�==_=:' � - — --— —
<br /> ,. . .." : "..,�:.� . . ...
<br /> . _. , . � �`. • . -
<br /> . �. -
<br /> � a s�cua►rv nu�ESr uNO�TMe ur�o�ra cc�aaa�coa�. n,�oeea of r�s�aa�e��,�,ere���v�r��oc�ea ' " � �
<br /> st�ems►ri end a 8xture filirsg pusuant to the provisians at iRe Unitortn Ca+m�er�al Co�(as ad°ALad .
<br /> eovedng fom�ras:chaIIets.and azdetas ot pgrsonai propertY naw ownad ar hareafter attad�ed to or��used��eGi�n in�sueh Chadt�el�Tte$�debta�r s
<br /> and aD�aoametns ihewof and a�itians theretc(ihe�Chattels�.an8 Grantar t�areby�ants � .
<br /> t�e(irat�or desaiibed abova. This Oeed af Trust v�be ettedive as a fm�dng statetnertl fsted���m�s(�indud g said fl�s)�i.s�stuated This ` . .
<br /> desa
<br /> s�ld and is to Ea fited fcr record in the real estate iecords ot e�t►oaurdy�s�es a�nd rtri�l b��'ed in eny ather approPria�filing or tecortLn9 .
<br /> � Oe of Tnisl shall atso ba eff�ctRre as e finsncUi9 stazemem oovedng enY other�e
<br /> offtoa. A earbca.photo�apAic or other re�a�eUon af ihis Daed ot Trust���� emsnl re4�ttng to UUs Oeed ol l'nist shal�he suffidem as a � l .
<br /> financtng statemant tat any ot ihe purposes tebrred to in U8s ParagreP�. is V�e Lender desaiDed atrove. Upon demastd Cirarrtor sh�ll d
<br /> � rt�s.oxearie and deGver such seauitY ag�eemetrts(as sud�temi is�fitted in seid!lydform Comrnerdal Codsl as Lender at arry tima may dee+n ;
<br /> • • necessary or proper ot required to�ant to l+ender aperteeted sewr[N�ere��1�8��A�d up°n Granto�s taJure to do so.Len�r is authodzed to �
<br /> si{�sr►Y su�a as the�m of Granior. Grarttor hereby atdhorizes l.endar to fiIe finandng statemerrts(as such tertn is dsfined in said Unitortn i
<br /> Cooarierdal Co�j wi�th resPea w the Chacttets.a1 any ti�.vritlwW the si�re of t3ranmt. Grarrtot wi'0.however.at any tUne upon request ot Lendet. �
<br /> � ' slgn suct�financf�9 ataterrrer�ta Qrantor wil1 pay aU�ng tees far tRe fif g of such ftnandng statemartts and for tha re5lin ment caverin Uie Chatte�t�� � .
<br /> the opiNon of lende►.bY said Unifartn C°mrt�taal Cod�- It ihe�en af this Dee�l af Trus1 be subjeet to any see"^tY a9� � ,
<br /> - - '= in 8is evem ot arry�t unCsr 11ils Deed of Trust.a11 the dgM�v a hereafter maCa 1l�areat by dGtarRor o p��f th��������i[��tle of ; _� ..- - - -
<br /> � ` Lendet.tOgBther tNiU11h9 heneftl ot arry deposiis a►PaY►�ems � � , +
<br /> � t Grentor in the ProperiY. � � ., ,'
<br /> � 73 R�618URS8�6YT Of Atd�IJNTS E)tPB�fdED�Y LS�1D9�. Lender,at Lende�'s op�on,rr�aY exQend tunds lindudng attomeys fees and tegal �,•
<br /> :� e�er�ses)fi Perform a►iY aet re�ed to ba taken bY�r or to exarase anU d8M or remedy ot t.ender urtderttils Oeed ot Tcust. Upon de�eend.Gr.ntnt
<br /> �!��ely relmburse Lende�br aU�tdi�no�mts e�ended hY Lender tcgeC�srwrth brtntsst thsrecr+a14ie trnver ct tha highest r�s descdbsd in any 4 .•
<br />" Ob�gation or�e hi�est rate altawed by taw trom th9�a af paymem ur�il the date at cefmbursrxreat These sums shaD be uu�uc�srt Me definhian ot e_ . 'r
<br /> ph6gaUons herein and sha11 he seaued by shs 6enefiaal Utteresl�arrted herein. If the Ob119atlons aie paid after the be�nning ot�dc�ico ot rtatiee ot �. _ _`,..,
<br />- sala,as he t e i n p ro v(d e d.or in t h a e v e n t L e n d e r s fi a A.a t i 1 s s o i e o p u n n.P e m i t Grantor to p a y a n 1►P�ot ihe�dbtlgaticns sttsr th��e�nnin��R��n eE : ,„i
<br /> 'i;'x`.r.:.
<br /> in�du�g�a abt�attor�ys t�i Uia�atto�m�s�tor�uis Trus�ana tor�e L�an�r�.�a a r�oTna�feeato the T�rustee and�Uds�����ru�sJ�be
<br /> securtty tor all Sucfi e�enses artd!e�. _�� . .
<br /> ?A.APPLiCA7iQIa QF PAttL�4�The Tn�ee�atl�y the prooee�of the vuscee's sate.first.to the eosts and e�enses of exerdsmg ihe Power ai �. '.l,
<br /> sale and ot ths sais.tndud'utg the p2}?re�n a��Trthnes's tees aemaQy inaured aat Lo e�oceed ihe amourrt wfid�may Ite provided ter in Ute Oeed of'in�sl. . -
<br /> d
<br /> second.m paymerrt of the oYfi�s�vred�y rha Deed o1 Tw�t.tTurd.to the payrrern of junior deeds of Vust.rrmrtgages or a�er Genholders.artsi the .
<br /> . 6alar�oa.if srry.to the person or F���'1IY err�tfed therero. ...
<br /> • 2B. P81Y�R aF ATfORNEY. C�nta hereby�po inis Lender as as aRomey-in-facl to endaise Grantafs nattg on aU fnswmertss�nd other�oam�ertts t . . _
<br />_ pettalnmg te tlte O�g�Uons or Oeed at TnuL In a�itlo4 Lar�er shall be entitted.6ut not��d,to pertartn any action ar ezenite anY dQameni . ... .
<br /> ta he taf�n a exearted by Grarrtor under fiis IIeed of Trtut tBndefs�rtarr�oa ot such aeuon or exea�n at sudi du�u�ents shail nat � --
<br /> �Grantor fre�n�+y Obli�tfon or aue any detauft un�r this Oesd of Trust. i�n powers of attmney dasaibed in this Deed of TnAY�a caupiEd�h an F -. .
<br /> � interest and ara es�r�raate. � ,
<br /> 28, SUBRCflATtON OF L@iDER. l.ender sliall be s�bm�ted to ihe rf�ts of the holder af arry prevtaus Iien,seaufty irne►est or enaus��os � : . '.:�
<br /> ,� • ." �schar�ed wilh iunds sdvanced 6y l,ender regardfess ot vrhether thase Uens.seuuttY irrterests or other eneumbtanoes have been reteas.,ed of cecord .
<br /> _ JS_�,.•
<br /> .� _ . 27: COLLC-C'[IOH COSTS.To the extentpe by law.Granio►a�to pay Landers raasonahte teas ar►d oosts.indudng.b+ii nat Grtited to.tees - .,.�w."'4:
<br /> `5 and tosta ot attomeys and other agertts(fnd�g+�ttthout Ortitation��t� dert�and oons�iltants).Nchether ar nat sucfi attamey or agent is� : • �5; r
<br /> =� ' • Sert�',oyes of LenQat.whtch are inaared by Lender in eolleWng anY amo'unt due or�tardng arry�or remedy under Y�iis Deed ot Tnist.whether or not ( , ';
<br /> . l eW ,Z• ce�ecdon aetions E
<br /> ;:t :.,�;,;:.; uii is hrought,tnduding,but not lirtitedto,aD fees and costs inamed an appeal,in t�aupt�y.and po -Nd�e�n 4` . Y , Q
<br /> {. 2a PAt�T1AL R F i E 1�E L en d e r may retease i[s interest tn ap�rtlon of iRe RnopeRy by e�a�n8 and reccrdmg one cr mo�e Partial Cee�of ;
<br /> ��• ,. . ':, N a d h i n her�rt st�a:�l be deert�edto o b l i�te L=�to retease etry o f i t s _ ..
<br /> ; '.. R�omrayance ti+rahmn af[ectin9 its irrterest in tha re�nl�g Fx�c-R�t rhe Praperry. 9 �y nar shall Lenderba a��!�retease arry patt .
<br /> ' .. i�rest in�e Properry(exeePt as�uirad�mder Pera�h 38 ee�sey be otltetwtse req�radln/ ). - . '
<br /> '� � ."�g�, oi'O�e Froparty�C�rantor is rt�deta�dt under Uiis Deed o-17rusi TTia�n and seaY',r inierest aeated by tha Deed of Tnut rer.an�m Fh"i�d wiih�a to ;,• __
<br /> ,{
<br /> ihat pordan of�l�Pe�Y•as defined in the Deed d Trust.Lhat's:�t the subjecc u gtis ot a�ry Partial Oeed o1 Reoomieyance , , , �:� ,': ,
<br /> +,5 . ' � 73, RSODl�iCQiiON AND WAIVER. The mo�c�on or waivar of arry of Grarmors ObQg�'ons or Lenders rf�under tk�s t�oi Tnut mcst be j :„ �.; :':;�
<br /> - �ogmnafiad tn a wAUng atgaed hl►Lender. Lender may peAortn�7►af Bomawers or tiramors OhQgations.detay or fa�1 to exerdse a:�at its d�ts ar aaeErl `n-r
<br /> `.j _ �. PaYmertts iram Grantar atanyo ne ofier than GrarrtorwiThout�cn8 a wahrer ot those ObAgattons or�gMs. A waiver ort one oc�sis:shaU nal eanstitute �'•-.-.;,_-_. -_� .'
<br /> a wahrer on a►ry other ocrasfon. Grantofs 061i ons under tNs Deed of Trust shall nat be aHe�ad it I.ender amsnds,oo axchan�s fa�s to � , ��:
<br /> • exerc(se,impalra or releases anY of fhe Obli ons beWngfig to arry Qtarrtor,Borrovier ar tliird pariY or arry of fta d�ts a st atry 3rarttu►.Borrowet or . . ,, .y:;;
<br /> •t . ��.�; . t h h d P�Y��!►ot�he Propeny. lender's falure to insist upon sdic1 pertortrenoe of d1y ot4�e ObQgatlans shail natbe deemed a walver and L.en�r shaU �- . ; :;
<br /> 'j' i:',;;:.:,.�
<br /> have�e d�tt at anyUme there a ft erto i n s ist upon s u l a pe rt o m a n o e. t
<br /> t.... ;,���,:
<br /> '' 9Q. SUSS"IITUTE TRiiS7E6:TRUSTEE UABILRY:COiN?EM8ATICt�6 in ease at tha dealh.tnabifiry.refusat to ad or absence ot the Trustee tr�m�a �-, -
<br /> •' sta�e whare the reai propergr is located or in case iha holderof the Obilgatlons shalf desUe for arry reason to wmova ffie T�usteB or any substiwte trustea as . :
<br /> '� ' Vustea hereunder and to aRpolnl a new trust�in hls plaoe and stead.the hotder o1 the Obfl�ttons is hereby�anted Tu0 power to appotm in wriUng a � . .`,�'
<br /> �':, sutrEtiune trustee far aetd Tnutee.and ths substitute trustea shail.vfien eDPoirited.beoarre suaoessor to atl d�ts of Tnistee hereurtCer and tha sama sha11 � .
<br /> _.�' • .' p�oome yasted In pim{er the purpeses end objeets of ihis Oeed�Tn�s!witA all ihepaw r.�Ues and o6ligations heretn oonferted cm�e Tnestee. Trustee . .
<br /> shaD nat be Iiabte for ar►y error ot(u�M or aa dane by T��ea,or bs oU�erwise eresponsQ�te or eaourtta6(e under arry drer.T�noes whatsoever. .
<br /> : Tn�stae aha32 rt�t be personaQY liable fn casa at a:�y by i1 or�,�e acUng�r�.�e of tha p�ess hewfi manled h upon the�d oi Trust�ar detrts . _ •.•: .:
<br /> •. •.:{ conbacted or ri�7i.ry or dartra8ss inwrred in�sr�r�a�erte�ar opera�on d'sad prerttses. Tn�stee shali have the rl�t to on arry a�tr,u�sr.� � ,:- . :
<br /> ,r 6camrerA or si,�ure sulhorizi:ig or supportt�rg ary aq�on r��a:rr.a pm�os�e��rawsn�r n nareunaer or beneved tiyr n�n��ith to be�r:i:.e. :�,.*„.�•
<br /> r
<br /> �'`�� " , �rascae shall he emiUed to ceirt�wsemem for ex�erses inar.��tr�y;t in e paAcrt�anos ot iis duttes hereunder and to reasana�ca�'�raer�saqon�;r sueA -
<br /> , t
<br /> `��-';' , of its serviaes hereundar as ahaU be rendered Cirantor w'.J.twr^ic�to Urta.PaY oo►►pansal3�due Trustee heteunder and rotr�urse Tn�siee icr and � .: ;.,.
<br /> �°° � " :,, . '�. save em!hotd i1 hamfess from and a�insf any and afl Ioss.�5:Ir��Tity.darr�age and e�ense at�seever inaured by it in the�rrance of its dutles.
<br /> :7'�•. ;.., , , , j; � . ,.• .
<br /> • '`� , ."'���� R Ail maneys reoeNed by Tnistee shail.urrtil used or a�pQed as P.aron��ravided.be heid in trust for�purposes for whld�they wrere received bu1 need not ,�:,
<br /> •. ;;,�,=.,.' ba se�egated in any manner fram arry other rr�rte��s;ez�t'�s ifie extent tequlrod by law)art0 Trussee stt�I Ise�ndot no OabiTiry for iMerest on arry ; .j��,ry�,;.,,
<br /> a�,�.: . � ��;, � ropnsys received by B hareunder. ;�i°-`
<br /> ,,,:.
<br />____:" t • •
<br /> ,=�_:��•. � _' 91. 9UCCESSOAS AND ASStG13S. This Qeed at Tnist��l l.�a OM�ing upon and inure to 8ie 6enefit of Grentor and Le=vier and theU respective . .
<br /> --_�.;., • • �; suoeessors.assiSna.UltSte89.reoahrere.admtnisua�ors.Pe►sor.�t caprese�rtativas,legazees and�isees. .
<br /> ti-=�`��: . . . .
<br /> r;..1 .� 83, N011C�Excepl as othenvis�e reqiilred tiyr 1aw,any noYae or ather eamnmiqllon w 6e provlded under this Deed of Trust��be in writing and sem
<br /> .,;�.,,. '. , to the partlaa ai the adc�resses desaibed in this Deed of Tnut o►suoh other adctress as the parties may Qesign�e a�writing f�m Une to Urre. Arry sueA
<br /> � t notleo so gtven and sem first dass mail.posta�prapaid stiall be deertnd 9lven the eart�et o1 three(3)days a`ter such noUce is sern or when recehred , .
<br /> ;:�".;���. �� v Cy frie person to whom su�notlee Is being�ven. . .
<br /> .�', � g3, g¢yEppgiL,Ry, yyheae�er poss�(a,ea�provlsion of this Deed o}Trust shall be imoTpretc-d so es to 6e eNe�tive and val:d unde►applicabto state :
<br /> �:��:{ ��{ Iaw. If arry prau�sion ot t�is DeeQ of Trust vlolstesihe law or is unerdoteea6lo.U�e rest of the Deed at Tcust shaU oontinua to he vald and erdorceahle. i
<br /> �' `�' • ; gp, qpp�Cpp1E UlW. This Doed ot Trus�shaU he govemed by tha laws ot ihe state where the real prapenY is taeated. UNass applieabte law provides i . .
<br /> � othonviso,Qrantor eonsorrta to the jurisdletion and venue of arry oouA seteeted Ey lan�r,in its sot0 eDsoretlon,taeated In that atffie. f
<br /> " �Q gg, �E(SC�tl,pNEpUS, tirarrtor and Lflnder a�ee thal Uma is ot the essenco. Grantw watvas presentrnem,demand for paymei».noUoe ot dishonor and �, " � �
<br /> ""' 1 prote5l tucsp es�N Ued by taw. A(1 teteranoes to GrarROr in ihis Oeed o1 Trusl sf�aU indude ailpersons sl�ing beiaw. fl there is r.sore than one Grantor, i • . .
<br />. �•�4'. I mgy Opti�t�ns shap ba l'oint and severat. This Deed a1 Trost re�eseMS tho conpleta irttegrated undetstan�ng 6etween arantor��d Lender pertaining to I .
<br /> ,,,,_� • ( thatermaandoontfiL'ore9dereot. �
<br /> � f -
<br /> - • �� gp, Nt/?Npt�PAHTY RIGliTB. No person is or shall De a third party 6enefldary of arryprcvision o1 this Deed of Trust. All provisions of thls Deed ol
<br /> � � �� Tre�at in favot al Lendet aro Urtended solety tor ihe benefit of l.ender,and no tMrd party shalf be entiNed to assurt�or e�eet tRa1 Lender wiil nm vrahre or
<br />-:==:;';.. � ����mo�E�tIon ot anyr pravision of this Deod ot Trust.N lenders sole dfsCreUon �
<br /> -- ; 97, p81ESrliYATtON CF LIAB(UiY AflJD RRIORITV. Witf�out affecUng the Iiabitity of Borrawer.Grentor,a airy�uarardor at the ObGgaHons,or any other � '
<br />- . , parson(eumpt a persan eYpressiy rateased tn writin�)tor ihe pam�em and pettom�anoe ot the 060gat1ons.end wilhout Sffettiltg the rishts o1 Lender with � .
<br /> • respect to any PraPe�nY�exp►essly relaased in vmdng,and wnhoN irtp2.dng in any way the prioriry of tNs Qeed o1 Trust over the irrtarest of any parson ,
<br /> rust. Oht'gatlons.
<br /> � aoq�ired or flret evt by reeordu�g subsequem to tf�a�eoonfing ol Ws Oeed o1 T len�r may,either betore or atter tho maturity o11he � . .
<br /> � ' and tdthaut notiee ot bonseM:telease any person Galf�for or parfomianoe of all or arry parl ot ihe OhGg�lans;rttiice an�acyeemam attering the ' .
<br /> . temn o}payrter�orpertomiat►ce ot a11 or arry paA o11Ae 0 igations.exerdse or refrain trom exerdsing ar waive any np�t ar rarre ihat Lender ma f�ave
<br /> undr�r the Oeed at Tnis1:axept addrtlonal securiry o1 any Idnd tar arry o1 tne Obtigations:ar telease or othervvise deal with any real orpersanal jxoperry .
<br /> . -� dr� inr m recar�ng s��e a!�r ir�o�any naai.�e!n the Prop�rty shall be deemnd.by a�ulnnq sue�
<br /> - sewrtn�me Ot�uarts. My Peraon aaW �18 D`� . _
<br /> �` fntorest or reoar�inA any avldenco thareol,to haw cansertted to aU or any such ections by Lander.
<br /> . . � t .
<br /> ��'`: � �oor�aev„sa v�.ds j� . �_ :
<br />. •..��.i . .
<br /> . . i . ._..... _-__ .
<br /> i at:` , . - -_— "'... - _
<br />