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<br /> � except in ttte case of townhouses,and condoTniniums theu lou may be divided so ttie owuer may own � - -
<br /> � , . the land under the townhouse. � ..`
<br /> �� � . :�� ..
<br /> - , -=�3 3. pny detacy�ed garage or any oiher out building shall be of the same quality and materials of � .
<br /> ` �` : construction as the outside fmish and roof of the residential structure- No buildings shaU be constructed . , � �
<br /> ° .� of unsightly materials,boxes,or sinnilar lumber. ° ;`:._.�n
<br /> ? 4. All buildings shail be placed back from the center of the front line of the lot the following �� �. : .,:
<br /> _ .. � . � 4�..
<br />= � � distanc�s: at teast thirty{30)feet or more on all lots,excepting Iots�ronting on culdesacs the distance .- _
<br /> =°`1:,�° � - �.> ` shall be twenty-five(25j feet from the&ont tot line. .� �
<br />-^ .. �:.,:. . . ..
<br /> �<;�������,:,�����,' .
<br /> 7�,
<br /> 4 : c��: • . ' � _ .
<br /> < t'� ���f• � 5. No su�d,earth,sand,gravel or trees shall be removed w the injury of the value of ar .
<br /> �� , .
<br /> - �,;i.. - jimk or rubbish sball be left exposed on any lot
<br />-�;';;,;;,<��s';��', appearance of any lot,azcd no unused building material, � �,
<br /> 'Y �.(" �� �� except during actual building operations. No siga of any lcind shall be displayed to public view on any � �
<br /> 4 l.!'i� . � •'JYF, t ..,-
<br /> �`��r��f' lot except one sign o f no t more than five s quare feet advertising the property for sale or rent,or sigas �
<br /> f. i>i��._ � -= .�,` ��
<br /> '''-�;���<s; used by a builder to advertise the properiy duting the canstraction and sales period,or signs used by the _ .s,�� .-
<br /> .r - ��.�: •.
<br /> � developer to advertise the subdivision. . . --_--�`-�{�'
<br /> . :.'•� :
<br /> ' �`l 6. No wom out or disc,�rded automobiles,raachiaery,or Parts thereof shall be stored on any loi : . . ;����-.
<br /> . ..` �_..
<br /> � , ,'� in tke addition,and no portion thereof shall be used for automobiles,jimk pi�es or the storage of any � .��,�
<br /> �f kiud of junk or waste material. ..
<br /> � . ti . . �..
<br /> C ' � _. ' �. .
<br /> _ � -`; 7, eet��semsnts are established for installation and maintenance of utilifc�such ,. • .
<br /> `' � `"'!::� easeme�*s�e�cYe�r13+ma�on the recorded plot of said subdivisian. ��v:ce lines�oz indi��idual :�;;;,�;,-� ��:
<br /> :;..�y,+.,,t..;' :';;'�'��7�:;.�
<br /> � resic�c�frsr.atl gu:zlic utiiitc�services which are av�able to a lot&om au a,�derground source shalt be _; :��,-,,;
<br /> � � kept tuidergrauu� Exposed aerials of any kind shaU not be used except satellite dishes not to exceed " ;t�� �� _ _
<br /> Y' ` 18"in diameter is allowed,t hey must not be visi'ble from the street and must be attached to the primary ::;,�,�
<br /> ;__ _. _.. ��. No mercury ar Sodium Vapor lights are allowed on any lo� Grand Island,NE installed street . : :_
<br />..� . . • . -�'�.-!.y�;-.
<br /> � . ligh4ing is exempted from aIl lighting restrictions. �
<br /> J:. . . .. . ,`r�:�.��_;
<br /> ,;, � �. 8. V ehicles. No campers,trailers,motor or mobile hc�es,boats,recreatioual veluctes or � ' �� �.;. _
<br /> ..:..;. { , ; ;� trucks targer tha�a three-quarcer ton(314)pickup truck shall be s:ored on any lot,driveway,or on the � 4
<br /> �:c�s;.;r� stree�:�fi�ont of or on the side of any lo� No caua�e�,trailers,motor or mc:bile homes,boats, ";,�;r�'�;�7 �
<br /> . ... recrea:ia•�aF ve�iicies or trucks shall be left F�����streets avernig,�t �''r.�... ----
<br />._.. _ .
<br /> .,t;;
<br /> `� � 9. Ve�etation. The owner of each lot sha��keep the ti�etation and grass thereon cut to a — � �`�"
<br />_�., ta -_-
<br />�� .. � � height tess than eight inches prior to construction,aad shall keep the shrubs,vegetation and grass , . .
<br /> � � � thereon cut to a reasonable height after constructioa...'�'here shall be no cottonwood trees planted. .
<br /> �� �:. ` .
<br /> - � " � 10. N�£�ces,side rear or front shall be cc�structed�f�erbed wire,woven wix�,or creosote �.''�,:�. � :,'.
<br />..�,�� � �.. treated posts abave ground or any unsightly mate�ial. On�at��5,26,27,32,33,34,36 and 37 adjacent w " �::,;,;i��,.,'.�.:.,
<br /> � � � Indian Head Golf Course,no buildings of any kind�.t�tl be ca:3structed near�r than thiitY(30)feet of the �-����:
<br /> "J.i.iC4 .� ... .
<br />=�� " �• � , fence separating the golf course from the residential properry. There shall ioe no fence of any kind, � :
<br /> :f`: . . . feet �
<br /> including vegeta�.on,higher than foriy two inches(42) withia�Iurty (30)of the golf course. The
<br />�x'� � . � purpose of this restriction is to ensure property owners of thes�la�s have a reasonably good view of the .
<br />-�+ . � '.;
<br /> T i .,�,�.
<br /> �. .
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