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<br /> ( _._—_
<br />�f., • �.. ,� . �Y� �IJMt=4.T� � � � .
<br /> � TOGETi1ER tViTH all the impro�uncnt,no��or hereafter crc��tc�i un ine pm{�.�st�•.:end al1,:.c,ement..:s��uRCt�an�c••,and ,
<br /> - tixturr+ n�nr ur ture�alier a part ul the pmpertq. All replacement, and addiGun� �hidl alk� h� c�»ere�i b) thi. 5ctiurit} _ ,
<br /> � imtrument. All uC thr forc��»ng i�retiermd tu in thi.Sc*�uriq�ln.strument a.the"Pmp€rty."
<br /> . BORROWER COVENAI�TS that BorniKer i.l:�«�fully.ei.cd ot'the��tate herc:b� c��m•e�•ctii�nd ha.+the n�ht to gram dnd :,
<br /> = rume� the Pmpere�•and ehat thr Pcopen} i.unentumherc�i. rrcept ti►r enretmbrancr> ot rt'coni. &'rn��ccr ��arrar►ts and ��iU -- —
<br /> , defend genc�rall}the tide to the Propert)against all claims:and demandt.>uhicxK te�am�en�vmbrsnce+ul're�ti�rd_
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUAIENT combine�uniform crn•enants fnr nuti�mat u�c and nim-unifi�rm rocert�rtt<aith limited
<br /> canatians by jurisdictiun m�Ym�titute s uniform serurity imtrument ctt�erin�}ee-el pn►pert��. .
<br /> " ' [JNIFORh1 COVENA:VTS.&�rruH�er and Lender rn�enant and t�.gn�e a�fulltr��'+: _�`
<br />- � 1. Pa��meni ot Principal and Interest: Prepayment and I.atu Cltargcs. Barrc►w•cr .hall promptl� pay ���t�cn due the ,.
<br /> prinripal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and an} prepx��ment und lute�h;uges d;:e�:.ndcr ihe ti�le. : _
<br /> 2. Fands for Taxes and i�umnce. Subjeci ta spplicable lau or to a n rit[en waiver by�.e:�.r. BoiYUC��r shall pay m � .
<br /> �. L.ender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note.until the Nute is paid in full•a sum+;"�unds"?fu�:/a►�r�iy�taxes , ': _
<br /> � and as.sessmeut�w•hich m:iy attain priorin rn•er this Security Instrumrnt a�a licn on the Pmpert}�!'�5 yeariy leasehold pa}ments ? ' .'��,
<br />"^�i` . or graund�'���m the Property.if any:Ic1 yeariy hazard or proper[g itt�uranee premium-ti:(�)}r��} flcwd insur�ure pnmiums. : _
<br /> � if any: �e�_4ear!} mongage insurance premiums. if any:and 1��)• su�payablc by Borrower t�L.ender. in a�.�cordance«ith ` ' i �
<br /> • zL.e proci�z,�:of paragraph 8.in lieu af the payment of mort�e insucance pn�n6um.,. These items are called'Fsemw items." _ ',,•.`f . .'
<br /> Lznder nrs._ �t any cime• co�le�K ar►d hoW Funds in an amaunt nat ta exceecf tt+e maximum amaune a tend��r Cor a federally '
<br /> ` ` related m�rr��:loan may require for Borrower's e+crow ac:uunt undrr the fztG:af Real Etitate Settlement Pros.odures Act of :°�-,
<br /> _ .,,_ .
<br /> ''" � ' - 1974 a+ame:x�d:d from time to timc. 1?U.S.C. Section 2641 er s�q_ l"ItESI':�'i•unless:uiother taw that applies to the Fz!�'•s -_;���'-
<br /> �:��'•r-
<br /> s sets a te:�er amaunt. If so, l.ender ma�. at any time. coUect and.huia Fun�ls in an amount ni�t to exceed the tesser a-fti�•�*':3. ,: :,:`,,�V_F:
<br /> �a Ixnder may estimate the smaunt of Funds due an the hatiis of ceirrcnt data an�3 r�anablc estims:es of etpe�3itures of futu�e . .. r,
<br /> � �r,�:;
<br /> '' Escrow Items or otherwi�e in accordance with applicable law. ' �:•'=�."•
<br /> '� ' ` • ' The Funds shait be held in an inrtitutian whose de�cnits are ituured hy a federal a4;enc.. i�.�tn:m��lity. ar entity ! {.�'`%,;r`:
<br /> Y �-"; (including L�der.if Lender is such an institutionl or in an,y Fedeml�H��me l�:ui Bank.Lender�hai:appty tt�n Funds ta pay[he �-��, ���•:
<br /> ;,l ,r.
<br /> �f•� Fscrow ltem�. Lender may nat charge Borro�ver for holding and a�plying the Funds.annually analyzing the c�.cnow accoz`cr-ur '.�: •n
<br /> :; . .>er.fying the Facrow Item�.unle,s Lender payr Borrou�r intere.,t on the Funds and appli�:�ble law permits i�;..-Yirr to makc�:::h ;
<br /> � a�harge.However. txnder may require Borrower to�ag a one-time charge for an independent real�tate tau r�c�ning sen ice j. ' � •
<br /> ' . .�.�� used by Le::�er in connection with this loan. unless applicable lu+�� pm�•ides othenvise. Unless an agrae�i�'►t is ma�: ar ��t. ; . .-• ,;:.�„',
<br /> ; ';y°;: applicable 3an requires intere>t to be p�id. L.ender shaU aat b�requimi to pay Bamnwer any interest or eamings on the F�an��• i' {����4.
<br /> �,.� �, �,.; ::
<br /> � Borrouer arrd�tnder may agree in writing.however.that intcra�t shall•he paid on thc Fuads. Lender�hall give to Barrnu-.�. t � �,l;�;i,�`
<br /> 1% without charge.an annual accounting uf the Funds. stta�rins �KCditfi and debits to the Fund�and the puip�ss� for wbich eaeb •;�����
<br /> , ,. •_., , ..�,^..
<br />�•-� • debit to the Funds was madN.The Fund+are pledged as udd�ti�nal,ec.vrity ti�r all+ums secum.�i by thi.Security tnstrument. �". •+ � �,. �..:%,;i,
<br />��•r If the Funds held by L.ender exceed the amnunts permitted to b�hcld by applicable law.l.ender�hall aa�ant to Borrower � .� `+ `'=`.�
<br /> { : :i - �.,,
<br />`.; ' ;,:�.� for the excess Funds in accordancc with the requiremcnts of appiicabl�lu�v. If the amount of the Funds held by l.ender at any ..,,
<br /> �.;± ': , time is nat sufficient to p�.►y the Etierow Items��rhen u�e,l.ender may�ci notify enrrower in.vriting,and,in such ca�e Bc�rrower ;_}.;
<br /> �.:-_-
<br /> �' ' � . shall pay to l.ender the amount nea:es�ary ta make up the deficiett;y. Borra�ver,hall make up the deficiericy in no more than :�f_f
<br />' ,;c•;•.,," , ,
<br />'�;�;,•,,•• . t�r•elve monthly payments,at Lender's�nle discretian.
<br /> :"�,.;• ' Upon paymcnt in full of all �ums scrur�xl by thiti Security lt�strument. L.endcr+hull prompQy refund tn Borrower any .
<br /> . • �•, a p y nor to the�• aisition or sale , .
<br /> %� ' ''�`:_--���••• Funds held i�,•Lender.lf,under paragraph 21.l.ender shall ac a�ire or sctl the Pra ert .I.endcr,p ' ^.c{' •
<br />;�,.-� •:'•.;,,,,;:t•:." .
<br /> '�,��j,�:, of the PrA�e^+,shall apply any Fund�held by Lender at ihe time of:uu{uiritian ar.rale as a credit against the suma secu�t�by
<br /> ' {i�t ',•.: �:��'';�,r�;..;.. • , ' ' -
<br /> ,�h ,, � this Security lnsttumenl. .
<br /> ;�.�'..� ' � 3.Apptication of Payments.Unles,applicable law provides otttervvir.e.all paymentx received by Lend��F wutcr paragrephs
<br /> .\�'.-.
<br />- � ' '�`•" i and 2 shall be applied: first.to uny prepayment chxrges dur under ths Nnte: second,u�:�mounts payable uruf�er paragraph 2; • , :•-
<br />.'�`'� '` ''"',� third,ta interest due:fourth,ta principa:aiue:and la�t,to any late chargoa due under the Note.
<br /> •, `;t`,"titi. . �?I�f`,
<br /> � ' . .';,��;,;�;� 4.Charges:Liens. Bonower sha7E poy all taxey.atisessmentf.,ch�,rge�. fines and impusitions attribut25!�to the Praperty .
<br /> ' ' which may attain priority over this Sccurity Instrumcnt.and Icacrhuld payments ur grounJ rents, ii any. fl�nower shall pay
<br />�'i�'� ' � these obligations in the manner providc�l in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Barrower tihall p�ay thr:r�►on time directly � �
<br />:: :3�:
<br />'.�i1'r��' � � to the person nwecl paymant.Borrowcr shall promptt��tumish to Lender aU nuttc�of um��unts to he paid urri�:r this paragraph.
<br /> • ' If Borrower makes these payments directly.Barn�wer�hall prompil,�.fumit�h tc►Lender ra;eipGti evidene�n�tt�_{sayments. ,
<br /> ;.,4. • • Borro�ver shall promptly discharge any lien whicb hati priarity a��or thi!.Security Listrumem unles,&�srnwcr.fa)agrca5 in ,,��;�
<br />_ . . a•riting tu the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manuer aceepinble t��Lender.(6►cont�t�in goocl faith the lien ��•��fi;��??�
<br /> by, or defends against er.forc�.�n�t of thc lien in. Zeg�l proceedings whirh in the Lender's opinion opr:rate to prevem the .r � •
<br /> �.;;,, e�forcement of the lien:or tc►Ncures fmm the hafder of the lien an Agrec�nent wti�factary a�l.ender w5ur�iinatin$the licn ta � . �
<br /> ' �'r"' this Security In�irumcnt. lf'Lendcr de:e-r�ines lhat any part nf ti�e Property i�xubjcrt ta a lien which may attain priority��ver '•;s •,.
<br /> .�tr.� � .`i�;t';j;,,
<br /> •"��`7'�� this Securiti•In�trument. landcr may Rr��•: Bvrrowcr a n�+tice identif;ring thc li�m. Hurrower�hall �ati.fy thr litn or take one or ,��
<br /> •,�'''. •;%�����
<br />- more of the actic�n�set forth above with�n IU day�cri ihe giving of notiee. � ��'��
<br /> w'dJ'• Porm 3028 9/80 � � _
<br />. , � - . Pago 4 oe 6 - ' . .
<br />_ i..' " _ � . . ... - . . . -
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