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<br /> ' • � n�� A tract of land co�p=is� a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Scuthwest �`
<br /> _ � ?.'� __
<br /> _ ;1..,
<br /> 4- Quazter (SE}�}) o¢ $eet�on 'T.�enty-seven (27), Township Elevea (11) North. Raage .:,•,�:;,;;;;T,;;-:_-:
<br /> ��• and more articularly ����'�''� `�
<br /> L`. ''• Nine (9), West of �ae �6� P.M., Hall County. Nebraska, P . •. .
<br /> . �,'xY .tt -.
<br /> '" A�1 ,
<br /> �i " �t!-� deacribed as follo�s: -
<br /> . �, � ,,��Y ..•�, -
<br /> -�,. < �- �'�� Firet, to ascertain tiie �a=sst of begi.nning. atart at the aouthweat corner of said . ��r�k;.
<br /> ;:�.,.'; ...�,_.
<br /> ; • . .'.� , Southeast Quarter of the SDUthwestQuarter (SE}SW}); thence northerly, along aad __;�� .:.:-_
<br /> 1' t't' - npoa the ��eat line of sai3 Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE}S�i}), , . ',
<br /> � ,'.{.` a distance of sixty-seren and two hundredths (67.02) feet to a point on the � ,�` :F�
<br /> .. ��'. . . .,:� .::�
<br /> `�°�. northerly right-of-way lf�e of II. S. Highwaq No. 34, said point begia� the ACTUAL ,
<br /> •(� pofaC of beginning; theuc� continuing northerlp, along and upon the last _ . `�;��'���_
<br /> '"�. ,�... ....
<br /> � deacribed course, a distance a� Pine Hundred Eighty-nine and Seventy-eight .' �. .; � f...;u
<br /> ;- � Sundredtha (589.78) feet to the southweat corner of the Northwest Quarter of the '. �--�±• ����
<br /> :.;.:. -.
<br /> ��� � Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW}SE;SW}); thence eastesly. parallel ' .';��� ,�;.;.
<br />,�`�� . with the south liae of said Sau�heast Quarter of the Southwest Quartet (SE}SW�), � *:�`;�
<br /> a distance of Sis Hundzed Fortq-seven (64�.0) feet; thence deflectiag right 89 " •'" ,
<br /> � f.'�k..' :
<br /> de$rees 53" and running northeslg, a distance of Two Hundred Eighty-one and Eight : �
<br /> . Tenths (281.8) feet to a paint which �s Six Hundred Forty and Eight Hundredtha ;.::;;;y:;;
<br /> �±•� . � � � (640.08) feet east of the west �iue of said Southeast Qaarter of the Southwest , • -,::��;:
<br /> :�•� . Quarter (SE�SW}) as measured aloAg aad upoa a line parallel with the south line . ` '��,;�:;'�,
<br /> � � ' of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE}SW}), said poiat also �'�'.�-
<br /> � beiag the northwest cormer of a tract recorded and deacribed ia Deed Book 152, " � �„`F'
<br /> � page 542, Hall County Register of Deeds Office; thence southerly along and upon ? :; �
<br /> � the west liae of said tract deacribed in Deed Book 152, pag� 542, a diataace . . . �"y=�''
<br /> �"� of Three Hundsed Pourteen and Ninety-eight Hundredths (314.90) feet to a point . . '--
<br /> '�' � � on the northerly right-of-way liae of il. S. Sighway I3o. 34, said point beiag . '
<br /> "rR;S ;�,� g�sty and Two flundredths (60.02� feet north of the south liae of said Southeast � ', � ,
<br /> �.,_ : .. = •:� Quarter of the Southwest Quartes (SE}SW}); thence weaterly along and upoa said . r.:
<br /> ..r:� , � •..� nartherly right-of-�ay line. a distaace of T�ro Hundred Eleven and Nine Bundredtha ,,° :;:
<br /> � (211.09) feet to a point vh3cb is Fifty-six (56.0) feet nosth of the aouth line ' -.��
<br /> ' � � of said Southeast Quazter af the Southweat Quarter (SE}SW}); thence coutiauiag
<br /> .�' weatesly• along and upoA sa3d nartherly rigbt-of-way line, a dietance of FouY
<br /> � Hundred� Thisty and Two Tentha (430.2) feet to the ACTUAL point of beginaing. , . . . .
<br /> },.� � . .� • . . •
<br />_a: l . . .
<br /> ...� -
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