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<br /> - - - - g�Ri�OF TR T MODIFICA7'[ON AGREEMEN'1' � - .
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<br /> � THIS DEED OF TRUSI'MODIFICATTON AGI�EEMENT made and executed this/1{h � � .
<br /> day of 14fay, 199T.,by and between TOMMY'S INC.,a Nebraska corporation,hereinafter ��. ' .� �
<br /> refeered to as"Otiginal Borrower";EDWARDS BUILDING CORP.,a Nebraska carporation, �.. . ° ��'�=
<br /> . hereinafter eefe�to as"Present Record Title Owner";and HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS
<br /> � AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND,kereinafter referred to as"Lender". • '';"�` ''
<br /> � WITITESSETH: r
<br /> - WI�ERE1},S,Original 8orrower did execute certain Deed of Tn�st Note payabte to the � �
<br /> _ order of the Lender in tiie total original amounts of Three Hundred Seventy-Five'TD�ousand and �_
<br /> ' ' No/100 Dollars{�375,000.00); � '-�.�..
<br /> - � i � -. - ,�Tf�:
<br /> : ! �VHER�..S,the Deed of Trust Note described above were secured by a Deed of TcrJSt . �'"F'.�
<br />�� dated.T�t.�22,1994,filed of secord in the Office of the Hall County Register of Deeds oa ��� �''�� �
<br /> z��.. Septee�!a�2,1494,as Docu��x No.94107346 in�ct to that real estate described as: • ' �'���t�.�
<br />!r��`3; � � . � _. � - _ _ •.`�:�NX!�tt
<br />-'"` `` � � Lat Ong{c T�in"Fonner Subdivisian",an Ads�ition to the City of Grand Island, ` `'�;�=��
<br /> -�''�" . H'all Cour�r,Nebraska; �`-
<br /> •�;,f�'.. . . _ -�:�
<br /> . ' �... . '���.
<br /> `' � '..TL:i�,
<br /> 'f • _ SAd . , _.:,;�,;:
<br /> '' . � Part of the Southeast Quarter of�e�utheast Quarter(SEl/4SE1/4)of Secrion �. : `' j���-
<br /> �° � Twenty-(?ue(21),Township Ele�-��i 1�Nortb,Range Nine(9)West of the 6th �� -
<br /> �: �. .�.�� P.:VI.,��Il Couaty,Ne�Laska,mo�particul..�L�.-��escnbed as follows: Be�nning ��� ••
<br /> .�. ' at a point in the East L�:a�said Section w'h*:cLT i:'s41 Feet South of r��Southeast .,,,f,;};..
<br /> ;' � ' Corner of Pleasant He��Subdivision,as the�a��of be�ing and cantinuing . .�� .,�,.
<br /> w ,.. .
<br /> �s . '� 5outb 1655 feet,thence West an.+��.:rallcl wit,'�this Sutad:e�i�-ion 327 feek thence ��� � �'" `
<br />';��:�.. . � North parailel with the East line ��R..3 feet,tI:�nce East�i??�feet w point of .. �
<br /> ,�t '�'� T ��� . �'.
<br /> � be�rming. �D3iIIE'I'herefrom a�rtain ta�of land more particularly .'��;
<br /> � . � d.scnb�d as follows: A tract of land being tbz:southerly six(6)feet of the � "`'��
<br /> Jy northerly three hundred forty-seven(34�feet of the westerly three and five tentbs� " � ., , .
<br /> ;.,�. (3.5)fcnt of the easterly thirty-six and five tenths(36.5)feet of the Southeast .
<br /> rr'•, Quarterof the Southeast Quarter(SEl/4SEll4}of said Section Twenty-One(ZE}� �
<br /> Jying sautherly and canqguous to Pleasant F�¢me Subdivision in the City of Gr�.r� �
<br /> � � Island,Nebraska.�rd��I� so Exc=�'••ne a cenaece tract of land more g�i�ularly : . ;; :,:�;
<br /> dxscribed as foltows: �tract of land in the Sautheast Quarter of the Scrutlieast �: ; .�'��c'-
<br />.-�?. Quzrtes(�E1/4SEl/4)of Section 21,Township 11 North,Range 9 West ofthe lsth �
<br />- u P.M.,cnmmencing at the Southeast comer of Pteasant Home Subdivision in the 1' ``� . . ��
<br /> '�"t� City of Grand Island,Nebraska;thence nuuir.���est on the south liae o�Eleasant - .
<br /> � Home Subdivision for a distance of 297 feet t�rS2�southwest comer af�tock 16 � � -
<br /> '� � in Ptea�ant Home Subdivision;thence running south and parallel to the east line .
<br /> ,.��j. � of said 5ection 21 a distance of 341 feet to the actual point af beginning;thence
<br /> running south and parallel to the east line of said Section 21 a distance of 165.5 � -
<br /> _ , fcet;thence running west and parallel to the south line oF Pleasant Home � �
<br /> � Suh�ivision a distance of 30 feet;thence numing north and patallel to the east line ` .
<br /> of said Section 2l.a distance of 165.5 feet;thence runnins east and paralle!to the
<br /> � south]lna of Pleasant Home Subdivision a distance of 30 feet to the point of , '
<br /> � be�iru�ing. � .
<br /> . 1 �
<br /> '. � WHEId�A5.such Deed of Trust provides t�aaa it is to secure future advances up to Five r '
<br /> _,;� . � Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollats($SOO,OOa.fFO); ,
<br />_,``;� 1 (
<br />_ 7 ;
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