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_ . . . :.., <br /> . . . r <br /> • , . • `. , . . � , ' .... . <br /> � ' � . , ���� mnam�xs.and ' ' <br /> . ° TOGECHER WI1'�I all the unpmvements nnw or hereafier erecued on the propeny.and all�eats.appa . . ' `.. <br /> _ . _ .- - fixtures now or hereafter a part ot the pmQartY. Aii � and a�tditionc �haq alsn he coveced by du's Se�vrity ' -----.- - <br /> . ; insacumeut.Ali of the fo�omg is referred to in this Securicy Ins�ument as the'Property.' ' . ' ; <br /> � BORROWER COVENHNTS that Borrovbreer is lawfullg seised of the estate hereby wmeyed and t�the risht to gzant and i ' ` . <br /> r , <br /> ' coavey the Prope�ty and that�he Property is unencumbered.except for encumbiances of reoord. Borrower wazrants and�vill i y <br />- � - �.� defend generatlY the title to t�e P�o�tY a8ainss all claia�s and d�ands.subjea w any eucumbiances of record. r - . __ ---f <br /> THIS SECUEtITY[NS'CRUMENT combines unifotm cavenants for ffitiana!use and non-unifoim wvenancc with limited i , <br /> � vaiiations by j�uisdiction to oom'titute a unifo�securit3►i�s�eIIt covering�a1 PmPe�Y• ' ' . • _ <br /> _ ; UNiFORM COVENANTS.Boirower aad�.ender cov amd Lat�e C��Boirower shall prompdY PaY'xhen due the - , , . <br /> 1. Paym�nt of P�tpa1 and I�e�est; Pi'�Y+�� <br /> ' , -. priacipal of and inoe�est on t�xe deht evidenced bq the Note aud anY P�PaY���late charSes due under the Note. <br />�; 2. Faads for Tases amd Insuea�ase.Subjest to a�plicable!aw ai to a wriuen waiver by Lend�er. Boirow�er sball PaY co . : :., <br /> e ; <br /> f Leader on the day montlily gayments are ctue�the Note.o�ul the Note is paid ia full,a snm('Fuads�)far.(a)Yea�lY� ; ' -: <br />`�� and assessments which mag atain priority over tbis S�nrity In.�ument as a lien on the Prupeny:(b)Year1Y leasetwld payments .. , <br />'�` � or gcound Ients on the Pre�penY.if any:(�)Y�Y��ar P�P�9�Prem�ums:(�Y�Y fluod�suiance pr�• , _ <br /> -- ' ' !�i if anp:(e)Yearly mortgag�imutance P�minms•�f anY:and(�anY svms PaYsble by�orrower to ixnder. in accorda�e with ' _ <br /> � the provisians of paragrdph lien af the payment of mortgage ansaiance premiva�s.These itans aze called'Fscrow Items.' <br /> :;;.; : remma s <br /> ,�`��:��'.�� Lender may. at any dme. rnllecc and hotd Fnndc in an azaonnt crot to exceed the maxim�amuunt a tender for a federally • � • <br /> x , ' ,�"� telaoed mortgaSe loan may iequue for Bormwer s escrow accounc�det the fixleral Real Estate Settlement P�000dnres Act of .. , . <br />�..� . ' '. "`�°,.`'`;.,� 1974 as�end������12 U.S.C.Secaon 2601 et seq-('RESPA°).anless another law that aPPties w the Faads ` ` _ <br /> � sets a le�er ammmt.If so. Lender� any ume.collect an�hold Fands in an amount uot�o exoeed the lesser amount. , . <br /> ' Lender may esumate the amomii o#�rmds due oa the baas of c�ucent data and reasonabte estimates of eapenditu�es of fudue � .. _. <br /> -" :���� . •;? applicahlelaw. ( `. • ' <br /> «� Escmw It�s or othemrise in accordance with . � or enti :` . • : <br /> ;�� T6e Funds shall be held in an instiwtion whose d�osits ue insated�aY a fedeial agency. insbmmemalitY tY : - . : ::• .. <br /> (m cta d i n g Lender,if L,�:.r is sach an insdtuaon}v�in any Federal Hame L�n Bank.L.eader shall appiy¢i�e Fancls to gay the ; _; .�:,,{s;; <br />" Fscrow ltems.L,ender may not chazge Bortower fac�olding and apglying the Fonds.annually a n a tyzing t�esaow a c c o u n i . � � <br /> •i"� Yerifying the Escrow Items.unless l.eader PaYs Barm�ver iater�,�the Fundc and applicable law peanias I.ender to ma&e sacfi ;;�L'< �.';.• <br /> ve <br /> � a c]�arge.However. Lemder may require Borrower�,.�r�saY a a�r�charge for an indepenite�t real estaze ta�reportiug�vice , �:•.,r�,..•�.. . <br /> ''Y ' nsed by Lender in co�oa with this loan, m�'i� applicab3t law provides otherarise. Unless a:s a,�ent is s�'.''. or <br /> �� � sn�rst to be paid Lender s'hall not be reqaired co PaY Bormwer azry interest or�on the�nd4. . • ': <br />';`�; •l applicable law requir� . ,, ' `. .,; <br /> ir - be paid on the F�.Lend.°r sbari give to B��aower. � � . ' �.:� <br /> ...:;,� :} Bonower and I�nder may agree i��ang•howr.wer.that sha11 �• . <br /> �: of tha fi�nds showing credirs and debit4 to the Fv�rab aad the puzpose for c�i�each :.,t�;��',:'.�;�, <br /> ' widiont annual accoa*r� fi� • � <br /> �. � ; `•P�:'�°`'c;� ,�', <br /> .;�.; , � ,} debit w thc Funds was made.The Fands are Pledged as additional seauity fo:atl svms ser�rod bp this Secarit9 Instr�. ,. �r.�,,;r,•;;:.- <br /> �.-r,�� <br />-`';? � �i I f t h e Funds hcld b y Lender exceed the amminss Pezmitted to be held bp a�licab2e law,Leader shaU account w Borrower _...._.___':�'�>.r.,, <br /> �` " for chc eacess Pbnds in accotdance with the requirements of applicabte law.If the amount of the Fands held by i.e a�er at a� . . ; •,._: <br />-�;._ . <br /> ' time is rns svf6clent to paY the Escmw]tems when due.Lender may so nntify Borrower in writing,and,in sach case Bomnwer �„':,::_. <br /> �•: .�; shall�ap t�Lender the amoans nece�sary t��nP the deficieacy. Borrower suall make nP the de8ciency in no m�e ttsan ;.';;.:.�'.:^ <br /> .; `�r;°,,.. . <br /> ..s�� . :S� twelve montWy payments,at Lender's sole discredon. � <br /> '. ..r���_i:==•:�'- <br /> • ;t Upon payment in tuU of all sams secured by this Security 1mKmmenc. I.ender sball prompdq refimd w Eorimv.s a�r . `.• . , <br /> . .�� Funds held by Lender.If.nnder paragraph 21,1xnder sha11 acquire or seU t�Aoperty.Lender.prior t�t�e acqui�tion or sa�e <br /> ; � of the Pmgerty,sball aPPIY�l►Funds hetd by l.ender at the time of a�^:��i�o=sale as a credit aga���s�s seca�l by ' <br /> `'; � this Secarity lu�tramen� �,�. � <br /> - ;;;.!::r ' Li � �' <br /> ,. : _ ' :�. 3.Appitt�tton of Payments.Uniess agplicable law prrn��es attienvise.a1 payments s�eived by Lender wtdet paua,�pP� - . ....' . <br /> i <br />- 1 a n a 1 2 s b a ll b e a p p li e d• an Y P r�aYme t charSes due�rr the h� amounts papable under paia$rap � �,�,,;,. <br />"Y��_�' third.w interest dne; principal due:a�i Test.w any late charges dLe under the Note. <br /> 1'•;f: . • �� 9.Cliseges: Lleas. Borrower shall pay all o���.asses�enss.charges.�ines and imposidons attr��able co the Propert9 ' - . . - <br /> .:�' � '• ' -� wtich may attain priority over this Seca�rity Insument,aa��asehold payments or gronnd rents, if at►p. Barmwer shaU pay <br /> - i these obligations in the marmet provided in paragrnph 2.or i.��,:c paid in that manner.Boaower shaU pay them on ti�e directly -- � .- <br /> : • �i . . <br /> �:�_:,� ' • • �� to the peison owed payment.Borrower shall pro�ly fumish to I.ender aU notices of amounts to be paid under this F�S�P� . <br /> .� If Borrower makes these paYments directiy.Boao�n_r shall prampdy furnish to Lender receipts evideacic�the paYments. <br /> • �� ' Borrower shall promptty discharge anp lien wbich has prlority over this Seruriry insuument untess Borrower:(a)aS�es�n • <br /> '�'1 . . � writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner accePtable to Leuder.(b)cont�s�c in good faith the lien . . : <br /> � � i by. or defends against enfo[cement of the lien in. legal proceediags wtrich in the I.e�d,.'a's opiniom aperaee to p�eas the . <br />�;�'��� enforcement of the fien:or(c)secures from the hotder of the lien an agree�ea�t saus�y't�1.e��r s�bO��3���tO l�� - . <br /> � ` this Security lnstr��ent. If Lender detetmines e�a�any part of We Propettg i�su61eet W a li:n whacb m�y ariain prlosity wes t, . , . <br /> .,:;��i . this Security Insmiment. Lender may give�r,.r:�:r a nodce identifyins the i��Borrower svall satis€p tL:llsn or taA�e oae aa <br /> 1 <br /> moce of the acdons set forth above within 10 da�s of the giving of nodce. . <br /> Fonw 3'.+ES 8/90 <br />_ ' �� ��-BRINE)�s2tz�.:t P�2 0�e n.c��: L'TI� <br /> _ � �, � . . <br /> .�, • ._ <br /> I <br /> . , „ � . <br /> .. <br /> . .. . . —.._..._. . . . <br /> ... ti. ..: - � _ --. . �—---� � - • <br /> � .. . <br /> . <br /> � .; �_ ._..._� ... . . . . . . . . <br /> �.� . . • • . <br /> e,: . <br /> +�'.` �.� ' . <br /> �:. ._ • . . � . <br />_:.---' . _. ._ "_ _ <br /> �;: . � ; �. <br /> .�; . . . -- -- - --cz:s <br /> .. .. __ . . .. . .. .. . . . . . _ . ._ . _ - . _ . . . _ . _ . .. . .__ , . . ._ Y'-=,:'�,t,'1�7�i—�=�:. <br />