� , -� -. � . .
<br /> : 97� ���°75� � � _---
<br /> . � (e t9w.saCh cenHiet sh&U not aHect othet Drovistons ot th�Seeur�Y InsWment or the Note whlch t�n be
<br /> , , contitets wflh 80P� Inswmant end ttie Note are deataced to
<br /> • gNen effect wRRaut tAe eonfliCtinS��n.To this ertd Me Orovislons of thts SeeuntY
<br /> . • ; .
<br /> � � be severabia• .
<br /> . 15. �0l�Ot1r87'8 CO��Bo�ro�sRaU be B�one ContotmaA ecp!►at t1�8 Note e�d ot this SeCUr�fl����-
<br /> 16. Oiazarf8ouf3 Sub�te�3e. sarower snan not eause ar pm�+a me presenee.use. disposa4 storage. or re�ass of
<br /> ' on or in tAe Propmty. Bortovra shau not Qo. nor attow enYans e�e to do. anythtng eftecNn9 tlio :
<br /> • anY Mazardous Subs�c�s in two sentences shaU not apPh to the pres�nee. use, ar ;
<br /> . � Property thffi is hf vEOhtlon of enl�vironmen�aous S1�Dsm�+�9 Nat ace ge�erauY recoBnirmd to be ePP�P�to nortnal L �
<br /> , starago on the Fmp2nY �sna8 cvenUtles i .
<br /> restEenttal uses and to mafntaner�ot th�PropsM• � -
<br /> = _f � wr�en notiee ot anY irnost�aN��� etahn. demand. tawsuit or nther eeUon �w f '
<br /> _ . _ Botrov�er sha6 PtonD�Y � 6nrokin9 the Psop9rtY eed any Hamrdous Sufostance or Env�mu�ffii - .
<br /> ' ' gpvgmmenffiI ot re�►hiory eg�Y or Priv8t0 panY � .
<br />- - � wRich Bortower hes eCd�s!krtmaG9�e. If Bau.�s St�ibstan�oefte�ct4ni�g Me ProA�Y�e�I►.Bortower shaD prorMtM 8t8ke all
<br /> remova�or other temedi�Wn ot sny Ha�rdo ;
<br /> 5• neces�►�edial attfons tn acoerdance w3h Envlronmantel Law. ; � •_
<br /> x ' As used in this Ga�B�AR f6.'Ha7ardous Substances'ere thOSe substanCes defU►ed es mxtc or hazerdous Subs�g bY _
<br /> -' Etnrtronmenta! Law end ttsQ tc13aw6t9 subsffinces: 9aso�e. kerosene. other flammahTe or Wxic Pelroieum products.�
<br /> -:� eonm6Hng asbestos or tortnatdehyds.ertd rsdtoacWe materiafs. � ,`
<br /> • � p�idos end herd�s.votet8e sok�ts.� - . -
<br />"r.� the Para9�Dh 18.'EnvtranmanUlt Law'means federai taws and taws ot Me jurisdicUon where tAe ProPertY��4 tfiat rete� '
<br /> �� . to heatiA.safetY or envtranmenml prv�• ':_
<br /> :: eS f00oviS: . :-;�i-;'
<br /> :� S.Sarravrer end Lender fimhet�t and a�ea .�,�;=:
<br /> �: . NON-UNIFORM COYENAPIT �s af tR'.e � ��'-'s`';�%:'
<br /> .?:, , t?.A8818�lBil�Yit 04 R�Dtfl.Hmrower uneonddionally►assiS�s end transters to Lendar e0 the rents��L �.: , .?fi'>;.
<br />-�1 : F. .:.'::'t
<br /> Brnm+rer authcriaes kender or Lend�s aSents to eo0ect the rents and r2venues end h�ebY diceeLS e�:s'.snt �'e � .
<br /> Ptopertfr. '+ . --
<br /> '�_ ` ptcperty to p8Y Me rents to Ltmd�or L�d�a e8e��However.pdor to Lends�s noti�e to Bortower ot� btaath o
<br /> L ,
<br />'�•'. '.. any eovenent or agcesmerst in t�o�Y ��m��Borrow�sAaB coGect end reeetve aB tent�s.ut revem�es af Me Ptoperty► t :: (,;n�f
<br /> -� „i4:
<br /> ��� as bvste9 tor tA0 benef� ot LE+c�anA Bocrower. This assignm�+t ot rents const�utes an �� �ment and not E:+ . J
<br /> � � �•. . .. .
<br /> assignment tar adddi�al secu�Y arty
<br /> - " � If Lend�9���oS bresah to Borrower. (a)aQ renis �cei�ed by�8o mwer shall�d�sdeD bs���� i "
<br /> = � � benefit ot Londsr ony.to bc�epDl�eA W the sums sedt�e0 by the Secur�y ���roa6�ents due end c�r,pis�t�I,�sc�mr r� - '. .,.�
<br /> i cecE�a�ot tt►a rents of ttu�ProPeRY: �d (c)each tenent at the RcopeAy _ �,T,..,f:
<br /> � � Lend�'s ag�t on lendefs rmdten decnend to Ne tenenL � �t ia`-„�vrastki p�� ' ���:
<br /> !:::
<br /> : � Baaorrer hes not exacut�d efil Prior esaignment of the rents and has not and wiD not pes�a • essY ,, f��.•:
<br /> �17� , �^l,�h���':
<br /> ."'.:' . 4 Lert�(rOsn eoa�telsin9 88��thffi P8r8gt8p cr.,tixe ot breacl:"s ;;.._.•.�_...,..
<br /> }�BheD e�ct tto�p e��'�°��mke eonuot ot Or mslr►tein the ProDeKY betore ar efter gWh'S �°'_ .___W__�_:
<br />' ��4 • gercq�Hnwe+ret.Lc�rn�et¢r a jiCxia6Y BDAohted re�elver maY do so at enY time ther0 Ls a OteBCh.Any eaP�t�n ot rm� : -----,' f..
<br /> s�,�n�t�_ot�,.��y�,,.�lt or tmalldata ai►Y othe►r(ght or remedy of Lendet.Th��:..dg�ment o1 rer►ts of the ProR�1` r }{,{s '
<br /> f%'; • .i.:. ' InSMutrtent iS De�d U1 A7R _ � �`w�.
<br /> +;.,`<.�� shaU term'ne��t tt.o dsbf secured bY the Secur�!► /�.V; �
<br />;:��;i::• ��:;<;,. ent ia gull under �arag�ePh 8+ ,..�:•.
<br /> ����" `� � . 18. Fecsct�v� ��edura t4 Lender r�utres immedia4e p� �•�r��.
<br />. .r.. Ncamte law. ...:;i.,�
<br /> � �ender mt� Invet�0 �e p°colt et al�lt expenses incuered in p�rsu 9 theQ eme�te�approvlded in �
<br /> �'1;� � ' �ender ehatt.�b� er�titled to tees and costa of tide
<br /> �t� '� 9B, Bncluding, but not timited to, reas�nam�e a4torneya' . _
<br /> - : :�:,.� �: � ma�a Parage�
<br /> -�:�;� . : s .. _
<br /> evl�once.
<br /> '�:� • 14 tle� powe�r o4 m!e ia invo�ced, Trus4ee a��1 m� ��1� ot Euch otiae Ineth� m�ner � _
<br /> �';; �` w h le h eny p€p t o 8 4 h e P r o p e r t y b [o c a t e d a I t c a b t e t a w. �
<br /> . � � �;%:.;;:.. ,.. pr�ttctibed bll a�p11�EQ taw to�rre w�'Trua4r�s shatih9Tve p bt c�¢t� oQ aate t�o the peraoas . .
<br /> � �:,�.� .- IbSC� iha i3mo r��i��ffiit t�p
<br /> .: ,::.,, , liea6le la�►. 4�atee,�srithoui d�on Barrower. �ra11 ss!! . .
<br /> ��.�.,�, are� t�tha t�saaner pre:€�cribed by epP
<br /> .,..,I
<br /> " �.' ,� the Properry c�pe��iio flu�tlon to the higheat bldder et the tlme en� QC�e and u�eder the terms
<br />, :5::;, . destgnate� tn the �otice of eate ifl one or mare pareefs �d in�Yu�dQ���m�nt at th�
<br /> ��� . , � • • Trtc�stee � po+�Pone sa1e W ati or arry �cel of the Properlll Y P urehn�s t0�
<br />. '��; � �� and pt�e o4 am► prevtousty acheduled sate. I.�nder or Its dealgnee may P
<br /> �°::.� �
<br />_'�,.{`f . . I ��e��t����' ent of tha price btd, Trustee s�stl deliver to the purc�as�r Truste�a'a
<br />_'"""`�• tlpon recstp4 of paym
<br /> -''�-�"' � Tt9e�eettals in the Trus4ee'a deed ahntl be prima tecle evidence ot
<br />�q����: . : deed eonv�ying ths �op$r4�I. �e proceeds o4 the aala in tt�o
<br />:_:.�,�y tQeo truth o4 4he o?a4emenw made thereln. T�cc..?2ee shall apply
<br /> :.';��.� " ' totlowing order: (o) to atl co�e a�d e�eees� o! exercl�ing the power o! eate, end the aaie�+
<br /> f ::�. . inctuding th�poyo�neM of tho Tne a tee'e t e e a c�i r�I y t n e u r r e d, not W exceed 3
<br />:f�.<�; � . of �e pQi�r���g emouM of the nota at the 4sca� of the deetaratton ot detaut8, ene veaao�a�tfl
<br />.::,��..
<br /> .',."�. ettomeyr� f�a a�permttted by law; �)to ail a�ma aeeucc�9 by this Securi4y Inu�aa�men� and (e
<br /> ,.�.
<br /> �� ��`� � eeey exeeas U�x t�e peraon or persoeu�eegati In�ent to Ccc�d by 4i�e Seere�l �the Ssere�!
<br /> � [4 the L�r��er 8 intereuZ 1�th18�scurity h e,t6ne Secremry ��y Mvoke tAe �ortj�dicial •
<br /> � : � ��qccires ineer�elim4e pt�yf�^�t in tuil under Pa�� tg 6�,S.C. � . .
<br /> �:�;; • power ot aut�pro�ided in 4be Sieg�e Fami[y �(tortgage Foreclo�ire �C a! 1994 (°Ac1') (
<br /> n a 4orecto�ure wmmtssloner �eslgo�at�d ��s�er the Aet to ���+ence �
<br /> i 1 3751 ��}�7l�@QuesU fl
<br /> iareclo�re� to sell the Property �o�e����ita�b 0 to a�Rder nd� thia P e9rt�b 18
<br /> �°�:1 � s�g l l de priv�tlee Seere�►o! any 9 .
<br /> �"�`' ` as appll�to tmw.
<br /> .,.. ::, i
<br /> ''., �g. §�e�p�y yCyIIf1C0. Upon paYment o1 e0 sums seeured by thls SecuMY�S�men� Lsnder shaD�equest Tnisteo o i
<br /> �j ,., . . � reeomreY the PropertY and shaA surtend� this SecurdY Insaument end au notsd evldsneing dsbt socured Dy thb Saeur3Y
<br /> . ` i w$hout wanentY end without ehetge to the person Or petsons tE9t11tfl
<br /> �;, �,: � (nst�umont to Trostss�.Ttustea aha11 reeorney 1re ProAettY
<br /> " ' entitted to ft.Suoh petsan or persons sha0 pay enY record�tiOn costs-
<br /> ' ;
<br /> . . va�•�or s
<br /> Fsa73.LM019/BB) t '
<br /> ��+ � sa
<br /> . ,°
<br /> : �'t . � - ' � �
<br />