. .. �'�_.s�.�.. . .: t ' _
<br /> _ i " .. " . ,.'j�,{ _ ` . . . _ � .i . . . �C � - . ---�. . � . .
<br /> ' . . � -� .. . � . . ...
<br /> . . i ' :
<br /> antl a0 easemen s a rten ces. and �'
<br /> . TOGETHER WlTH a!!the trs�roYements rtovr or hereaR�etecied on the property, t . ppu an _. __
<br /> - � fumires now or hereafter a part of the property Ap repisc4m�ts at:q addRions sha6 atso be covered by this SecuMyr Inshument ` �
<br /> � All of the foregoing is refened to m th�s Securdy tnsfrumen!�s the'Aropetty'
<br /> . , i BORROVYEH C01lENAN'f3 that Boaower�s tavA�'t� sezett �t;f�� estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and , _ .
<br /> ' ' convey the Property artd that the Pmperty �s unencumbered vr�g,y.�or encumbrances of retord. Borrower wartants and wdl •
<br /> ' : detend generally the title to the Propesty against ali c4yrns and dem:tstt� su0�ect io any encumbrances of record. • _
<br /> � � Tk1S SECURITV INSTFiUMEM combmes un.�tortn cover.�sts tm nationai use and non�uniform covenants with hmited � ; , .
<br />� ` vanations by jurisdiction to constftute a undarm secunty�nsCUme.�t r.c:r�nng real property. ;
<br />- . . `4 U(VlFQplu[ CQYENANTG Elprtpwg�A�d 4ender cov�nant anq R�tP as follOws , _
<br /> - � � t. Paymertt of P�incipa! aad Interest: Pe��aym�rN;�BRd L819 Chalg99. 8orrower shall prompUy pay whe� °
<br /> • ` due the pnnetpal of and interest on thB debt evidenced by thc N�ta and�y p�ep8yment and late charges due under the Note ; . , .
<br /> ' � 2. Fut1dS fOf Ta7teS i911d (t181irAttC@-Subject to appirtq�i�law or to a written waiver by Lender.BaROV1er shail pay � �
<br /> to lertder on the day monthly payments are due under the Nuta.u�tS�the Nate is paid in full, a sum ('Funds') toc (a) yeadyr ' ,
<br />' �� taxes and assessments which may attain prioriry over th� Sc�tnly�.',nsUUment as a tien on the Property: (b� yearly leasehold �
<br /> � � ` payments or ground rents on the PropeAy, if any, (c) yearly hAT3srf or prop�ty insurance premiums. �� yearty Itood msurance (
<br /> '� ' premfums.if any. (e)yearly mortgage insurance prem:ums. if any anq t!1 any sums payable by Bortower to Lender in accordance . .
<br /> with the provisions of paragraph 8. in fieu of the payrrsertt at;n�:Kg�� insurance premiums. These dems aze called 'Escxow � .
<br /> �; . Items.' Lender may. at any time. collect and hold Ftmds u�an a!Rpurt not to exceed the maximum amount a lender fot a - -
<br />':: federaly retated mortgage loan may requ'ue tor Bortower's escrow aGS�unt under the federal Rea� Estate Sett[emertt Procedures � �, ' . ' _
<br /> a• � ' Act of 1974 as amertded irom time to Gme. 12 U.S.C.J 2601 et se�._('RESPA'). unless another law that applies to the Funds
<br /> :"s�' , sets a less� amount (f so. Lendet may, at any time. co2ad and !)nSd Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount '
<br />-�;^- , . ` Lender may estimate the amount ot Funds due on the bass ot cu�;data and reasonabte esOmates of expenditures of future �
<br /> ` � •i Escrovi ttems or othenvise in accordance wi[h appGcable law. � � ' . .
<br />-�'` � The Funds shall be held in an mstitution whose de�osits ara in:i.«rAd by a federal agertclr. rrtstrumentality,or entity (mctuding
<br /> '�4 Lender. if Lender is such an institWon) or in any Fedpxal Hame Lc�FUt 8ank L�der sha7�d�the Funds to pay the Esao�v �-. ', r _ .
<br /> -' . Items. lender may not charge Borrower for holdtng and appJying th�;�unds,artrtua5y ar.a'v�-r��e esaow account,or veri[yirtg ` � i� .,
<br /> � . • the Escrow Items. untess Lende►paya Borrovrerc miersst on the Ftmds and app5cahie !�� cemits Lertder to make sucfi a � : � - .
<br />: !� � � charge. Ffowever. Lendet may require Borrawer to Qay a oas-tir�a.:harge Tor an mdep�.� �af estate�x reporting service '��,��
<br /> s'• .� used by Lertder in conneaion with this loan. unl�ss appGaebie 4�vr, provides otherwi� ��PSS an agreement is made or k • -;:i.+i�<...
<br />-�;i . appGcable Iaw requires interest to be paid. Lender shall noi be rec�.erdni*.o pay Borrower a.,� �r.i�est or eamings on the Funds- � � ���.:�;���;�.•.
<br /> Borrower and Lender may agree in wririting. howeve�. that in"eest sF�f�6e pa� c�� tt�e F�-�. Lender shall give to Borrcwer. ,�;�i;;�,
<br /> -- . � without charge, an annual accoun6ng af the Fvrtds,shaw�rtg cca�it�aad deY�'� tn the Funds and the purpose tor whtch each . _
<br /> :�; debft to the Funds vras made. The Funds are pte�y.d as add.�ianot5�urity tar c!!sums sewred by the Sewrity InsVument.
<br /> ' If the Funds heid by Lender exceed the a►naunts pemi•ttett ta ba held by applicabte law. Lender sh21!2ccount to Bortower • _ __
<br /> 3� , tar d-P excess Funds in accordance with the requirerttents of eppYCrshle law.If the amauat cf �-e Funds held by Lender at any � �
<br /> �' � ' r� Ume�s not suffldent to pay the Escro+v Items when due.I.ender m�y�o notity Bortower�r �.�.3, and, tn sucfi tase Bert�wer `' t`�; :_:
<br /> .. �• �,:.
<br /> -�� • . � shaU pay to Lender the amouni necessary to make up the da`ruen�y. Borrowel shall rtrke c.�ihe deficiea..^y in no more ihan . .. ;_..f�:::.
<br /> � twetve morrthly payments.at Lender's sole discro'�ca . ,. - `'�
<br /> �`� Upan payment in full 01 all sums secured t�y this Sepsri,y tn��im4nt. Lend�shaB pra�r:y refr:nd a:�a-rower any Funds •.
<br /> :.'+• held by Lender. If, under para�ayfi Zt, Lender shall acqu'a�e or s�:!tha Propgtv. Lender.p�ra:a the��.:s'r::an or ssle ot tAe
<br />=�,`'�; Property,shall appy any Funds held Ay Lender at the tima ot acgu:�titien or saie as a ayst�inst Lhe s.°ns secured 6y tfiis ,
<br /> �� = Seturit�r InsUumem. ',':r'<.,- �.
<br /> r , 3. App1��liOD Of P�yt�etltS. Unless app5cebtia lav� prarides otherwise. ait �f--�ents received by Lender under . ��'',(����'�
<br /> .,<< y,,, :
<br /> ���;:-
<br /> ' :; • F�rs�hs 1 2:rd 2 shaU be applied: first.to any prepayrrsQnt r,f�,;ge�due urrCa.r the Note: second.to am�zrts payable urtder ;;�•�j'•;..�
<br /> '� • �-��ah 2; :':aC.:o interest dua:fourth,to principal due-anG{ast.ta-any I�e a�arges due unda the Note. � '� ' "
<br />- ,.,i � . ...� �. �,�.;�..�
<br /> •�,i �. ChBi+ge� Li0t18. Bortowet shall pay aU tazes. assfsa.^�mts. �,ages, fines and Impositions attributabfe to the ,�) � •
<br />:;r.,�; ./'
<br /> ;iy�:�;;•.... •: '`, - Fra'x�ty which may attain priority over this Sewrity�nsirum2nl,anA (�sehald payments or ground rents,it any. Bortower shalt � �',,.,�.,,
<br /> �s t��e obligatlons in the manner provided fn paragraph 2, or i4 not paid in that manner. Bor►ower shalf pay them on time `��
<br /> � � ���, - *"�;"`t�- '
<br /> < - '�- ,,.,; ,.�; . diretiyr to the person owed payment Borrower sha0 prortipUy iam�3h�to Lender all noUces of amounts to be paid under this , ��e,., ' '
<br /> �"•�.� � . paragraph. If 8orrower makes fhese payments drtectSy. Borrorrac shatl promptty fumish to Lender receipts evidendrtg the " t����r .�
<br />_�-�,' ''� ' payments. '
<br />_�'�`�' ' Borrower shall rom t dischar e an lien which has nadt ovas this Secu' Instrume�t untess Borrower. (a) agrees in �.•'-
<br /> A::;�j,- . P P�Y 9 9 P ! MY . •'
<br />�;y;,,, wdtlng to the payment of the obllgatlan secured by the lien in a rrr�t.ner acceptable to Lender. (b) contests in good taith the ,-+`���-
<br /> ;;f� ' �. tien by, or defends against en}orcement of the lien In. tegal pwceedngs which (n the Lender s opinlon operate to prevent the � -__-
<br /> � entorcement oi the lien; or(c) secures from the ho!der ot the i'�er.�nn agreement satistactory to Lender subordinadng the lien to .' ' ,� "'
<br />.':;;;; � • : tMs Secudry Instrument H Lender detertnlnes ihat any part af 1ha+Ntpp�ty is subjeel to a lien whlch may attaln pdarity over thls `
<br />--_=-;°�. � • Sewrity Instrument. Lende►may glve Borrower a notice identfij(n!�the Cen. Ecrrawer shatl satisty the lien or tatce one or more o1 • , - `.�,
<br />=:--'.'v:�. the adlons set tarh above within 10 days ot the grvi�g of nat�ce.. • •
<br /> Y��='�`�' , � 5. 1�I�i0 or Property Insurance. Ec-:owcr sh311�keep the i:rµ�c�,c-+aerrts now exlsting or hereafter erecteG on the ' �
<br /> .�:�..;:,:.',
<br />;°;:;°;1' : � "' Fr:�erty insured aga(nst loss by �re, hazards induded withor the term `eaccr:Qed coverage' and any other hazerds, including �.*` ,
<br /> :°i.,;;:. .,
<br /> i",i:: ` ;;.:.�:::.,,, 400ds or ftoading,for which Lender requires insurance. Thi� in��uance sha0 be malntalr.ed m the amounts and for the pedods
<br /> •s-`•�' �,,<4;-.,�•• �, � that Lender requires. The insurance cartier provldmg the insurtir.cc� sha0 be chasen by 8ccrc+ver subjecl to Lenders approval , •
<br /> cE.•; .. ,;.�, r
<br /> . �r-; :,`.t which shall aot be unreasonably withheld. B Bortower taifs to mafitaln coverage desc:ibed above. Lender may, at Lender's : • ;
<br /> • . , • apUon,obtatn coverage to protecl Lender's dghts (n the Prop�In accordance with paragraph 7. .
<br /> "`�� �. AII insurance policies and renewats shall be accepYa;�fa to Lender and shall inctude � standard mortgage clause. lender
<br /> �' ,'r�.' ., shall have the d ht to hold the olicies ar�d rer.ewals. It Lendri re ulres. Bonower shall pro_ p �
<br />��•.�5 g p q r-ipttyr ghre to Lender all recel ts of ,
<br /> � - • paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of 10�3.Handwer shall ghre prompt notice ra the insuranee eartler and Lertder. �
<br /> �`���: � � . � ` Lender may make proot of loas if not made promptly by 8a�avre+. ' .
<br /> . ��: ' • • Unless Lender and Bortower othertvlse e�ca�in wribnc} Irsurance proceeds shatl be apptied to restoraUon or repair o1 the •�
<br /> ti .':`i � • PropeRy damaged.H the restoration or repalr is econo.�nicafty t¢asble and Lender's securfty is not fessened.H the restoraUon or •
<br /> ; �� � , repair is not economlcalty feasibte or Ler�ders securfij wcut�be lessened. the insurance proceeds shall be applted to the sums . �
<br /> . . sea:red by this Securiry Instrument, whefher or noi then dce. with any excess pald to Eanower. It 8ortower abandons the
<br /> ! �• Fr;C«�ly, or does not answer within 30 days a nWJce hom (.�:Cer thai the Insurance carrtEr Fas oHered to settle a claim.then ,�
<br /> • � Lr�-�r may collect the insuranoe Croceeds. Lender may usu the proceeds to repair or re�2cre the Property or to pay sums �
<br /> �,�.! � ' :,��d by this Seeurityr Inswment.whelher or rtof thert dce. 1'he 30•day pedod�nnll beg�n ws�en the notice Is given.
<br /> �:,�. ;;,:'::.;
<br />�;,;,;,;'...�;-:;,;;::•'� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ar�rze m w�S}1ng. any appLcaLOn cf proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br />-:_�,;?'';.�• �r•;�'.�• pcstaone the due Cate of the monthly payments refened ta in paragrzphs t :3na 2 or change the amount of the payments It !
<br /> ' .. un4er parayaph 21 the Property is acquhed by Lenda'. 8onov�er's right to�sy +nsurance policies and proceeds resulting from
<br /> j '�, �
<br /> darrr,e to the Property pdor to the acquisiHon shall paas to Lertdev to ;he extent o1 the sums by this Security Ins�ument
<br /> ;� '� , . . imm�edately prtor to the acquisition.
<br /> t:'. ' . • � 6. Occupancy. Preservation, Maintananoo and Protc�ctEmn of the Proparty; Borrower's Loan �
<br /> Application; L9839h01d9. 8orrower shall oeap�/. astabloh. and use the Property as 8ortower s princ:pal residence withm
<br /> -�� ' r sixtyr days after the execution ot thls Securriy Instrumertt •3r.� shalt continue to occupy the Property as Borcower's princip2l �
<br /> �• ' � residence tor at least one year afte►the date o! oecup;�rtcy. unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing. which consen!shalt not
<br /> � ° be unreasonably withhetd, or unless eutenua6ng cirwm3tancRS axist which are beyond Bonower s contro�. Bonower shall nol E
<br /> ��,;• � destroy. damage or impair tha Property,atlow the Proper^,�to deteriorate. or commit waste on the PropeRy. Bortower shatl be in �
<br /> � , • • � defauB if any foAeiture action or proceeding, whether civ,t mr«!minal,is begun that in Lender's good tarth judgment could result �
<br /> in foAeRure of the Property or otherwlse materialy imFeit llna 5en aeated by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiry interest. ,
<br /> '�'�•i�' - _ ` �
<br /> i .
<br /> , 5
<br /> • - . . F•i15�NG r'.g7� .,��.� . Vi�— � � .
<br /> _ 'i ' �l+at �
<br /> 'i .. •
<br />