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<br /> �� .- . -. � r•� ` � rn� � r �. 1 : '�� `_� t---- ." .-
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<br />- , _ . . � .e � _y -�� � - � 1 \ � 3 � � � : .,
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<br /> �,1 1 i �
<br /> ` � :_I � .�:;rd � ' i . � � T � , .
<br /> .�► �C' � . � � > H N
<br /> � - � � � f . � T` .
<br /> � � C#7 �'`� , n i t --^� � � � � O�7 , �
<br /> } � + j �J . � i -1 „ 3 r J w� r.h _.
<br />-. _� � 1 � � � � � �� p ac OD� + � _ ..
<br /> - - „S`°' , ' _ , _,,, _ _ � t�3 tn � � --4, r :'":
<br /> c t/� .
<br /> .- ". � t : t'
<br /> �= TSIIS1'SSS• JOTLiT T@IARCY DE� � ' ` � .
<br /> . . ...,.t_ .'1.
<br />��� ' - Bernard E. S�ranson, Trustee, and Esthermae Svanson, Trustee, G$ANTORS, in - � �:,:;:
<br /> ` � - consideratinn of --O,�E DOLLAR ($1.00) AND OTAER VAI.IIATION CONSIDERATIQN--receined �" ' ��
<br /> '� from GRANTEES, (��
<br /> �; Brian 0. Laub and Jaasl L. Lau6, ` ; t�
<br /> husband aad wife, �r�` �� 'i�.''' .'
<br /> , �"� ... ' '_�,
<br /> '::."; �,
<br /> ;��� ts:T•`�: comreys to GRANTEES, as joint tenants and not as tenants in cammoa, the following _ .�.�.r-;R.�-.
<br /> � ;':;ry�� deacribed rea� estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-201): � ;_� �`
<br /> '•- -' ::'r',� � :_ :..
<br /> -.�<: • �, .
<br /> �� ���` A tract of land comprising a part af the Southeast Quarter of tbe South�est ���t''� ``
<br /> -.`'�;.J..:I:��. , , � '-t_..'. a'.•_
<br /> _ � � Quart�r (SE}SW}) of Section Tweatq-seveza (27), Township Eleven (11) North. Range ;,�._.`
<br /> ,:r � , - N�ne (4p, West of tbe 6th P.M., Ha.�� Cauag;t, Nebraska, and more particularlq '__ ___�;--
<br /> , . .,��' described as follows: � ,.t` '
<br /> a. "ti•`
<br />�:i:. • •;`s,�; First, to ascerta#.n the oint of b x�nia , start at the southwest corner of said ri:'ft�`�r'.;•.J=,�.
<br /> ,: . . P � P �... , ;t::�..::"'':
<br /> ' ' Southeast Quarter of the Southw�st�uarter (SE�S41}); thence northerly, along and �`+3i+'„"r`_^.�!1=';:y
<br /> _ . _. �. �:� ��,�,.._. .
<br /> ` upoa the west line af said Southeas¢ Qaarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE�SW}), ,,,,, ,;,,;,;;;�:;•�
<br /> •�k �� a distance of sixtq-aenen and two hundredths (67.02) feet to a point on the . �;��i���;.
<br /> -.�.T � �.'�.:` :' -- --
<br /> -: � •"'�`+ uortherly right-of��ay line of II. S. Highway No. 34, said point beging the ACT[JAL ,.. •;. .,:���.�.,;�_...•.-
<br /> _ , .� �,.1;�• ..;: .�ps3_.��.�
<br /> � � `. ;t point of beginning; thence con�iuysing northerly, along and upoa the last . �{ ;�.:,s
<br /> •� ;;:`� described course, a distance of F�ve Hundred Eighty-nine and Seveaty-eight ,:s, 1 r.;r; `
<br /> Hundred.ths (589.78) feet to the sc^�.-�aest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the �•".�;. :� .,�.::4
<br /> „ . �:
<br /> � ` South�s.t Quarter of the Southwest Quarter {��}SE}SW}); thence easterly, parallel t .�� ':{�„
<br /> : • . ".�� with tT�e soath line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE�SW}), •-
<br /> tk ;�' :�
<br /> da..',.F/'`:
<br />_�..'� •. '� • . • ;� {- a distance of Six Hundred Fortq-sar�n (647.0) feet; theuce deflecting s�g�at 89 �„�":`•`;'`.;,.,;5:�,,
<br /> Y' � �� z• degrees 53" aad ruaning northerly, s distaace of Two Hun3red Eightq-oae �x� Eight �{��'� �` '�.%i,�;
<br /> .T:;�.;. , , r:,.
<br /> ' � � Tenths (281.8) feet to a poiset wt�=ich is Six Hundred Forty and E3ght �,�.��redths !. .,,?;
<br /> - � � ��"�'`f• (640.08) feet east of the �sest line of said Southeast Quarter ef the 5outhwest �''..••��. °"`f�� e:x`
<br /> ,�,,( �,,,:. � ::����.<<�`�<':
<br /> • �°^� Quarter (SE}SW}) as measured along and upon a line parallel wi�Ex the south liae . � � F '
<br /> Fy .
<br /> �•;.
<br /> � of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE}SW$), said poiiet also , ,�;.;.
<br /> '� being the northF�est comer of a tsa.�t recorded and d�scribed in Deed Baok 152, �'�, ''� � - '
<br />- , � ;.•� page 542, Hall Countq Register of aeeds Office; the�ce southerly along and upon �-�`;
<br /> �..;::.-�...,
<br />.- �' '� f� the west line of said tract deacribed in Deed Booic 152, page 542. a distance `�:•:.: -;r..,.e a:�•
<br /> .:•�-. �: . + i' �..,'�.....,:.;&f•
<br /> � :,,. �x of Tbree Hundred Fourte�n .and Niaety-eight L�ccndredths (314.98) feet to a poiat t . �•�.__
<br /> _.,�,f;�,.. ' .� an the northerly right-af-way liae of U. S. Highwap No. 34, said point being I:•"' � � __
<br /> f �.: .
<br />;-,.t?�;,��` Sixty and Two Sundredths (60.02) �eet north of the sc*�th line of said Southeast �,',• . . .�;.;''
<br /> `'•`+ . � ' � Quarter of the Southwest Quarter �SE�SW}); thence w�seerly along aad upan said 1 " �
<br /> '.': ,,,� :jI`L..
<br /> ` ' � • �:.�� n o r t h e r l y r i g h t-o f-w a y l i n e. a d i s t a n c e o f T w o H u n d r e d E l e v e n a n d N i n e H undredths �••. : .:
<br /> 1 (: _ _ _ t.I �':
<br /> --'. -� (211.09) feet to a point which is Fifty-six (56.0) feet north of the south line y' , ;,,,.
<br /> � • of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter ;SE}S41}); thence coatinuing
<br /> Y',t•� � '"•�� weaterly, along and upon said northerly right-of-way line, a distance of Four ' ,
<br /> '''����`•` �'� Hundred Tbirty aad Two Tenths (430.2) feet to the AC�OAL point of beginning. �` ��:-
<br /> �'_!h. ,_ . . - . ..
<br /> ,k'
<br />��.t%'.._• . .. f ... _
<br /> � " ° GRAh"���5 covenant with GRANTEES that GRANTORS: . �
<br />=.r`;'�� �'::y;.,; ;
<br />..�f• ._ ' ..:'�i�l��# ,. 1.' . .
<br /> �:r;!:!'�.3 (1) are lawfully aeised of such real estate and that it is free from
<br /> : , � `'�'..3 encumbrances, except easements, restrictions of record, and public road ',�
<br /> 'a��;� � � right-of-way; �, .
<br /> 3 � .
<br /> :{'<;;,. •.
<br /> � : ,..�;;:,;..�.�i (2) have legal pawer azd lawful authority to convey th� same; :
<br />-:�� . . td�t:;�.tj •,
<br /> �' � � r�=:� (3) warrant and will defend title to the real estate against any acts of the .°'�'`�
<br />-''``�'` ` GRANTORS, or a ainst the la.ful claims of a13 ersons.
<br /> - ,���, ` d g • P
<br /> .yz...,.� ��
<br /> . c�x... . . •
<br /> '��`�' . EXECUTED: May �� , 1997,
<br /> .. J •
<br /> - , � � t � � (� �- �f , .
<br /> .. � � !/�i� .rJi�'%t.l�L, !�1'fi'� f;W�,�.»�.rc—i'�c.��@.�.a.eo+ T+/�.u�t_ :
<br /> � B�RNARD E. SWANSON, Trus ee ESTHERMAE SWANSON, Trustee �
<br />:,,� '• � • < •
<br /> °.i�. . � � . ..
<br />:. � -..� . . .'
<br />.. "___..—_—�� �_n.e-_--'—'_...
<br /> ' _ ' � . ., ' ..
<br /> [ .
<br />