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<br /> �::;,;, THiS DEEd�F TRUST,is rtsade as oi the ��+ti day of aay_ .19 97 .by and among �
<br /> _ _ .:��i; �.:, _
<br /> •� � � �
<br /> ' � I�:�`+'��°'�� the Tn�stor. Hun �I►�n)► HouveA 8 Xien T}�i Tran . �usDand and vife ' ` �
<br /> : : :,,t:.:,ct.<� S ;` .
<br /> '';<<- =i.,`;';j;��� 24i6 H Grand Yeland Ave Grand Islar� He �88�3�-2140 �11� < , .
<br /> -h^s:;;�� :,,,:.,: �;:i whas�rnaifmg�d�ssis (her�ein'fn�sGO erar�ormorej. �0 � . .
<br /> F� ������? 1�iC3�{"�@ '�a n O i n+e RsnU� e �hr8$.tr.�CO�LO'r8t f^A ` � . -. •-
<br /> ' ..,r_.�f� .,
<br />_ . .. .'�. ��� -. - '�
<br /> � �� ��►{ng��� P.O. Box i58Y Iirend Islend, NE 68802 (herein'Tnisiee�,and � '
<br /> =.z� 9 .<.. . ..;
<br /> � , :r�a�%��` the Benaficiaiy. Five &�ainte Baa�: � . -
<br /> � ' •,;;;;t:�r�t . ---'--.--- �� .
<br /> ..;y.>.... ; :`�... ,
<br /> ;..' . ; '•'•�;!�'�;;4 whosemaifinga;d�:essis 2�I5 H. Ssaadnell Grand Isl�nd, HE. 68802-1�t37` (herein'Lende�. .� - -
<br /> - - f:5''��; .,fi.. .• ":;. .
<br /> . . � "r;a� FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERA.Tt0Tr1.including Lender's extc3nsion of ccc-�'�iderttifrcd I�rn_;sa to ��'� �e� �YeA _ ; ,'_.
<br /> � �_�
<br /> �� (herein'Bortower;wRcai'er one or rr:csb)and the trust hesein rleated,if�e rr-.�pt - � '
<br /> . `. ',��?��.�` af which Is hereDy admowtedged,Trustor hereby irrevoc�bty grants.tracssfers.aomreys aad assigrrs�Trustee. IN TRU37;Vd['LFE '` ,
<br /> `> `; �=��'� POiNER OF SA�.E,for tha bena.�i and seciuiry of Lender,under and subject tn the tertn��rd sors�t,erefiafter se.t fddt+.t�s r r� • �'�.':�T�,-,
<br /> '. . „<;r'.' . �rly dascrifbecl es fofloKr� ' ;`- ;
<br /> r '`•�.` �at 7'�o I2), 3.n �i� Fourteen t 19>. �a GilDest'e Additt� �u � �ity of
<br /> u
<br /> i L� �•rand IelBa.�. HagS C?s,a��q, L�braeka. ;,?.; '� .
<br /> � , -�S • .. �' �
<br />_: t�',';,,�,�f:.' , , t� _�;.�,i: ;.
<br /> , . ,,,:�. :.. ..
<br /> i - :U .,� Tagath�r wi4t►all buiWings,ergravemer�i5.6x�,.,+res�streeta.aiteys,passagawa�+s.e�esnents.ri5t�.Pfirileges and appurtertances -., ..�•-�
<br /> ,� �,.. : ::�y _,�:....
<br /> _.,�.. _ [�i�d thereon oa tn anywise�rtaining thereto,and the rents,issues an0 profits,rever.fens and remainde�s thereaf.and sucb per- _ , �. . ... •.�.
<br /> - . . � :�:;i� sorral property tt�ai�ariached b�e improvements so as W constltute a fixhire.inGud"mg,�ut not 6mfted to.heaUng arrdicooitng equi� . ..: � '"���
<br /> %• �� � �;��•�;�� menk and togeihasr wlth the ho:rr�tead or marital interesb,if any,which Interests are hereby reteased and waived;ail pf which.Indud- � �
<br /> . .�.;�', �,
<br /> • � "'�'�' in re lac�me�u�and addidons Uosr�o.is hereby dectared to be a aR of the real estate secured by the Uen of this Qeed oi Trust and •• �� '.
<br /> ` '.';:,;:,.> ..,� 9 P P ,,.::.�
<br /> , . � � :.�;; all of the torega�g be�g�efeaed to herein as tl►e'Propert�. ; __ � �� ="�
<br /> This QeeO ot Tnu�!shsll secure a the pal sum and interest evideneed b a mmisso note or credit a .?i%-��
<br /> . . ( ) payment of the prinG y p ry gree-
<br /> ''' .. ', :' merrt dated having a maturfry dete rsf '- `' --
<br /> :�:
<br /> ::�• ;r',::
<br /> ` � ' in the a8ginal pceyciyal amosmt o!S �,golol_alm .and any art�:�.4 modi�catlons.extensio�and renewais � ,•`�'.•.
<br /> ' �' r�x��,�% ' thareoi or theteGO and any antl a0 future aSrances and readvances W BCrta�uer(or any oi them ii more.than one)hereunder pursuant ;.�"'
<br /> � `` � ` tti one or motp pramissay notes or credft�menb(herein ca(ted'1�[ch.l:(b)the payment o!othc�r�ns advanoed b;�Lend�r Us .. . :;-��
<br /> ` .:.<<;;' '�• � -—
<br /> a,�: "''.',+''� protect ihe seauit�o!thg Nofe;(c)the pe�far�nce M a0 cavenants and 2�emertts oi Tn�star se!fortft[varein;and(d)all present r� ' `'.-
<br />-�n�'"'" � - future inCeDieQness at�d ob!ig�ns of Bnrrower(or any oi them if more than one)to Lertdu whether direct.irtdirect,absolute or wntirt- . ' .�,'``�•�
<br /> ,��� ` ' 'f ent and whether aris:�r► b rsci� uaran overdraft or othenNise.The IYote,this Deed a�4rust anQ an end all oiher documenb tha't °`'-'- � " �
<br /> ,.. � . .. S 9 Y 9 h. !I {'r.;�, _ :
<br />'��!".. • • "�y,,;� secure ths NoDa or olhetw�-,,,e czecuted!n connecUon therewitb,inclad[tt3 without limitation guarant�s,secut"sty agreements srd �a�;:•;: ... ,�:' ', ` :
<br /> � ��'s`,�) •
<br /> �. '.•';,:;f�i i!.'l!:. aas ignmen i s o f t�e s a n d�,s h a t i be c e�rt e d t o here in as t h e'L o an t rt?v m e n t s. � �'�
<br /> . ., . �'�`���'l� Tnistor oo�rznams and s$tees with Lender as foilows: . �.•�1'.•
<br /> �.l .:. ,. �,�y�;�t�.,, .
<br /> . . 1. Paymant o!indeDb�ss.AU lndebtedness secur�r!hereby shali be paid when dae.
<br /> `'�_ •� �� " 2. Tftta.Trustar is the or�mer oi the Propedy.has the nr�^.t and authodly to comey Iha Properiy,and warrants ttu�ttte lien creat- • �
<br /> f �� �hereby is a firsl and pdor Hen on the Property.excepf tot 3;e►ss and encumbrances set forth by Truster in writing and delivered to ,,. . . � - .
<br /> -- Lender 6etore executton o!thfs Oeed oi Tnist,and the execution and delivery oi this Deed oi Trust daes not violate arry contract or
<br /> -�I ' ' other obligaEon to whic�Trustor is subject , �`-���
<br /> :=,;,:�: � 3.Taxes,Assessmeab.To pay before de8nquency all taxes,speci�t assessments and ait athcs charges against the Property � ",,. ' . :
<br /> ,', ncw or hereafter tevled.
<br />-°;��� � : . 4.tnsuranoe.To keep tlto P�apariy insured agalnst damage by frre,hazards indudad witAin the tertn'extertde0 coverage',and , . �
<br /> •�; such othet hazaN3 as Lendar may requirs,in amounts and with companies aoceptab[e W Lender,namfng Lender as an addiUanal �;;._• �.. �
<br /> ,.;;.;��;�;..., named Insured.v.:tt�tass payabte to the Lender. In case ot toss under sucA polieles,the Lender is eulAorized to adjusR coliect and ;
<br />-- '?-.;�;;.�• camprom�e,a11 cfaims thereunQer and shall have the option of apptytng all or paR of the insurance pmreeds(i)to any indebtedrtc� , . ;� �
<br /> - • �� �'�����' � secured hereby and In such order as Lender may detarmine,(ii)to the Tnutor to be used tor the repair or restoration of the Prope�.y ca `
<br /> � � (lu�for any other purpose or object saUsfactory to Lender vrithout affecting the lien of thls Deed of Trust for the tu11 amount secured `'��� '
<br /> heteb betare suct� a eM ever took ptace.M a I1caUons ai rooeeds to indebtedness shail not e�ctend or ;``'F� .
<br /> y p ym y pp p postpone the due date h�;?.� . .
<br /> � ' oi any payments urtder the Hote,or cure any defautt thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> ' 5.Escto��.Upon viritten demand by Lendat,Trustor shail pay ro l.ender,in such manner as Lender may designate,sufficlent '� � -
<br /> . , sums to enabta Lender to pay as they beoome due one or more oi the toflowing:(i)all taxes.assessmenb and other charges against
<br /> , . . the Property.(ii)the premiums on the property insurance required hereunder.and(iii)the premiums on any moRgage lnsurance
<br /> requlred by Lendec � _
<br /> � 8.P1tatMenartce.Ropai►s and Complinnce��itA Lar�s.Trustor shail keep the Property in good wndition and repair, shail �
<br /> prompUy repair,or reptaoe arry impravement which may ba damaged or destroyed:shail not commit or pertnR any waste or deteriora- •
<br /> .• Uon ot the Property;shail not remove.demolish or 5ubstanUally alter any o1 the improvements on the Property:shall not oommit,suffer
<br /> or permit any acl to be done in or upon the Property in violation of any law.ardinance,or reguiation:and shall pay and prompUy dis- �• • �
<br /> � charge at Tnistor's cost and exp2nse all liens,encumbranoes and charges levied,imposed or accessed against the Property or any tt
<br /> � part thereat. { '
<br /> - _ ---= 7.EtMren!Ca�a3n.tondsr is F.arahy ass��att ccs�s�.^rrsalior�.auard:.d��sgas and oltt:.r�ar raliai(lsarcinatlar C , ==-- .- -- --
<br /> . � r�+cvs�,w�e�am..v..mrn.sae , �. .. _
<br /> ' ! O+iG�wswBaraGm�.r.tnni.ro:w+w»swa�xmanun..ea•u. ., . .
<br /> i'
<br /> �� ' ._ __ r ... _.--G. .—.-
<br />