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201201358 <br /> 179003552 I <br /> mortgngc insurancc preroium if this Security Ins[rument is held by thc Secretary. Each monthly installmcnt <br /> oCthe mortgage insurattce pretnium shall be in an amount sufficient to aecumulate the full annual mortgage <br /> insurxncc prcmium with Lender one month prior to the date the full xnnual mortgage insurance premium is <br /> due to thc Swreta[y, or if this Secuxity Instn�ment is held by the Secrctary, each monthly cha�ge shall bc in <br /> an amount equal to one-twclIlh of one-lialf perce�t of tUe outs[anding.principxl balance due on tl�e Note. <br /> If Borrower tenders to Lender the full payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, <br />� Sorrower's account shall be credited with the balance reinaining for all installments for items(a), (b) and(c) <br /> and any mortgage insurance premium instalhnent that Lender has not become obligated to pay to thc <br /> Secretary, 2nd Leuder shall promptly refund any excess funds to Borrower. Itnm�diately prior to x <br /> forcclosure sale of[he Property or iYS acquisition by Lender, Borrowcr's accoimt shall be credited with any <br /> balance remaining for all installments for items (a), (b), and (c). <br /> 3. .4pplication of Payments.Afl payments under paragraphs l and 2 shall bc applicd by Lender as <br /> follows: <br /> Pirst to the martgage insurance premium to be paid by Lendcr to the Secretary or to the montlily <br /> charge by ihe Secretary instead of the montl�ly mortgage liisurance preinium; <br /> Second, to any taxes, special asscssmcnts, Icaschuld paymen[s or ground rents, and tire, flood and <br /> other hazard insurance premiums, as requircd; <br /> 7'hird, to interost due under the Note; <br /> Fourtli,to amortizatiou of the principal of the Note; <br /> Fifth,to late cl�arges due under the Note. <br /> 4. Fire, Flood and Other Hazard Insurance. Borrowcr ehal] irisure all improveinents on t6e <br /> Property, whether now in existence or subsequently erected, against any liazaeds, casualties, and <br /> contingencies, including tire,tbr which Lender reyuires insurancc. This insurance shall be maintaiued in tlie <br /> amounts and for the periods that Lender rcquires. Borrowcr shall also insure all improvements on the <br /> Property, whether now in existence or subseyucntly crcctcd,against loss by floods to the extent required by <br /> die Secretary. All insurance sliall be curried with companies approved hy Lendec The insurance policies u�d <br /> any renewals shall be l�eld by Lender and shall include loss payahlc clauses in favor of, and itt a form <br /> acceptable to Lender. <br /> In thc cvent of loss,Borrower shall give Lender immediate no[ice by mail. Lender may make proof <br /> of loss if not made promptly hy Borrower. Each insurance company concemed is l�ereby authorized and <br /> dircctcd to mxke paymcnt fur such loss dircctly to Lcndc�, instead of to Borrower and to Leuderjointly. All <br /> or any part of the insurance proceeds may be applicd by Lender,a[i�s option,either(a)to the[eduction of the <br /> indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrumcnt,first to any dclinquent atnotmts applied in the order <br /> in paragraph 3, a�d then tu prepaymen[ of principaL or (b) to the restoration or repair of tl�e damaged <br /> Yroperty. Any application of the proceeds to the principal sh1]] not extend or postpone the due date of thc <br /> monthly payments which ace referred to in paragr�p6 2, or change the amoun[of such payments. Any cxcess <br /> insurance pcoceeds over an amount required to p2y all outstandiug indebtedness under the Notc a�d this <br /> Seci�rity Instriuncnt shall be paid to thc entity legally entitled tliereto. <br /> In the event of f'oreclosure of this Security Instrwnent or other transfer of title to the Property that <br /> � extinguishes the indebtedness, ali rigl�t, tikle and interest of Rorrower in and tu insurance policies in force <br /> shall pass to the purchaser. � <br /> 5. Occupancy, Nreservation, Maintenance and Protection of the property Borrower's l,oan <br /> Applicalion; Leaseholds. Borrowcr shxl] occupy, cstablish, and usc the Properry as Borrower's principal <br /> residence within sixty days xfter the crecution of this Seeurity lnsirument and shall continue to occupy die <br /> Property as Borrower's principal residenee for at lcast one ycar after the date of occupancy, unless the <br /> Secretary deic�mines this requiremen� will cause undue hardship for porrower, ar unless extenuating <br /> circumstances exist which a�e beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall notify Lenders of any extcnua[ing <br /> FHA 5ebraska Deed ot Trust-Ofil1( <br /> �^3 391.1I � Page 3 oC 8 <br />