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<br /> . � .. _ . ` . r. . . .. �� : " . � .. . ' ' � �
<br /> ' _ __" ' . ' � . - ' . . . . .. ._ ...___ • _ . � . . . . . . t _ . Y .
<br /> � � ' �• r
<br /> ryqo ����� .. P l:C
<br /> . paym:uts m�y uo tonger be requir�d,at dse optiun of Leader.if martgage ins�uau��c coverage(in the�amount and for the period ' • ' .
<br /> � : that[xnder requi�s)Provided by an insurer a�proved by Leader a�aiu beoomes available and is obrainod. Borrower shall pay �. '
<br /> --- -- -- - ? the p�niums nquired to mainutin mortgage i`miraace in effect.or to provide a loss ceserve.until the requirement for mortgage �
<br /> iativranoe etxls in aocondance wit6 any writtso agt�eement betwern Borrower and Ixnder or applirable law. ;
<br /> 9.I�on.Leudet or its agent may cnatce n�sombte entdes upoa and ia�arons of the Propeay. L�ender shall give • ' <
<br /> - . � Bormwet nodce at the time of or prior ta an i�xtian sRecifying Rasnnable cat�e for the iatipection � i ..�
<br /> ; 10. Cand�nna@on.The proceeds of any awazd or claim for damages, direct or conseqnential,in rnnnection arith any
<br /> cvndemnation or othez mking nf a�+part of tise Pmperty.or for comreyaace in tiw of condeutnation,aze heceby assigned and ' -. - -_
<br /> _. -�� shali be paid[o Lender. : l� , .
<br /> _ i In th�.eveni of a total takiug of tbe Propeay.the prooeects shaU be apptied to the sams s�d Bq dtis Seuuity Insttumsnt. _ � _
<br /> : v�rhether or not then dae. with ang e�cc�.ss pay3 to Bortoww. In the eveut af a panial tatcing of the Pra�re�ty in which lhe fair �
<br /> jmarloet valu►af the Pcaperty immediatety bef�ae the atsing is eq�al to or greater dian the amount of the sams seiured bg tbis � � .
<br /> Seauity Instsument imntedIately 6efoze tLe ta�ing.unless Bormwer and Leuder ottteruvise agree m avriting,the sams secured by , `
<br /> , this Sec�ty It►�tmment shall be te�tuced hy the amoumt of the proceecLs mnitiplied by th� foltowing fiacdon: (a) the ootat �` .
<br /> ; amatmt of tL:.sums seca�cl immediatety befvae dte taloir�g.divided by(b)the fair marlcet vatae af the Pmperty imme�neiy � � , . . .
<br /> ; befoie the raldag. A�6alance s6aU Be paiJ to Bormwer. ln the event of a partial taking of the Pmperty in wtrich the fa'u . � .
<br /> _ ; ma�ket valne of thc Propestq imme�atety bef�re the rairing is less tban the amaunt of�sams secaued immediatelp befoie dte . -�-
<br />-° f [a�rin8,�mIess Bmrawer and Ixnder mhe�vrrise agree in writing or oNess appticable law othecwise provldes. the pmceeds shaU � �
<br /> : tre applied w the sams secated try t6is Security Instiument whether or not the smms are then due. � ` �
<br /> • �� i tf the Praperty is abandoned bq Bonrowet.or if,after notice by Lendet ta Battower that the cond�nnr offers w make an `
<br /> Y'�`, .,�`�,a award c�r�srle a claim for daz�oages. Eorma��er fails to iespond w Lender arithin 30 days after the date the notice is given. � . '.;``
<br /> z;: . �. . � Le�ter��,brized w collest and aPP�Y�P�S.at its option,either m�stmadon or iepair of the Propeity or to the sams � �� � ,- _, .
<br /> isecared 5�c s�5e�uitg T.nstt�enc whether o�nnt then due. : . - .
<br /> _ , Ud-� �ender a�3 Homower a�etwi�ag�ee in writing. ar+Y apPlicaaon of proceeds to prinaipai �ap nos eaoead or � . .
<br /> �� postpa�¢�-dae date of the monthlY PaSrment�teferred w in parag�aphs 1 and 2 or chaage the amamt of sacli payments. ;• • . .', �:
<br /> 11.�mve�Not Rei�;Forbearaaoe By l.�d�r Noi a�Vaiv�.Eatension of the tirs�e for papment or modi�on �. . ,� •-���^�
<br /> ry�
<br /> — � .
<br /> .; of amonir�on of the sums se�vred by tbis Security Iasmttnent graated by Lender oa any s�accessar ia im�est of Borrower�rall '�. _-�__;:.:
<br /> ` not opesate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Boirower's sQCCe�ozs in inserest. L,ender shall not be iequiied to • : ;::. ��
<br /> comm�nse pmceedinSs aSait�Y anY succ�sor ia interest or refiue to extend time for payment os otheiwise modify amott�on , • :t ;'
<br /> of ths s�ms seca�etl by dus Secarity Insuument by zeason of as�y demand made by the a,c�5iffa1 Bormwer or Bear�uer's � � .
<br /> suscessoas in i�ecest.Any far6ea�ance by Leader in exentising az�y right or remedy shall��e a waivet of or p��the � '
<br /> � exercise of any right or iemedp. ` . `�
<br /> �i � 1Z. Sur�so�s and Assigas Eomid.Joint affid Several I�abilIty, �ei�s. The covenanrs xn�:��ents of this � .
<br />=-': Secmity Iastnsment s6all bind and beaefit tAe s�acce�ozs and assigns of���d Borrawer,sablecc oa:t�provisions of . . � ;�. y`;
<br />:-;4;�. . • pazagcaph 17. Bomower's covenants and agzeeme�s�all be ja�acd seve-zi. riny Borrower who aV=._;�s this Saauiity • � �: .;/;;�
<br />�:r<; . . '.,��.:. Instrnax�s b�t does not e�ecnte[he Note: (a)is c�a-�...,�ing this�o.�iry Insa�ent only to���tgage.giS11t�d COIIVey th9i "'""� � . -'•�'r�`'
<br /> Baao�er's c�terest in die Pro . .. :��,-�,
<br /> e perty under the tem�.c cE fiis Secarity Instr�eiu: (b)is aot peise�Ily obli�l to pay tbe s�s . :
<br /> . s�eJ�tbis Secatity Insttmment:and(c)agree.s tCr�s I.ender and auy other Ea•irawer may agrea to exoea�,��di1'q.foifiear or ;.:.r.:
<br /> _ �a�p accommodadons with ngard to the temu of this Secauitq Insuoment c�c�e Note withont tliat Barca�e�'s consent. '' �•
<br /> ;,�s;' ' �� :
<br /> 4�.�.oan Ctiaigrs.If the loan secared by this Secarity Ium�.�at is subjea to a law vvL�i;h sets maxc�u 2oan rit��. ,��3�� � ; �
<br /> ` aud c�:�^�v is 5nally inteipreted so ti�a the inie�est or othar loa¢�ges ooIIected or w�e�llected ia conneaion*�vdt tite �l'�����`F��'�t
<br /> te i '. ':�:11+;F/�;�.,;.
<br /> ''�-, toan ex�d the pe�mitted limits.then. (a)any s�ch loan charge s��IC Nx rednced bq the ame�necessary co reduce the d� ,• ..:�:�v;��� �'
<br /> eo the permiued limi�and N)anY s�s s2readq collecxed from Borrower w�cl`�e�ceeded ' . '';`' ',.�
<br /> . Boirow�er. I.ender ma choose to maI�thi� refuud redaci the � p`'��d limit�w�l be refimded w c�: �,;,�.
<br /> Y bJ+ n8 P�P� u.scr� ander the Note or by maluqg a di�ect �•''., .. . ,
<br /> - ._ payme� to Borrawer. I f a re f i m d m�ces prinsipal. the reduction will Ee m.ated as a �rtial PrepaYment withont any .
<br />..:�� .� P�Y��8e under the Note. '' z. ...
<br /> . � f.�' 18.l�cstia�rs.Any nodce to Boacaveer pmvided for in this Se�rity Instrument shall be gi�•en by delivetiag it or by mailing • � •
<br /> • it by first class mail untess appficabte taw reqaizes us�of anotLer method.The rorice shall be dlrecced to the Property Address . �' '
<br /> � • or any other address �oYrower designates by no�e to Lender. A�r noace em p.ender shall be grven 6y first class mail w _ '' .'.
<br /> m
<br /> �`; Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender des�g�..�s by aotice to Bomnwer. Any nodce pmvided for in tl�is ���`''..
<br /> •:��.i.
<br /> < '� Se�uity Im�mment shall be deemed t,��ave�een given w Borraw�vr Lender when glven as provided in this paragraph. •.�,�;;,,:,.:,..� �.
<br /> . .. .I �r.n�`
<br /> •��l , 15.Goveaning Law; Seve�a6�y. This 5ecurity Iasnument shaU be govemed by federal law and ttte law ofthe �. :. ..4�,i;.+�;`�� .
<br />- � � . v,eed�•,. ..
<br />- j jurisdicdon in vuhich the Property is located. In the eveai that aay provision ar claase of this Security insawnent or the Note ,� . ' .
<br /> � j wnfllets with appllca6le law,sach canflia shall not affect other provisions of this Security lnstr�ent or the Note wluch can be �
<br /> �,� given effoct withoat We contlte8ag provision.T�this end the pravisiaac of this Stcurity Inswment and[se 1Vote are declared ( •.:�, '
<br /> ,,:�,;:,
<br /> w be severab2e. ' ;;:•:.1.,
<br /> ', .�{'tfi:;;:�<.
<br /> .:;� , 16.Bornotiver's Copy.Borrower s�all ise given one confatmed copy of the Note and of dr.i�.�.�arity Instrumeni. `��•'F'•��:;%{''� �
<br /> • • ;�}�- .
<br /> form 5028 9190 �,�•� '
<br /> ��8i1GUE1 cas�a�.o� vyeeere i��,,- r� '��/ � .
<br />_ , , : ';';.,
<br /> • :i , �;;
<br /> ;:�' . • . . • . .
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