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20�20140� <br />Unless otherwise agreed in writing, a11 insuranca paoc�eds shall be applied to the restoration or repair of the Property or to <br />the Secured Debt, whether or not then due, at Bene�iciary's option. Any application of proceeds to principal s�all not <br />extend or postpone the due tiate of ti�e scheduled gaym ent nor change the amount of any payment. Any excess will be paid <br />to the Grantor. If the Propertp is acquired by Beneficiary, Trustor's right to any insurancepo licies and proceeds resulting <br />from damage to the Property before the acquis�txon s�all pass �o Beneficiary to the extent of the Secured Debc immediately <br />before the acquisiaon. <br />20. ESCR�W FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, Trustor will not be <br />required to pay to Beneficiazy funds for taxes and insuxance in escrow. <br />21. FINANCIA[. REP4RTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. Trustoz wi�k prov�de to Beneficiazy upon request, any <br />fin�ancYal statement or infarmation Bene�iciary may deem reasonably necessary. Trustor agrees to sign, deliver, and file any <br />adc4itional dacuments or certificaiions that Benefieiazy maY consider n�ary to perfect, conhnue, and preserve Grantor's <br />oblrgations under this Security Instrument anr� Beneficiarq s�isn status on the Property. <br />22. JOTNT AIYD INDIVIDUAL L�ABII.ITYi CO-SIGNERS; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND. A,il duries under <br />this Security Instrument are joint and �ndividual. If Ttustor signs this Security Instrument but does not sign an evidence of <br />debt, Trustor does so only ta Inortgage Trustor's interest in the Property to secure payment o€ the Secured7;lebt and Trustor <br />does not agree to be gersonally �able on the Secured Debt. If this Security Instrument secures a guaFanty between <br />Beneficiary and Trustor, Trustor agrees to waive any rig�ts that znay prevent Beneficiary frum bringing any action or ctaim <br />against Trustor or any �asty indebted under the ob�igation. These rights may include, but aze not lymited to, any <br />aatr-deficiency or one-act�on laws. Trustor agrees that Beneficiary and any party ta this Security Instrument may extend, <br />modify or make any change in the Serms of this Secuzity lnstrument ar any evrdence of debt venthoue Trustor's c;ansent. <br />Such a change will not release Trus�or from the terms af this Seeurity Instrument. The duties and benefits of this Security <br />Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Trustor and Beneficial. <br />23. APPLICABLE LAW; SEVERA.BILITY; INTERPI2ETATIUN. This Security I�strument is governed by the laws of the <br />3urisdid3on in which Bene�iciary is located, exce�t to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the jucisdiction where the <br />Property is located. This Security Instrument is complete and fully entegrated. This SECUrity Instrument may not be <br />amended pr mod'xfi'ierl by ora� agreemant. .Any section in Yhis Security Instrument, attachments, or any agreenne�t related to <br />the Secwed Debt that conflicts with applicable law will not be e€fective, unless thaf law expressly or impltedly germits the <br />variations by written agreement. If any secxion of this Security Instrument cannot be en€orcad according to its terms, that <br />section will be seveced and will not affect the enforceability of the remainder of this Security Instrument. Whenever used, <br />the singular shall include the plural and tha plural the singufar. The captions and headings of the sedions of this Security <br />I�►strument are far cronvenietzce only and are not to be used to iaterpret or define the terms of this Security Ins�rument. Time <br />is o� the esse�ce in this Security Instrume�nt. <br />24. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. Beneficiary, at Bene�ciary's option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a <br />successor trustee without any other formality than tbe designatson in wnhng. The successor trustee, without canveyance of <br />the Property, shail succeed co ail the ti�le, power atzd duties conferred upon Trustee by this Security Instrument and <br />applicabie law. <br />25. NOTICE. Unless otherwise xequired by law, any notice shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to <br />the appropriate �arty's address on page 1 of this Security Instrument, or to 3ny other addtess designated in writing. Notice <br />to one trustor vsr�Fi be deemed to be notice Eo ail trustors. <br />26. WAIYERS. Except to the extent prohibited by law, Trustor waives all appraisement and homestead exemption rights <br />relating to the Properry. <br />27. UTAER TERMS. If cbecked, the foIIowing aze applicable to this Security Instrument: <br />� Line of Credi�� The Se,ciued De'bt incIudes a revolving line of credit provision. Althnugh the Secured Debt may be <br />reduced to a zero balance, this Securiky Instrument will remain in effed' untEl released�. <br />0 Construction I,oan. This Securiry Inserument secures an obligation incurred for the construction of an <br />isnpravement on the Property. <br />0 Fixture Filiag. Trustor grants to Benefieiaty a security intet�est in alI goods that Grantor owns now or in the futute <br />aa.�aad tha� are or will become fixtt�res related to the Progecty. This Security Instrunnent suffices as a finaneing <br />statement and any carboz�, photographic or other raproduction may be fi�ed of record for purposes of Atticle 9 of <br />the Uniform Cammexciai Cade. <br />� Riders. The covenants and agreeme�ts of each of the riders checked below are incorporated in�o and supplement <br />and amend the terms of this Secvrity lnstrument. [Check all app�icable boxes] <br />� Condominium Rider CI Planned Unit Development Rider CI Qther __________ <br />------------------ <br />[� Additional Terms. <br />SIGNATURES: By signing below, Trustor agrees to the terms and covenants cantained in this Secuzity Instrument and in any <br />attachments. Trustor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Security Instnunent on the date stated on page 1. <br />� '' �"`7��� <br />______ �c�_--------- � } ----------------------------------- <br />gnature) J ' r J. adovaleder � (SI nature <br />-------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- <br />(Signatute) (Date) (Signamre; (Date) <br />ACKNOWLEDGMEAIT: <br />STATEOF__N���k�------------------ , COUNTYOF Hall ---------------------------- }ss. <br />«nd1 This instrument was acknowled ed before me this 17 t h _ da of F e b r u d r' 2 012 <br />� ---------- y ---�'--------------------- <br />� _ Jennifer J. Cadwalader a sin 1� erson _ _, <br />---------------------- <br />My cozYUnission expires c�o j(� ,�,�j �5 `�' � <br />----- -�� ---- � - - ------- <br />��. pQj�-� (Natary �ubli ) <br />� �� <br />- phtbm�m.�ExpAB��rt, �g <br />�j o °A {Q 1994 Bm�kers Systems, Ino., St. Cloud, MN Form RE•DT-NE 7f30/2002 (pggB q 0/ 4) <br />��CifiS(NE� �aaoi} <br />S165NE {01/�0) Loan Number �poc•�oc-xx1236 <br />