:4•, i t - , _ ' '` ,
<br /> C"' '. _ _' ._..' , .
<br /> f . . ` .
<br /> �' {A ..- . � . ` , . � , , . . . � , .,._�..ia�i' .
<br />. - . (Page 3 of S) �` � .` � �
<br /> �.0��4 ' -
<br /> . .� . � : .
<br /> �' U���dec snd Borrower othetwise agre�in writing.a�ny''8e1�u��i9�� to pnnc�pal shall not eatend or ` � .
<br /> . ' postpone the due date of the mon t h ly paymen t s re f e r r e d t o i n p a r a g r a P h a 1 and 2 or cha n g a the emount of the payments. 4.. , .
<br /> • ! (t uader patagraPh 19 the PropercY ia acquired by Lettder. Borrower's right to any inswamce policies ead prooeeds : .
<br /> ��U�g(rom dam$Qe w the Property prior to the acquisition ahall pass to Lender to the extent of thc sums sa:ured by r
<br /> c this Security lnst:urnent immediately prior to the acquisition• �` � . .
<br /> 6.Pteservatinn ond �Tainteaaaa of Property: Leaseholda; Coadamiaiums: Rlnaaed Unit Developments. �
<br /> air and sha11 mot commit waste or permit impa+rment or deterioration of r
<br /> � " � g�rrower ehnll kesp the Property in gaad teP °
<br /> the Prapertp and shail comply with the provisions of any tease if this Deed oi TnLSt is oa a 1�oli If�thi�Deed�o$ � . . .
<br /> 'Trust is on a unit in a condominium or a plannedoun'��tYd�evleIIlo�ph�t�o�um o�r lanned uait development,the i ' ,
<br /> • � ` obligstions uader tb.e dsctaration or oavenents creatin� r S P � . -- -- - - . _
<br /> - � by-laws aa@ tegutations of the condomituum or planned unit developmeat,and coastituent dncomentg. t
<br /> ' 7.Prntectioa oi Leader's Security. If Borrower fails to pesPotm the covenants and agreertents coataiaed in this � , ,.
<br /> ,i
<br /> ,,� Deed of Truat,or if any action os pmceeding is oommenc�which materially affects Len�b��t ���u�g .
<br /> �i
<br /> then I.end�',at I.eader's option,upoa notioe w Borrower. may make such�PF���If Lender recpured mortgage �'.`::,,.�, .��.
<br /> :� teasonabls attoraeys'fees.aad take sucb action as is n�'9 w protect . .
<br /> . �; insuraace as a canditioa of makiag the loaa secured by this Deed of�r�st.�c�W��ce pter�i�aatpe.s in aa:ordance�i�
<br /> � maiatai�such iasurance in effect unb'1 such time as the requirem : . 4 ,,.'
<br /> �9 Barrowac's amd Lender's written agceement or applicable law. Any amounts disbursed by Leacier pursuaAt w this 4'` .
<br />� .` P��P`� 7• vrish iatems[ ihereon. at t he app l i c a b l e o a n t r a c t r a t e.to other terme s� apmen�such��unu shall be • .
<br /> h p
<br /> �� �:r� s�ned by dus I?eed of Trnst Untes Bortower and Lender a�ee h 7 s6ali
<br /> :� FaYable upon nntice fraun �.eader to Bornncver requesting paYment theteof.Nothing cantained in t�is FatagcaP ; ` �s;�- _
<br /> .� ' %�;;:,^�:,,:
<br /> � . `� r e q u ira Leader to i��ay eapense or ta�e aap action hereunder. y ;..s:;,��� .
<br /> rna make or cause t o be m a d e r e a s o n a b l e e n t r i e s u p a n a n d i n s p e c�.r�s of th�� _ �,.:A,i�;;��`�'����. �
<br /> - 8.Inspscfioa. 3�'�' Y r w an such inspectioa specifY P nah!e c�e tb.er�'rr c-�....a:� ;����%��`-''•'>,�';�1;:
<br /> - ' �pV���3L L.eIldCCt 5�*+'£��IYB BblIOW6!IIOL1C8� y lA �� . r4�;�,��(F�,
<br /> to I.ender'S intecest in c�e PropertY.
<br /> � . - 9. Cor���aation.The proceeds of any awacd or claim far damfo�coave� ce in l�'leu of candemna'au.�are�ereby � . €' f`��6"" `
<br /> ' osiur tatsin of the Pro .or Pan thereof S� t � '�;;;:�`,`,.
<br /> � s of aa m ge. of trust or other securi ;�..-"°�� : r•�'',�
<br />=- as�'gned aud�shs!! be�id to I.ettder,subjecc m the tetm 9 �� d� � �+ 'i'���;�:';_
<br /> - •�, witb a lim which lias paositq over this Deed of Trust. t �, � ��t�rt`�
<br /> �' ':,':,; =: 1 0_�H o r r m�v e� N o! �t e l e a s e d: F o r l s e a r a nce B y Lender Not a Wsiu�r. Estension of the r�sue for pajazen I,t� :,,���,�F��.
<br /> �:r'•::�.,�. �'� b thia Deed of Trust ganted by L e n der w aas s u c t e s s o r i a i n t e r e s t , p/>���.�
<br />:��;� ����,:;' ��;:�i�.;� infldifittu`.i¢�fl�a�rortuation of�w h�a r e ob�h�e r e f t e r b a c a me s�ondaril Y liable shall not opetate to release. in aay . . �,j E •.'"
<br /> . , af BostG���aI_ ather parti • ; ;; � -
<br /> - ' i. msa�r, t�°liabi'3ity a�r.'�e oriAnal Borro�ver aad Borro�ser s succ�cars in interest. Lender shaU not be requi r e d ta , ., �. ..
<br /> �, commeace proceedings against such saccessor or refvsa to e�end time far payr,nent ar athars�i.� modify amortizatian -.- -_ -,
<br />:':;� F o4 ths sums�.vred bp this Deed o4 Trust by reason of any dsmand made by the original Bosm�ver snd Borrower's .
<br /> 'J . • successors in i�tec+ese.AAy torbearnnc�bY�id�Lhe s scise of any sueb rightoyremedYder.or otherwise aftorded by �;.` .1::;�:;
<br /> - � applitable law,ahall not be a waiver of or prec �. �e �veaants and agreements ;•.�:+;v
<br /> � � l i.Sasceasors and Assigss Bound Joiut aad Several Liability: Co�-siSn - -. _.;:�.,,,
<br /> � hereite watain�ed shall biad.and the sights hereunder shall iaure to,the respecdve suce�ocs eAd affiigas of Leadet and
<br /> ' � Bonvwer.subiect W th$providons o4 parngnPh 16 hereof.All covenants and agceements of Bonower shall be joint and ',�''
<br /> e an
<br /> . �ve�al.�AnY Borrower who coBiBris�s�o�Tcust. but does not e$ecute the Nota. (s) is co-sigAiAg this I?eed o4
<br /> ,.� " ' Trust oniy to graat and con�ey that Horrowes�s interest in che Ptoperey w Leader under the terms oi this Deed of Tn�st„ ,
<br /> ,.� ,j that Lettder end eny other Borruaer
<br /> { �b)�is naa�persoruslly liable on the Note or uader thia Deed of Trust,and(c)agees
<br />`-f s � i hereuad+er may a�oe to e s u a d. modif y.forhear.or make any other accommodations with regard to tha terms o!this
<br /> ' . � � Doed oi�Tt'ust or the Noze�.wi4hout that Bamowes's consent and without rete�asing tDat Horrower or modifying this l h e d . . .
<br /> .�'; �, oi��'rust as ta�tlrat Borrower's ima�t in the Propert9. �.
<br /> ` , '�i 12.RTaticc. Esa6pt•for•any notice regvired under applicable law to ba given in another marvaer. (a) anY notice to : ��.`;;;--
<br /> '6 ., � ,::� Bott�nvrec pto�ided 4u�ia tlus Deed og Trust shall be given by delivering it as by mailiug such aotice by certified mail . .
<br />-%r.�. • .. ts by notice to Lendes _
<br /> . '.' <; add��to�B�roz��nt ths Ptopertq�Ad�ar at such other address as Borrower maq desigan
<br /> � as pruvi�:d tssrei:�,•as� (b)�aa3t notice to Lender shall be given bq certified mail to l.ender's address stat�herein or w • .
<br />-^'° such�otb�n�d.rst�a�a Le�sder mmy desi�at�by notice to Bonowec as provided herein.Any notice provided for in this . . _
<br /> t`= . : Deed ot Ttuat s1�.al��be dasmtd ta hav�beeen�ven to Botrower or Lender when givea iA the mannet designated herein. . .
<br /> ti R
<br /> r� 13.Gove�nin��I.aw: S0v�n1ollttq.Tha state and tocal lawa ot the jurisdiction in wtnch the Praperty is tocated sl�all
<br />'`:�. . . apply e�ceept wixera s�h�ia�nQ confllt� ivith Federal law; in which case. Fe8eral law shall apply. In tha event that any . . ,
<br /> _`' pro�ision orclauas ot ttus�D1ead aT�T�+ust cn the Note conflicts with�:gplicabla lavr.such conflict shall not affect other
<br />.�-�� pro�isions o!this�I7oed of�7'tust ut�ttia�N�ace�hi�h can be Siven effeet�ithout the conflicting prvvision.aad to this end
<br /> :`�;, : ' tha pms+.sivr.s•cft this Deed af�T�u.at and tha:�'�te are d�larcd to be se•rerable.As�sed herein,"costs: "espenses,' and :/...;:,.
<br /> �+;� � '! "attome98'fees"iac1uQe a11 sums to�th�eatent c,ot prohibited by appiicable law or limited herein. ;.�r_r.�.�l
<br />="'�j ',i 14.Bosrower'a Capy. Borrowe�' shg1D be f�u�nished a coniormed wpy o!the Nate and of this Dced of Trust, if . ��:,i'::;'
<br />.-_,,a .
<br /> ;_�,i req�sted,at the timtaf esocution or after cecazdation hereof. .
<br /> - 15.1�e�abilita=ion Loan Agreemeat. Borrower shall fulfill all oi Borrowere obligations under any home
<br /> �,,'��� rehabilitadon. improvement. repait. ot other loan agreement which Borrower enters into with Lender. I.ender. at , . .
<br /> �. . � Lender's option,may require Bomower to esecute and deliver to Lender,in a form acceptabls to Lend�.�e�S�m�t
<br /> 3 of any rigAts. claims or defenses�vhich Borrower may have againat parties who supply labor, materials or services in
<br /> � connection with improvements made to the Property. ot the Pro or an interest therein. �
<br /> t 16.Traas�er of the Property. Ii Borroaer sells or transfers a11 ur anY P� � 1 �
<br /> . . :�;�;•
<br /> � + esctuditsg(a) the cteation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to this Deed of Tn�st,(b) a transler by devise. descent, `
<br /> � or by opereuon ot law upon the death oi a Toint tenan� (c)the girant of any leaseAold iateresc of three Yeats or less aot
<br /> , wAtaining an op�ion to purchasa.(d) the creation oi a purchase money securitq interest for household appliances, (e)a ! ' ;�� '
<br /> traader to a relative res�ilting from ffie death of a Borro�er. (f)a transier where the spous+e or childnen a4 the Borrowcr ;
<br />' beoome an owner of the property. (S)e trenster *esu�ting irom a decree of dissolution oi marriage. legal separation `
<br /> � � , agreement, or trom an inadental pmpertY settlement agreement, by which the spouse oi the Borrower becomes an _
<br /> ,
<br /> . .�. ,
<br /> .,
<br /> .'�` - , 09-]D-9e OeeO ot Trust I� OR16INAL I������QQ��Q 3 Q !�°��a' ��� NE007943 � _
<br /> � „ A' " �� i
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