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<br /> �. �0�� 1-4 FAh/iIL� �IDER . . .
<br /> " . _ _ �`�m Assignment of Rents 20027913 � , '.� =` ::
<br /> .---� , . . 15TH d;, �,i . - --;-_-�-,_�,,
<br /> . THIS i-1 FAMlLY RIDER i,made thi� ) Dt1AY ' 1997 , �
<br /> ' . and i�irtcoiporsted into and�hall be deem�xi io amend and,upplement the Martgage. Dxd of Tru�t or Se��trit} . ., .
<br /> � Ueed tthe "Security� [rutrumeni'► of the �ame date given by the undenign�c! tthe "Barro�ver"1 to serure `'•
<br /> • Born�wer's Note to �{ - , � ��
<br /> � .`.` ,
<br /> � The Equitable Building and Loan Association m� aran� island, � � �' ". '' � �
<br /> , � �10braska, A Federal Savings Bar.4� Ithe••l.ender"► � . � `"'�
<br /> . ��. y...���:. "
<br /> . .. �':� of the safne date and mvering the Property described in[he Sex:uriry instrur.��c:s ar,rf Focatad at: _ .
<br /> � 2705-2707 W KOENIG, �RAl�D ISLAND, N��RASKA 88803 � � • �`I:�>",.•
<br /> < �. �
<br /> , _ ' . � �Fmperty Addre.+� � _ _ _`s.-
<br /> .} �
<br /> '� 1.4 FAl1iY1.Y C0�'�NAN7'S•!n addition ro the covenanc+and agreement�mad�in the Security[n�ument. � � :
<br /> ,-:•v�• ._ '. �
<br />_ ;�.. Borrower and l.eader further covenant and agree as follows: �
<br /> A. ADP1TI01AI. PROPERTY SiJBJEC'i' TO'!'HE SECURB'�Y Hl\SfRQJII�'IEhT. ►n addivan to the �:. -,=-----,-��:<•�.."
<br /> " ' propeny described in the Security Ins[rument.the following items are adcf�►:ta the PropertY descriptioo�of e ery' • , � �_� :
<br /> '� also mnstitute the Property covered by the Security Instrumen� buitding material�.applia�+:es and g -.` .. .-,
<br /> �� 4 • l�'��L
<br /> nat¢re whatsoever now or hereafter tocated in. on. o pusect. or intep e�i t�O be used in connectian with the �.`.,.��;,;;
<br /> . � ' property. inctuding. but not limited to, those for the urposes of su 1•in ar distn�buting heatinS• cool'nS• . ::y.
<br /> ` � , , e l e c t r i c i t Y. g a s. w a t e r. a ir and li ght. fire prevention and eatinguirbing apparapa�.s�ri���a d��ht e r s� • :.-�.
<br /> ' apparrtu�c,plumbing. bath tubs. �yater hraters. water ctasets. sinks, ran�es. • S . : ` s:
<br /> ;F. • , dispe�J�.�vashe�s.dryers.awni:�s. storm windows. sterm�ivan. screem. blinds. shades. curtai�u and�vrtain �� � -
<br /> ;�:at h e d m i r r o t s.c abinets.p an�lling and attached fTo•�su=.verin�s naiv ar hereafter attache�to the Property. �' ,k-. � �.,��'t.
<br /> rods. •
<br /> � � a11 of which, inclu±i.-�g rep�acements and additions the�T- yi�all be deerned ta be and remain a p ar t o f t h e . ., :. ;
<br /> ; ..
<br /> prope�ty wveEed h; �7� Security Instrument. �.lt cf:he t'ar�oin� [ngr:t'�:c'with the Pmperry descxibed in the '•; `,
<br /> ..' "; , ..; ;<�Q
<br /> °� Security Instrumeac�ar the leasehold estate it'�.�.�curir_:�svr.:ment is usr�teasehold)are referred ca in rhis t-4 r3',• .' _:.,..�
<br /> �, -.- .`'- .._ .F yY', Faa�:l}�Rider and the Security Inswment as the"Propects�." '�.;:- , '� ��•'
<br /> �' L.�;
<br /> '!�} B. USE OF PROPERTY: CObiPL1ArICE�i7'�'�F Ti.�fi��. Bonrnver shall not �. agree to or malc�a •_�;:::>•- -�,
<br /> ehange in the use of the Property or its zoning clacsificatioa.unless I.ender has aDreed in writing to the change. • : ,. � ;;
<br /> �.r; ..:: ., r.�;
<br /> � Borrower shall comply with all laws, ordina�.�.xs. regutations aad r.xjuirements of any goverrtmental bczdY _,.!
<br /> �" .. " ' applicable to the Property• • . :,�r��--J
<br />.�� �
<br /> � , �� C.SUBORDINATE LlENS.Except ati permitted bp C��era�Faw.Bormwer shall not allow any lien inferior
<br /> '' ". ' yo Nt:Securiry Instrument to be perfected agairut the Prope.r;withouc i.cnder's priar written pennissian• '�� �`'�'�`;
<br /> '' � U YtENT IASS INSURAI`CE.Barrower shall maintain in.surancc again5t rent lass in addition to the other . -_;�_
<br /> +, � , . hazards for whicB���urance is required by Uniform Covenant 5. {r�'
<br /> yJ" � � _�,.�_
<br /> -,:;,;z 1,-�- : �,«g��j AC�R'S R1GHT TO REINSTATE"DEL�7'ED. U�efvrm Covenant 18 is deleted.
<br />:..;.:, ,�.,:-
<br /> :�_,;• , , ff. 80RROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless l.ender as�d Bormwer othenvise agree in writing, the fitst ,. :.` '•;�, ; ;;.,
<br /> ' � . � '�':���� �;�x in Uniform C�venant 6 concemin� Borrower's a.�cuQancy of thz Prapeny i� deleted. All remaining .
<br /> �- . . . covenants and agreements set forih in Uniform C�venant 6 shall remain in cffec:t. ,�,- �: -_
<br />'( � � Form 3170 3l93 `� ` �
<br />'.;� -. . .
<br /> � MUlTISTATE 1 -4 FAMILY RIDER-Fannie MaelFreddie Maa Uniform Instrument 'r '
<br /> ._�� .. _ . � i. .- .
<br /> {. . .
<br /> � � ' vM�MOATGAGE iOPMS �B00:521 J�9� �Rmtedon Recycled VaOd
<br /> `'-i� . ' �•57�9304)01 � "
<br /> - . - . -' � � ., �• � -
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