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<br /> . . � . .. � • ' •. . . . . t . ' .� ' - . . . . . - r � ` ' .�`,! l.
<br /> _ . � . . .. __,._�..� 'L� c �__ _"'_ _.�...�_. —. .... ...�'_....., _ . . � . � . � . � ' .� ' , ' . .. . , . . . t' .
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<br /> ��� ��V�� i. � � _ � .. .
<br /> �� , ; TOGETHER 11'iTH all thr impru�rmrnc.nu�v or t�cmafte�erected on thc pruprn�.anJ�I!��:rntent.,;�pputtrn:mrr,.anJ ,.�.
<br /> , titturc� nu�c ur hrr�lirr a �rt �d thc pmprm. RII repl;titAtrnt� attd add�uun, .hall al,u hr ru�entii h� th�, ti�tivrity .
<br /> _ Imtrumcnt. All of Ihe 1i�re�uing„rcCrrrcJ ta ro thi.Sc�urit� In,trumrnt a.ihr"Pn,p�rt�...
<br /> —� . - BORRO{t�"ER CO�"ENAIVTS that &�rn�aer i.ia��futh .r�.ed uf thc e.t;ite drrrby �umr}rJ an�l It:�.tlie nght t���;runt and
<br /> � comey the Pruprriy •rnJ that the Pn�pen� i.unenrumber�til, c;r�pt tbr cn�vmhr.�nr�e uf r��:unl. Hurr�.aer ��arrant�and utll ., . .
<br /> deferxi geR�rsU� thr title to the Proprny;u:ain,t ail rlaim..and denu�nd+..uhjcrt tu:�iy �ncwnhran�c,uf nturJ.
<br /> , r ' THIS SECURITY INSTRUM1tE�JT«nnhinr+ umli►rni ri��•enant.ti�r natiunal u.c�nd uun-und:Frm cu�rn;tnt. ��nh fimitcd
<br /> - T--=. .-- �•ariation,hy juriuliaiun to r��mtitute a unifonn�.�ti�urit} in.trument ro�ering rial pruprrtc. - - - �- � ',:,
<br /> . . l�NlFORbt COVENA�iTS. Burr��u�er and Lender co.rn3nt and agrre;a.foUu�c.: � •
<br /> . � I. Fa�ment of Principal and Irtter�t; Prepa�•ment aQd I.ute Chnrficc. Bomnrer ,hat! prumptl} pay �.•hen Juc the °
<br />- principal��f and interesi on the debt e��idrnred b��the Nate and any prepa�ment:md laic cMarg�M due unJc�r the Notr. • '
<br /> ' , , 2. Ftutdc for Tax�and Insnrance.Suhjo�K ta appfi�nhte law e�r ta a written �ti:iicer b} LendcK. &+rn��ver.hall pay ta �� � • •
<br />_ � Lender on the day monthly payments are du�under the�liite,until thc;]Vote i+p;ud in lull,a sum("Futul."1 for.la)�early taxes . � "
<br /> - • , and a,n�senents�s�hich may attain priority oti•er this Security In,trument as a lien an the Property:idl y�earl��le�.ehotd payments •
<br /> • or ground rentti on the Pruperty�,if any:Ic1��ar!}�hazard ur prt�Fcrtp in.ur,snce premiums:td►yearly fl��aJ in,ur.u�re premiums. ' �
<br /> - • '� if any: le1 yeariy mortgage in�urance remiuttu, if an . :ind 1 f�:tn
<br /> _ P y' y ,uras payable hy 8om�wer to Lender, in a�roni:inre with _.
<br />- the pro�•isian.of paragraph 8, in lieu of the pa��mem of m�ngage insurance premium.+.Th��,e items are dled"Escra�v Item,." -
<br /> Lender may, at xny[ime, collect and hutd Funds in an amourt not w excx�ed the maximum amount a tender for a federall}• " '� ��
<br /> x�
<br />-. related mortgage loan may require fiir Borro«er s escraw account under the fcadera! Rc�l Estate Setilement Procaiares Aci of '��`�:��;: .
<br /> _ - i 9 7 4 as amended from time[o time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 e1 seq. �"RESPA"►.unles,:uiather iac,r tirat applies to the Funds
<br /> sets a tc��er amount. If,u. Lender nuiy,at an�time. collect and huW Fundti in an amount nnt w e��d the lesser amnunt. � '"•` � �. ��'
<br /> :;�. ..-. . _. • Lender may es[imste the ama�of Funds due on the basis of cument data and reawnabic estimates of e.rpenditure�of futurc __
<br /> Escrow• Itcros or uthenr•i�in a�YVniance��ith appli�ble law. '�;�.;�;��..;,�`M1." ,
<br /> The Funds shail be held in an intititutiun whase depo�it+ are insured by a federal �ency. instrumentality, ar entity � � � �:e'�;�"�`,,
<br /> lincluding Lender,if Lcader is such an instiwtian►��r in any Federat Home I.o:u�B:uik. Lendcr shail apply the Fundti to pay the ;��;,�:;:�i_.
<br /> Fscrow (tems. t.ender may not charge BormHCr for halding and applying the Funds,annually an;tlyzing the escrow account,or
<br />_' • �erifying the Escrow Items,unles..L.ender pa�•s Bc�rroa•er interest on the Fundc and appfi�:able law permitti l..ender to make such f ' y��.:s;�
<br /> ';�s.;,,r
<br /> ':� � a charge.tlowever. I.ender ma � uire Barrower ta a a ar.e-time char e for an indc ndent rc�l estate tax re onin "' ' `''
<br /> Y �9 P Y S Pe p g service ::::,;r ,.;�..:',�::
<br /> used by I.ender in connertion with thi� to:an, unless appl��bte law pravides otherwise. Untess � agreement i. made Qr � '��
<br />''" - applicable law requires interest to be a►d.Lender shall not be ru{uired to pay Borrower any interest-�-n;unings an the Funds. � �� ,+ .r. T:
<br /> P ti •. . f^
<br /> �� _ Borrowerand l.ender may agree in wrftfng, however,that inierest shalt tre paid on the Funds. l.es•:rr, .�c.tall give to Bormwer, � ° ' �
<br /> ,' ,.-:,,t,.'.`�' ':•.• .:.;.;.
<br /> . without charge, an annw3l accosr,t��_cs the Funds, showir,3�-�diti and debits to th�Fu�d�anJ th�porpose far r;��,ish each :'j;�?t�tJ;S- �'�`';'>'�5,
<br /> .. debit tr� iiie Fund�tiva�made.TI;.-:i-�,�,_.�dti are ple�ged as ad�:_iirrsi securca} for all�uc:.��x;:.-ed by Ihis Security lnsuun:st. � , i:
<br /> �� � . , [�r1��unds held by txnd�c�ti�ed the amounts permiGa�u,��e�::;,,f.:nr applirable law. Lender shall accaunt tn 8orrower J;, ,,r:
<br /> nj�--�,
<br /> for t he ez��ess Fua:is:n accordance with the requirements of appli�bfe'saw.lf the amount of the fiunds hetd by l.ender at any •; ;,.. .;? �• '-
<br /> '"'f � • -- - time is not suffic���G�pay the Fscraw Item�when due. I.ender muy so notify Borrower in writin ,and,in tiuch case Borrower '. > -
<br /> fi ` '.�' .
<br /> shalt pay_ro Lender;.�e amount necessary[o make np the deficicncy. Borrower shaU makc up the deficiency in no more than ' �
<br /> ' twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion. �''""`��� ' "'�`
<br /> ' � " r-
<br /> � �; � , Upon payment in full of aU sumti ,ecured by this Serurity Intitrument. Lender shaU promptly refund ta Borrowcr any y � ���_
<br /> � - Funds held by L.ender.If. under paragraph 21. Lender shaU acquirc ar sell the Pmperty,Lcndet.prior to the acquisition ar sale .i'`�=
<br />� ' . � �. of 1he Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lcnder at the time of acqui�ition or sale a�a credit aE,�r�tit the sums secured by ': �,��.:�•�
<br /> s. this 5ecurity Instrnment. ..f•_. .
<br /> , '.� � � ;s fi;� .�
<br /> 3.Application ot Fi►yment.Unless applicable law pr�.i�es otherwise.all paymer�-.m�.:eive�i t�} [,uider un�c:z n:t3g�phs �,�{,, �;.
<br /> ' ` 1 an�� �iiali be applied: tirst, tu.uty prepayment charges�,:e under the Note: secand, tn�,-nounts pa�;�le under pa.-agraph 2; � i t, �-
<br /> ; " - third,to interest due:fironh,to pnncipa!due:and last,to any late charges due under the Nate. ��ti�-:.;•
<br /> {��`". � 4•C1�arges: C.ic�us. Bonower shall pay all taxes,asse,smenes,charg��. fines and impositians attributable to the Propertp
<br /> which may attain pnority aver this Security Ins[rument, and Ieasehuld payments or gmund rents, if any. Borrower shall pay �
<br />_,��n;� , these obligations in the manncr pravided in paragraph 2,or i�not paid in that manner. Borrawcr shap pay them on ti-c directly �� �'' � � � � ��-
<br /> �;�; , to the person awed payment. Borrower shall promptly fur.:°sit ro Lcndcr all nrnices af am�unts to bc paid undcr this pasagraph. �
<br /> ;;' ..� If Borrower makes these payments directly,8nrrcK•er shall promptly furnith to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. � -
<br /> . ,: ..,: .
<br /> ..; '..
<br /> `�•`� - Borrower shall promptly discharge any lic-n�i�ich has priority over this Security Instrument unle>s Sorrower:la)agre�in �
<br />`����' writing to the payment of the obligation secure3 by the lien:n.s manner acceptable to I,�fer,Ib!cont��ts in gond fwi;h the lirn '
<br /> ;.:�. �. �-.
<br /> �• - by, or defends against enforcenu:rt of the lien in, le Zi �;` '
<br /> g pr•u:cedings which in Ihc L�::as:r's opinion operate w ,,^�:.�.�ent the
<br /> �+,` i ,•�•,��,; enforeement of the lien;or(c)se�:ures from the hotder ct uh6�i�n an agreement satisfa�;cr.y to Lender subordinati:+C rL•v iien to .'.•�•`
<br />��;:;.; . '` this Seccrity Instrument. tf l.ender determines that an are oi the Pro e
<br /> ,-,; Y P p rty is tiubject to a licn which r.ta}ettain prionty n�cr
<br /> ,� , this Security ln.trun;er:t.Lender may give Bonow•er a nntice identifying c4�:::n. Bnrrower shall satish•ur,Iicn or take one or ` • �
<br />'_r�_; . � more of tf►e actions v:i forth above within 10 days of thc giving of notire. �i . -
<br /> -y� ,..�,;
<br /> �' ',f
<br /> �-y ` Farm 3�G2f; 9/90 �'.� �
<br /> �;'' .' � �,rp z or s . . _ .
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