<br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardous Substancec" are those substances
<br /> defined as toxic or hazardous suUstances, poll�tants, or wastes Uy Enviroim�en[al Law and [he following
<br /> substances: gaeoline, kexosenc, othcr flammxble oe t+�xic peholeum prodncte, toxic pesticides and herbicides,
<br /> volatilc solvcnts, mnterials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioaetive materials; (b)
<br /> "Gnviron»tental Law" means federal laws and laws of tUej�risdiction whcrc thc Property is locatcd that
<br /> relate Co healfh, safery or envirorunental ptntectiou; (c) "Environmenta!Cleanup"iucludes any response
<br /> action, remedial actiou, oc removal action, as defined in Envieonmental Law; and(d)an "F,nviroramental
<br /> Condilion"means a condition Yhat ean cause, contribute to, or ntherwise trigger an Environmcntal Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower shall not cause or pcnnit thc presc�ice, use, disposal, storage, or release of a�iy Hazu�dous
<br /> SubsYances, or threatcn to rcicasc eny Hazardous Substances, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,
<br /> nor allow enyone else[o do, anything affecting the Properry(a) that is in violation of any Environmental
<br /> Law, (b)which creates an Enviromnental C.ondition, or (c)whicU, duc to thc prescncc, use, or rcicasc of'a
<br /> Ha�ardous Substance, creates a condition that adversely affecfs the value of Uhe Property. The preceding Cwo
<br /> sentences sliall not apply[o the presence, use, or storage on the ProperCy of smnll quantities of Hazardous
<br /> Substances Chat are generally recognized to 6c appropriatc to normal residential iues nnd to maintennnce of
<br /> tlie Properry(includiag, Uut not limi[ed to, hazardous substances in consumer products).
<br /> Borruwer shall promptly give Lender writCen notice of(a)any investigation, claim, de�na�id, lawsuit or other
<br /> action by any governmental or regulatory agency or priva[c party i�ivolving tt�c Property and any Hazardous
<br /> Substance or Environxncvtal Law of whieh Borrower has actua(lrnowledge, (b)any Environmenral
<br /> Condition, including but not limited to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, relense or threaY of release of uny
<br /> Hazardous Substance, and (c) any eondition caused by the prese�ice, use or release of a Hazardous Substa�we
<br /> which adversely affects the value of the Property. If Borrower lcar��s, or is nutificd by aoy governmcnla] or
<br /> regulato�y authority, or any private party, tliat any removal or other remediation of any Ilazu�dous Substance
<br /> affccting thc Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in
<br /> accordaoce wiCh F,nvironmental Law. Nothing hcrcin shall acatc any ohligetion on L,ender for an
<br /> 6nvironmental Cleanup.
<br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. 13orrower and Lender covenant and agree as follnws:
<br /> 22. Acceleration; Remediea Leoder shall give nofice to Borrower prior to acceleration following
<br /> Borrower's breach of any covenauf or agreement in this Security Instrument(but not prior to
<br /> acceleraYion under Section IS miless Applicable Law provides othenvise). The notice shall specify: (a)
<br /> the default; (b) the action required to cure the defaalt; (c) a date, not less than 30 days from the date
<br /> the notice is given to Barrower, by which the default musE be cured; and(d)that fallure to cure the
<br /> default on or before the date speci�icd in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument and sale nf the Pruperty. The notice shall fuRher inform Borrower of the
<br /> right tn reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a
<br /> default or any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the defaalt is not cured on or
<br /> beforc thc date specified in�the notice, Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of
<br /> all sums secared by thia Security Instrument withuut further demand aud may iuvoke the power of sale
<br /> and any other remedies permitted by Apptieable Law. Lender shail be entiYled to collecE all expenses
<br /> incurred in pursuing tlie remedies provided in this Section 22, including, but not limited to, reasonable
<br /> attorneys' fees and rnsts of title evidence.
<br /> 8801151B2B 880'1�5t92B
<br /> NEBHASKA-Single Famlly-Fannie MaNFretldm M ac UNIFORM INSTRIIMENT W ITH MERS Porm 30Y8 1101
<br /> VMF @� VMPBA�NE)(1105)
<br /> Wol�ers Kluwer Finencial5ervices Page 14 of 1]
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