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<br /> THAT, ;�EiEREAS, in an action in the �istrict Co�^t o° the Ele�en�h
<br /> Judicial Distric+ of the State of Nebraska, within and f�:° the Co�an��- cf ':ta'?.
<br /> wherein the County of Hall,Nebraska, is plaintiff and Glenn Leslie ar,t? nu*,;h
<br /> , I:eslie, his wife, et al, are defendants, No. 38, Doc, 1, Page 1.^?, t:�.e pla?n+;r_�
<br /> did on the• 30th day of September, 1960, obtair. a decree finding there �c Le c•�e
<br /> from the aefendan;s for. general and sp�cial i.mp�ovem�n� tdxes uper. a Certifi.;;a;;�
<br /> c" T� Sale and subsequent t�es, in Casses of Actior: No. Six ar.d ATC. Se°:er_, �`:e
<br /> S13T1 Of �779.32� 3CCT'U1i1�' 1.1?�8r@3y oP.ra ;;D3tS Ci 't.}le �'11±� 311� W}1°7't•3�� 1� id:5 °.,.^.A]''
<br /> and there �u'^ther ordered in thP sa��i action that in default c£ t':�e pay^nent, c�
<br /> t?:e sja�m so found due from tne said defendants '�ha� t'r:e Sner�::� :;° saa�i Ccz��,a� o"
<br /> Ha�l sh�uld cause the lands and tenemen�s hereinafter desc�ri.k�e�i to be a.,3���.rr.��,-�^
<br /> ar.d sold according to law to pay the same, and whereas, default having �e�an ma:-�e
<br /> therain, the said Sheriff o° said County, under and 'c;� virtue of the sa-i�� ��cree
<br /> and the order af sale to hi.rt duly directed, did, on the 13th da;;r �f Decc,��t�e_�,
<br /> 19�, at tha n�rth door of the Court House in the Ci_+y or Grand Island, �?�':;�•«�'.:-.�,
<br /> ir. said C�unty of Hall, having first oiven due ar:d 1ega1 no"ice c_° t::� ��.:me s�;;
<br /> place of said sal� for not less t:�a-� thi.rty days prior therete i:: the Gra:u Ts.lar�.
<br /> Daily Indepen3ent, a legal news_r•ape�, pri��ed and in �eneral circula+ion �r ;�.�_r_'
<br /> �:"v:,iri�:.y nf Hall, S°1.� 53:.� p�E'.^t1S?S 3t. N'w�'Jl�_C auction tG .'`".. r�. �'31'.'�icC1iC5� _f.!�r ±r:;:
<br /> sum o° Cne ha:�dred five ar.d no/lOQ (p105.00) Dollars, (ti:e tctal acc~�?z-�d co:�t� c��'
<br /> �u�.+;, and sale be�ng �155.l�4�, t-inic" sale r:a.� afte.rt�ards on i"i� 3'?t'-� da- ez"
<br /> Dec::^:�4.r, 19�J, exam�ned ard cc^�°i�ed by �he said Court dr� ;,he sa�.: �.te.•_.lf,
<br /> Ci:"..Y.i',Y'8C� �O .^.�?:1V8;j t�12 S3�CA tj••,�;;15°S 111 iC'? Sllfipi? ±O �i.�iE? 531� T''i. t�. i'B:=:Ici^.jt5.
<br /> �`j�':ti� `i'I��?�':'��:� t!:e said Sherif c C� t!;a ��C1:1�j' O_`� ual;� a5 3��.. �.__, ��
<br /> ir. �o:rsid�ration of the pre:^.ises ar.d �y virtue o_° the po;�ers :es�ed :n :��:� :;;;
<br /> l�.fz and the decree of said Cou^t, does r�ereb�r g�•:e, grar��, a-���. �,,. -�y '... ;.��e.
<br /> said T�1. k. rair�arks, the premises so as afo:�esa_d sold, ±c-w�t: �,��;; .:l::�e� ;ii)
<br /> an:� Twel:re (12), in Block Sixteen (16), in the �rioina� Tci:**� o: .io�d „_rer�, �'::z'.1.
<br /> County, Nebras'ca, as surveyed, platted and recorded, wit:: the appurten�n�t:�.
<br /> TU HeVE AND TO HOLD T�?'� SAME u:�to the said P.. ti. 'r`airt;a7ks, G�^,i ...._, ..�_ � ,..
<br /> and a.ssig.^s f.orever.
<br /> Iiv TEST:��lOI�rY 'rY�:',�OF, I have as suc': Sheriff hereunto set rr:;� 'r:and t^:s
<br /> 6+h day of JanuaYy, 1961.
<br /> E, H. STOBB�'
<br /> b�ti_�C�,/���.l�v• _ �
<br /> ��_,-.' -
<br /> C'"�1'v r
<br /> �.xecuted and delivered in t?�,e
<br /> presanee �;f
<br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ � _ _ _ _ _ �. _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ ,� ., m �, _ m
<br /> ) SS.
<br /> On thzs�� day of Januar.y, 1961, before me, ���v'°o��-�/
<br /> personally appeared the said F. W. Waoel, Deputy Shera.ff of said County to me,
<br /> personally known to be the Deputy Sheriff of Hall County, and the identical
<br /> pers�n who signed the foregoing instrument as grantor, and ackno�aledged the
<br /> sam� to �e the vol�.zntary act and deed of the Sheriff of ��all County, N�br:x,yka,
<br /> for �he �z5es an��-��r.poses therein set forth.
<br /> �, ��`.D;(.
<br /> '��;'y�rJIT�vESS Ymy`.:�±�and,,and official seal the day and year above written.
<br /> -• " ., � .� .,
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<br /> Y �i�d�fi0f CeCOtd J�y 22nd, 1964 at 9: A. �, �n BOOk 14o�Of Deeds ,
<br /> �
<br /> ,..
<br /> . ' Page� egister of Deeds, kali Gounty, Nebraska
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