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<br /> ;� which is organi�d and un�d i1:�s laws a1 E� ��. .
<br /> ". 700 N.WE�B RD.Q O NE 6ti803 (tie° 't ; ,
<br /> ; •� �; earrawer owes�enaer me princ�sum ot e un red ix undr and 0 9 0 , � n'
<br /> : � ;.,..� DoOsrs(U.S.S 9 3 6 0.00 Thfs deb! is evlQeneed by Bamawets nate EateO the :
<br /> ' sama date as th�Secur3Y tnsWment ('NOle'?.which prav3des tor man4hh OaY��%.wah the 1u0 deb� g not paid earIIer.due and � :,�r '�:
<br /> '��' paya0�a on Ju1te 1 2027 .ThH SecurLy Instrument sswres W Lander: (a)tRe re08Y�t of the Qebt evldanced . :. ,,�
<br /> �'• � ;,;'f�'':;',=�:;.-::. � by the LY�.wftd int�res4 and�tl ronewats.�ctensions and modiftcations of tha Note: (D)tha PaYment ot aD oth�sums.w3h hteresL . .';aa b-
<br /> '. • ..:,r�.,,.;,,...: -• advarea�ar.�er v�fl+�DA 7 ta protoct tria seeuc�Y of this SecurftY InsOrumen� an0(o)the Pertam�anco of Bortovre�e cavansnts and � -"-f,
<br /> ',,f'" •,.�;.::•. `. i' . ggt82111Bi1y5. FOf L�'T� WlD058� BOt�OWBI 1[8VOC8dly 6f8I�t8 8110 COrtV8Y8 t0 TNSiFA. in brust. wRh power of sels. Me foltowtn8 ,.c�;�s:,,
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<br />-:�•'i ° ' � _ , Nebrast�a 8880! ("�Opc�ttl►AdQress': :.
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<br />_`;;';j . ,. TQGETHEA Y�ftl?t G7 6nprovern0nts now or h�r�ected on tt�o pra�.and eU easemenis.aPDuRsnances.end f6dures now � .
<br /> i , or h�,4er e paA o!the propORy. M rep�eernwrts and adQQ�ns shall be cat�d by thfs S�cur�y IrtsWment All o}ihe fo�oin9 b :
<br /> �:�' . . �.w, retmrmS to in tht9 SeCttr�Y tnsttumert2 E1s tho'Ptopetty.
<br /> �} .� [if7RROWER COVENAMS tt+at Borrower is l�whiRy se�ed ct�1ro ssmte nerebY comreyed ae0 has the�(ght to grent ard�comrey �
<br /> �t''` the Property sn0 tAat the Propert�!b unencumbered.auceDt(or er.�,ambrances o}roeord. Bortovrer warrents and wID defend gsnsrally
<br /> '��!� ' • the t�io to the P►opetty EBainst a0 Cf8in9 end�09,SubJect to arty enCUmhrance8 01 record. .
<br />-;�;• . , THIS SECURIIY INS[RUtVlEM eomDhes unifartn covenents tor nationei os9 end no�runttam� covenents w8b Itm@ed vartations by
<br /> a���.- jur�diatbn to canstttute a unMOrtn saxifdy insuument eovaring roa�proDmtyr• . -
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<br /> ;-,p, . . , uN�FaRM cavEaaNTS. eoROwer ene�endEr covenant ane agroa as roII�ws: �.
<br /> "?�+t�. � 9.P ent o!Prtnct a1 tuod Interem4;Prepaym¢n4 an9 L�4e Chergea Borrowel shell prompUy pey when Que
<br /> .;'��``• . . tha pNncip�o end tnterest an we Qebt e��+aed Gy the Not�and anY O�eP�t and tate eharges due under the Note. � . �. •
<br /> - , � 2.Fundo 4or Teueo c�red In�rmoce. SubjeCt to epAfiCBbb �lw or to e vrtitten wahrsr by Lender. Bortowot shatl Day to �
<br /> Lend�r on the dayr monthty paymenb are Que under thB Note. unt0 the Noto�s pald tn fu0, a sum('Funds')tor. (a)yeary tez�s and �
<br /> t essessm3nts whbh rtt3y attain prb�f►over this Sawrdy tnstn�snt as e Uen on tho Ptoperty: (b)yearry teasehold paymsnts or grourtd l
<br /> - . 1 cants on tha ProAertfi.N MY: (�)Y�AI h�rd or propsrty hsuranca premiums:(A)YeaM itood insurance PremWms.B enY:te)YeaAy i ' ....
<br /> ; maRgsfl9 InSUrfuice premiume.U eny:end(Q flny sums payebl�by Borrawer to Lender.h aeeorQanee w�h the provistons of paragraph
<br /> - ' 8.U lieu ot tha P��t of martgege in5wartce premlurt►s. These itrems ere ca08d "Escrov� Itar�' Lsndsr may.et eny time.col�ct .
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<br /> �'��'! • ' and hotd Funds in an emount not to mccesd the maximum amouM a �nQer fot a fedareuy related mortgage loan meY reQutre tor
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