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<br /> -" G.ASSIGNMENT O1F L�AS�S. Upon Lcnder's request.Boirowcr shall as5ign to Lcnder sU t�ses of the `
<br />� ',.`.- . __. ___ . _ _'_.._r_.5..—..
<br /> PrBperty�d all seauiiy deposits made in connectioa with teases of the Property. Upon thc assigameat,l.ender • .
<br /> sdall dave the ri w m �• � �. .'.
<br /> 8� �Y•extend ar t�ninate the exisGmg teases and to execute new teases.in Leader's sole
<br /> . , dis�iva.As used in this paragraph G.tke word"lcase"s6all meaa"su6lease"if the Securiry Instrumeat is on a . � , � �
<br /> te�asehold. • ` .. .
<br /> �. A�SIGNMENT OF R�N7'S: �Pi'OIl�'i'NiEIVT OF RECEIVER: LENDER IIV Pa.S.SESSION. . .,._ ._. „' a-�
<br /> : �_ � Bormwrr absolutely and unoonditionally acsigas and I�ansfers to Lendr,r ail ihe rents and reveaaes("Rent�'�of the '. `. ,�
<br /> . ". . . Property.reg�dless of to wham the Rents of the Ptup�ty aie paya6le.Bmmwu anthomes I.euder or Lender's ,
<br /> - ' agcats w coltect the Rectts.aatt agrees that eacb t�ant of the Pcopeaty shall pay dce Rents w Leuder or I.�d�'s � _ , ,
<br /> • � ag�ais.However.Bouower shall rereive the Reats antil(�Lender has give,a Bomower aotKe of defaWt pursu�t to ' - `--;
<br /> � � P��Ph 21 of the Securiiy Instrumeat and(n7 Lcndrr has given notice to the teaant{s)that the Reats are w be . '.;.'°. ''::"
<br /> . paid Go Leader or I.eader's agea�t 'lliis asv�nmea�t of Rent� wnstitutes an a6solute assignment and aot an , -
<br /> _ ' as�meat far additional security only. .. --
<br /> � If Le�tder gives aodce of 6mac6 m Baimwer:()aD Reats received by Busmwer s�all be keld by Borro��as �-`�'-`:�, .
<br /> �� tmstee for the benefit of l.euder only.to be agplied ta the smbs secuced by the Seauity Instsumeax(u�Leadec� . - :'•i.. �'':.
<br /> - �'� be�to cflIIect mmd receive aII of tDe Reuts of the Pmgem.(iu�Bormwer agrees tbat ezsb tenant cs`:?z � . ..,.°:„t.�°�-.
<br /> - < Pmpeaty shaT!pay aU Ranis due and unpaid w I.e�dear or I.end�'s ageat��on Leader's writ�demand tm s�e -- ��, ..
<br /> ., � �"s �an�Cnr) untess applicabte law provides othe�rwisc,aIi Reats colleaed by 1Rnder or Le�d�'s ag�ts sba[[�be � . ";�€�.`;�.
<br /> • � ���.�' a,pplied fast w the costs of taking wnuol of a�ad mana�ng the Paopeity and collecxmg the Rent�,incWding,b�t aot ' '::�.:=�;F.
<br /> �� . , :'� �nited to.attomeys'fecs.reaavc�'s fe�s,greaaiums an zeceivea's bonds.reRair�d ma��tenaace costs,insuiance ... ,'�'�:"�':-�:
<br /> .`:: pzemiums.taxes,assess�nentv and other charges on the Pmperty,and thea w the svms secuned hy tIIe�ecaIIity ._ - , '�:��_.?
<br /> � S�enx(v)Leader.Lender's ageats or anY J��Y�mted receiver shall be liable w aecount for only those '�i?���
<br /> ' ' flt�ts actualty�eived:and(v�7 Lendea st�all be eatitIed ro dave a receiver appointed tn take po�essioa��d �,i , '� ' =:
<br /> � � ;{;� • _ managa the Property and coltect the Rents and profit�derived from the Ptopeary without any showing as at•��e , �'"���a ,�,"
<br /> 't '��<. �8�1ffiC�Of fZIC P['OFPiISI aS S�1[S/. �)F+��'''�3�:�-
<br /> -_ ��'�if���: , . �~�,'}
<br /> . .. � If the IIYeanta of the Pmperty are noi suffIcIent to cover the costs of takiag control of and m�g the �•<< �
<br /> . � :.
<br /> .,�� ' ' Pi+opaty a�d of coIIecting the Reuts any f�nads expauded by I.�der for sucb purposes shall ls��ebt�daess of • :.��,+•'
<br /> . ,
<br /> ; ' � Baaowex o�I.erider seanred by the S�►Inshwn�tt pwsuant to Uniform Covenant 9. . �;..:f.;�,
<br /> � � � Barmwea r�ts aad wanants tLat Boaower has noi eaearted any piior assignm�t of the R���as _ r.�;�'�
<br /> '. . � � not aad wili not peaform any act Wat wou2d prevent Lender from exea�cising its rights und�tLis p�b. � .'�'.�t
<br /> � � �.ender.or Lendea's agea�ts ar a judiaalIy appointed r�ceivea,shall nat be requ�red to eat�aq�ca,take control .. . ,�° -".�;;
<br /> � . of or mamtain the Prapeity before or aftea givmg notise of defauIt to Borrower.However,L�^.3er,or Lender's . . : �':.'�'�
<br /> ���. ,:, �gwts or a jndi�3aUY aPPointed receiver,may do sfl at any time whea�a defauit oocurs.Any spplicadnn a��ats � .:;.���-
<br /> :.l 'si'�;;?'.; �IB��AoL CIIIB OT W31v6 Aay�t OI 111V8�1d8fC 8Ay oi�!1$�l[oT ICfiCdy Of LR➢t�CC�ItS�S41�lItlplt Of�:i7�Of � r�j.:;��. :-'-___
<br /> ` `� � ttie Pe+operty►sshall teimmaatc when aU the soms se�aed by the SecaQity Insa�ument�e paid in fiill ����r`�, � `:, '''�°-
<br /> ' '� : I.C�t�S-DEFAUI.3'PitOVISION. Botrowe�r's defautt�a breach uadea any nQ+� or agreement in . , . -.�—
<br /> .:�. . whIcb L�wder has an interest st�aU be a bit�zch uader the Secauiry H�suument and Leader�ag asvoke any of the . _-a,':;
<br /> <�." �� . : remeties pe�ntueA by the Security Iactrumeni. ,-.- -- 'r'�'=
<br /> - . � ,' BY SIGNINa BELAW,Bmmwer accepts and agces tn the tmns and pravisions conta�rr,���.is 1-4 Family : .�' •;,�
<br /> ' Ridr,r. � �
<br /> ;:_' . _ . cs�� A ' ,� s�> , -;. .' ;: :;.� ..
<br /> �-.-�::.x,�
<br /> _ ..�i'1� ONALD L PS(iTBR -Bortower CORNELSA J PE -Brncower �s,;�.;i��,�' . -
<br /> :y ., �.ti��x;���. .
<br /> , (5ea1) [Seal) '. .. .
<br /> '�` . •8mrower -Brnrower •
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