.�'' _"�
<br /> `�= - - ,
<br /> . . , . . ' , , .�w.. . .
<br /> ., - �- ., . . �: -� ',.
<br /> . . ! _ � .
<br /> � ' - <.
<br /> , ��'� ���� : .�
<br /> Island.Nebraska An Also�xce tp ine a certain tract of land more particulazly t' � ,
<br /> � described as follows: A tract of land in the Southeast Quatter of the Southesst �: � � `
<br /> � Qe�arter{SEll4SEl/4)of Section 21.Township 11 North.Raage 9 West of the 6th �
<br /> P.1V�.,commencing at the Southeast comer of Pteasant Home Subdivision in the �
<br /> Cit}R.�of Grand Island,Nebraska;thcnce numing west on the south line of Pleasant �- � . �
<br /> �trm�Subdivision for a distance of 2R7 feet to the southwest comer of Block 16 �� , �
<br /> in Pieasant Home Subdivision;thence rurming south and parallel to the east tine F�
<br /> ----- of s�ti Seciion 21 a distanee of 341 feet w the actual point of beginning;thence �: :: � �
<br /> mm�ii�g�sauth and parallel to the east line of said Section 21 a distance of 165.5 .; �
<br /> geQt;th�tn�mm�ing west and paraliel to the south line of Pleasant Home ( ,
<br /> Sub�iti�,izta a distance of 30 feet;thence running north and paratlel to the east line ;� .
<br /> � af s�id�Sc�tion 21,a distauce of 165.5 feet;thence ruuning east and parallel to the t
<br /> _ ._. � sQUih 1in�of Plgasa�t Home Subdivision a distance of 30 feet to the point of � ____
<br />_- .� beS�l� �^
<br />`�: , � aud Edwa�d4 Huilding Corp.,a Nebraska corporation,has execuied aud deGvered to the Lender, ; , �.
<br /> a Con..�tru�tian•Se�.�ity Agreement Deed of Trust recarded on Uecember 20, 1996 as Document �..'�=,..:
<br /> tru " _:
<br /> - No. 9b-109889 iu the OtFce uf the Register of Deeds of Hall County,Nebraska in respect to that % .
<br />_ , f real ��e�c�ed as: �� ' .
<br /> ; . . - - -
<br /> - ' T"�e Snuth One Hundred Forty(140.0)Feet of the West�Hundred(300.00) ! � � � -
<br /> _ �' F�t�nf�Lot Three(3)Feuner Thir�Subdivision,in the City of Grand Island,Hall �`" ���.
<br /> .� �:� .
<br /> Cuwnty,Nebraska,�tic�ting a ceitain tract deeded w the City of Grand Island r,..j� ._:�:_�;
<br /> �• � Nebta�ka more pacti�-�in y described in Warranty Deed recorded as Qacument f . �:: � �
<br /> ,` No.82-003073; � I f �Fx
<br /> _ ':�. ��';'��!'.':
<br /> � � � � -
<br /> _ : wgether w;ih•prug�r financing statements and secarity agreements executed by Tommy's,Inc., ,;�'��. ..�`':.;�,;-r
<br /> : dat�.i.Fe�oru�y+ t, I993 and�epternber 2, 1994 and executed by Edwards Building Corp.dated ' ` F " � a�-�'
<br /> ` � De�n�19;19g6;and coacurrently with the exec►a�zon of this Agreement,Edwards Bwlding ' ,. '..�.•`�
<br /> _ .u. ,
<br /> Co�_�s wtec�d aad delivered W Leader,a proper fmancing statcment aad security ageeiuent '� . �: ��`
<br /> in�spect t�afI�cripment,inve�tory,furaitzue,fixt�es,Ieas�hold interests,leaseho l d �-�,. .�:�
<br />�:,; � imprm�emems,accounts receivable,conuact ri�hts and general in�gibles of whatever h-e��� �,�.•:� : ;.,�,�
<br /> description,w�ether now owned or hereafter acqiured,a�ong w�th all additions,accessio8s, :{`�..:� . ��
<br /> `' substitution�a�d all product�a�ad proceeds w be filed.of record in the Office of the Nebraska .���f��'
<br /> ._ ..-e�r5f Y.r�
<br /> =` 1�ST�/�O�.�Ei►?B. . ;�'�i`
<br />-_-(. .. _ .SC�. °:�u45},y}re�:,
<br /> . ;. '� T"4,3'..
<br /> �'mcR:.��llaterati�tion. U on the ha enin of an d�ult in re ect to one or mot+e �` �'�� �� � �- �'{�%
<br /> 4. ,� P PP � S SP
<br />:��' � of the lu��d�by tbe Lender to the Borrower as de��cnibed a�ave,Borrower agrees that . � �:�=°.
<br /> -- L e�c d e r s h�1�t h e r i g h t t o d e e m s u c h a d e f a u l t fr o m t h e d a t e of t h i s A g r e ement forward as a �: .��r• 'cr��'s?�r'
<br /> �{� default in r�:.cct to all of the loans then existing in r�pect to the Borrower,grantinp further unto . _ � �;, -
<br /> ` . Leader,at ity�aption,upon any such defanit,the nght to dcclare all indebicdness owui�from . ,. '`"'�=
<br /> ; Borsmv�r tv l:e�der�mmed�ately due and payable and to exercise all rights available to L.ender . � .����=�
<br /> ';,' s upan t�eo ha�p:nning of a defaul� , �
<br /> t �
<br />�''�; -'�"`�° 5. Cn.�tin�e�Coilarernl. Norivithstanding the payment of any or ricace of the separate . � � -;:.�:
<br /> ,x,S.� : ::,� instrurr��c��indebtednes�d�cribed in ParagraPh I af this Cross-CollateraYi�ation Agreement, , ....;,,:..:
<br /> 1� so lang a�a.���one or mo�af the separate instrumerts of indebtedness therein descnbed shall yet ,
<br /> re�nain vnp�d;a.CZ ca�llatera!described in paragraph 3 of this Cross-Collateralization Agreement �
<br /> r
<br />- � � � shae�ll re��n as cmllaterat fos the remaining indebiedr«ss o:�:cig rrs Lender by the Borrower. '�
<br />_ ;: � ..
<br /> .�;.f; _ �%���; 6. �on�nt. The f�a�er shall have the full right,in its svle discretion aud without any � . �. .�
<br />��-'�`�� ; notice ta ar�c�rr.�nt from the Bonower,fr�m time to time and at any time,and withaut affecting, :. , . .
<br />;';�5 � imp,�ia��ap di�l�xrging,in whole or in gart,the liability of the Borrower hereunder: (aI+t�• �
<br /> ;::�� ' crfa�ca a��,�chang�,amendment or modification whatsaever of any term or condition of any : . :
<br /> trarr�ar�:�on or debt,includiag rates of interest with respect thereto;(b)to extend,in whole or in '������
<br /> •;,� ; ,
<br /> ;:.,$ pa�t,by renewal or otherwi�e,and on one or any number of occasions,the time for the payment� ..
<br /> �-:;;,, of any debt or the performance of any term nr condilion of any transaction;(c)to settle,compro- :
<br /> �` mise;release,sv�n�der,subordinate its interest in,modify or cmpair,and to enforce and exerc�s�. �. . . .
<br /> ;:;,;:
<br /> .::;,, , or fasl�r refuse to enforce or exercise.any clsiims,siglsts or remedivs of any lcind or nutu� �.
<br /> - , . aga�nat the Borrower or any C,uarantor of the Borro��•er's dvbts or transactiuna.or any coittttNral
<br /> ` .. sece�iry held by the Lender. ! .
<br /> :i;�
<br /> :�.,:. . i .
<br />:n;>tt, 1
<br />:=;,;�;,., 7. W�ecamties ofBorro_wer. B4�rower heteby wazrant�tutd covenants: � �
<br /> .,.:•. �
<br /> - �
<br /> _ . ! a. This Cross-CollatetaliTation Ag�eement is a legal,valid and binding
<br /> � obligation of the Borrower,enforceable against the Horrower in accordance vinth � .
<br /> '�° ' � its terms.
<br />=-'`s.'.
<br />_':����� i b. There are no other liens or encumbrances against the assets which arr: i .
<br />' =.:;� ! to corrtinue as collateral for the indebtedness owing to the Lender from the 8or- !
<br /> rower.
<br /> • �
<br /> ; :
<br /> r; . � - - ..
<br /> 2 ' •
<br /> , ' .
<br /> .,�' ..
<br /> �.
<br /> 1 . '
<br />