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<br /> . i �o� 9�� ����� � � � �
<br /> i. Payrtmrtts. Borrower a�ees to make all paymenu on the secutad dedi whan due. Unless Borcar�er and Lender a0ree otherwise. any f'` � t
<br /> � ��•j payme�a Le�dar racetaes f�oen 8onower ar for Bonower's benetrt wilt be sl�p6�t tirst co a�Y amounts 8ev�ower orv0a oa tho secured debt , .
<br />" - ' exdus:ve o!Uusrast ar Wirtf081•soCOndio'irtierest,and then to pnnu�.�t.panial qrepayment of the secured d�Lt occe�s for any reason,it untl ,
<br /> , ` ; not reduce ot exaus9 anV SlhBdufed p8lpsre�t umil the setured debl is paid M.fuU. � � � •
<br />. . t g,C{�pgalttat Titfo.Borrower wiii pay p11 taues,aasesarnenta,erd othee ch+ugos attnbutabte to thepeapecty wt�en dao and wdi defend title j ' ,
<br /> to the praFerty against any etaims which aToutd impair tt�9�ien of tNs deed ut ttu6t.lender may requ�re Hurrorv¢r tu sssy�R any nghta,elaims or � ,
<br /> Eefenses wtuch Borrowar may have ag.7inst petties Yitro ssipAht labor a►ma��a�e1s to improvo or mamiam tta prapci►tlr- i . , . •
<br /> 3,inauraneo. Bonowo►�nn11 keep tho properry insured under tenns eeco016t�5�m �ender at Bonower's e,pense and ttv lender's Eenotrt• a�� ; � •
<br /> � msurance policy$A Y�i�su enco pro�ed9 may 6o apptieAew�thin�!�nder s d icesflan�o��athorihetlestosson or�eDa�e$ot the da agod pTOVar1Y � , , '
<br /> or to the setuted debt.If Londo►requ�tss mwtg8go i�surance,Bo►towo►agtt�s ta mamfuu►such insuranes fa as lon�}as Landot roQwrea.
<br /> 4.Proporty.Bo►rower wUl keep the proporty�n gaod cond�t�on and mako a51 rapav6 reasonahly necosearY. i
<br /> � of w�oi�in any obl gabon secured hy twa doed o truste Borrower��wJ.ps y t o�so atmounts to L�ender�as t�o�d n CaYenani 9 0!th,shdeed ot " - `
<br /> f
<br /> . , nusi. ' � '
<br /> f
<br /> i 6.Prtm SBWrIty fMeresffi.Untess Bonower tuat obTains Lender"s wrrttRn cnnseM. Borrower wd�noi nats or perm+t amI Changes to aoy pnor `
<br /> _ � security�Merests. Borrower will pertotm all ot Bonower's obliqatrons undef arry Pnor martgage. Qectd a!trust a► other securrty agreement • • -
<br />_ s mttuding Borrower's covenants to make DaY�nts when dua.
<br /> -- . _. � 7.Assignrttert of Ret�attd Profib.Borrowet assigr�v to Lender the rants aml Wofits at the protrertY.tlraess Boaower and Lender hsro ag*eed . ,
<br /> � otherw�se in writing,Borrower may wttect and retam the re�ts es fa�as 8orrower�s�ot in defau[*..H Bor►ower defautts, Lender,Lender's ,
<br /> � ,�� agent,or a eouR aypo'uited receiver may take possession and mana�jp tho proDerty and collect the�ants.Any renu Lender coltects sha0 he , `.
<br /> appGed first to the costs of managing the P►uDertY.�nduding court cait6 and attorneys'fees. cornnissions to reataf agents.and any oiher
<br /> � necessary related expenses.The r�mamirtg amount of re+�ts will th3n 8¢�r to payments on the seuaed GeOi as proviQed�n Covenan4 1. ��.��i ti..
<br /> g,Leasefia�ds•Canpuminiums;pla�mnd Urtit OovetopmmRS•.6ortower a�cefls ta eompty with the provisioca oi any tease it this deed of trust is on _.
<br /> �; a leasehold.If this deed of bvst is on a unit in a condommium or a pWnned unit developmant.Borronsr wi[I perform all of Borrower's duties _
<br /> .:j under the eovenarrts.bV-laws,or regulations o!ths eondominium or pb3.�med unft devetopmen� • -
<br /> ' g,putttetity o}Lender to periorm ftt 6caovre►.If Boaower fails ta•pEatwm any of Bortower's du�Ces�der this deed of uust. L.ender may
<br /> i . , ] perform the d�mes or cause them to be performed.Lender maY sigp.8orrwvers aame w pay am/art�e if�ecessary for performance.If any � - .
<br /> , ' . 1 construction on the property is discanvnued or not prtied on in a ressonabt0 manner.Lender may da v�tasever�s aeaessary to protect LeaGefs � � . -
<br /> : : securiiy irtterest in the property.This may inchtde comp!eting the consttuction. ;.
<br /> � t::� Lenders faiture to Perform will not Pr���^der fiom exercising tury��its other�gfits unQer the tan a ttis deed o9 Uuat. !, '. .. _ .....�,..
<br /> . ` .� : . . _ . ,c �'
<br />,tV _. _
<br /> " and wil1��int eiest fro thetd t?�of U�ie payment uM�',1�p id in full at�tha iMer�e.st rate'u�i effeet on U�secvred deM.��will be due on Qemand � .� : t
<br /> ,_� � 10. Def�dt end Aaeimatimn- �f Bortov�^er fai�s to make any paymsait whan due or breaks an a��xeunts under ttus deed of trust or amr � ;
<br /> obligation secured by this deed of uust or any prior mortgage or dUEt1 of trust.Lender ma acceleraJa the meturiCy of the secured Qebt and ` L, r .���,
<br /> � demand immediate PaYm�r�:a^.d may im�oke the pov�of sale end any othes remedies pem�iKed 6y at�Ilrabta lew. '. -, .�._�;=....
<br /> 17.Request tor NoBes a�it�tmdt It is hereby requested that cop6os e1 d�o notiees of detault and sa'e De sr�-s t.n each person who is a party ;;-f.�`
<br /> -- ,_.,-, hereto,at the address af aa�such person,as set tortA hereio. . ��. �.�
<br /> � ; •' { > ...�
<br /> • ' • 12,ppwer af Sete.li the LenCer ir.wk��he Do�+of sale,ths TtustCO shail fhst record in the cNSr.B tt.t`ie reg:ster ot deeds of each cau�ty � �� 1;
<br /> ° � � �� ` whe►ein tha uust properry or some�t cc parcel tAereof is situated,a notice of defauft containing t�ir.tx.ra:ion repu�red by law.The Trustee ;Y. .
<br /> �r�� ' � ' shan also mail copies of the notice of�.#ault to the BoROwer,tp,each peraon who is a party i�'r,�s.e�d to c*1!er persons as presaibed by �,�,<< � ;_,
<br /> '� appticabte law. Not less than one mcn:h after the Tre�stee r000rds tha notice of defautt,or tw�s r.r.a�s j�L'�Vust p►uGetlY�s�at in am► , •
<br /> ��! ' incorporafed city or viFa,�a�d ia useA i»fatming a�sat»rts carcizd'on hy the Vustor,the Trustee sPa[g'rre pctJlc rr.�ce of sate to the pe�sons . ,,. :�,-'
<br /> �� and in the manner presc^TaaO by�appplicabte taw.tcuss�,witiwut�d�mand on Boao�ver. shall setl L'vi property at p:Lslic auetion to the highest . -'s
<br /> `•:; •, 6idder.If required by t'�a;a-m Homestsad Protectio�C1c�t.Trustea sttaU ofter the pT:�r:Y�n iwo seDerete saYes as r�e7u'ired by applicahte taw. . .� .l i.'.';;?
<br /> `'_�',:';:•,�. Trustee may Do�Done s3`e o!all or arV DatCel of the proDe►N bY A���announcem�t ai the time and ptaca of�GreviouslV scheduled sale. '"i:t
<br /> � Lender or its designee may pevehase tha property at any sate. i�� `�
<br /> .'� •��
<br /> � �'":�;`�'� � Upon receipt of paymerw c`•the pr�ce^��.Trostee shait detivar to thb purct�asa►Trustee's deed conve9y'9 tt�e property.Tha reeitia(s contained in ; !. ,.,���..�
<br /> `• � Trustea's deed shalt he 9'rca tacie e�d:ence of the uuth of the stutcsnerits corttained therein.Trustee ahall a90N�e proeeeds of the sale in the
<br /> F , � 't
<br /> ��•' reiestateme t fees�l6{*.aa�l5u�ma ewred by this�de d of��tiust.Mc f ho 6atance�i any to t T he persr w leg a t ty e�c�t�n t e d t o receNe ii,tees and , ;
<br />_ , �`.;� �.�i;;
<br /> ' 19.Foradasuro.At LenCars opvon,this deed oi trust ma b9 taectosed in tha ma:+r�Drovide Ey e��lieaD�e law far forectosure of mortgages <J�j, ;� `: �
<br /> ?;S .��? on real property. Y ;�t'y4 7f n Y�� ";
<br /> .3 � %
<br /> "I'� 1 1 4.t n s y e e dan.len der ma y enter t he prop e r t y t o i n s p e e t i t i 1 L e:i tl w g i v e s 8 o r r o w e r n o t i c e b e:c r�+a r.d.T h e n o t�c e m u s t s t a t e�n=a s onabte �- `r��
<br /> ;.,�. �:.:''�� • ��•� ,
<br />_:,r � , cause for Landers inspection. ' :.. ,'•
<br /> ,�'` 15.CandamnaUon.Bonou�assigns to LenQer theoraceeds oi afi�,award or clair.a�s damages conr�ectxd wi�a o:rCamnation or other takin� '. �•.: . .
<br /> ''•'�?. . :.f . . of all or eny part ai the p:�ertY.SucA proceeds witl ba ayplied as provid¢d in Covan�+t 1.This assignmec+t is uisx�c to the terms of am►Prior • ::'.;•: -. �.• :,
<br /> -� � � security agreemeM. � '
<br /> � • � �iFfL"'�
<br /> ; '' ' " 16.Wahrar.By exereisirng anq reme�y availabte to lend8�.Londse dhe.s not give up arry rigMs to IaV3r u�e an/other remedy.BV rnt exercising � r}�t-�h ,��_: �
<br /> � , ` :'��'`.' any remedy upon Borrower's Cefault,Lendet does not waive any rlght�to teter constder the eveM a det•euls if ia happeha again. •�,..;;�•,h�..„• c. �
<br /> �� ' 77.Jolnt and Sevaral 6fz�tv: Co-sl8nan: Sueemaon and Asai�s Bound. A1t duties uader this Geee o4 trust are joint and several. AnV ` ��.�`��.� . • �.
<br /> � Batower who co-sig�s tttua dGed ot tr►ist but Qoes not eo-sign th3 undoi1yi Ce�t insuument4�! does so c:iiy to grant and convay that :•
<br /> '_`.`v . Bortower's interest in tt:e property to the Trustee u�der the terms ot th3 deeQ o�trus:•�n addition,scCh a Etorrox�er agrees that the LenQer an0 �,; , '� ,
<br /> � '` anY other Borrower under this Eoed P��uat may extend,moditv w mak9 any otJ�er changes in the t3rr^3 0?u�is Ceed of uust or the sscure0 <
<br /> ��'�';° . Cebt without that BorroweYs conaent and withaut reteasing that Ba*rmve�r trom the terms ot this dead et�u3t. '•".��'�%+`
<br /> ' .t.a,.r.�;.
<br /> , y,�t. , .
<br /> ,...,� _ ' ; The dutiea and benefite of thls daed of trust shall bind and benefit iria sucoessors and assigns of lrl�itr and Bonowar. �:•��'+�� •.�' ..
<br /> - 18.IVotico.Untess otherwise requlred by lav�,any notice to Bor�owes,shafE be givan by Qetivering it cr ty r•a.�ting it by certifled mail aCdressed to � � .
<br /> ��,�� ' Bonower at the property addresa or eny otfler address tAat 8orrow�hasgiven to lender.Borrower w+ll�ve eTrv notica to Lender by cen+fied •
<br /> r"� '' mai!to Lender's address on pago 1 ot U:ig daed of ttust,or to any oth:�oddress whit�Lender has G3aipnated.Arry other noUce to leader sha7 . • :
<br /> .:%, " be sent to tender's addresa as statsd ort page 1 ot this deed of trust. .
<br /> :i ,.:�,::� �
<br /> ' Any notice sAall be deemed to have boeR given to Borrower or len0es�when givon in the manner ata�d aDove. r':�:?;�' .
<br /> : '•;�;:�:;''
<br /> 19.Trcnster of the Praporty ar a BenoRetal h�tareat tm tA��Barcower.If a11 or any part of tAe propert�r or a�y interest in it is sotd or transtened •
<br /> .,� wlthout Lender's prior written r.onsent, I.eMor may demand imrtfed:ato paymerrt ot tfie seeured Gebt- Lender may also demand immediate
<br /> ':;,�' pgyment if the Borrower is not a natural petson and a benefltia)InlEaost in tfio 8orrowor is sold cr vansferred. However, Le�der may noi _ ,
<br /> ,- . deman0 DBYment in the above situationa it it is proNbited by tederal eaw as of tfie date of this deed oE�uot.
<br /> 20.Reeonveyanae.When the obligation socureA by thts dseA of t�ust h�s beon paid,and Lender Iw3 ro turther obllgation to make advences . �
<br /> under the instrumente or agreomonts seeured by thia deed o1 t�u�t.thm 7rustoo ahall,upon written reqUest by the Lender,reconvoy the trust
<br /> proporly.T�e Lender shatl dotivor to tho Borrqwer,or to Bor�owe�'s auccossor in intorest,the trust deed and tho note or other evidenee of the . . �
<br /> � oblipation so satisfled.Borrawer sha11 pay any recordat�on costs.
<br /> ;' � • ' 21. Sueeasaar Ttuatoo. Lender, at LenAer's option, may�emove Trustoo and eppoint a successc� trusteo by first, mailing a capy of the t �
<br /> substitution ot trustee as repwred by app�icabto law.and then,by/�'i��Iho substltuNon of trustee ter retord�n the offiee ot the rogister of deeds ,
<br /> of each eounty in whieh tho trust property,or some part theraot,ii sRUttod.The succossot trustert,v++cl�out convoyanee of the property, shalt '
<br /> - � � , succeed to all the power,dutiee.authonty and titlo of tha Trustee namsct�n th9 dood ol trust and o�arof so^ceossar truatee. i
<br /> � �
<br /> -. • � ; . , .
<br /> . + .
<br /> �.:; • I Ipepe?o/?1 - ,
<br /> BaNRERS SrSiFMS.iNC.ST CtOUD.MN 6870t��800397 231��iOpM OC�MiGNE 6��9FJ�
<br /> . .l � ; . •
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