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<br />. . . _ ��m �V���� . . . . _
<br /> . `. . � _ South Eighry Eight(8�.0)feet of Lot Two(2?� Block Thirty N'iae(39), Origiaal .. . � ..
<br /> _ Y _ Tawn,now City of Gr�nd Is}and,Ha11 CauniY, Nebraska `', . . .
<br /> .,
<br /> _ _' _'_ _ _'_ . _4 i .
<br /> - . � 3. ��.` .�S�i�$��'�'�` i���$j{$. IL IS 11IIS�BIS�OOd d�ab'�"�"'t�BL�.I.IC�,YIS�. . , " _
<br /> _� � �y cons�uct,t�aimain,repa�r and tW'Iize the above descn'bed improvement at the Licensee's sole ,.. �.: ..
<br /> . � ris�. The Liceasee �e.r e bY waiv�s a�t claim for d a m a g e s agaiasr the Licen�or, its offcers, _" ,
<br /> _ � . . employees,agents a�d indegand�nII cam�ac�ors for any damage or injury that may res�ilt w said . .`. .
<br /> . . � _ unpmvement. If the I.icensor, in its sole discretiQn, determiaes tl�at anY Fart or aU of the , � ,,,F,^
<br /> unprove�uuent must be n�aoved or is damaged b� t�ne Licensor, its employees, age�s• or .�.,_.:�.- �F,,.--
<br /> � . - ind�eudeut contracwts worIang fior the I.icensor during the course of their employme�or dirties ��,�F; :'" }
<br /> �,.__
<br /> ' � . with tI�Licensor,th�LtCensee agrees to asstune and paY all costs relating to the replaceme�or , _
<br /> 4��
<br /> , , � • repair of tlte improvement. i' _ :- -
<br /> :s..
<br /> . � �' �.f'�`.� ���� .
<br /> 4. RESTORATIaN �F P1�OPERTY. If the construction or maintenance of the ,� .,
<br /> . __ �2 above re�uires anY disr�Ption of tfie surface of the publ�c :;_�-~
<br /> . � _ _ ianprovemeni identi�esl in PaFagraP _ :�.___. _';t _-
<br /> � . � ` rIght-of-way or aeighboring p�oPert�4 the I.icensee shall restore the surface of the area w the sam� , .T
<br /> .� � . conditian as it existed im�iat�elY Pnor to the Licensee's work iu the area. '- - ,-". ._
<br />_ - ,;�".�-
<br /> ` ' . . ; 5. EFPEtr°fNE DA'1'�. This license agreement shall only be for the period MaY 13, -- .-. =���
<br />`� ._ .,
<br /> ' ` �� 1997 tivrou�h September 3 Q, 1 9 9�. -
<br /> .?.. � . �r��.` I shall terminate vne or more of the � . '�f�-
<br /> ., ;,f�1�,ti, 6. �RI�1�'k�[f�i+�: 1T»s hcense agreement �� H:
<br /> � � �
<br /> �,,�r . �,,�'�:;;, following oCq�: � � �
<br /> ' F`1{4, •�—
<br /> , � � ,
<br /> � ' ';r��� �, The senrice of fifteaa(1�days written notice of inte�n W�nate bY ..:_
<br /> �.
<br /> 4��,. -�-
<br /> _ _._ .- anY P�Y uPon the ather pariy . . _ _-
<br /> : � .,: .
<br /> '=' ' � , b. The Licensee's application for a permit w alter sai�d improve�nt or any � , :
<br />, , ,:,5;��' , parQ thereof,unless said permit is for work due w an occurrence as descn'bed in Paragraph � � ' �,�,,
<br /> �::..;
<br /> � �f.:;':��,:;� 3 above and said work has the priar wriuen approval of the Licen�a�. :,��
<br /> ;; _,�`:. - _
<br /> �; •. � �. 'f�biceasee's cansauction or instaUa�d�vf any sttucwre or zms�aa�ement ..r �.
<br /> � � ����'f �ture u� thz real estaie owned by the T�a+�a.snsor except that cfi��ed in ° �-
<br /> �ty�� ; �f a�w =
<br /> _ . :a��: h 1 ab��. :.
<br /> - '.. .1i��1iyS��" �al't°$1�"
<br /> `. • ��'.Yl:�::• . .
<br /> ` ... eF. 'I�e I,�censee's use of the public sidewaIls�iesents any threat or i�ediment .
<br />_.,. , . �. �
<br />,�� . - �,;�� . to pub2i�health,safety or welfare. �
<br />__� , . .s.,;��:�
<br /> .,
<br /> '�''�;�{. ,� Upon the t ;�a 'on of this License A►gceement. the Licensee Gl�all be required, acnfi � �. •
<br />_..;j ti,.�°, . '
<br />,.�::�.;.� : . . : hereby agcees,r�remove said improveme�from the I.icensor'�real estate at its ovun e�ense a�ffi
<br /> �n-:� � '. . . withwt cos�tc�c�e Licensor. Said�+emoval w occut ao later dsa.�five(S�days after s�i�t of the , . .
<br /> '��' .��..•,:�r:;; ;.� aatY�e of intention to ter�inato oz airy of the other occurrenCes set forth in Paragrag�S above. .
<br />�..�; ' ":�``i;ri':;. Shauld tt�e Licensee faa� to da so, the Licensar �y remove or cause the removal off sai� ,
<br />�: .Y,
<br /> 4w }'y•, I'� �
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