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<br />. . �..` � . 6 r �- � N .:� � ,:.. .
<br /> <. .: I�IOW ALL 1VVIE[J BY THESE PRESENTS: , . ;.h:.
<br />._. `._ . _ ; WIpOiN,of 2316 West Anna,Cr�nd �� :�'_�" . �`..
<br /> , . TH�1T IItENE L.SYIIE�.S,AN '
<br /> �.n �.t:,:
<br />_�� � � Istand,Neb�ka 68803,herein called the CYrantor whether one or more,in consideration of Ten and o .,. . -
<br /> . 001100 Dollass($10.0U)aud other good and vatuable consideration received from C�►tee,does \ 'Y;
<br /> tr and confimn unto T�E BURLEPiG'Y'ON NOR�N ANI� � �. .
<br /> h,,.�� :�, hereby gant,batg�n,sell,comey successor in mte�st to the Bu�ingwn ,, �
<br /> kT<<<����: � SAle1TA FE R�►DL�AY CONI�AN�I,a 1?elawffie co�pa�ation, , r' .
<br /> ' i��, �r,�� :�:�; ���g��Company,of P.O.Box 961050,Fort Wortb,Texas�6161-0OSO,Inerein called the
<br /> :,.:,�.. �n Hall County,Staie of Nebraska: �,. ,���:���.
<br /> . � Graatee whether one mrmoie,the following descn'bed ical proPertY
<br /> :` °�<t�ir,�':
<br /> - �. .._ , acent w and Northerly ofTt►e Burtingon Northem and � .:�"-:°��.` •-�`.'
<br /> ------ ,.;�.f A 50.0 fooi wicle strip of land Il+mg adJ . ' ;- '..
<br /> Santa Fe Ra�way ComFa��100.0 foot wide right of�vay,being 50.0 feet wide on each side uf said f.; ,
<br /> . �'` as now t�:d and constructed�on,over and across the ���'";
<br /> • .�i:• Co an Ha1D �,�`�:�-
<br /> : RailwaY mP Y's Mai�T�ck centerline, � g�nge 11 West of the 6th P.M., 1:�`'�� ,�,
<br /> �..___. _ . Y SEI/4 aad the E1!2SW 1 r4 of Section 2S,Townslu�,�y No�, -.:.___�.. �-�
<br /> �1:'�,., ' . .
<br /> ..'�� ` County,Nebragka,lying between two tines dmwn par-��1 with aaid distant,respect�'eTY•50.0 feet aaci� ;�;;,: :. _Y;�-,;.
<br /> .. . . ` �: l00 0 feet NortheasterlY,asmeas�ned at ng�t aagles fr.�sacd 1Main Track centerline,bounded on the _ :.''6�.:'�;� ��
<br /> � _ ":�`�,;�.'�; Section25,audbouudedo�at&e Westbytfie W�tine ofsaid El/2SVfi1/4, 'ri�. ���;�;��: i
<br /> �:f���� EastlrytheEastline ofsaid '' �'•.,.'
<br /> ;:'�s��`�t,- and containing 4.�75 acies,r�are ai less. ,--r'�� �
<br /> �`'
<br /> `����` "°> ,.
<br />- `���hi� �� �Y� HO�.tie eHae above described p�es wget�et with all aenements, ;_. ����a�=
<br /> �.,• , r. , '1CQD ffiAd3E AND TO
<br /> ,. � � to tt�e�tee and to Grantee's s+accessors and '�-�
<br /> s ` ,tt•� �. b�'",,�er�amd appwtenauces therew belonging un :�' Y ��;,
<br /> .. .�!s�ft�'��..,; ��fo�ver. , �-`__
<br /> -:',, if1� a..�.�_6'L�(tEif -
<br /> t�.� �1
<br /> and with Grantee's successois a�d �' � ' :.-:
<br /> • ' And�G�►tor dues hereby covenant with the Gtaaa� _'�•
<br /> � thz�u¢is free from encumbraace and that �. � `r ,,„;
<br /> � ! �; ;. assigns that Grc�►tor is lawfuUy seized of said premises; . ' -
<br /> - , , d ri t aud lawfiil authority W convey the same;and that Gramtor wazrants and will ,� �Y��:,;
<br /> ,, r�° � Granwr has gpo gt► ..P
<br /> . ' ,,*',..°'� defead t�e title to said premises ag,ainst the lawful claims of all pelsons whomsoever. . � �,,,���-�:
<br /> r x,G-it,µ�asr �.
<br /> � � � �i-�p-_•.
<br /> • :. ,. , Dat�d�s��Y� 1997. �� y '-
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<br /> _ �� � � �diG1�L' 1��5��17a7 1: � .-~'_ .
<br />- _ • . ' ... . �� �'4
<br /> - . . . . ._ � !., .�.,i,l�.; � .
<br />- , . ' STATE OF NEBRASKA ) 's "�'`::
<br /> . . .'f�. �.��,
<br /> . !' i (} .
<br /> .. , \ .ClC✓. �t?1�)� ��.
<br /> _ . � COUNTY OF�IALL ) .,�'. •.
<br />- . . .��,
<br /> . �5; ..;:.
<br /> _ . ..� .. On this�dAY of �t 1997,before me the undersigned,a 1VotaaY in and �.,• . _..
<br /> widOw,peisonally ';�1:;'��rf�:
<br /> � � � � forsaid cuuntypeisonaUY canne e above named Uene L.5piehs,an unremairied ��' . ;;:,..�
<br /> _ ,,����.,�?,�3,�.:.
<br /> - - . tmown to me to be the idendcal Person he�in described who execnted the foregoing instrument+and .��;r.
<br />- � ��? act�av�tedged to me that the execurion thereof was her free and volwntary act and for the uses and .
<br /> ' , . . Purposes theleia mentioned. �:.;.�_': .
<br /> , ' • . I997. � c,�; .
<br /> E: `�:.`' . Wimess my}�and and official sea1,this /J� day af A .. : •
<br />= � . .-,�. L' J ' .
<br /> _.', � y_: Notary Public � .
<br /> '` • 6EHERAIHC1AAt•Sh�a�Nebresl� Jr.� da af
<br /> s
<br /> o�uisF n.uv¢a�_l My mmission expires the Y
<br />_ • • � �h cam�E�sasx so f�' . .
<br /> ... . l 19� .
<br /> r: '
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