<br /> SECTION L The Cemetery situated in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the South-
<br /> west Quarter of Section Six (6); Town Nine (9), Range Twelve (12) Noi•th, County of Hall, State of �e-
<br /> braska, shall be dominated as the Sbelton Township Cemetery and shall be the prop2rty of Shelton Township,
<br /> Buffalo County, Nebraska, on the'con$itions set forth in the Deed conveying said Cemetery to Sheltou To�vn-
<br /> ship, Buffalo County, Nebraska, from the Shelton Cemetery Association. .
<br /> SECTION II. The Shelton Township Cemetery shall be under the management and control ol' a
<br /> Board of Trustees, consisting of three qualified electors of the Township of Shelton, �rho shall hold their of-
<br /> fice for a terin of three years, and until their successors are elected and qu,ilified.
<br /> SECTION III. At the annual town meeting of Shelton Township held on the Piftii d.�y of lIa�cl;.
<br /> 1918, the electors present shall elect one Trustee for a term of three (3) cears, and one to hold his offi�e
<br /> Yor a term of t�vo (2) years, and one who shall hold his office for a term of one (1) year, and there shall be
<br /> elected annually thereafter one Trustee who shall liold office foi• thi•ee l<3) yeai•s. Said eleciion io Ue b;:
<br /> ballot, requiring a majority of all votes cast to constitute an election.
<br /> SECTION IV. Before entering upon the duties of their office, each U•ustee sh,'� ta3ce and subscriLe t:�
<br /> the following oath before the Town Clerk:
<br /> I -- —, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the tinited States, and
<br /> � � � the constitution of the State of Nebi•aslza and that I �vill faithfully pei toriu all the dutiea imposed tipo�i iuc�
<br /> by the s'tate laws, and the by-laws of Shelton tc�vnship, and especially th�se la�vs and by-la�rs go�'erning Shei
<br /> ton township Cemetery.
<br /> � SECTIOiJ V. �The board of t:ustees shall meet not latei• tlian ten (lul �d:i,ys after the annu�tl Toc�n-
<br /> ship meeting and shall organize by electing one of their nuinbei• Cl�aii•nian, and anathec• of ttiei�• nuiiibei•
<br /> Secretury. It shall be the duty of the Chairman to p:eside at all meetings of the Uca�d, to sign a:l deeds
<br /> and ali o�arrants. It shall be the duty of the s2cr•etai•y to Iceep a record of all r.ieet:i:gs; he sl�till «lso l�a�;
<br /> authority to sell lots, issue and sign deeds for same, to sign all warrants en tlie ts��.�ship trelsure�, an<l t,>
<br /> collect all moneye arising from the sa?e of lots or Fi•om any oti;ei• souT•�e foi• the Le�iefit cF tiie Ce�uete��„
<br /> and to pay the same over to the Township Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor.
<br /> S�CTION VI. The Secretary shali before entering upon tl�e duties of his off;ce nnd nct later tiiau t:��
<br /> (10) days after his appointment or e:e;ticn, �ive bonds for tw�ce the ainount ci monep that is ]iable to
<br /> coi:ie int� h:s hands in any one year, ccnditicned upon the f�ithiul pe:•Poi•::iance cf l�zs dut� as Seci•e[:iry.
<br /> The amount cf the bonds shall be fixed by the To�rnship Board, who shall approva ihe said boncls;
<br /> bond shall be filed with the Township Clerk and shall run to Sheltcn Toc;nship.
<br /> � SECTION VII. All monies arising from the sale oP lots and from ali othe. sources for t11e bei��Yit of
<br /> the Cemetery sha,il constitute a Cemete�y cund aud shall be kept sepa,raie f:om che eth�r funds oP the 'iolva-
<br /> - ' ship by tYie Toccnship Treasurer; and it is ]lereby made the duty of the Townsii:p T�easuier to lleep a:�i:
<br /> itemized account of the receipts and e�:pend;tures ef the Cemetery fund.
<br /> SECTIOi�I VIII. The Township Treasurer is hereb� authoriced to pay �carr_nt, ci: tLe Ce�.�eterc
<br /> fun:l th:� u:c signed by the Chairman and Secretzry oY the Board uf Trustees, to z iii.�it cf the flmds on hand
<br /> in said Ce<.ietery fund.
<br /> S?��::ION IX. It is hereby niade the duty of the electors p:esent at tLo �nnunl Tcwnship meeting to
<br /> ma_.e a :evy r�hich in their judgment �3�__1 ra:s:; sufFicieat funds to meet the : ;::a_cca:cr.ts cf the ;:en:eter�-
<br /> for the ensuing year.
<br /> SECTION X. The Trustees s;iw?1 h°,v� power on behalf of the To ;nsh:> t� :_iwi;e ail c�ontracts ancl
<br /> superintend :ill labor clone; to dire�et the esgenditure ef ali money and supei•i*iie:�ci a?1 iniprevemenfs �;rd e�ii-
<br /> uellishments of the Cemetery subject en y to the �vili cf a majority of the e eci:.s D.ese�t �.t :n5- anaual Totrn
<br /> sh'p :izeet;ug, ��nd to have general su-�e:visicn cf the Cemetery and the proPeri�- thereto beicnging and to
<br /> keep the s_me in as good repair as the funds will permit.
<br /> SECTION lI. The trustees shall centract no gre.ter expenditures than h�s Ueen p�ovided fcr in ihe
<br /> Ge;na�e..3�,E�r�c�;•b;:t-.b�ea.'!`oauushig>Bcw:�d:=:;w�,.in e„ysa af- ;:dden or une�� ctaC� c:_ .,c�,,,�; Yp;•ol���a�. :�;��
<br /> the generwI fund of the Tocrnship, such sum ef money, as in their discretien shwll�be neces:ary- to meet. sucL-
<br /> emergeney, provided��the�amou�nt on�hand in the general fund will perm�it without se�icus detri�iient to tl��e r
<br /> other interests cf the Township.
<br /> SECTION XIL The Trustees shall receive the following compensation for the tin�e expended in the
<br /> interests of Sheiton Township Cemetery: t.he Secretary shall receive ine su!n of furty do:lars l�er annum;
<br /> the Chairma,n shall receive the suin of fifteen dollars per annum; the other mer.ii;e� cf the Uezrd shall rece:��e
<br /> the sum of ten clollars per annum.
<br /> SECTION XIIL The Se�cretary shall not allow any intei•irienfs in anp unsold lcts in the Ceuietei��,
<br /> exeept in that part lcuown as the �'Pc;tte:'s Fie1d", and no lot shall be seld until it has been paid for in c�lsh.
<br /> or othei��viae to the satisfaction of the Secretary, who shall be responsible for the ai_ioui.t of all sales.
<br /> SF.CTION XIV. The Trustees may secure the services of a suitablc p�rscu t� dir and fill all graves.
<br /> The eo:npensaticn to be paid for,this �vork sh�ll be deterinined by the Trustees; but s:ici coi::pensaticn �h�'l
<br /> be collected by the grave-digger fi•o:�l the pzi•ty or parties having the interment ui_•�de and sliail be retained
<br /> Uy hiin as his total compensation for di�ging and filling said grave.
<br /> SECTION XV. No interment shall be made:in Shelton Township Cemeter�- nor shall any grave be
<br /> digged therein, until a Burial Permit shall have been obtained from the Secretaty oP the Bo.rd of Trustees.
<br /> Said permit shall give the name of the person to be buried, the number of the lot; and the naule of tl�e owi:-
<br /> er of said lot as shown by the booksof the �ecretary;
<br /> SECTION X4I. Any person may purch�se one or more lots in Shelton Township Cemetei•y for the
<br /> purpose of interments, by paying the appraised value of the same as established by the Board cf Trustees znd
<br /> complying with all requirements of these by-laws that may relate to or gevern the sale of lcts.
<br /> SL+`CTION XVII. All vacancie:; in the office of Trustees shall be filled by appointment by the To�vn-
<br /> ship Board, and the appointee shall hold offi�ce until the next annual township meeting, when tlle vacanc�•
<br /> shall`be filled by`election. . '
<br /> SECTION XVIII. These by-laws may be changed or amended at au� annuai meeting by- a iu�joritc
<br /> vote of all electors present and voting.
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