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<br /> . . TOGE"fHFR WITH all the�mpnnement+no���ur hereafter erected on the propem.and:ill ra.rment,.appurte�wn�r�. :utd •- • :
<br /> _._.•�. _ ._....a _ . � ...- ---^-...-• +:! txements 3ttd etid�riF�n. .h:dl al,u br rucered by thi, �e�unty �. . : -�
<br /> ititUfCT tt�m au n��tioii.� a �wa �n •... r...�....:. �"�°F =--_'°-__—_._-_
<br /> � � ln.trument. All of the fi�ngomg i.nferntii tu in thiti Sc�urity In.trmnent a+the"Prupen�." '•
<br /> '' BOItROV4ER COVENA:VTS that Bom�wer i+ IaHfulle +ei�J i�f tht��tau hereh�•cum•e�rd at�d h:i-+the ri�_h[tu gr.uu :u�d •.:,.. '.
<br /> �once� th� Pn�pen} s�ui[hai che Proprny i. unen�.-umher�.except fi�r encumbrancc.ti of rcmurJ. Burruaer �carrsnt�:uiJ ai11
<br /> • � defend generall�thc utle ta the Pn�perq againtit all cla�m.and demandti.+ubjctiK[u any�enrumbrante+uf recuni. :, a:; -.
<br /> THIS SECURITY_(NSTRUh1E:�1T cnmbme. anifi�rm rusen:urts for natianal u+e snd non-unifartn cu��enant.with I�miteJ ,_ ;•,_�_., ,: . :
<br /> . -- - - -.=. �•ariationti by juri�dic(ivn m ron�titute a untfurm x-�'urit} in�trument an•ering rral pmperty. °``' " ,- '� ,.,
<br /> UNIFORM CED'1'EN�INTS.Born�wer:vui Les�Str cu��enant and agree a.ti�llow,: � -
<br /> � ,� l. Pa�ment of Prinripal and lniere+t: Prepa}�mcnt and Late Charges. Borrower �hall promptly pa}� «hen due the
<br /> . principal of and interest on the debt ecider►ceel b��th:Note and any prepayment and late charges due wu3er the Nate.
<br /> � 2. Fauds t'm'Ta.Yes and Insurance.Subjeci to applia�ble lativ or to a written wai�•er by Lender, Born�H�er ,hall pay to ,:;�.:� �. .
<br /> Lender on the ifsy nt+�sthly pay�menb are Jue un.'tr the Noie.until the N�ste is paid in full.a sum!'Fumis'l far:la1 yearly taaes �`"'�'' ' '
<br /> - . •:�.- and a�sessments which mny atEain priority overthis Security In�trument aa a lien on the Property:Ibl ye'arty leasehold paymenb �?::i . .
<br /> � or ground rents on the Pmperty�.if any: tc►y�1y h:izard or properry ia+urance premiurtu:ld)yearly flocxi iasurance premiums, •, _
<br /> if any: Iel yearly� mnr:gt+ge.iruurance premiumc. if any:and It� any sums p�a�able by Borrower to LenJer. in accordance with !`' '" ': V _ -
<br /> - � _,� the pmvicions of p;uagraph 8. in lieu of the pay�ment of mortgage insurance�rtemiums.The�e items are called "Facmw Items•" '" .�
<br /> � L.end�r may, at any ti6m, coltect and hold Punds in an amount not to ex�the maximum amount a lender for a fedetally t', �'' �
<br /> , ;,s;� ' � -:. ,�_.
<br /> .;.:;`- related mortgage Ieam m�y.require for Borm'n�er s escrow account under[hr:ederal Real Estate Settlement Procddures Act of . •,. .�
<br /> ,� . ,..:�_;,:., ., ...
<br /> " . � �;.f: 1974 as amended from cima to tirte. 13 U.S.C.Section 2601 et ser�. ("RFSPA"),unless another law that applie:s to the Funds ;`:: -.:_ ,_;; :; •
<br /> • , ; sets a les�er amount. Ig e{r•Ixnder may.at an} time. collec�and hold Funds in an amouni not to exceed the lesser amount_ , ,
<br /> '� � � �-��'=�' Lender may �timute th�amount of�unds du�on the basis of current data and reasanabte estimaees of expenditures of future ;�:• _ _
<br /> � T " Escrow Item+or athenviye in accordance u ith a�licable law. •i;'�.. � .
<br /> , `,' The Funds shutt bu held in an institWion who�e deposits are insured by a federal agency, iu:fiumentality. or entity :�•;,'. ''
<br /> �`�'.f".^ � ::.. �
<br /> _ :. lincluding Lender,if ixndar iti such an in,titutian)or in any Federai Home Loan Bank.I.ender shall appiy the Funds to pay the 'i�;.:`",:. :� ,:rr
<br /> .. ::'.s: g � AP Y� S Y Y S '''�.'..'
<br /> . .."., , : Eacro�v Etems.l.ender may,eot chat e Bormw��r for haldi arui a l m the Fund+.annuall anal nn the escmw aocount.or �'.. ;��
<br /> 'j>_, , ,,,�'-�,,.
<br /> � . � , � 1�, verifcu�the Esccoa�It�tns.unless Lender pay5 Barrawer inte�z on the Fund+and applirable taw permiu Lender to make svch ,;. ,�n�•, -;
<br /> a cluir�. Hawever: Lr'adsr may require Borrn��•er w pay n one-time charge for an independent real�tar�tax reporting service •�;.=�,, �,,... ' -.�
<br /> �� .. ' ' ased fn• Lender in rnnnaction with tfiis luc�n. unles, applicable law pravides otherwise. Unless an ,�ment is made or 'f:•;:''`:i�::�::�-: � ;
<br /> :'r .. `6...,.t• .
<br /> �,,;�,)„�,� .'; apPt"s�bfe law requin.�intatesc io tx paid.Lender shall not be re�uired eo pay Borrower:u�<< i�terest or eamings an the Funds. r,.,,,.;..:;F',:.�
<br /> , � t,� '� . Borro:�:er and I..ender may agree in Ktiting, however.that interest shall b�paid an the hur�Ys. Lender sha11 give to Borrawer. '�` � •
<br /> �,1;,, �� tir
<br /> }: �" 'c. r�+ •.? ;` without charge. an annual��:rnuntin; of the Fund�,showing crediu and debits to the Funds and the purpose for whicb each �� �,y�,� :
<br /> � ,., . +��7 ', •.
<br /> ' , �:4 debit ta the Fun ds wr�ti mn 3o. The Funds are pled ged a+additional security for aU sum,secured by this Security Instrument. {r•��� �
<br /> •�- if the Funds hetd 4��:a:nder exceed[he amounts permitted to be held by applicable law.Lender shall account to Borrower �' � .�,,�,�=
<br /> ';�_r,.. �. � for r3��e e+�cess Fnads en ucmrdance with the requirements of a�licable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender sit any ;:;k;;, ��;; =•.?:
<br /> " .. � tirtw_�s aot sufficient te�pu_v�the Escraw Item.+when due.[.c�n•{.r.r rnay so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such ca5e Borr.�wer ;.::?':. ' ` "'�
<br /> � � shal l pay to Lender thu amount necestasy to make up the defi�-�.�ncy. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than ";°';,'. :�
<br />- , ta•elve monthly pay►nents;at I.ender's solediscretion. `�`'�`' "`' ';.'�
<br /> :r".;r;,.
<br /> _ � - Upon payment in fufti of all sums secuTed by this Security Instrumert. Lender tihall promptly refund to Borrower any *'r..�:. .,,,
<br /> t. : . ;��,`.
<br /> � Fundc held by Lender:I�i under paragraph 21.Lereder shall acquire or sell the Propeny.Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale ��.•.� � .,• . .
<br /> •! '�`+���'• � .t, of the Property.tihult aFply any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acquisition ar sale a:a credit against the sums secured by �#.,'.";} ;' �°-
<br /> !.' , ' �F
<br /> � `� �i this Security In�tnr•mont�� ;;';:Ss;:�
<br /> � � � ` ' 3.ApglIeotn�nnE�Ftagments.Unless applicable law provide�+otherwise,all paymentc received by L'�nder under puragrapha � a�'t•��: �-
<br /> �,
<br /> ,/ • � �''�` 1 and 2 shull be a iiitd:•firct.to an r a m�t ch ec due under the Note: sccond.to amounts pay:ilte under paragraph 2: �'�;;'t-;�i�j�,- �
<br /> }�. PP Y P eP Y ar8 - I
<br /> � � ;; third.to interest due:feurth,to pnnciFal due:a-�d last,to any!ate charges dae under the Note. i:J�''ity� ;:�.�
<br /> f��� ' •� 1�Eharge�:�Lieas. Bonouer�hal!pay all taxes,a�scss�nL:.is,charges, fines and i.'npasitions attributable to tt�e Pra e .
<br /> p rty ,.4 ,,,.;1 . . �,
<br /> �: . ••. whi� may attuin,�riority over this Security lnstrumcnt, aruf Iwtiehold payments or gro�nd rents, ii:�ny. Borrower shall pay f".� `' �•�• :
<br /> r�: . .�:.': ;`. . .
<br /> • . " these obligatinn:.in nc�manrter pravided in paragraph 2.or if nat paid in that manner.Boaower shall pay them on time dittctly +:!:y ' '
<br />�'��' ' � - to the person oued{z3ymeM. Borrower shall pramptly furnith to l.ender zil r+�:ices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. <<"� ";� �
<br /> �� ;� . . ,�
<br /> • If Borrower makes these paymcnu directly.Borrower shall pmmptly fumish:o Lender receipt+evidenzing the paynien�v. %����•
<br />!i�.t. . . ,y :,'::.
<br /> '�' � �. Borrower shaU promptly Jixharge any lien which has priority nver this Security Inytrument unless Borrower.(a)agrecs in .
<br /> `;.::
<br /> �,t,',''.: writing to the puyment of the oblioation secured by the lien in a manner acct:ptable ta L.ertder: Ib1 contests in good faitA the lien �:� ..
<br />_�'„�, � ' � by, or defendti agaim� enforcement af the lien in. Iegal pmccedings which in the Lender'z opinion u�caate to prevent the �' �',�� •
<br /> _ �,
<br />-,,...i � , enforcemem of ehe lien:or Ic!secures irnm the hotder of the lien xn agreement satisfactory to LenQer Sufs,�rdinating the lien to :i ; •
<br /> "'' � . ' ihis Securirf 6natrument. If l.ender determine.r that any pan of the Prnperty is subject to a lien which may attain priority o�•er .:.
<br /> thic Scwriry Instrument. Lender m:sy gi�r Borrower n natice identifying the lien. Borro�«�r.hall tiatisfy the lien or tal:o one or "
<br /> ,���'-. mote ut dic actions set forth abore aitAin 10 days of ihe gicin�of nolice. f"�� ' `
<br /> ��; . . Form 302fi 8r90 i��;:
<br /> _ v,yoao+e '�f,; �� � i;
<br /> . � . ' �i1, '':.'�"i,
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