w•:err-.uit.ar.�!wifl . , ' ::`k.;,'.
<br /> • � ' , ; dtfm��tn�alh the title to the Property a�ain�t a!1 daim.+and demand,,wbjec[to any enrumbrances of rer��rd.
<br /> ?��..,,.
<br />- ; Tt11S SECL'RITl' 1?�STI2U11EVT rorttbin4,unif��rm cocen;int� tur na[iunxl u.r.uid nun-unif.�rn�trnen.�nt. aith limiteei _ , -
<br /> . � '� � variauun.b} juri:�ti��tiun tu cuo�titutr a uneform securit�mstrumrnt co�erir�:r�at prupeny. – ..–:— – .
<br /> .; UtiffORRt CO�'EYA�I1'S.Burrower�tr�d l.rn.ter c��tienant and:�r��yy t��llow.: '
<br /> i 1. Po�ment u!Principal and lntc��; P►epa�ment and Late C6arges. Bomiwrr ,hatl pn�mpdy pa} ��hen dae tE� - _`a�_�.
<br /> principal uf and intere,t on the detx evi�r.ced by the Nute;i.Rd:u�y prepapTnrnt anc3�ate�ttar�e.dat under the Note.
<br /> •• � 2.Funds fu�Taxes and Insurance. SuAjzct tu applicable law or to a writtz�«ai�rr by Lender. &trn�K•er,hal1 pa} to ;:;n�'.;;_,_'�_;.'.; :
<br /> .. � ,,�c•;s�r-.. �.. , . �.
<br /> �� ; Lendc:e on the da}munthly payment+are duc under the Nute.until tl:e�icx:i;pai�in fulk.s wm 1"Fundy"1 fiu:i�t y�t[ly t�;t`s �g•:� •,.��+
<br /> "°:�;•`;_:• ;,"..:5.��;,
<br /> � ! and a�+essrc�ent,which may atlain pric��n uti�er thi.S�wvrity Instrurr.en�-as a lizn��;�tt:�r Prapett}:Iba ywrly Itasehot3 pa}meR�i s�c. ,.:,�r;'.:
<br /> or ground rer.t:on the Property.if any:lct fearty hazarJ or prnperty insuca.*u�prer.u�nts:�d►yearE}ftoud insurance presniums. . • . `-=s'�;;};
<br /> � � if any: let yea-:} martga�e in�urance premiums. if any:and Itl an} szm+p3tiah:�hti Borrou•er t��L.etuttr. in acconlarne«i� ' _ "'
<br /> . . i t3:e pr��i.ii�ns of parasraph 8. in lieu of the payment oF mortga€e ir,usan:e prern�n�.These items a:e rallai'Esaow Items-" 'r-� -�r�
<br /> ' � („ender mav, � any time, collect and hotd Fund� in an amount aot ta eiceed the maximum amounE a leixfzr fo;a federalty
<br /> ' ' ' ; � related mortca`:loan may requi�e for Borrower's escrow account u��i�-the federa! Real Estate Settlement Pnxxdures Act of '. '�` '
<br /> - 1974 a,amert�i from time to time. 13 U.S.C. Sc�:tion 2601 e�t secr C'��SPA"l. unless another lax•that applies to the Funds K•, :, -.�.
<br /> � ' sets a lesser amount. It'so. Lender may. at any time. collect and hol•d Fund+in an amaunt not w exceed the lesser amoun3. ,. ,
<br /> • ` ' ' I.�nder may estimate the ar•:o�t of Funds due an the bas+s of current data aad rea5onable estemates of expencfitures of future ., �,�i�.:,.4
<br /> m
<br /> • - Fscrow Items er otherwise in zavrdance�vith applirable Iaw. . ""r --
<br /> � � The Fundti shall be hetd in att in5titution whose deposity are insured by a f�deral agency. iro-tnuncatalin, n: entity . ,
<br /> � �, �.. . .
<br /> • � . • Iincluding Lernizr. if Lender is such an ir.,�?itution)or in any Federal�tn:ne C.oan Bank.[xnder stml!apply the Furr�to pa} tt�e ,; ��';
<br />_ ,. ,, Escrow Items. l..�nder may not charge Burr.�wer for halding and app�1•ic�the Fund+,annually anaiyzing the escrow acco:uit, or `��„V��:
<br /> *��,?,_,;.
<br /> � �.;�fying ihe Fscrow•ltem�.unless l.ender pays Borrower interest on thz Fund,and ap�licable[aw permits L.e�:dz:m�nake su� .'°��;','.';:;�.
<br /> � a charge. However.Lender may require Borrawer to pay e one-time charge for an i�e�tependent real estate rax rzgo:ting sessice x
<br /> .;::!.�;_.,
<br /> . ased by Ix".Ae: in connection witfi this laan, unleU applicable la.+ pravides ot6erwise. Unless an agrcement es m�e or � � , .,? !
<br /> •., appficabte i3� rcquires interest ta be paid. Lender shall not be requirc-+�to pay Borrawer any in�erzs:or eam2nas an the Funds. ' : x
<br /> ` �`` B,�frc�wer and L.ender ma y a gree in writi:L. however,that interesi.hail ht paid an the Fund+. Lender shal)give to Borrower. � •-:�•�: '::_
<br /> ` �aithc�ut charge. an annual ac�anntin�of Ehe Funds, showing credic�and debits ta the Funds and the purpos:ior�vhich ca�h �,:'�� ,``�.;='
<br /> .� � dehit to thc Funds was ma��.'Ffi:Fu�ds a.�e Qledgc�as ad�iiii�nal�ecurity fnr al!sums secured by this Securitsr Instrument. .:.•�� , r '•_
<br />__ `r ' If the Fundc held by Ler.i'�r excee�t:-a amounts�itted ta be h�td hy applicable law.I.ender shall account to Borrower �?P�;.•.� � ,:��i=
<br /> • ,,��;:�. � '�.
<br />_� . � ior the excess Funds in accurdance with�4e requirement+of applicai�te law. [f the amaunt af the Funds hetd by I.ender at any �.:r `
<br /> �t�:�� ,+;
<br /> • • ,.;„��:, ei�e is not sufficient to pay the Escraw Items when due.L.ender may so notify Born�wer in writing,and,in such ca�e Bor[otv�tt r���,`
<br /> • � s�a41 pay to l.ender the amount necessary ta make up ikee deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency i�a�u more than � ,;.,�-
<br /> - � tc�.��e monthly payments.at l.ender's sole disrretion. � ,.;-.
<br /> � . • Upon payment in fuU of all sum+yecured by tki.S�:curity Instrument. Lender shall promptly refun�t�* �orrower any .�•�,���•%
<br /> ,..,��,;:. ,:.:
<br /> y,' '�. Funds hetd by Lender.If.under paragraph 21.l.ender sha'1 IIcyuise ar sell the Propeny.Lender,priar to the acquisition or sale � •,.
<br /> � � '" of the Property.sf►all apply any Fund.held by Lender at the time o`acquiyitian or sale ati a credit against the susns secuc:,l•i iby .,.�, :�
<br /> . . ,; ,
<br /> . ;�• this Security Instrument. ��.� •.• 'a`� ,,
<br />-- .. ., " 3.Appliptton oYPar�n9€�sts.Unless applicabte tsw��vides otherwise.alt Fa,',:nts received hy Lende;und:r paragraphs ',,.�....,� :. •.:�;°,:�
<br /> " �� '' I and 2 shall be applied: fi.s:co any prepayment cl;;��� .:::e under the Note:5�av��t.to amaun�s payable vn�..°r paragraph 2: `:�;;.�° •-} ' :. .
<br /> �,,:,,. �r;r�;�;:�:;,,:..,,;.,•• :.
<br /> ;� .>,�,,�t: third,to interest due:fourth,to principa!�':se;and la�i.::any late�t-:rDes due under the Note. '�.�•+ � t.,�;;�;
<br /> ; • �.°• �
<br /> � : . . 4.Charqes; Lienv.Borrower shaii�� all taxes.asxessmer.�.�_ c:narges,fines and impos��i��rt,attributable to the Property : �' �:,��;�;����;
<br /> which may attain priority aver this Security Instrumec:t, and lease>>old payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay ,
<br /> � the.se obligations in the m:�r.er provided in paragraph' or if not paid in that manncr.earmwer s ha l l pay t han a n t i m e d i r e c t l y •
<br /> �` • to the person owed payr,�rs. Barrower tihull promptly turnish to I.ender all naliccs of amounts ta be paid un,�;cr�7is paragraph. • .. ti.`
<br /> � � ` If Borrower nt3t<es these payments dimctly.Bonower�hall promptly fumish to l.ender receipts evideneing ilu:��ments. � , •�� ,
<br /> . Burrow��-;hall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Bnm�a�er: la)agrees in •. •
<br /> � . ' writing to the payment of the ohligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable ta Lender:Ib1 contc.M1ts in�nod fai�h the lien _ �
<br />, ;; � ' ' by. or defends against enf�ircement of the lien in. Iegal procealingc which in the Lender's opini�n npca-aic ta prevent the • . ..
<br /> ::� � �. �± enforcement of the licn:rr��;secures from the holsler of the lien an asreement satisfactory to l.ender suNoniimiting the lien to �'
<br /> • � '• this Security Instrumen�. tC!�:nder d�ter.nines that any part of the Property is subject to a licn ���hicJ�may ;�ttuin prioriry over _ ..,.� �:.
<br /> �.� . :�;;�;'� this Seccnty 6}:nt�ument. 4;rnder may�n�E��r:ow'er:�nolice identifying thr lien. Borrower.h��ll 4,�ti�,h che licn or take one ar `'ti.?;s;�?!�:
<br /> k.., :'���:..,,tih,,
<br /> "'> more of the,�x�om+et Gartb above within 10 day�ot the giving of notice. •-;.>>i.;`�
<br /> .,
<br /> � , I"vrm 3028 9I90 '
<br /> • . oaga 3 oe 8 � . .
<br /> • (1 .
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