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<br />- �l I�ORDINATION AGR .i� .
<br />_- ----- --� 2-� of Ma 1�7,isy HOME FEDERAL �– `--� =- ``
<br /> ., THIS AGREEMENT made aad executed this J �Y Y, �.- �,:,
<br /> ' SAVINGS AND LOAN AS50CIATTON OF GRAND ISLANID,hereinafter refeaed to as � � „ ,
<br /> " � "Subordiaating Creditor",for the benefit of 4tself and FIRST NAT�ONAL BANK OF \° � -;�, . .:s;�-
<br /> j: :•: .�:...�;;
<br /> - �s` � . SCHUYLER referred w as"Secured PamT_ ��-��`�r�� ', :'`��
<br /> /(' ;t '�,i�,,-.
<br /> }: :,F`. ,�f't�;��! ..
<br /> ° `:,�`' � � �1i/ITNESSETH: , .
<br /> :;;,;: � ����`.
<br /> : :<;:.�:�,
<br />��; � WHEREAS,TOMMY'S.��,a N�abraska corporation,hereinafter rcfen�ed w as �c_ . �,�
<br />�� n D,��*r",h a s g r a n t e d t o t h e Sui;�,r����reditor a first Deed of Trust u►respect to that real .a� :
<br /> _ -yi;;-� esta.�e��scribed as. . . �.`����
<br /> ',•;�. , �'s ,..
<br /> � ` ` `��•'���'� Lot One(1),in"Fonner 5lbdivision",an Ad�a�ion to the City of Gra��i�sland, ,. , �.'�''��
<br /> a� . . . . .
<br /> r � � . Hall County,Nebraska; ''�
<br /> - r' . „ :ti t' _
<br /> ��
<br /> J�!�! •,:; t�.. .J �. 1=
<br />_�'r., ' ' ::l.� i�d ;;._ . , i,
<br /> • S r
<br /> "•'�` ' uazter of tlae Southeast Quarter(SEl/4�E1/4)of Section .E-� _ �
<br /> �.:",, ' Part of the Southeast Q � � � `
<br />::.:�:,::.:,. ;,.:;'." ; ,, ;;
<br /> �` , ``" � Twenty-One(21) Townslup Eleven(11)North,Range Nine(9)West of the 6th ; . ,. . .... .:
<br />-.;�5'!.i'r r �, -.
<br /> . � s � . . �-..
<br /> "�'` � P.M.,Hall Counry,Nebraska,more particulazly described as follows: Heginning � ,::
<br /> � T< . :,s�. .
<br /> '' � ���-� at a point in the East line of said Secdon wtuch is 34l Feet South of the Southeast ,,:•� �:.���=;;r:°•,.;.
<br /> �.-.. andcontinuin . ;":',,;�z�
<br /> :�G . ;;;;-; Comer of Pleasant Hora�Subdivision,as tha}�aint of begi�unng � ��•,.: �,�;�,,-
<br /> South 165.5 feet,the��x Nest and garalte!w�n��n t�is Subdivision 327 feet;thence -._ . -,, ; �,.
<br /> ` - � • North parallel witti the East line 165.5 feet,t�x$nce East 327 feet to p�int of ��� �.� � ���t
<br /> � . . be �xc tin�fhe�fcom a certain tract of tand mm�patticularly �,r-� ��
<br /> ,.,; �g• � �`
<br />:;•; ,., descnbed as follows: A tract of land beiag the southerly six(6)feet of the ; ,:���4.�j:
<br />` >_ �,'`;��;` northerl three hundred forty-seven(34�feet of the westerly three and five tenths ;',i�?`�-
<br /> Y ''=;5;�:_.
<br /> �'-"-, � (3.5)feet of the easterly tlurtysix and five teaths(36.5)feet of the S�u t heast :. „�,�,,,,
<br /> °��' Quarter of the Southeast Quartet(SEI/4SE1/4)of said Secrion Twenty-One(21), ,
<br /> �:;'[ : . lying southerly and contiguous to Pleasant Home Subdivision in the City of Graud `< ��
<br />-�-� Islaud,Nebraska.And Also Excefltina a certain tract of land more particulazly , _�.,.
<br /> -- r of the Soutteeast ��<;,-
<br /> �''�� � �• described as follows: A tract of land in th�Southeast Quarte ,;;...:
<br />�r�:' '. Quarter(SEI/4SE114)of Secuon 21,To�ac�iap 11 North,Range 9 W'��t of the 6th _ . � � ���::s�'�
<br /> i � .: -- ,:�;t:,�
<br />�."`,;� . p,1VI,,commencing at the Southeast comer of_Pteasant Homa Subdivision in the � . . f{«,+..,.;r��_
<br /> City of Grand Island,Nebraska;thence running west on tha south line of Pleasant
<br /> .tii�;;;;;;� . Home Subdivision for a distance of 297 feet to the southwest corner of Block 16 •.: '
<br /> ,a,
<br /> - .,, '. .I soutt►and ara11Q1 to the east line � �....:
<br /> ;^, � , ;;'r;:�, in Pleasant Home Su�division;thence numin� P �1�$,�ence �':,,.��;�;
<br /> ;4:'.. a
<br /> . �:�;,;�� of said Section 21 �c�*.stance of 341 feet to��e actual�oint of bs , �,�,�;;,;,,,
<br /> ��� � � running south and pura11e1 to the east line of s�id Secuon 2l a distance of 165.5 ._����.�i;:'�,`
<br /> �::.��� . .
<br /> � + feet;thence running west and parallel to the south line of Pleasant Home
<br /> '`=.`� Subdivision a distance of 30 feet;thence nuuiing north and parallel to the east line :
<br /> :_;;� of said Section 21,a distance of 165.5 feet;#hence runrung east and Parallel to the ,
<br />' �:� south line of Pleasant Home Subdivision a dtestance of 30 feet to the point of
<br /> ' beginning. � .
<br /> ;t,;," . .. t � .
<br /> ..�r";,t �: ' � WHEREAS.such first Deed oSTrust contains a future advances provision;
<br /> r,;;� . : .
<br /> �{ � � ���.���E WHEREAS,the SubDrdinating Creditor has agreed tm�ter into a lmaai uansaction with ; � : �
<br /> the Debtor,Edwards Bui��Corp.,and Tommy�.Edwarr'ss�►hereby ce�tain additional funds
<br /> � � ����, are to be advanced to the Debtor,E dwar d s Bui l ding Corp.a r a d T o m m y D.E d w a r d s t o b e s e c w e d
<br /> : � in part by the first Deed of Trust upon the real estate descnbed above in respect to which the �
<br /> , SubordinaUng Creditor already claims an interest and which censtitutes add�uonal collateral for
<br /> :ti..��: • indebtedness for the Secured Party which was to be subject only to the prior unpaid balance �
<br /> �� owin�to Subordinating Creditor prior to any future advance.hereinafter refeaed to as the �
<br /> - "Collateral":and l
<br /> ' 1NHEREAS,the Subordinating Creditor is willing to subordinate any lien it may have in V �
<br /> ' :'� � y respect to the Collateral by reason of Subordinating Creditor's Deed of Trust.filed of record in �
<br /> � i • . the o�ce of the Register of Deeds of Hall County,Nebraska on September 2, 1994 as Document
<br /> . � `� . � No.94107346 in order to assure the Secured Party�second lien pos�uon in and to the Collateral
<br /> .,•
<br /> � 1 .
<br /> :5 ` .
<br /> "i
<br /> ; 1
<br /> J i'�� -.,-^--�—��I"�� �t ,'�'k1�''csaL .�,a-i.�.. '
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