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. _ _ . Lr.�. ,r'� . �r <br /> ... ..-,{ ' . . _._,_.—.. _ __-_-_- - <br /> - ' - �-r'�- . • . " . _ - -r <br /> . . ... �� ' . �.. :.�io�.-. ` ' <br />- . . o- . ' _ ' . . . � . . '�t <br />_ ' .. . � , . . . Q � ' • � . � . S '_.__�_f�.._-.. <br /> . Z . . .. . � . . - '� . . , ` � . � � . � , - <br />. . . � � . . - . � � �. . . . L . .. . . _ . , . . ` ._...'_, ' _ ' —_—: .. �' �-_ .. . <br />__ - ; - ` ; . ` .. . . . . ' . . . . . � . �. ' ; ` •c C.< <br /> - . CO 1� ����� ` ' � <br /> IO(:liliiliK �tiI'li{ all thr impru�rmrnts nuu ��r hrrrafter rrcrtrd �m tnr proprrtt. ana aii casrmrnc�. -- -- -- ,— � <br />_,. ' appurtcnances,and fixturrsmm �in c�rraftrr a part uf the pvnpem. .aU rrplacrmrn��and additions shall also hr coti•rrcd . , <br /> ,. �.. • <br /> v � , � b� this Serurity lnstrumrnt.�li c�f thr forrgoing is refernd to in this tic�:urit�Instrumrnt as thr"!'roprrty�." . - �. < <br /> i � BOEtRO1�'I;R t'C)l'F:\?►\Pti chat Hornx�rr is laa•fttU} scti�c�3 uf thr estatC heteb} ron�•r}ed and has thr rigtit to . . � ti` - <br /> � grant xnd rum�r} thr 1'rupert} and that the Proprttt is unrnrumhcred,rxrcpt for encumhranres nf rcxord. Borron�cr .� ; . ' <br /> - <.-'-�° «arrants and uitl drfcnd genrra{1}the titlr t�the Proprrt} against al!rlaims and dcmancis,subj�:r tu an� CncumbrancGS , __�__ _ <br /> ��'`" . � uf rrcord. . . -. .. . - <br /> � ' IHIS 5tic'L"RI"Il I\SI'Rl"�11:�T wmbin�s unifurm ro�rnants for national use and n�n-uniform c�n'rnants aith y <br /> fimircd��ariati�ms b}•jurisdictian to conscitutc a unif�rm sc�urit� insttument roeCring rral propert). , , _ .' °�° <br /> ;:' i l�`tl�nR\I('O�'E�3\I�S.Rorrorrr and f,ettdrr cucenant and agrrC as follous: � - ---. `:. <br /> ` � 1.Pa�ment of Principal and Interest: I'repa�meni and l.ate('harges. Rorm��ch'shal!promptl��pa} w'hen dttr ' ' <br /> � .,:�: <br /> ��' � the ptincipal uf and intrrest on thr debt r�•idcnccJ by thr�otr end an} prrpay mrnt and latr charges dur undrr the\ote. - :,.. <br /> j' 2. Funds ior Taxes and Insurance. Suhj�t u�applirahlr la« or tu x«•rittcn�eai��cr h} I.cndrr. Bnrrower shall `J `, �;f � <br /> _� , ; pa} to lxnder un thc c1a� m+mthl}pay mrnta arr dur�mJrr thr\ntr until thr�atr:s paid in ftill,a sum ("1�unds")for. �, . e,�� " <br /> r, ; ,...,� :. <br /> ' !a) )rarl} ta�c�s and •a.sscssmrnt�s nhich mx� attain priuritE ���rr this ticcurit� In�-r..rmrnt as a lirn un thc Yropert}�:(b) :;4,r� ..;' ,: .� <br /> i: • �i }carl� lr-asrh��ld paymrn�S or ground rmts un the 1'ruprrt�.if any: (C) }eatl} ha.:'-.'�i ur propert� insurancC prerniums; `" • ;,.`�'° <br /> �:� '! fd) }�ear1} ft«�d ins�eranrr prcmiums,if an}: (r)�r�arl� mi�rtgagr insutanrr prrmiums, if any:and(f)any sums pa}ahle `.`.,• - ;`;•,�.:r;' <br />_��: � h� Hurr����cr to Lrndrt,in arcordance��ith thr pro�isiuns of paragraph liru��f thr pa}mrnt��f mortgage insurancr �.,.�;�:�• . � � <br /> r,,r•� <br /> , � rrrmiums, flirsr�trm�drr wllcJ"I;.�r�.w Itcros.°I.cndCr an} timc,ce��.i�:xnd hnld f�und,in an amount not ,`����;x�` . „_ ,• r.^ <br /> tu r�rerd thc ma�imum em��unt a Irnder fut'a fcJrT'all} rrlateJ mnftgagc Iesa� �rta�� �cyuirc fur Horcoti�cr5 rscmn r� � '°"' '� <br /> _tC. � arcount under thn fedaai RCaI }istatr ticttic-rncnt Procedures .�ct ��f 1974 as amcnded from time to time. 12 t�.S.('. ` : • ', '��, <br /> ��- �� Scrtion 2h01 et seq. ("RFSP:1"),unlr��s anothrr la�. that applirs to thr runds sets a tesser amount.If so. Lender ma}•. j . . . °:�,.;_°�'`': <br /> ;.� , � at an} timr,collc�:t and huld F=unds in en am�unt nr►t tu e�reed thr 1r.ssCr amount.Lendcr ma} zstimate the amount of ' '� <br /> F :, • " :. <br /> � I�unds duc on thr hasis��f c�►rrrnt data and rrasonahlr ctitimet�iif r�;.cnditures uf futurc Is.�.-ro�c Itrms or othrrn�ise in � �1°.• • <br /> ;o�. . ,� . '' <br /> _ arrordancc«ith applicable laa. � `:<<.�� <br /> _ . , � 'Phe Funds shaU bn c�ld in an institution n hosr dcpe�sits drr in�:r�i h� a*�:;�al agrnc}�,instrumcntali�.or entit}� f �`?� • � •�f <br /> � (including I.ender,if Ixnder is such an instiu�tion)or in any I�ed�r-a!�r��me I.c�:ee�ank.l.ender shall apply�tt�e Funds t�a � �"�'�;;: <br /> `'4 pay the Escroa ItCms.LendCr may' noc chargr $orron•cr fot h���3:�g znd a �: in the Funds, annually analy�ing tl:e � .� , �"i•`t,'�" <br /> ?. 3� g ' .` 'r_ s �. <br />,,.:wS esaon au:ount,or ti•erify ing the Escrot�� ItcKns,unless IxndCr�m;�i�xron•er'sz�,.erest on thc Funds and applicable lacs � ` :. ' ��; �: ?:.;t:� <br /> r pecmiu Lender to makr s.�ch a charge. Howe�•er. I,er.drr may ra;s�rr Bo-r�r.:r to pay a one-time charge for an � , .,. ; <br /> �� ' , . <br /> ,,,,,.,,- inc�xpendent real rstate ta�;c�=cting san•ire used b}�I_rndcr in connce.-ti�n�.:t�:��•is loan,unless applicable la�provides �Ks�;' ;i _ <br />�' ,i '' ': • o;f:ecnise.l�nless an agreernrt is madc or applicablr laa�ceyuires iaterest�:,bc�aid, l,cnder shall not be rfquired to � • +• � <br /> � ' pay Iiorroner ar.y interest or earnings on r,����unds. Horro«er and I.�der ma� agree in�vriting,however, that interes� ;; ',,�;' <br /> ;{. . • shall be paid�.�.:t.Funds.lxnder�hal1 r:ir to Borconcti-,without charge,an annual acwunti�gof the Funds.showir.g �: '°��;.�, <br /> i • crediu and dc�'v to the Funds and thr pu?�a5e for�vhich each debit w the Funcis was made.7ft1e Punds are pledged ss . �`` t:`'�` <br /> �a. . . '�'��''`:= <br />_ � addiTional security�forall sums secured b}�thisSec:urity Instnisnrnt. . .�i��v <br /> `�, � !f the Fur.ds held by Ixndcr exceed the am�nmts pCrmitted t�l+n c�ld by applicable law, l.cndcr st,a`;!account to . >•'f'-%'� <br /> ' flnrro�cCr for the Cxcess Funds iu acct�rdancr�cith thr rryuiremrnts uf applicahlC la��. If thr amount of tAc Funds hcld ��' <br /> `:,,;_ <br /> ' b� I.ender at ar; r,i*ne is not st�ffirient tu pa� thr Issctuw Items�chen duc.I,cnder ma}•so notify�Borro�ver in�vriting. , <br /> ��' and, in such casr$urrnevec shall pa�• U�I.ende�r thr amnunt nerrssars to make up thc deficirncy. l�nrmaer shall make • <br /> :;��. : � . up thc deficiency in no morc than tw•el�r monthl} pay mcnts,at I.rndrr'.s s��lc discretinn. :�"- • r��r,'.;': <br /> `•�';�i. � � l'pon payment in fu`�af all sums securcd b�� this Sr.�urity� Instn�ment,lxnder shaU promptly rCfund to Rormwer ;�,:.�:�. . - <br /> ''�%t;�'�'�• � nn� I�unds held by Ixnd�. 1�. under paragraph "11. l.ender shail aryi�irr or seU thr Yroprrty', I.cnder, prior co che ;��'�,:�ry" ';�"�'` <br /> -`�� �� xc4�ii�ition�r salr af thr I'r��pert}. shnll appi}�an5 l�imds held hc ixndcr at thr timr of acyuisitinn or sale as a credit ''r�t��;.��,�' . ., •... <br /> �t� • against the sums secured by�this Securie� Instrumcnt. `� .-j�;� <br /> . � �� � ; <br /> � � 3. :�pplication of Paymenis. L�nles.s appiicahle lan•pm�-i:]..�ather«•isr,ail payments received by l.ender undrr { ,,,. , <br /> ` ara hs 1 and 2 shall l+e a lied: first,to an r �.ti r^rnt cr.�:�-s due under the�ote:second,tn amounts a able ' i �,�, `Y`:�;' <br /> `� ' P �P PP 3' P CP . .. ,� P Y . <br /> � � �� . �.:�.�;r.paragraph 2:third,to intrrest dur:fourth,to pri•r.c��l Jue:and last,w any�late charges due under thr\�te. ,��,r���'�, '`'�.�• <br /> .; � :.�. 4. Charges; Liens. Horrem•er shall pa� aU ta�es. a�.sc:�smrn�s, charges,fin�and impositions attrib�ltablr to the . . <br /> ••�'��� � � .,,:' Ytoprrty� n::'sc?�. may attain pri��rity� oeer chis Sr,�urity lnstrumrm. and lea.�chc�ld payments or ground rents, if a.�ti. <br /> ''� � ' %�x� i3c�rro�ver st..a`. psy these nbligations in thr manncr procidcJ in paragraph 2, or if not paid in that manner. Aotroc.� • �� � . <br /> ;.7.:.�:,• �::.,.5 r ' � . J: f. :. : <br /> , 4i r shall pay thr:rs�:r.time direi.�t1}•to the person oa ed pa}mcnt.N��rrotcer ShaU pramptly furnish to Lender all notices a. �.:�,.`„ . <br /> �;'�,��,.: : <br /> :�'���„`"�. .. P P' R P P y S P P Y ';;' <br /> � amounts to be aid undCr i4�.is ara ra h. If Hc�rrut�er makes thesC a mcnts di recKl�, Horroaer shail rom tl furnish .. i.�,S�, <br /> ' '�j''��`'� • � ro I,endcr r�:eipu evidcr:�i:�g the pay�ments. � � <br />--:;::;y��,= ' . : � . <br /> '• ; ° $onoiver shall promptl}• discharge any lien «�hich has priority ncer this Security Instrument unles.9 Borrower. (a} • • <br /> - =•:j agre�in writ�r.g to the payment of thr abligation secured by the licn in a manner acccptablc tc�lxnder; (h)contests r.n ..' ...:;, <br /> f gi�e�d faith th= li:n h}•,��r defends against enf��rcCmem��f tht lirr. in, legal pt��crxdings tchich in the l.ender's opiniar: . :i';��;i;:: <br /> - . ? operatc to prrl•ent the nnforcament of the lien:or(c)securt�ftom the h��lder of the lien an agreement satisfactor} to • <br /> ���.:�'. .� ` . ' Ixndrr subordinating th�lien to this ticc�►rity lnstrurn�r. 1P l,cnder determines that anp part of the PtoFs,.,r.} is svbject .;;,•.' � <br /> -.::,;i. • tc>a lien ��hich may attain pri�rit� oti�er this 5ecurit� �-�s-rumcnt.Ixnder may gi�•e Horrower a notice i�e-�tif3•ingth� . � <br /> �•°;r ,• _ �;�:• lien. Hc�rr��a�°r�".�l1 satisfy�the lien or ta4e�mr ur rr.orc of th: a�tions set forth ahn�•r�eith�� 10 da}•s of the giti•i�g vF <br />_ . . _ .;:r�f notice. ! • <br />`°f��5i,-;; ' .� Form 302L 9/ 0 �';;_;;:" <br /> =tt , ,�u • . <br /> .�: +:.', � �-BtNNElroao��o. ��,i.: .� s imt�a►s•�_ ,.{��.� ;.i :, , <br /> �+_,'sl '. ��r4J' ri,, .�i. • . <br /> _ "�� ' � � <br /> 1 <br /> . . . <br /> :. . <br />-± . _ _ . .. .... ; _ ... . ,__.. _, ._..---°T...�_�w_ . � . � - . .----, - . <br /> _. .... <br /> ,.,,..-__ <br /> . . .. . _ • .._... , --------- -- - ---._. . . -. . .__, _,�r <br /> j � . . <br /> !'� . . • ���# <br /> 1 � - — —^r�""�� ._._ . - — .;,._- <br />