� - - -
<br /> , � , . �• . --
<br /> . •� _ _ .,._ . ` . _ . . -- : , , ��°E_ :%:
<br /> � r . . � . .
<br /> 22. S�t1RiTY tNTEREST UND@i THE UNIFORlN C071�ERGAL CQOE This Deed at Tn�st sha0 be considered and 6e ef(ecthra as s tocat d9) � ' , .
<br /> � � ytatetr�yt and a fawre filing pursuant to the piovtsions of the Uniform Comrerctal Cods las adcpted in the state whers the ceal ProPan7►� ,
<br /> oovedng fixttacas,ehattels,and artides of pe�scnal�oPenY nw�owrted or hewafter atfadted to or ta Ea used'm cannection with ihe Properry tagethar with
<br /> any.3ndali ceptaoetrerAS thereaf and addtlons thereto tths'Chaaels'.and Grantor heraby�ts ler.der a seamy irtterest in sudi Chattets. The debtor is
<br /> tha tiralrtor dsscribed abmrs. Thls Oeed ot Tntsi v�n��eftedne as a financfng statetttant�'ited as a B�Rura filing wNt respep to ail fixtwes fiduded within �.
<br /> said�ertdses and is to ba t0ed tor record in the real @sts:a racords ot ead�caurriy where any pazt of said premises(indud,ng said fixoues)is sihiarted This �
<br /> ` . Deed of Trust shaU also 6a ettective aa a finandng statemem oovet(ng arry otfier premises end may be filed in arry other appm�e Tilin9 ar reoonfing
<br /> � office. A�t0on.photagreptile ar o4�er reproduct�on ot this Deed of Tnnt or at atry ftnandng statemeM rel�ng w tttis Deed af'frust sha0 be sutfidem as a � .
<br /> fimanang statertern far arry ot tRe purposes wterred to in tlils Para�aPA• The sseured�ttY.is ihe Lon�r desa�bed above. Upon demand.Grantar shaU . .
<br /> rtralca.exewte and deiiver sush secur(ry a�eetfgnts(as such term Is deflned tn sa[d Umform Cortenerc(al Code)as Len�er a1 ar.y tirt�may daem 1 ; ,
<br /> ' • t neeessary or proper ar requtred to�aaN to Lender a peAeeted seauity hrterest in tha ChaiUefs.and upon Rrarttor's tailure to do so.Lender is auUiorized to � • .
<br /> • si�erry suchag�eerteat as the agarit ot Grantor. Grantcr herab��au9imizes Lender m fi[e tfnandng statementa(as suah term is defu�ed'm said Unifonn �
<br /> � Coria[erdal Co�)with respeet to Ute Chattets.ffi any tirte.witttctn ihe sfgnahue af Grantor. Grantor tvll.however.ffi arry Gr�upon request of Lender. � ; ,
<br /> ` si�sufi financing sTatert�nts. Grantcr wi0 pay aB fiting tees for tho fiting at su�finandng stat�r�errts and tar the refiGng thereot at t�e tirnes�red.in � i.
<br /> ihe opiNon of Len3er,by sa�Unitorm Comneroial Code. It the fien ot fhis Deed af Trust be subject to arry secu►11Y s�eemeM oovering the Ch�tets.then :' - . ,
<br /> ; in the event ot any defaidt undat this Oeed of Trust.all tha right,titte and Urtewst of(�rarttor in and to arry�d ail of the Chalteis is hereby assi�ed to .
<br />- � -- � : Len�r,together v�th the benefit ot any�posits or payrnents nov�or hereafter rr�a�1t�ereof by tirarttar ar tRe�eoesse�s o►suoeassors in titie of ; _ ._
<br /> . . Grantor fi the Properry. ' • ,
<br /> 7d R86lHURSBdS�iT OF APdOUNTS EXPBVDED BY L@iDER. Len�r.a1 Lendefs op@on.maY expend tur�s lindudireg attomeys feas and 13gai � , ,
<br /> e�enses)to per[ormarry act ce�(�ed w be talaen by Grantor or fi exsrt�sB artY tl�f or rac�dY of Len�r under ihts Dead ol Trust Upon demand.Graraer . ; .
<br /> ����en�t bt aU sueA artnurtts e�ended Gy tendertageiher vriU�hrtsrest therean a1 ihe lav�er af the highest rale desaibed in�ry •
<br /> pbti�tion ar tha hi�est rats aIIavred 6y taw t►amthe date of paymg�urtp7 the�e of reur�bursssn:nt- The-e�shaU be induded in ihs�tion of r. �',;.,��.
<br /> Op��tions herein and shaU be seuued bY tAe�neflda!interest Br�sted herein. If th9 ObEgatons are paid aiter the�e�nnirt9 ot puhGuation of notiee of f ..
<br /> . sats.as herein paavided.ar tn tha srarn Lender sha0.ai its sole aptien.Pertrit C�rantar to paY enfl D�ot tf►a dA�ians afterthe be�nNng of�cation of . •
<br /> indudu�g reasm�ahle amom�e��teo�e altorReys far�U�eTruste�e adn�tor the Lender�.a�nd�onaDte teeEto hs T�rus►ee•and this D o Tw��t sha7 eD . .
<br />_ ,� seasiry far a0 wch expenses�d fees. � �. • ` .. .•
<br /> 1 ?A„ ppPltCAiION OF PAYrlB�IfS. Tt�s Tnistee shaU aaotY the PT°ceeds of ihe wstee's sa►a.first,to ihe oosTS and expenses of axe�asing the pe�n�er of i
<br /> sale and ot the sale.indufing�t�t�a ot the Ttus�ees fees�ua�hnaured nat to exoecdtha amo�mt which►naY be pmvi T°�otAeriG nnol��and U�i9 � -��,'` :,� . '.`c`.
<br /> secnnd,to paym�m ot the obii on seaued by the Oeed ot T Udrd.to the payrtertt of j�udor deeds af Vust.mortgages k : .>� _
<br /> bal�oe.if atry.to t h e peraon or pe r a a n s I e�A y e n ti tl e d�ecew. -:�.i .
<br /> } `;�:;?`;'° . .
<br /> ?l+. Pall/�OF ATiORNEY. C�rantor herebyappcirrts Lendgr as its atiomey-ht-tact to endorse Glantors martre on aU insuurtents�d mher dowmerrts ,� -
<br /> _ .. PertaW�9 to Ihe Obtigadons or Deed of Tnist. (n adc6tian,l�der shaD 6e ettWed.�t not requhed.to perbrtn arry sct�ar exetute arry daarrem . ;;k . . ..
<br /> cequired te be tafmn ar exearted bY Qranmr wtder Ws Deed oi Tnrst. Lemt�spertortrence ut s�aoqon or execution ef such dxumerrts shafl nat ,..;�,:,��,• :. :
<br /> ce re ' �' _
<br /> relieve Gratrtar trom anyr Obliga¢ian ar aae�ry detauit�mder 8ds Qaed of Tnut Ail'ovrers of attemey desc�[bed in this Deed af Tnut are coupled wiUi an �; .•,.�;:j;,,,��,.
<br /> ,.': ittterestandsreirrevat�bla � �i`{S?�•
<br /> 2b. SiJ�S�AGAYION Q�L�OEA. Len�►�11���0��of the hader of any pravtous lien.seariry intsrest ar encumbrance . ;
<br /> �sdr�rged whh funds adva�s+ed bY Lender regardess oi v�helher thase Gerts.securiry frrtetests or other ena�brarsees tra�been�eteased ot reoord. i/,'� r�,y F i
<br /> '. . . 27. COL1L-�C1tON C0513. To the extempemdtted 6y Iaw.Crantor agrees��ay Lender's reaso�a6la tees and costs.6iducLng,but not Umited t0.t�. k ��.,;b.�.,�
<br /> ' . and aos's ot attomeys and other a�(mdu�ng wdhaut Blmitatlon p�=�.s.derl�and onns�lanisre�rmder tlnd�a Qeed oaf Trmuesyt.v�ihether or not t :° r:;�:;,� 1•�"': '
<br /> ` , ert�loyae af Lender.wt�are inarted by Lender tn wlleedn ar►y anmur�:�or ert[ordn8� �� f 7l�r � .
<br /> ;•. s�ul i s�r aa g h 4 i rt d u d c n g.s�.o a t U rt i t e d t o.ali fees end oosts inuured on aprr�.in 6aniwptry�end r post-jud�nt oo{leaion acdons. E �� . .
<br /> � .,c :�N
<br /> ` pe ezeeuting and�oordn�g orte ar rtore Pan(a!Qeeds of � .. .:' ',.;,c:. :
<br /> .�; 2a PAS3i4?!.Ei�E f:�der may release its trrtere5:ir.a Rortlon of the Proothing he�rein shail be deemed to o1�g��derto cetease arry of its } � • ,- = .� ��
<br /> Reoorneyazm3 w�.ha��:��;y its trrtemst in ltts rert�fiirtg�n ot fie Prapesty- N � ,
<br /> •� �:.�� irtt�rest in the�.. .�:S�S-'����under P���or as may be oU►enxise requ4�d bY Iaw),nor straU 1,ender be abCgated to retease arry Part .
<br /> +" . at the Prap�'�r'�C3"��:�is t�defe�dt under Lhis Oeed"o f 7 r us4 The lisn and�ntyj r rt�c e a t u e a t e d by rt t a D e a i a t T n�a t re m a i n in eitoct w�r e s p e e t to �t'<�,;;!',^;`�,.:
<br /> �'� �':'.,,
<br /> i '.��,�+,�.; . that portfo�s c!+ls:a:�r-Y,as defined tn tt��st of Tnist.ihal is not�e su�cr�¢t tf�s or arry PaAla1 Deed�t Aexrveyrnoa �`'f'�t'�;':, ,�;.:;!
<br /> �� ,
<br /> • � �t0�l�pT{pp plG��`,.AIYER. The ma�iflcation or waive:of any o�G�antors Oh@�ti_ons or lenders d under this Deed of?'�+,�:�st� f ��t� '�E�v3.
<br /> � lGl�
<br /> � cantahted�awritlng si�tu�Lender. Lender nay peAorm any of Bortovre�s ar GUatrtot's vi�g�tlons.dolay or to exe�ise any ot its d�s ar aooe�t , t�:�� '�•�J.'
<br />`.:`�s, . paymema tmm.11amar or�r;�rsne otheT thm+Grentor withoul cwstng a waNer o!those Obii�ora or d� A waiver on ane aoeasion sha0 aot oonsti�ta --- --. ._i. �
<br /> ; a wahrer on nny other oxasron. arantots O b i i�t ions under this Deed of Trus1 shall not be affected(flenitsr amsnds,eo mises,exchange�s.fa�a� •`.:' f�:
<br /> exerdss.ic�.�re or re teases arry m t he O b 6 g a t i o n s 6 e t o n g i n g t o a r ry C�r a n t o r.B o rt a w e r or�h(rdparry or a r ry of its ri�s a�e�tfl Qrarrt Ro . ..:
<br /> t h i r d p a rt y ot e a Y o t t h e P r o p e n Y. L e n d a r s t a i lure to insisl u p on sVfel p ertortronce of ang oi th�Q b l i-gaUans stiail not l�e�emed a waivar anci��x shat ,,. ,.�:t.,•��:
<br /> h a v e l he ri g M�a r ry t t r re t he r e ffi t e r to i ns t s l u p o n a t r t q p e r f o r m a n c e. `,-,.:.
<br /> �;��. , 3Q.SU&�'IiiliTE TRU9TEE:TRIISTEE UABlLITY•CON�€N3A?IQN. In easa of tha deaah,inabiiiry,tefusal to aet or absertce ot the Trustee from the -` •� , - ':r.,:=,'' "
<br /> is tocated or in easethe tiofd2r cU�o Cbilgattons shall desfre torac�l reason to rertave the Tnutea or acry substihrte trustee as "''��.''� ._ ;
<br /> staterfieretbe real propertY ed tuit pa�a�er to irrt In wr(ting a �; . .:: ».:.:..
<br /> Uustee hnre�mdar end to appoltri a new trus[ee in hls ptaa��E steed.lhe hotder ot the Qb4�7ations is Aereby�ant eppO , : .;... .
<br /> subsUlum nu�FSe br said Trustee.and ihe substloite truste�sr�.when appointed.6ecorr�suooess°r to a0 d�ts of Tnistoa�he�eunder and 4ie sama shall ,� .' , _.' ,
<br /> be�mo veoted 1n him Por 1he purposas and objects ot ih(s Ce�d at Trust wtih all tha power.dWes and o6ligaticns hewin Wtf�.med on ihe 7nistc+a. Trustee y,, . •
<br /> sha0 not Lw N.�tsls tor erry errur of�Nd�r�erA ot�1�one by Trustee.or�m�erwiss responsihte ar ecornuEr•lab under any dram�tanoes whatsaever. ,'.;.�i��?�,�,:�;.`;•:_
<br /> �� �'� • Trusteo sMMilll nat ba personalty liabie�n�ase of errtty by ri or anyone a�:�t5g�y vlrWe of tha pawe�s her�n�a�7ed it upon the Oeed of Tcust tor dobts . .;,�K;,;;.,•,:•_. .
<br /> ' s Iy
<br /> ,;Y;; - aantraeted or liabUtty or�s incimed"ci thert�rtag�mem or opera6cn of said prerrlses. Tn�st¢e�1 t�2�ve the rt�ht to re on er�instrurt�ertl. .:,�;rr�;"' ,.,,,
<br /> ;`;;: .�, �.,;;� . - dowmam nr�gnauue a¢Gla.�r�:Jn9 0l suppoNnB en11 ectlon takanyror proposed to ba tahen by it hereunder or beUeved by A ingood fatth to bag�nu3ne. ; . .
<br /> .;,,� na61 rrponsationlar sucfi. , '>;:.;;,
<br /> T����p�e���y rctir.�ursemern tor expenses fia..°red it In ihe perfomanee ol tis duUes Aereunder and to reasa e o0
<br /> r � , osa a an�'gd�h�art�rte�kem ad agalnsl�an�os&�t.Uabidty►�datnaSB�end exp�ense�wh�s�ae er i�rt d hy(t�ie th�e peA�of�it.s�ilies. d , ...
<br />;:t',: � , • � �.
<br /> �;' ' AD moneys raceived by Trustee shall,imtil used or eppUed as harefnprovtded be Aeld in trust lor the�urposes tor which they were reeeNed,but need not -
<br /> " A .I' � pa se�egatay in any rtanner iram any other rronays(ex�spt to thg e�eer.t re�tred by law)and TNStes shait 6e under no Ilah�'liry tor interest on arry , ��
<br /> . � rttoneys reo�Msd bry it hereunder.
<br /> ..`;i 91. SIlCCFl3.i� sA9Vu�st�ees reoe�tvears.a��riNs�Uators.���na1 reArese�nt�es�lega�tedes�a�nd devlsee�s.nefil of Qrantar a:d Lender and ihelr raspective '. .
<br /> . - su000saota.acsl9t► . .
<br />'.;;I� �bQ�iy�„� Exoept as oiherwke required by law, notlee or elher oomsuNcatlon to ba provlded under tAis Oeed ai 4rsst shall Do In vrdt!ng and sem •',?ti, ,
<br /> :_;i to the pardo9 at lhe addresses descnbed in thi�Oeed�TrusYOr sucR otiset address aa the 7art�sm�y de��ate in writlrg hom Um�ta 11ma. My such :;<%;•;,,:. .
<br /> notio�so giren and eemby flrst daso mail,postsSe preAal4 sh�]I be deertr:d ghren the�+a7r:r ot thco0(�c�ys atter sueh rtaroe Is sem or whon recetved .,•:.�,,;;•• . ,
<br /> by the person to whom sud`:"+otfee ia boing�'van.
<br /> '�♦,' 33. S�VC-fdABItJTV. IMier•�v�r posai6k►.e2sh pravisicr ni 1t�;y Oeed of Tivat shall be irt�r�eted so as to bo eftective and valid un�r appticabto stato
<br /> :���;� , law. 8 any ptovlston ot thi3 Da¢dof?nut vlcbcea tl�law or is unentarmab(e.tho rest of the Deed oi Trust shall eominue to bo vaUd and en(oroeab(o.
<br />:.:s'.,� ' � ' , is lorated. Unless appticabto lavr �s . �
<br /> ..� gq,ppQp,iCAgLE LAW. This Oaed of Tnm shJl De$ovem�d!sy tho taws ot the state where tho real propertyr P� �
<br />:t.,;;; ; othervdsa�(irar�tor oonserrts to tho pnismelion and veml�et arry ceurt 9eteeced by lender,in fts solo�sr�c�lion,foeated in thaf state.
<br />��,�;;;`. a 93 64SCElJANL-0U&tirantor and Lender a�ee that Urre ia o14�e essenoe. Grantor waives presermmem,derr�nd tor pa7mera.notice of dtshonor and t . ;
<br /> pratest exaept as reauired by taw. AU reterenoes to Grar►tor in thls Oeed ot Ttust sfiall tnelude aUpe►sans signing traiov�. fl there is more than one Qrantor,
<br /> ' 1nEU obagaIlons ShaO be 1"oinf and several. Thls Oeed o1 Trust represertta the mn�plete irrte�atad understan�ng between Grarrtor and Lendor poRaiNng to •
<br /> _. . tAo tcrtro end oot+�tlons hereol. ' � .
<br /> -'" ' S8. (t0 7HIAD PAR?Y RttiMB. No person is or shall be a lhind panyr benefldary of any vislan ot this Osed ot Tmst. Atl pravlsions of this Dead ot ,
<br /> � •• I Tnist in}avor ot Lendar are irrtendad satety tor the 6enofit of Lendar,end no thlyd parry�emitted to assur�or oxpect that Lendsr will not vraive o► � �
<br /> ==�;; consem to tho mod8mtion of arry provislan of this Deed ot Trust.in Lender s sote msaeUon �
<br />�i• ,` 37.PRESEAVATtCN OF iJABIIJTY ANO PAIORiIV. WMou!ailotNing ihs IiaM'llty o!Bortower tirantor,or any guarantor ot 4�s Obtiaatbns.or any otAer �
<br /> •- person(exoept a person oxp�ss►Y refeased in vmtinp)br the paymem andperfarmanoe of iho�Cgatlons,and wiUiaut aftacting tha d�tts ot Len�r with ` •
<br /> � i � respaet to atry ProDerry not expressty refeased in wming.and vlrthoul irt�alrin9 inarry way tho priofitY ef ih�s CCed ot Trust over t�e intorust ofa�ry petson j
<br /> a�re d or first evtdartced byr reeo�aing su6se�om to the reaar�ng otrttNs Oaed of Trus1.Lendar may.elihor botoro or aRar the maturiry ot iha 0611gatians, �.
<br /> ' ' end withQUt nodce ar eonserrt:releass any person iiab!e forpaymem or partam�anco of all or arry pan ot tho Obllgations:malce any a�paorrom attodng the � •
<br /> tems of payment or�pedomianae of aU or arry patt of�e O�figations:oxoedso ar rohafn hom exordsing or waive any r�M or rormdy ffiat Lender may f�ave ,
<br /> undor the Qeed ot Tnist:a�spt addrtlonal saairity o1 any Idnd tar eny of the OE�gatlorm:ar ro►aaso ot othenvisfl deal withanyr real orpe�sona!proPnrry . •
<br /> - irtterast or remrdn�sev�nde a�thereof.�ge consertteato ai or any such�actions�by l�nder�in the Proparty shall de d¢orred.by aoquiring such _
<br /> ^ P •as ��' /�� . . '
<br /> ,• �1� NEDOTD Rar.iL9e
<br /> � .- ---
<br /> <
<br /> .
<br /> ,: -�: , --
<br /> ��'.'. . .:� _. . ... _ , .:..�� .,- ,•� . .. � ::� ,-.• ......:.......�'-�� .°ii•. ��,v..t-qa-_Ye���.�.:,u�_ ---
<br />