}�.�.<<� _ _ ;t i. . : .t'". ..-�r:�"; .. ._ .
<br /> _- __ '3�1'^ �t `2.� c.
<br /> =_ � _ � . - � . \�i.:' . ' � , . _. � _ - -,t .
<br /> . , l . • :. : _ . . . .. - i ... .. . � � � ;,�.+a,•�•' _ ,{.�
<br /> , ' , :tD�.. ' , �. . . , - • . . � . ' . � - ._. .. ,
<br />.. . . . . . . . • , . . . . .' - .. . . _ ' ,,.1,.....� _�• -_
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<br /> . t.—.-. . "' . . ._.r ...... _... . . .. . . . ._ ' . . . , � . . . , _ . .. .. �.1.t ` . ,.
<br /> � ���� . . �,�.. .� ._C—___
<br /> � '
<br /> . . . � � 17.T�anster of the Prvp�rty or a Beneficial Interest in Bor�Her.If�ll ur any p�an uf thr Pruprrt� ar any�nterc+t m« ,
<br /> is u�IJ or tran.femx!lor if a beneficial intere.+t in Borrawer is+old or trsn.frrnx!and Bi�rr.n�cv i.���[a►t:�.:�cr,el pcn��n)aithout
<br /> Lender'. prinr arittrn con,ent. L.�nde� may. at in option, require immediate {ra�•ment in full ��I :i1! .a�nti� �ecumf b}� thi. 1 .
<br />-� � � G•n..i�r Imtn�mpnt Nm�evcr.thi.oution.hall not be exercised hv l.ender if ex�rei��i�prohihitcJ b� fcttv rat law:�.�af the date , •
<br /> _`, .
<br /> - ___ � i�f thi.Seruritp Imtrument. _ — .
<br /> lf Ixndcr r«�rri.e+thi,optii�n.Lcnder sh:�ll give Borroaer a�tirr��f�celrratiim.The nuti�ti.hall pau�i.ic:�prri�wi uf not
<br /> ' � lrti+ than 3l1 dayti from the date the notice i. deli��ered or mailed �cithin ahirh Bc�m►aer mu,t pay all �a►m.,rcurtt� b)• this , �' " � .
<br /> � Security In.trument. If&�rn���er faib to pa�these+um�prior to the expirati.m��f thi.peri�xi. Iw.nder n�} en�uAe:uiy rentcdies
<br /> � ._ _� permitted b� thi,Snurit}�Imtrument�tiithnut tunh�r notice ordemand on Bnrni��er. , . . .
<br /> 18. Borroaer's Ri�ht to Reinstate. [f Borcow�er mxts cen:ein conditiom. Bunuwer .haN ha.ti. thc right t� F.:+.e
<br /> � enfimtiKneat ��f thiti Securitc ln�trument diuontinued at:uty tirttr prit�r te� the earlier of: �a►5 day+ lo' �v:h uthe� period as
<br /> applicable law may .pecif}• fi�r erin+tatementl before .ale af the Property punuant to any Quwer ��f�a4e ce�ntaiacvi in thi,
<br /> 5ecurity In+trument: ur Ib1 entry•of a judgment enfoning this Sc�.�urit)•Itutrument.Tho,e cundilions are tt��,t�orrower.1a1 pays
<br /> l.ender all sums which then w�ould be due under this S��riq• lastniment and the i�Iote as if no acc�elerat�:►.n had occurn�'d:1b1 . .
<br /> - � care+any default of any other ro�enant, ur agreenxnts; tc)��•s a{I e�pznsey incurre�l in enforcirtg thi3 Sexurity instrument• .
<br /> � +i including, but nat limited to,rea�onable att�me}s'fEea:a�xi(d1 take�auch action as lxnder may reason�hl��requ�re to a�.,ure �' �,: .�� ;,�.; .
<br /> ' � ,"i thai the lien of'thir Security Imtrumem. Lender's rights in ttw Property anJ Borro�r•er s ubligation to pa� th�sumy secured by' 't� _
<br /> ' thi> Sctiurity ta+trument +hall continu: unchanged. Upon rein�Yatement by Bormwer. thi� Secarit� Ir►strument and the �,� �j� ��
<br /> obligatioa�secured hc�b} �hall remain full} effetti�e as if na aixelerati�m had oa-urreci. Howe�•er.thii rict�t to reinitace shall < �v;R�,���c�S��ti:`
<br /> �z
<br /> nat apply in the r�e of a.releration ut�der paragrapi�I7. _
<br /> 19. Sale of lmt�Change uf Loan Set�icer. The �ote or a partial interest in the Note Ito�et�i=r �vith this Security ,
<br /> .. �...:
<br />- • lns[rumentl may 6e sotd one or more times w�ithout prinr n�nice ia Barroa�er.A�ale may resuit in a chang�in the erttiry Iknown �� ,
<br /> a+tii:"Lcrnn Scrvicer"►th:�t mllects manthiy pa}menRc due undu the Note and ehi�Security[n,trument.Ytncre also maS be one ;,.. :
<br /> " or mora changes of the Lc�an Servieer unselated to a sa4:uf th:�1ate. (f there is a change of the I.��n Sen i•�r.Borrower will be
<br /> _ given w�ritten notice of the change in ac�rdance aith�rugraFh 14 ab��•e and appliu�ble law.The noticr��sl!state the name and , ,.
<br /> ' address of the new l.oan Servicer and the addtess ta�Fhieh payment+�houlJ be made. The notice w•ill a5�►�rontain any other
<br /> : information reyuirccl by applirable law. • "z�' '-'
<br />'.•; 20. Hazardo�s Sahstnnt�es. Borro�ter tih.�l nat cause or permi[the pre+ence. a+e. disposal, storage.or release of any .�_ : ` ' "ti' }�°
<br /> Hazardous Substanccs an or in tbe Prop:rt��. BmmHer .hall not do, nor xtlotic anyone efse to do. an��hing affecting the . ,
<br />-�; .� Prnperty that is in violati��n of anp F.m•ironmental LaN•. The preceding t�c�sentence+�hall not apply to tTw pre,eace, use. or ,�'. �,-,_�
<br /> - . _. . � storage on the Propen} at",mall quantitiey of}ialardous Substances that are generally recugnized to be ap,�opriate to normal � .';,..�'t!�:;
<br /> � " residential a.es and to maintenance uf the Propeet}•. ` �"�`��
<br /> ,.t:� .
<br /> ;; '. Borrower shatl pmmptl�� give Lender wntten.mti��e of any im•e�+tigation, claim.demand. lawsuit or o�her action by any ;�•� `�,,
<br /> •'? govemmental or reculstory aaency��r privace part��in��l�•ing the Property and any Hazardaus Substxnce ot Environmental Law . .°•
<br />.:..} • of�nhi:h Horrower has actual know�ledge. If Borro�cer leams.ar is nc�tiHed by any govemmental or regulatary authority.that ,�:. . �.:, .r �:�;.,
<br />=;; any remosa4 or other remediatian oi'any liazardous Suhstnnae aifecting the Property is neces5ary.Borrow•er st►311 prom�:ly take : f.���:: .:''; �.
<br /> ; � al!necessary remed'eal actions in accordanee with Em'iranmenwl Law. .r :��':•�::,.�• •
<br /> );' Ei
<br /> �' � � As used in this p;uagraph 2U. "Hazardou�Suhstances"are those sub�tances define�i a+toxic or hararcbaus substanees by ,•_•;��,r�: ,°'•�:;
<br /> � Environmental Law and the followir� substane�: ga�aline. kero,ene. other flammabfe ar toxic petro'.eum pmducts, toxic �y,,;;r.��: :•;';�
<br /> ' � pesticides and herbicid:s.volatile solvent�,ma.r�sials containing atib�.toti or formaldehyde.and radioacci.e m3terials.As used in :'•ij;yiyn,�� r� _
<br /> k ' thi, paragraph 20. "Environmentzl law" mean; federaf lawti and lawy i�f the jurisdictiun where the Fro;�Ry is located that �-.,;'j�����,;� . .
<br /> �''� relate to heatth.safety ar environmentzl protectioa. ` ta�" {�.`"`..'
<br /> s�.:�,,�,rl�`:,,,,:
<br /> • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Boaower and Lender funher covenant and agree ati foltows: ��q�t��t�•; •':�°;
<br /> _:`;, 21.Acceterntioni Kemedies.Lender sba11 gf�e notice to Borro«�er pdor to aceelerntton folto��ing Borrower's breach •: „
<br /> '• of any coveaant or agreemcnt in this Secaa�tiy Instrument (bui na1 P�ior to acceteratlon und¢r paragraph 1� ualess , �::;,_
<br /> '� ' applicable law psoricles oihPr�r�ise)."fi�e noticE sha71 spactfy�: (A1 the defuult:lb)the action requir�to eum the defauit; : 1� �
<br /> ,; (c)a dat�not ters than 30 dm�•s fr+om the date the notice ts gi��en tu Borro«er.by whtch the defa�i must be cured:and _
<br /> ; � . (� tdat�ilure to cure the dePuuft on or beSoro tAr d�to sp�tftcd i» the not�ce r.�ay result in accettratlnn of the sums �:r,�-..:.
<br /> ::� secured by this Security Instrum�t and sale of�the Property. The notice shati farther inform Bosrower of the rip,ht to { .
<br /> r'�` reimtate after sccelcrntion and the right to bc}ag a court as/ion to ascert the non-existence of a d�taWt or any other , .. :'•"�
<br /> '� ' � • defense of Borro�er w acceteration and saiw If�the defuuh is not cured an or beforc the dase 5�eciifFd in the notice, , �,.
<br /> - � [.ender, at its option,may require immediaio pa�•ment in fuU of a!I snms secured by thls�e��� lnctrument without , � _
<br />-�';,_. further demand and ma�� imoke the power of sale and any other rcmcdic�permitted by applira�:r law.Lender sha►1 be . , ,�:��^
<br /> �• -• entltled to coltect all expenses incurred In pa�uing the remedics pro�•idsd in this paragrapb 21.includiirg.but not limited • � . �
<br /> � to,reaconable attorneps'fees and costs of title evidence. � .. . ,�'
<br /> - � If the pativer of sale is ins�oked, Tnutce sha0 rornrd a notice of defAUlt in each rnuntv in wQi#tfi�any part of the
<br /> � PropPrty is lacuted aad shatl mail copfes of such nnt�rr in the manner prescribed by applicabie la�►to Borrowes and to . .
<br /> �'� the other pr�sons prascribed by a�plicable Ia�v.After the ti�ne requiied hy appllcabte la��•,Tncst�sf�11 give public natice . . -
<br /> o!sale to the per:SOns and in the manner presc�ibetl by appllcable Ia��.Trustm.�+�ithout dema�E aca Bflrro�ser,shall sell . , .
<br />`'' �5 the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under tt�ee terms d�sigsiated in tln4 noBce ot � �'�.'
<br /> �' l.'-�.^ y�.
<br /> -;��, sale in one ar morn parcels and in any urder Tn�stee dNermin�.Trustce may past�d�ce sale o�af!or any �ecef ot the ;.•',::�:.,•.;. . ;:•,
<br /> ';:�i, � Property by public announcement at the time and place of any previously schaluied sade.Ler�t�or its designee may � ��
<br /> ' � purchase the Property at any sale. . .�����
<br /> >>t1�
<br /> ,� • . ;�;�Y}.
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