.i V _ . . . ' ..
<br /> . . . � � . . . . . . _ ' . . � " �, `-' ,
<br /> ��� p���Q t����z�,inctud+ng•witha�IirtitaIIan.iha Arredeans+vith Dlsafi�ties Aq.42 17.S.C.Secrion 12tQ1 et seq {end aU = � - � � —
<br /> regu�at;ons pronu!getod theteunde►?and aU zaning arid bw7dng iaws and regitlations relading to the ProPertY bY'rirtue ot any fe�ral.state ar munidpal . `
<br /> �uthosity with jurls+diaan over tt+e PrepeAY•P�Mh►are and shall be obsenred and ccmqiad wtth in aD maze�ial respects.a�id aii rights.Ucenses.
<br /> pemits,ar�eereF.catos ot oe�paney findudn8 mn�m Grrited t°�u"9 va�a�e°es•�Aed���o"g ror noneontomuig�res.and final inspedion
<br /> � approvats).wAether�mpar�r/a pemianerd.whieh are r�terlal to ihe we and asa�a+uY ot the Proparty.�esorrttY are and sAaii he ahtamed.
<br /> � p�esarued and.vihere rWc�essefY.renelreQ �
<br /> � (dy(irantar has the rigM anQ is�ily au�orized m exeaIIe and parfortn its O�gatiians under this Oeed ot Trust ar►d Usesa adions do not and shaG not �
<br /> con�i�t with the pravLsot�s of anY statute.regulation.o�rtanoe.rule at taw.oontrast or other a�eerretst whieh rte1►be Eiadusg on Grantor at any tims.
<br /> (e)No aaian ar�ooea�ng is or shaD ba pendng or ttveaterted whieh mf�t rtatariatfy affeet the Pmpeny:and .
<br /> ' (i)Qrantor has not vbWtnd msd shaD rtot vlotate anY st�uta.re�daqon.ar�nance.tute of Iae.conUaCt or other agreemsM(iarl.udutg,buto fhis Osed of �j ` .
<br /> � ihose gavaming Hazaidais lUratertats)which�ri�t materfally�fed�e ProGBnY ar LenQar's ri�is ar arterest in ths FropenY Pu►suam �
<br /> Trus1.
<br /> a PRIOA OT�Q3 OF TRt15T. C3r2ntcr represeMS and warr�ts that ihera are no piar deeds of trust atteeong anY Pari of it�Property except as set IoM � j
<br /> Q 8�5 rm in a timery manner. If ihere are any prior deeds of mist ihen
<br /> on Sd�e�e 8 altad'►ed Lo this�eed oi Tnut.whirh Grantor ro�p a�d Perio � !
<br /> -- Grantor a�ees to pay aH amrmts r�of tru�sha116e a���t un�r tttis��f T�s a�enb e Len�r to�r�i�ts and urea�es�oontained � --
<br /> �eas Urat a de(auh undsr aisy� �
<br /> herein or in the ObGgatio�tn► ch Len�r wouid bB ent�ed tn tha everrt ot atry other def�dt ..
<br /> 0. ?RANS�iS OF iHE PRQD�RN OR BHVEF7CIAL @ITERESTS @1 QMNT���B�e���intersst therain.or ot a0 or a y trsneficial �
<br /> CCflV3E1 fOr d09d Ct 08t16�d��D aifY QBtSOA 012ll Ot 2}i��3116�I1i9 t@81 p[OpBRy � � �
<br /> ir►teresl fn 8on'a►ver ar Cirdt�ot�'d Batrow�r or GYa�or fs not a nanua)Qersan or Dersons but is a oorpor�an.Grnited f��'ity corr�anY:PaMershiR Uust.or �
<br /> ws
<br /> olher tega!erAitYJ.Lendm may.a1 i4s o�ion ded�e the o�n9 i�D��ce af the 06Ggations ptus atiwwed'mterast�eceon�mned�ts►Y due and 4 .
<br /> ! peyaEte. At Lend�fs cecp.resl.Qrarmor or Bortawar.as the case rtey be.sha0 tsunish a aort�ete slafement set�ng tcRh all of its stoddialders.rt�mbers.cr ` .
<br /> paM�rs,as apprppt�tg,at��Dtlta ebent of the'v�espetlive oumersAip intsrests- . .
<br /> � I
<br /> ' S� q3S(�IdBNT OF RflYiB. fn carisidetation of ffie O�'igations.which are seaned bll this Oeed of Ttust.Grantrn absolutery assigas to lender all
<br /> ` tirat�rors es�te.ri�t.fA�et 6�teresl.daim and�td now arrned ot hereafter aoqutred in a0 ex�ting and(unne leases of the ProPBnY(�nd��9 "r .:
<br /> ; e�tsiorts.renawals an�r,�t�).a0 a�ee�ierrts tar use and acarpan�7►of tlto Pcoperty(aD sud�Ieases and agreemerts wh�4�er written ar aral.are `
<br /> hete�er referted tc as she'ieas�s�,and all�uarart'�of Iessees peAomta���ofleases.arry na�owW a ereafte�rd��►e lindu�uig atry�co re of � . - . .
<br /> ao¢ect and receive afl N 1Re�nES.incortB.reaeipts,reyewes.issues.pmfrts
<br /> arry«a w r e a o t e�9 d u e d u�i n g a n Y r e�m p ri o n P e r t o�u n d e�t h e L e a s e s o r i r am or artsfi g out af the Prope r t y indudmg rtdn6reun rerrts,addAfomal rerts. � .
<br /> tpzreemaga t�ts.ParfdnQ or c�rrron�ea rteintenance oor�tritsutioris.tax and ic�surance�ons.de ft c i e n ry rents.G 4 u i d az e d d a r r�a f o l l o w f n g [[ ,,.;;;•.���.
<br /> , �fautl in arry Leasa.aH�Pal1��e�r arty policy of insurartee cavedng[oss of rems res�rtg fmm u�n a�T iry caused b y� {
<br /> � e as a rasutt ot a fessee's exerdse of an aption to purhase the Fra€�Y.�P►uceeds d e�i v e d fram the ` ;•,_ : .
<br /> ; d a m a g e t o t h e P r c R a rt q. P�F a Y� or o U t e r fi n s�o.h r�c y�p�g�m g an d a II p r o o e e d s(m m ar ry rf g h M s��r r s o f a t ry l d n d w h t e h G r a n t o r _ •
<br /> , tem�ttatton ar rejaetioa af�rty I.�ase in a batdvuptey of the P r a p e ri y(a➢of Oie above are hereafter ca_"ecsis�y t��d to as ihe'Retrts'}.Tt�is
<br /> � may have ag�nst erq!i�see�nfla Leases or arry oo�arCS � - -- -
<br /> • assignment is subject fa tite nght.Dower and a�dhoriry givan to the Lender to coUeA and appty ihe Rents. This a�rtertt is�eamded in aaoordanee with
<br /> �ra6te state taw;ihe�Cert aeated Is1l this a�m fs i�r.ded to be spedflc.Dedeaed,and choamu�n the recordmg ct t�1is Oeed of 7n�st.aU as °
<br /> Rovtdad bp ap�e stata law as artsnded from time to tim� As long as 4�ere is no defaufl under the Otrligatiorts m this QEed of Tnis1.Lender grants :,.-::...`
<br /> ed . ` ° _
<br /> Ci�arttar a reva�abia Goer�e to ea7sct a0 Rer�s from 9�e Leases wh�s.c"x e-d W use sudi ptooeeds in Grarmofs busmess aper�tions. However.Lertdat . :i> -.�
<br /> ' rtay ffi any tima�+'reQra.�mor to cte D o s f t a Q Rents i n t o an a e o o s�:�'v r r 3 r a 3 h Y t i r a n t o r o r L e�e r at Lene�+'s mstihrtion_ Upon c�tautt tn the payrnem �,.,.,=
<br /> i ' '� ° �,:...+,
<br /> p��y ..�.,:�,.a:
<br /> of,or in the perfom�►a�of,any ot the Oiofi�ions,Lender may at r1s a�.i�va pnssessicn of the artd t�.�e.fioid.manage.lease and operade the . - _;.:.c.� 4
<br /> on temts artd far a period ot tirre thai lendar�ert�s proper. Lertdermay praceed to auQect and raoeive a;t Rents from the propeny.and I.ender � . '-: ,:�,.
<br /> �f m a e fu0 p a�xer t4�a+aa afreraGans.renwations.r�epairs or wphoemerrts to the Praperry as Lender may deem propec LenQer may appty all Rems in �:� .
<br /> Lenders sole�saeliarc w POYr�em of the d�'iga9ons or to tha paymerrt of 9�e cast o f su e h a i t e r a ri o�u.ren o u a t i o n s.re p a i r s a n d r a p t a c e m e n t s a n d a r ry : - . :. .,,:-
<br /> � e�ryenses int�srA to mMag artd retatntng pouession of the Pro�rty perw��y and 9►a rtenagertterrt�d operacmt of 6te Rraperty. len�t may keep the `�;.;..;:;;•..;
<br /> p�yeAy properly inswed mN may�sd�ar��Y tawes.dtarg�s.dai►r�s.bssessmams artd ther tlens whiet►m�r aaaue. The e�onse and cost of these ;�,��,�'�;
<br /> aetions may Oep�d hetre me Rems reoeaied.�.ai az►Y imPatd arto�mts sha11 be added tn the prfidpai of Ute CS�g�ons. These amourrts.tagether wit� , `�:;±:[t.{�:r4 a��:,
<br /> otheroests.dml1 become pa�t otthe 06(iga�sst�ced b7►iNs Desdot Trust ;.��'1����•-:�
<br /> �,:;j�:f���;;,
<br /> ; �::`'','G•`'•'(1
<br /> - � &LFASES AL�ID�if(EJA AGEi�6"�BdTS.Qaniar slmll rrot t�lce or fall to talcearry aetion whi�may cause ar pemtlt fhe tertti�.�on orthe wfthhui�ing of ;, . ��;��;,::t;
<br /> • - �N PaY�in oonnec6on�vt1A ffiryr Lease a other a�ertem l'A�eemer�Pertaining to the Proyerty. In addNon.Qrarrtor.wi0iout tandefs prior written ..',.,,,f�:;��:-.
<br /> a ao�serrt.sha0 nah(a1 a�eq enY rtnntes paya'�e undar arry A�eemerrt rtnre than one mon9�tn advanoe:lb)mnddy anY A�eemerri;(o)assign or eilow a ;,..,��qy�;;�;���s
<br /> n tirantofs tf�ts,tiUe and interesl in and to ary A�eemern or the amotutts paya6ie ,'. ,y1.,;A•.°�f i
<br /> � �$6Q11�1{f(�0�@�s '0(OQ18f C(Ipl(l'�18I1C8 t0�T@�30Bd UQO t ' n' �(.�•i��F,:.7�^;
<br /> therew�der:ar(dy tertrn^ate or qnoel arry Ag�eemem exoept tonhe no o f arry sum or other rtmteria!�ach b y the att►er pariy theretu. .�Grantw ,.�,.rr��',�il�'�;�' ,.
<br /> reoelves at�ury Urro enY anttten oortmmieation assertfig a dsfaifi by�ornunder an A�eemem ar pu►par5n9 to temdnaQe or eance!anY A�eart�t. k.:;;`, 3 :'"
<br /> Grarroor sha0�rr�R mru�rd a eopy of sueh eamromiration(and anyr subsequerri wrtmmieatlons relating thereto)to Lender.M sucfi A�eerr�errts and .;t;'+;�t.S•. :;.:..-
<br /> ' ��:,,r, �.,.!.,
<br /> the amounts a� t o �Qrantat tRereim d e r are here b y a s s ign e d t o t e n d e r a s e d�t i a n a l s e a m ry t o r i h s O b ll g a t i o n a �,:..,',. .�./:. ,;:
<br /> .,,-.-..
<br /> 7.CALLEL°@D1a O�WD�ONESS FROM 7HIRD pAHTY. Lender shall tre emiUed to notity or requtre Crdntor to notitv a�ry third party pndu�ng,but �'•• }�u'*�,:� .. �
<br /> not Qrtd�d to.lesases,Iloert�es.gavemmenta!au�horities end insuranee oortyanles)tu PaY Lender arry ind:�xs�►iess or o5lig�ton ow(ng to G�n:�r wlth .�y��:s:;�. �
<br /> resyeA to the R►apsny famuta6vely 9ndebmdrtess�vuheUter or not a de}a�d1 e�dsts un�r this Oeed d�Ti�s� Ciranwr shall d�ligemly a�tr�ct the �`�?F�".•,
<br /> Indebte�tass a►riag to(3wntar irom thsse third parites urrti7 the ghAng af such noUHeaUaa (n the evem ft�t Gaa':or possesses or reoeNes�on of , .
<br /> any in�Ra or�tAer remtttanees wiU�respeA to ttie tndebiadnass toRow(n9 the gMng of sueA noGfleatiart cr if tha inst�urterrts ar ottmr r�.-�n2'�at�aes • .
<br /> consbtutE►tha prcpa�v^mr►t ot arry I�ebte�ess or the paym+c�t af any inswanae or condertnation praoeeds.Grarttcr shall hutd sud�insnume,rs and otfie� ,
<br /> remfttartoes in truut�ar lender aparl from its other praPertY.�r:dorse the instrumerns�d otlnm eartdttartoes Ns I.ender,end irtrrr�t�y�ov(do i�ndaz witl� , , .
<br /> posssss'o.i uT 1he inutiu�ms and other remit►anoes. Lender�aU 6e errtlUed.6�.�t not teq�:i.-¢�t�oollect(tsle te�i�oCeedU:,3s ar atherw�al.exiend tha ; ,
<br /> Urre tor ps�t.eorr�romise.exd�arige a r�easa arry abli�r or oollateral.or C.herwise setUe ot the I:.�ess whether or noi an e�x�t at dafa�dt , . , .
<br /> ' ' existsun�Jer��t¢A�reemem. Lende�ng L'eretromet Notw�hhstan�gat�hen.foreg�oing,�noUilng�h�ereu� sl�eaase tLen�r�tog�- dc-m�adintha ,,,.:,;,�:' .
<br /> para�aph cr arN dame8es � .
<br /> ,�� mort8ag�in�po�ss�an. .
<br /> ��.; � USE AIVD tMlNJIFl►fANCE OF PROPER7Y. Granto►shail take afl aeHona and nalaa srry r�airs needed to maiman tho Prop�riy in gaad aondttion. . +�
<br /> Gramar sha9 rtot r,�m►it or pemit am►waste to be oomritted with respeet to the Property. Grarttor shall use the Property sotety In oorrpiianoa wlth
<br />- ` appQrdbH low and inm�tenoa po0des. Grantor shall not rtata� eFt�eretions.add�tlons cr"usprovemerrts to the Property wadoui Lendafa 6cfar writtun ,; .
<br /> ta arry a
<br />,���i ; oonsem. WtA»ut[eni'ing the toregoing,all aGra�r Nons.adddons and irt�roverrents made to the Property shaU be subjod to the benefldal interest frz'an�ng
<br /> -� ' to Londar.:hffi1 nat be rerroved whTtout Lende+'s prfor mftten consom.and shall be rt�at Qrantols soie e�ense. .
<br /> �•? g �pgg OR ppla,lA�t�E. Cirantor shall bear B:a en5re ristc d gsry loss.theft.deshuetion or dartega(aurui�+ely'Loss or D �to the Property or arry
<br />•��E poAan ihsreof tram mry ca�a v+hatsa�ver. In fis evertt ct�Y Loss m Oamage.arantor shall.�the option ot Lender.reya'r o affeaed Propsrty to its .
<br />'.;�" . preNaus candlion ar pa�r c►c�::seto be paid to Ler.Cer th.e dcrs�ase in ihe talr market valuB of Ure aftected Property.
<br /> %�� � . 10.(HS18Gt�,NC� 'f'ha PixpertY wiit be ke�1lr�,rad tor ib tu0 insura6ie value(re mem oost)agdUist ell hazards inelu�ng toss rn damage eaused by
<br /> •; ., • tlood.earthqr���e.tomado and flre.theft w a1�e�easualtyy to the extenl requi�Lender. (irarrtor rtay obtain insuranw on ttre Prop2rry irom such
<br /> ua
<br /> r; oortpan'� es are aoonpi�6le to Lender in i�r�te discretion. Tha insuwnce polides shall reGuire ihe ins�artee aotipan9 to provid0 Lent�t with at lezst
<br /> , 3� deys'v�rfrten notiee befe�sueh po�des are altered ar eanoeUed in any rt�nner. The insuran�poiides sha!1 r�ro Lem�r as a loss
<br /> a%`% payee an a thal rto act ar omisslon of Gtantor or arry oihor person shaU aitect ih0 d�tf a[Lande►to be paid the insurance prooeeds portainin8 to the
<br /> '.�� , loss or�g ot 1hn Frcpaty. In the evetA�tantor taits to acquUe ar rteintain insurane9.l.a�de►(afto►�avldn9 noUce as rmy 6e recwired by(av�)rtey
<br /> in Rs�sere6an proaurea�op riate insurar:ee wverage upon tt�Propeny and the insurancs wst strall 6a an advance payabta and beating Urtarest as
<br /> : desaibad in Patagraph 23 end secured herelsy. Orantor shall fumish Lender with evidence of ins�ranoa indir�ting the re�ired oaverag0. Lendar may aea
<br /> f � as aitomey�►�faa for Cirantor in making 2crd settling rJairt�s under Insuranee�lides.eanoo0lng any policy ar artdorsing Ciramors rtamo on anyr�afl or '
<br /> ne�tn�rummt drawn bY enY insurer. All such inswanoe potldes stsaD Ce irtrr�atery essi�ed,ptedged m�d deWored to tendar as further seumry �
<br /> .�� � tor�e CaC•ga`.kms. In the evem of toss,Grantor sha0 imr�adatary give Lander viritten rtoUos and LenQ�r is authorized to rreka p►oot af loss. Eaeh :
<br /> insurflnco oompanY�s directed to make paymerrts�reetlY to Lender instead ot to Lender and Cirantor. Lendsr shaU have the d�+t,at its sote option,to
<br />`!`� a�ly such mor6as tarard th�ObligaHons or toward the cast o1 rabuit�ng and restoAng iha Property. Any asrr�u.�^s may at LandoYs op:ion ba apptied in i
<br /> , 1hg�(�yQ►SQ OfQ6f 011h0 QUB Q31891118�k70�. �
<br /> .�_"� ��.Zp�Ql�d qA�ry pRii/{yTE COyEtVMiTS. Grantor slrall nm InAlate or oonsert►to arty dtangs in ihe zeNng qrovis?ons or private oovenants affecting the �•
<br /> uso o!ihs Rmp�l wMout Landara priar written cansem. If Otantora uss of the Property Eecatms a nancantom�g use under arry Zonirsg provislon, �
<br /> , ���9�,p��s�m pe�t sueh use to ba�scominued or ahandoned without the pior writtan eonsem ot Lender. C�rantor will Urrr�edfatery provt� . .
<br /> �" ' I Lendar tiviih Yre81on noliae ot any proposed changas to ihe zaning�sov3sions or pivate oovenants aHecting the PropeAy. � .
<br /> �� i 12 CQNDE►dYA1R0'L Qraritor ahall irtrre�atary provide Lender wilA vuritten notice af arry seh�al ar threaivned condermailon or emirserrt damaln �
<br /> > � prots pdn8�Ortem:ng to tho Property. N1 rtnNas PaYable to Grantor from sueh candem�ation or taWng are here6y assigrted to lender and shafl beap�ed
<br /> ���' ' � ; �irs!to t1w pt�ymtm of Len�r's attarcsys'tees,Isgal expenses and other costs Qndu�rg appraisal fees)in oonnecUOn vitth the wndortnatian or eminent �
<br /> � �.� • darain y�ofls�tFngs and then,at the opdon ot lender,to ffie payrrem of the Obiigations or the restoratlon ar repair ot the Prapeny. �
<br /> i .
<br /> �.•. a�2tl8 {����,
<br /> •i..j� NE0078 Rev.it�31
<br />- .i
<br /> i, -
<br /> .�.� . .. . . °-- -
<br /> ..- '---':d�
<br />.., __ _ �- .-...._-�..
<br /> —___ _ _ __.. . _ .. . . . � _ �_. , . +, . ._..±?!a?irt , ..w_+h7R�'�'�v+�F_ .�iMY�is���c�nsfi•,s°"
<br />