<br /> --
<br /> :_�., ,.� - ---—
<br /> - - - , , . y {
<br /> . � _ _, . ; . ` _ .. ��'�
<br /> . ` � � . • . . - ` ; .. . � . .. . . � -- _. ...�:,..:.�. . '' _ ` . . .
<br /> . . " � � � .. . . .. • .. - .. . ., - [. t� . ` .
<br /> f
<br /> --- ` . 7. Rcowctton o4 l.en�der'�a R�ghte in the P+ro�perty. i► aoRO�e� � to ve�ro�m �e co�anrs ana e�s�rs . `. .. - '
<br /> ' cantatned tn this SeM+rttY Iastcument,ar th�ro b o t�SlOrooeedfi9 t4�st may s3�H�an4tY�sct!�"dar's rfghis tn the Feoperty(such es . .
<br /> . a Presesdin8 in hantuuAtaf►.Probsna.tcr coc►danv�iion ar tar4aiuue ar to entaree laws or Bgutations).then lendsr maY do end Oay tor . �
<br /> . whatever ts necessnrll to Rrotect Me valr3 oT the ProP�h�and Lenders �is b the ProO�Y. Lendsts actl�ns may b�clUde O8Y�8 ; ..
<br /> !r3 ,
<br /> any sums secured by a Iian whici�has OrtotdY ov�r thl�SstunlY Irtstrumsr►t.eDD�9 In court.OaY�9�naDla afiom9yrs(�s an0 . ., ,
<br /> � A�,Lender does nat have to do so. �
<br /> enterNg on the Fmpefty ta meke�s�s. ARhoug4�Lendsr n�ay take azUon undar this P�a9�9
<br /> ia�r m7rieuni6 S.SS:t:oi.3 CIi '..:....r". :.^...'�'.. '�•-ir.• �t�' 7 awe0 ha�evrtn add3ion81 l�tt Of BOrtOwBt 5@q7[8d by th}3 �GUI$11 �
<br /> Instrumen� Unqss Borta►v�and LenQ�t agE�e to otAer tem�s ot pttymen�these 8mounts sha0 6ear hteresf hom the date of (g ,
<br /> - dU�6urcmt39rtt at the Nate�ate end sQfaO be P`1lr8bg.wIIh�+terest.u9on noilCe trom Lender to Borrower requesun9 DaY��- � ' , ; .
<br /> ' (}. QIF20P�$Q�6(ffiREPBRCe. If t.E�r►�3r re4t+ied moRgage insurane9 as 8 coad3�n oi making the to8n secured by Nis � . , ,
<br /> P$
<br /> �cvrRy tnsttumarn. Borrawer shaD paY tris premiims requced to ma5�ffiin the martgaSg insurence e�et4�t ff. far any cs9son,the , . :
<br /> maAgage hsurance cwerBSe reR++hed by Lo�►ds�t�Dses or eeases �o De in eftect.Bartow�sha0 DaY the Drem6uns required to abffi►n ! • .
<br /> eqtt
<br /> . — covaraga substenttaIIY eR+1Natent to Nfe m�8a insurance PrevE�usly In eNec4 a! e cost substsnt►a�J► eQut�nt to th8 Cost to � ` '. : . r -
<br /> tlf
<br /> • . � Bormwar ef tha mortgage tnsuraneo Drn'teusty (n eHect. from en atmr�ate mortgaga insurer apDroved by Lender. I! substantiatty . .,;,; •
<br /> equtraY+nt mortgage inswance caverago is noi ava�abSs. 8ortawsr slmri pay to Lendar each manth a sum equal w an�lwelfth ot ths � � ;.,:��-,
<br /> x,;;.
<br />_ ya�rty mCRQaga insurance ptemkim behg RaiO by BomDwer v►Aan tPoo iuursnee eware88 L�Psed or ceased to be in efteet. L.e�eQsr wlll !: , .;a�Y,}.;
<br /> er,cept, use artd �theso RaYments es o toss raserve M Qmu af mortgagB hsurence. Loss cesenre PBYmeMS maY no bng�be � ;., ..< <:� •,�":'�::�;�,
<br /> r:-':?� ',:#_ �r-
<br /> tequt8d.8t the Cpt[On af L8n4�,it rtwr8g3�s InsutenCe�8e C�thr3 emOUn18nd for ffiB p�tod thet isnder rs�tres)Pro�d by � . : ;.i. .
<br /> avai�btB end ts ob�d. Bortoxr� �a!f pay tha{�'am�ms cequ4ed to maa�t�tn 6. ` `�• �
<br /> an insuter aPPravad hy LertdBr ag3h b9c�rnes . •'�';;�
<br /> �� . t fOf rtt4t�3�+bvr�.r.e6 t�is 6�BCCOtQetiCe w3h es� ' • :" >'r'�
<br /> ' rt�4rt ms�W M eNect.Or to prOrid3 a klss re5erva.n�l tRe rdtWlremen � , i�xsi` ,
<br /> wt�iten agreemar.2 trarive�eorta�var ar►9 L�n�ar appQcablB Isw. . r �.
<br />_ . 9. litlip�C4I�n. Lenter or ds ag3nt maY make ��sanabtD�trk� uPen�sscL�s�'xns c°".s�Fr�P�Y. l�nder Sh�D�a+a ,; �
<br /> earrowar nafice at the ttme ai ar priar to an insP�n sp�SSA�m�bka c�+se E�-t`�a-r�ctlan. � . . .�.
<br /> 10. COet�emnatio[e. The a�� or artr anvm�. ar craim ras dsmaess. �iat or conssyuenual. tn a���on wan eny � ' . •�.. .:, ._�,
<br /> eondemnaUon ar aiher takin8 nf anY Pert a�a Properiy.or tor eonveysns�^•ty f�eu of eondemnaUon,�a'Eret:�'end shsn be : ..
<br />..'_ U EfBt � < < :�,��'�'{.'..
<br /> 'i " peld t0 Lende�. " • '`'��%},� ��
<br /> ', In the e��ent of 8 tatai taicing a!tl►9 PropsrtY.the pFaceeds sl�aA be appGed to Me sums see:a*�by th(s�ricY Instrumant, if+:„j;,: ````'!;7��;.`�.
<br /> - - xfieth�Qr not thsn d ue w�e suy exc�ss D�d to Borrow� In t4�e event ot a part�t C6:�g of the Praperty ��`r�t�se tab�srket �u�'�,.,, ,, ._ :.r�,._.
<br /> � �:."•ay b3[ae t�e taking is equai to or greatar then tna�uat ot the sums secsr?x8�r tAis Ss�► � . �
<br /> watue ot the Property � "- "
<br /> �, Instrumant tmmadtatey tieicia tts�tslc►r�,u:ekass eorrow��+d I.ender othavrlse eSrea�: wAUn9� the aums sec�Te�'�► this Seam�► .. .':
<br /> , InsCument shaD ae ceduced by tne �.a:3 of the Vroceeds mutttp5ed by the fa�owing tracdorc (a�tt+e total amo�t of tho sums . . �.,:;
<br /> -�� seauted Fmrnadi�teb betore the tekin8. Q�r'+dad bY N)the fatr meck&t vBWS of the PropertY ���Dsfore the taklnB. MY ba�nce • . !�,��;,
<br /> • shaD be Paid W 8ortawer. In th9 e+rent af a p9rttal ffilcin8 of tt� Property tn wh(ch the faU martcet ti:,x.a at the ProAertf► ImmediatfiN tF , �..
<br /> � �� beTare the takMg ts lass than ffie emount of the sums searsd tmmedtatefY before the�nB, unl�s 9orrower end lender offierwise ( � �'�, '-:
<br /> �. q�ae tn wtit6ifl ar uniess epp[ic8bb hw othemrise pravlEes. tt� Dmessd9 shaD he app6od t0 the snma see�dl�Y ttlb Securitli f ':
<br /> % tnstrumsnt erhether or not the sums ote t!►sn Oue. � �:�•�'r���:
<br /> ,� If the P�D�i!►is ahandoned by 8�rar�car.or H.afte�r notbe by lendar to Borrower that Me coc:�s�aRfers�.�en ea�cr j y •�r.��: •,.
<br /> '�; sett�a cta'vn tor dartiages. Ba�rawer l9i5 l�s respond to lmi�er wttAh 30 tfays efter tAe '�te the rs��a zs givan,L�-�ar is s^^�� t �.:;.f•=
<br /> le�
<br /> to aat�ct end ly tha prcceeds.at$s c?ffan.e�ther to restoratlon or repatr ot the�eyr�'1►or W the sums searrram Ii:syy this Securft!► � ;�;"��r�,'
<br /> eAP . ':� ''t s.=
<br /> ' ' Instrumant whether or not then due. i• ' '��;
<br /> .`.;: .� . Un13ss Lendar and Borrawer oiharn�e a�ea in wr�inB. anl►epD��n ot proceeds to P�cfpal sha0 no!excend or postpone the
<br /> ;; d u e d a t e o f t h e m o n t h A►P a y m s n t s w f e n o d t o 6 n p e r a B r a P►�s t snd 2 a chen 8 s the amount ot such payments. � . :,, : ,:•;.;;_��.,s;,-i
<br /> � 11. �dr�wer�604 Releasea:Porb�ar�tae By Lemder Not a Waiver. 6asns�n ot tne ume tor vaymm�t or �
<br /> , � mod�icatbn ot amorttratlan ot the sums 5ecured by this Secur$y tnsbument grantad by Lender to any successor in interest of Boaower
<br /> _ �, .�..: •� ..'�(J�iJ.
<br /> ah�fl not ap�ata to wisase the RqbBdY o!thg origb�ai Borcw+er ar Baaow�s successors 6��nteres� LenQer shaD not ba requlrod to �• •
<br /> y t, , ��.
<br /> • ;'',,.;;:% aommance proceedi�gs agatnst any sucoessor in Interast or Biuss to e�c�nd rine tor payrt�ent or otherwise madHyr�rii�tfon ot the �f�;t •�,. .` '. •:; '�,,
<br /> :,� ,:�:�,: sums secured by tAi� Sscurftll ms�� by reason of any demend made by Me or�tnal BoRavrer or Borrowe�s successora in r• �. :;;�:
<br /> `. ' -'i y�tpipst, My foibeerance by LenQer h oxercising eny�i8ht or rnmedy shM not be a watuer ot or prec4�de the mrercise ot any rigAt ar =sy�:� >
<br /> ';r•�:�!^;
<br /> .�� :';;;;"�':� ��• d ' '�,� , %,}����'�:T_.
<br /> ,;: � . 12. Successora�Asslgno Bound; JoD�t and Several L.Iabili�q'Co�gaers. rne coVenants en ,;,;.�. ;; r����:��
<br /> =�; � - agresments ot this Secur�t.^.swment sha7 bind ana benefd the successara ertd �8� ot Lsnder ao0 6ortower. subJect to the t��';.', ;. :,,:;,',�.�_.
<br /> - = ' ;..�; :;� prwisbns of paragraph 17.Bartowef�eos�nants and agteements shaU be loht anG savetal.My Bartower who coSigns thts SeCUrgll : : `kVj,�y
<br /> - . InsVum�nt 6ut daes not �cecute th� Fte2s: (e) ts cas�ntng tlib Sr�r�► Inswment ony to mortgage. 9renT. ana comrey �1�e2 �•��-:sf��;.,:�
<br /> . ♦!.At
<br /> ,' ... � . -_../�li"(. _
<br /> Borrowefe Interes!In the PropeAy undar tha terms of thla Seeurily Insbumsn$(b)ts nat p�sonaQy obfgated to paY No sums seauras •..;�*::'-
<br /> :i+': � to exten0. modey.faibear or matce mzy
<br />;r.r � �� by thb S�u�►y tnsMemen$and (�)a�s t�at Lender and any other Borrower may agree . +, ;;
<br /> __ . � � ��o�p��yt�h�tp te�mg p!thfg gaCUrity Instrument or the lVote wRhout that Borrowefs consent . •
<br />'`;i�,: : � 13. L+Ofisf Cht4i$Q�. It fhe IWn seCUred bY SP.G SeeurPtY Insbument b suby9Ct to e Iflw wNCh set8 ma�dmtim Ioen ehsr989. • , : .
<br /> L+
<br /> :��!1� .. ' ,`� " , end tha�t t3w t8 tinully lnterpr�ted so ttut the tntmest or o�er toan eharges coQected or to be coElecto0 b connectlon w9h ths tCan ;.�;,:�,
<br /> Y :E�.,.:.P;,_. .
<br /> � � �� f ex0eed the petmPtted tlm�s.then: (a)ur�suoh ban eA sh�b9 reduced b the ameunt escesserf►W reQuce tl�a char�e ta�°+e ;i�;n•;, .
<br /> ?'.r " s.' erg08 Y `r lt t;� ,
<br /> ���� .� � ;, perm�tod ifm�;end(b)eny sums atot�d/coEected from Borrowar wAlch�oedad p�m,'Ced ttm4s v�m 6e teNndeO t0 9oaorret. LsnQer
<br />:;:�;,:s �;' m3y ohoose to matce LSiS refimd by redvCing the pr(nCipal owet4 unOer the No29 ot by mekin8 8 EYeC! PaY�t� Borronrer. If e , .
<br />-°��'�i.; � . '1 retund roduces qrtnc�pa4 t��raQuctlon v�a ba treatsd as a P�9reDaYment wdhout eeN P�Ym�t eharge under Me ldote. �
<br /> `�} � ' � 94. Id�4]C08. Any notice W Bacra�afar provl6ed tar In tdta Securfty Insbumsnt shaD 60 gNen by Qe�O R or by ma1Bn8 Ft by . ;�;'`,. •
<br /> �� a ar • -
<br /> ,.��� ��;''��� , tirLi oi�ss m.�a;unb5s ePPUcabt9 taw ro4uEes use of another metAod- TP:e notirs sh80 bo dir��ir th0 Properly Admrass ar a�Tii �,,,Y,�,`•,
<br /> o . ,� . S
<br /> �t � "' ;;'� , other�tddr�s 8ortowat designates by r•atfce to lsndet. Any noti�Cs[.es:Qer shall be glven�y tL-�r��ass mail to Lendere adrktc�
<br /> �va ` � stated herein or any other aEdress Ler►�r dssignates GY notlee to Barro.ver. My nouee P�+�t�'����fi/ MsUum�nt sriall j.�
<br />-�:,'s,, .
<br /> -� ba dcemad to have bean gNen to Barro-�rer or Lender.ar:r.�'9fir� es PrBVidsd h NLs Ga��Pfi• �
<br /> -�?:�� . 16.Govemina L�av�;�everabliiiy. 1n�s s��ar in�e sean be gmremea tiy sees�a� �a�, e.Rc �e �aw ot e�e � ` ..,•>.,:;
<br /> - juri3dbti�n tn whbh the PropsRy b focete0. In tAs evont tnat er^}pr¢�tsion ar c4wse o1 thb SsaictH tnstrumm�t or th9 Note eontllcta �. ;�;,. ., .
<br /> wt.h ByPIAOb�9 t9�v, sueh cantRct sha0 na2 Affect other Dravlsiarm c9 U;+s SeCUrdY Instrument ar the Note wAbb cen be given affect .
<br /> �� wEhout the oonfGetMO provlston. To thls end the prov�siar.s of thi$Secufdy InsGumsnt and the Note ere deetsred to be sev¢raDta. : .'
<br /> 9G. f$OfCOt'JC!''i3 COpy. Bovornaz sha0 be g@rc� on0 conPOrtned capY of the Note 8n4 of this SecurFty�nstrumsnt i
<br /> - � i 17.Tr°..�tater oP 4hg �a�erly or c��enof�ctal ImQerea4 in Borrower. e an or eny D&tt o} the Proporty► or any .
<br /> intemst tn tt is sold ot transferred (or 9 a beneticiel inierest In Bortower is Sofd or uansferted and Borrower is not a naturat person) .
<br /> � withoul•LOndePS prior wrttten aansenL Len6e�may.et its optton. w�tre immed�te PaYma^t tn tu0 of a11 sums secured bY����Y . , .
<br /> - - , InauumartC HowEnrm.th19 oPtlan shatl no4 b0 axsrcisa0 by LenQer M exarc�se is Pro��fted by fa6aral law es o}the Qate of this Seeuriry . .
<br /> � ' MsUumen4 � �
<br /> - � If Lendm wcerolses this optbn.Lender shsu gNe Borrowar notieA ot acce�atbn.fie notirs st+all provlQe a parlod of not tess than .
<br /> Y. �1 • ' •
<br /> 30 daya irom tho d9te the noUCe Is de6veted or mailed witdin wh6cA the Bortower must pay flU sums secured �y tht4 Securlty
<br /> '�'�a. � tnstrumsn�If Barrowar fnils ta pay thes9 avms prlo►to the e�batlon of this poriod,l�nder maY bmroke any remediss pemitaed by this
<br /> :y � Securdy InsUument wRhout turther rtntke or derrtand on BoROwsr_
<br /> Form aoYa qo0
<br /> - - - - ..._ . . .� F:G7C.i�i:lLyi p�p�3 oi S ', .... .. . -.-
<br /> ' . � ,
<br /> 61U '
<br />